class TestLoadVCFsPy(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        """ define a default LoadVCFs object

        total_trios = 1
        known_genes = {"ATRX": {"inheritance": {"Hemizygous": \
            {"Loss of function"}}, "start": 1, "chrom": "1", \
            "confirmed_status": {"Confirmed DD Gene"}, "end": 20000000}}

        self.vcf_loader = LoadVCFs(total_trios, known_genes, None, None)

        # make a temp directory for the cache file
        self.temp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()

    def tearDown(self):
        """ remove the temp directory once a test completes


    def make_minimal_vcf(self):
        """ construct the bare minimum of lines for a VCF file

        header = []

        variants = []

        vcf = header + variants

        return vcf

    def write_temp_vcf(self, filename, vcf_data):
        """ writes data to a file, and returns the full path to the file

        full_path = os.path.join(self.temp_dir, filename)

        vcf_data = "".join(vcf_data)
        output = open(full_path, "w")

        return full_path

    def write_gzipped_vcf(self, filename, vcf_data):
        """ writes data to a gzip file, and returns the full path to the file

        full_path = os.path.join(self.temp_dir, filename)

        vcf_data = "".join(vcf_data)
        if IS_PYTHON2:
            f =, 'wb')
        elif IS_PYTHON3:
            f =, 'wt')

        return full_path

    def test_open_vcf_file(self):
        """ test obtaining a file handle for the VCF

        vcf = self.make_minimal_vcf()
        path = self.write_temp_vcf("temp.vcf", vcf)

        # check that plain VCF files can be loaded
        handle = self.vcf_loader.open_vcf_file(path)
        self.assertEqual(type(handle), io.TextIOWrapper)

        # check that gzipped vcf files are handled correctly
        path = self.write_gzipped_vcf("temp.vcf.gz", vcf)

        handle = self.vcf_loader.open_vcf_file(path)
        if IS_PYTHON2:
            self.assertEqual(type(handle), gzip.GzipFile)
        elif IS_PYTHON3:
            self.assertEqual(type(handle), io.TextIOWrapper)

        # make sure files that don't exists raise an error
        path = os.path.join(self.temp_dir, "zzz.txt")
        with self.assertRaises(OSError):

        # check that files with unknown extensions raise errors
        path = self.write_temp_vcf("temp.zzz", vcf)
        with self.assertRaises(OSError):

    def test_get_vcf_header(self):
        """ test that get_vcf_header() works correctly

        vcf = self.make_minimal_vcf()
        path = self.write_temp_vcf("temp.vcf", vcf)

        header = self.vcf_loader.get_vcf_header(path)

        # check that the header is returned correctly
        self.assertEqual(header, vcf[:4])

    def test_exclude_header(self):
        """ test that exclude_header() works correctly

        vcf = self.make_minimal_vcf()

        # make sure we drop the header, and only the header from the file
        # check this by reading the file, and making sure the first line
        # is the line we expect from the VCF
        path = self.write_temp_vcf("temp.vcf", vcf)
        handler = open(path, "r")
        self.assertEqual(handler.readline(), vcf[4])

        # also check for gzipped VCF files.
        path = self.write_gzipped_vcf("temp.vcf.gz", vcf)
        if IS_PYTHON2:
            handler =, "r")
        elif IS_PYTHON3:
            handler =, "rt")
        self.assertEqual(handler.readline(), vcf[4])

    def test_add_single_variant(self):
        """ test that add_single_variant() works correctly

        # the sub-functions are all tested elsewhere, this test merely checks
        # that valid variants are added to the variants list, and invalid
        # variants are passed over without being added to the variants list

        # set up an autosomal variant
        line = ["1", "100", ".", "T", "G", "1000", "PASS", ".", "GT", "0/1"]
        gender = "M"
        variant = SNV(*line[:6])

        # check that the variant is added to the variant list
        variants = []
        self.vcf_loader.add_single_variant(variants, variant, gender, line)
        self.assertEqual(variants, [variant])

        # set up an X-chrom male het
        line = ["X", "100", ".", "T", "G", "1000", "PASS", ".", "GT", "0/1"]
        variant = SNV(*line[:6])

        # check that the X-chrom male het is not added to the variant list
        variants = []
        self.vcf_loader.add_single_variant(variants, variant, gender, line)
        self.assertEqual(variants, [])

    def test_get_vcf_provenance(self):
        """ test that get_vcf_provenance() works correctly

        vcf = self.make_minimal_vcf()
        vcf_string = "".join(vcf)
        if IS_PYTHON3:
            vcf_string = vcf_string.encode("utf-8")
        ungzipped_hash = hashlib.sha1(vcf_string).hexdigest()
        header = vcf[:4]

        path = self.write_temp_vcf("temp.vcf", vcf)

        # check that the file defs return correctly
        (checksum, basename, date) = self.vcf_loader.get_vcf_provenance(path)

        self.assertEqual(checksum, ungzipped_hash)
        self.assertEqual(basename, "temp.vcf")
        self.assertEqual(date, "2014-01-01")

        # now write a gzip file, and check that we get the correct hash
        path = self.write_gzipped_vcf("test.vcf.gz", vcf)
        handle = open(path, "rb")
        gzipped_hash = hashlib.sha1(

        (checksum, basename, date) = self.vcf_loader.get_vcf_provenance(path)
        self.assertEqual(checksum, gzipped_hash)

