def test_get_pass(self):
     """Test get_knutson_criterion function."""
     criterion = tc_cc.get_knutson_criterion()
     self.assertTrue(len(criterion), 20)
     for crit_val in criterion:
         self.assertTrue('year' in crit_val)
         self.assertTrue('change' in crit_val)
         self.assertTrue('criteria' in crit_val)
         self.assertTrue('variable' in crit_val)
         self.assertTrue('function' in crit_val)
     self.assertEqual(criterion[0]['change'], 1.045)
     self.assertEqual(criterion[-1]['change'], 1 - 0.583)
Beispiel #2
 def test_get_pass(self):
     """Test get_knutson_criterion function."""
     criterion = tc_cc.get_knutson_criterion()
     self.assertTrue(len(criterion), 20)
     for crit_val in criterion:
         self.assertTrue('year' in crit_val)
         self.assertTrue('change' in crit_val)
         self.assertTrue('variable' in crit_val)
     self.assertEqual(criterion[0]['variable'], "frequency")
     self.assertEqual(criterion[0]['change'], 1)
     self.assertEqual(criterion[4]['variable'], "intensity")
     self.assertEqual(criterion[4]['change'], 1.045)
     self.assertEqual(criterion[-10]['basin'], "SP")
     self.assertEqual(criterion[-10]['variable'], "frequency")
     self.assertEqual(criterion[-10]['change'], 1 - 0.583)
Beispiel #3
 def set_climate_scenario_knu(self, ref_year=2050, rcp_scenario=45):
     """Compute future events for given RCP scenario and year. RCP 4.5
     from Knutson et al 2015.
         ref_year (int): year between 2000 ad 2100. Default: 2050
         rcp_scenario (int):  26 for RCP 2.6, 45 for RCP 4.5 (default),
             60 for RCP 6.0 and 85 for RCP 8.5.
     criterion = get_knutson_criterion()
     scale = calc_scale_knutson(ref_year, rcp_scenario)
     haz_cc = self._apply_criterion(criterion, scale)
     haz_cc.tag.description = 'climate change scenario for year %s and RCP %s '\
     'from Knutson et al 2015.' % (str(ref_year), str(rcp_scenario))
     return haz_cc
Beispiel #4
    def apply_climate_scenario_knu(self, ref_year=2050, rcp_scenario=45):
        From current TC hazard instance, return new hazard set with
        future events for a given RCP scenario and year based on the
        parametrized values derived from Table 3 in Knutson et al 2015. . The scaling for different
        years and RCP scenarios is obtained by linear interpolation.

        Note: The parametrized values are derived from the overall changes
        in statistical ensemble of tracks. Hence, this method should only be
        applied to sufficiently large tropical cyclone event sets that
        approximate the reference years 1981 - 2008 used in Knutson et. al.

        The frequency and intensity changes are applied independently from
        one another. The mean intensity factors can thus slightly deviate
        from the Knutson value (deviation was found to be less than 1%
        for default IBTrACS event sets 1980-2020 for each basin).

        ref_year : int
            year between 2000 ad 2100. Default: 2050
        rcp_scenario : int
            26 for RCP 2.6, 45 for RCP 4.5, 60 for RCP 6.0 and 85 for RCP 8.5.
            The default is 45.

        haz_cc : climada.hazard.TropCyclone
            Tropical cyclone with frequencies and intensity scaled according
            to the Knutson criterion for the given year and RCP. Returns
            a new instance of climada.hazard.TropCyclone, self is not
        chg_int_freq = get_knutson_criterion()
        scale_rcp_year  = calc_scale_knutson(ref_year, rcp_scenario)
        haz_cc = self._apply_knutson_criterion(chg_int_freq, scale_rcp_year)
        haz_cc.tag.description = 'climate change scenario for year %s and RCP %s '\
        'from Knutson et al 2015.' % (str(ref_year), str(rcp_scenario))
        return haz_cc