Beispiel #1
    def get_column_matches(self, suggestion, word_before_cursor):
        tables = suggestion.table_refs
        do_qualify = suggestion.qualifiable and {
            'always': True,
            'never': False,
            'if_more_than_one_table': len(tables) > 1

        def qualify(col, tbl):
            return tbl + '.' + if do_qualify else

        scoped_cols = self.populate_scoped_cols(tables,

        colit = scoped_cols.items

        def make_cand(name, ref):
            synonyms = (name, generate_alias(
            return Candidate(qualify(name, ref), 0, 'column', synonyms)

        flat_cols = []
        for t, cols in colit():
            for c in cols:
                flat_cols.append(make_cand(, t.ref))
        if suggestion.require_last_table:
            # require_last_table is used for 'tb11 JOIN tbl2 USING (...' which should
            # suggest only columns that appear in the last table and one more
            ltbl = tables[-1].ref
            flat_cols = list(
                set( for t, cs in colit() if t.ref == ltbl
                    for c in cs) & set(
                                       for t, cs in colit() if t.ref != ltbl
                                       for c in cs))
        lastword = last_word(word_before_cursor, include='most_punctuations')
        if lastword == '*':
            if self.asterisk_column_order == 'alphabetic':
                for cols in scoped_cols.values():
            if (lastword != word_before_cursor and len(tables) == 1
                    and word_before_cursor[-len(lastword) - 1] == '.'):
                # User typed x.*; replicate "x." for all columns except the
                # first, which gets the original (as we only replace the "*"")
                sep = ', ' + word_before_cursor[:-1]
                collist = sep.join( for c in flat_cols)
                collist = ', '.join(
                    qualify(, t.ref) for t, cs in colit() for c in cs)

            return [
                      priority=(1, 1, 1))

        return self.find_matches(word_before_cursor, flat_cols, meta='column')
Beispiel #2
 def get_path_matches(self, _, word_before_cursor):
     completer = PathCompleter(expanduser=True)
     document = Document(text=word_before_cursor,
     for c in completer.get_completions(document, None):
         yield Match(completion=c, priority=(0,))
Beispiel #3
    def find_matches(self, text, collection, mode='fuzzy', meta=None):
        """Find completion matches for the given text.

        Given the user's input text and a collection of available
        completions, find completions matching the last word of the

        `collection` can be either a list of strings or a list of Candidate
        `mode` can be either 'fuzzy', or 'strict'
            'fuzzy': fuzzy matching, ties broken by name prevalance
            `keyword`: start only matching, ties broken by keyword prevalance

        yields prompt_toolkit Completion instances for any matches found
        in the collection of available completions.

        if not collection:
            return []
        prio_order = [
            'keyword', 'function', 'view', 'table', 'datatype', 'database',
            'schema', 'column', 'table alias', 'join', 'name join', 'fk join'
        type_priority = prio_order.index(meta) if meta in prio_order else -1
        text = last_word(text, include='most_punctuations').lower()
        text_len = len(text)

        if text and text[0] == '"':
            # text starts with double quote; user is manually escaping a name
            # Match on everything that follows the double-quote. Note that
            # text_len is calculated before removing the quote, so the
            # Completion.position value is correct
            text = text[1:]

        if mode == 'fuzzy':
            fuzzy = True
            priority_func = self.prioritizer.name_count
            fuzzy = False
            priority_func = self.prioritizer.keyword_count

        # Construct a `_match` function for either fuzzy or non-fuzzy matching
        # The match function returns a 2-tuple used for sorting the matches,
        # or None if the item doesn't match
        # Note: higher priority values mean more important, so use negative
        # signs to flip the direction of the tuple
        if fuzzy:
            regex = '.*?'.join(map(re.escape, text))
            pat = re.compile('(%s)' % regex)

            def _match(item):
                if item.lower()[:len(text) + 1] in (text, text + ' '):
                    # Exact match of first word in suggestion
                    # This is to get exact alias matches to the top
                    # E.g. for input `e`, 'Entries E' should be on top
                    # (before e.g. `EndUsers EU`)
                    return float('Infinity'), -1
                r =
                if r:
                    return -len(, -r.start()
            match_end_limit = len(text)

            def _match(item):
                match_point = item.lower().find(text, 0, match_end_limit)
                if match_point >= 0:
                    # Use negative infinity to force keywords to sort after all
                    # fuzzy matches
                    return -float('Infinity'), -match_point

        matches = []
        for cand in collection:
            if isinstance(cand, _Candidate):
                item, prio, display_meta, synonyms, prio2 = cand
                if display_meta is None:
                    display_meta = meta
                syn_matches = (_match(x) for x in synonyms)
                # Nones need to be removed to avoid max() crashing in Python 3
                syn_matches = [m for m in syn_matches if m]
                sort_key = max(syn_matches) if syn_matches else None
                item, display_meta, prio, prio2 = cand, meta, 0, 0
                sort_key = _match(cand)

            if sort_key:
                if display_meta and len(display_meta) > 50:
                    # Truncate meta-text to 50 characters, if necessary
                    display_meta = display_meta[:47] + u'...'

                # Lexical order of items in the collection, used for
                # tiebreaking items with the same match group length and start
                # position. Since we use *higher* priority to mean "more
                # important," we use -ord(c) to prioritize "aa" > "ab" and end
                # with 1 to prioritize shorter strings (ie "user" > "users").
                # We first do a case-insensitive sort and then a
                # case-sensitive one as a tie breaker.
                # We also use the unescape_name to make sure quoted names have
                # the same priority as unquoted names.
                lexical_priority = (tuple(0 if c in(' _') else -ord(c) for c in self.unescape_name(item.lower())) + (1,) + tuple(c for c in item))

                item =
                priority = (
                    sort_key, type_priority, prio, priority_func(item),
                    prio2, lexical_priority

        return matches