        # check that when a fileDate isn't available in the VCf, we can pick
        # the date from the path
        path = self.write_temp_vcf("temp.file_process.2014-02-20.vcf", vcf)
        (checksum, basename, date) = self.vcf_loader.get_vcf_provenance(path)
        self.assertEqual(date, "2014-02-20")

    def test_construct_variant(self):
        """ test that construct_variant() works correctly

        # check that construct variant works for SNVs
        line = ["1", "100", ".", "T", "G", "1000", "PASS", ".", "GT", "0/1"]
        gender = "M"
        test_var = SNV(*line[:6])

        variant = self.vcf_loader.construct_variant(line, gender)

        self.assertEqual(variant.get_key(), test_var.get_key())
        # initally constructing a SNV shouldn't affect the format variable
        self.assertEqual(variant.format, None)

        # check that construct variant works for CNVs
        line = [
            "1", "100", ".", "T", "<DEL>", "1000", "PASS", "END=200", "GT",
        gender = "M"
        test_var = CNV(*line[:6])

        variant = self.vcf_loader.construct_variant(line, gender)

        self.assertEqual(variant.get_key(), test_var.get_key())
        self.assertNotEqual(variant.format, None)

        # TODO: add checks for when HGNC is in the the filters

    def test_include_variant(self):
        """ check that include_variant() works correctly

        child_variants = False
        gender = "M"
        # make a child var which passes the filters
        line = [
            "1", "100", ".", "T", "A", "1000", "PASS",
            "CQ=missense_variant;HGNC=ATRX", "GT", "0/1"
            self.vcf_loader.include_variant(line, child_variants, gender))

        # make a child var that fails the filters, which should return False
        line = [
            "1", "100", ".", "T", "A", "1000", "FAIL",
            "CQ=missense_variant;HGNC=ATRX", "GT", "0/1"
            self.vcf_loader.include_variant(line, child_variants, gender))

        # now check for parents variants
        child_variants = True
        # check a parents var, where we have a matching child var
        self.vcf_loader.child_keys = set([("1", 100), ("X", 200)])
        line = [
            "1", "100", ".", "T", "A", "1000", "FAIL",
            "CQ=missense_variant;HGNC=ATRX", "GT", "0/1"
            self.vcf_loader.include_variant(line, child_variants, gender))

        # check a parents var, where we don't have a matching child var
        line = [
            "1", "200", ".", "T", "A", "1000", "FAIL",
            "CQ=missense_variant;HGNC=ATRX", "GT", "0/1"
            self.vcf_loader.include_variant(line, child_variants, gender))

        # and check parental CNVs
        line = [
            "1", "100", ".", "T", "<DEL>", "1000", "PASS", "END=200", "GT",
        gender = "M"
        test_var = CNV(*line[:6])

        # in this function we look for overlap in CNVs. Set up a child CNV
        # that the parents CNV must match.
        self.vcf_loader.cnv_matcher = MatchCNVs([test_var])
            self.vcf_loader.include_variant(line, child_variants, gender))

        # check that a parental CNV without any overlap to any childs CNVs,
        # fails to pass
        line = [
            "1", "300", ".", "T", "<DEL>", "1000", "PASS", "END=400", "GT",
        gender = "M"
            self.vcf_loader.include_variant(line, child_variants, gender))

    def test_filter_de_novos(self):
        """ check that filter_de_novos() works correctly

        # make a family without parents
        family = Family("fam_id")
        child_gender = "female"
        family.add_child("child_id", "child_vcf_path", "2", child_gender) = family

        # set up an autosomal variant
        line = ["1", "100", ".", "T", "G", "1000", "PASS", ".", "GT", "0/1"]
        gender = "M"
        child_var = SNV(*line[:6])
        child_var.add_format(line[8], line[9])

        # combine the variant into a list of TrioGenotypes
        child_vars = [child_var]
        mother_vars = []
        father_vars = []
        trio_variants = self.vcf_loader.combine_trio_variants(
            child_vars, mother_vars, father_vars)

        # check that vars without parents get passed through automatically
        self.assertEqual(self.vcf_loader.filter_de_novos(trio_variants, 0.9),

        # now add parents to the family
        family.add_mother("mother_id", "mother_vcf_path", "1", "female")
        family.add_father("father_id", "father_vcf_path", "1", "male")

        # re-generate the variants list now that parents have been included
        trio_variants = self.vcf_loader.combine_trio_variants(
            child_vars, mother_vars, father_vars)

        # check that vars with parents, and that appear to be de novo are
        # filtered out
        self.assertEqual(self.vcf_loader.filter_de_novos(trio_variants, 0.9),

        # check that vars with parents, but which are not de novo, are retained
        mother_vars = child_vars
        trio_variants = self.vcf_loader.combine_trio_variants(
            child_vars, mother_vars, father_vars)

        self.assertEqual(self.vcf_loader.filter_de_novos(trio_variants, 0.9),

    def test_debug_option(self):
        """ test whether we can set up the class with the debug option

        counter = 0
        total_trios = 1
        known_genes = {}

        self.vcf_loader = LoadVCFs(total_trios, known_genes, "1", "10000")

        # check that the debug filter function got set correctly
        self.assertEqual(SNV.passes_filters, SNV.passes_filters_with_debug)