Beispiel #1
def is_encodable(_type, value):
        base, sub, arrlist = _type
    except ValueError:
        base, sub, arrlist = process_type(_type)

    if arrlist:
        if not is_list_like(value):
            return False
        if arrlist[-1] and len(value) != arrlist[-1][0]:
            return False
        sub_type = (base, sub, arrlist[:-1])
        return all(is_encodable(sub_type, sub_value) for sub_value in value)
    elif base == 'address' and is_ens_name(value):
        # ENS names can be used anywhere an address is needed
        # will resolve the name to an address before encoding it
        return True
    elif base == 'bytes' and isinstance(value, str):
        # Hex-encoded bytes values can be used anywhere a bytes value is needed
        if is_hex(value) and len(value) % 2 == 0:
            # Require hex-encoding of full bytes (even length)
            bytes_val = to_bytes(hexstr=value)
            return eth_abi_is_encodable(_type, bytes_val)
            return False
    elif base == 'string' and isinstance(value, bytes):
        # bytes that were encoded with utf-8 can be used anywhere a string is needed
            string_val = to_text(value)
        except UnicodeDecodeError:
            return False
            return eth_abi_is_encodable(_type, string_val)
        return eth_abi_is_encodable(_type, value)
Beispiel #2
def test_hexstr_if_str_on_invalid_hex(val):
        is_hexstr = (is_hex(val) or val == '')
    except ValueError:
        is_hexstr = False

    if not is_hexstr:
        with pytest.raises(ValueError):
            hexstr_if_str(Mock(), val)
Beispiel #3
def is_ens_name(value):
    if not isinstance(value, str):
        return False
    elif is_hex_address(value):
        return False
    elif is_0x_prefixed(value) and is_hex(value):
        return False
        return ENS.is_valid_name(value)
Beispiel #4
def hexstr_if_str(to_type, hexstr_or_primitive):
    Convert to a type, assuming that strings can be only hexstr (not unicode text)

    @param to_type is a function that takes the arguments (primitive, hexstr=hexstr, text=text),
        eg~ to_bytes, to_text, to_hex, to_int, etc
    @param text_or_primitive in bytes, str, or int.
    if isinstance(hexstr_or_primitive, str):
        (primitive, hexstr) = (None, hexstr_or_primitive)
        if remove_0x_prefix(hexstr) and not is_hex(hexstr):
            raise ValueError(
                "when sending a str, it must be a hex string. Got: {0!r}".
                format(hexstr_or_primitive, ))
        (primitive, hexstr) = (hexstr_or_primitive, None)
    return to_type(primitive, hexstr=hexstr)
def is_hexstr(value):
    return is_string(value) and is_hex(value)
def is_hex_encoded_block_hash(value):
    if not is_string(value):
        return False
    return len(remove_0x_prefix(value)) == 64 and is_hex(value)