Beispiel #1
def raster_overlap(file_A, file_B, outpath, NoData_A=None, NoData_B=None):
    Finds overlaping area between two raster images.
    this function examines two images and outputs a raster identifying pixels where both
    rasters have non-NoData values. Output raster has 1's where both images have data and
    0's where one or both images are missing data.

        file_A      the first file
        file_B      the second file
        outpath     the output filename for the desired output. must end in ".tif"
        NoData_A    the NoData value of file A
        NoData_B    the NoData value of file B

    This function automatically invokes

    if not is_rast(file_A) or not is_rast(file_B):
        raise Exception(' both inputs must be rasters!')

    # load the rasters as numpy arays.
    a, metaA = to_numpy(file_A)
    b, metaB = to_numpy(file_B)

    # set no_datas
    if NoData_A is None:
        NoData_A = metaA.NoData_Value
    if NoData_B is None:
        NoData_B = metaB.NoData_Value

    # spatially match the rasters
    print('preparing input rasters!')
    clip_and_snap(file_A, file_B, outpath.replace(".shp", ".tif"), NoData_B)

    # reload the rasters as numpy arrays now that spatial matching is done
    a, metaA = to_numpy(file_A)
    b, metaB = to_numpy(file_B)

    # create work matrix and find the overlap
    print('Finding overlaping pixels!')
    Workmatrix = a.mask + b.mask
    Workmatrix = Workmatrix.astype('uint8')
    Workmatrix[Workmatrix == 1] = 2

    print('Saving overlap file!')
    metaA.numpy_datatype = 'uint8'
               outpath.replace(".shp", ".tif"),
    arcpy.RasterToPolygon_conversion(outpath.replace(".shp", ".tif"),
                                     outpath.replace(".tif", ".shp"),

    return metaA, metaB
Beispiel #2
def raster_overlap(file_A, file_B, outpath, NoData_A = None, NoData_B = None):
    Finds overlaping area between two raster images. this function examines
    two images and outputs a raster identifying pixels where both rasters have
    non-NoData values. Output raster has 1's where both images have data and
    0's where one or both images are missing data.

    :param file_A:      the first file
    :param file_B:      the second file
    :param outpath:     the output filename for the desired output. must end in ".tif"
    :param NoData_A:    the NoData value of file A
    :param NoData_B:    the NoData value of file B

    :return outpath:    filepath to raster created by this function.

    This function automatically invokes
        * clip_and_snap
        * null_define
    if not is_rast(file_A) or not is_rast(file_B):
        raise Exception('both inputs must be rasters!')

    # load the rasters as numpy arays.
    a, metaA = to_numpy(file_A)
    b, metaB = to_numpy(file_B)

    # set no_datas
    if NoData_A is None:
        NoData_A = metaA.NoData_Value
    if NoData_B is None:
        NoData_B = metaB.NoData_Value

    # spatially match the rasters
    print('preparing input rasters!')
    clip_and_snap(file_A, file_B, outpath.replace(".shp",".tif"), NoData_B)

    # reload the rasters as numpy arrays now that spatial matching is done
    a, metaA = to_numpy(file_A)
    b, metaB = to_numpy(file_B)

    # create work matrix and find the overlap
    print('Finding overlaping pixels!')
    Workmatrix = a.mask + b.mask
    Workmatrix = Workmatrix.astype('uint8')
    Workmatrix[Workmatrix == 1] = 2
    print('Saving overlap file!')
    metaA.numpy_datatype = 'uint8'
    from_numpy(Workmatrix, metaA, outpath.replace(".shp",".tif"), NoData_Value = 2)
    return outpath
Beispiel #3
def spatially_match(snap_raster, rasterlist, outdir,
                    NoData_Value = False, resamp_type = False):
    Prepares input rasters for further numerical processing

     This function simply ensures all rasters in "rasterlist" are identically projected
     and have the same cell size, then calls the raster.clip_and_snap function to ensure
     that the cells are perfectly coincident and that the total spatial extents of the images
     are identical, even when NoData values are considered. This is useful because it allows
     the two images to be passed on for numerical processing as nothing more than matrices
     of values, and the user can be sure that any index in any matrix is exactly coincident
     with the same index in any other matrix. This is especially important to use when
     comparing different datasets from different sources outside arcmap, for example MODIS
     and Landsat data with an ASTER DEM.

       snap_raster     raster to which all other images will be snapped
       rasterlist      list of rasters, a single raster, or a directory full of tiffs which
                       will be clipped to the extent of "snap_raster" and aligned such that
                       the cells are perfectly coincident.
       outdir          the output directory to save newly created spatially matched tifs.
       resamp_type     The resampling type to use if images are not identical cell sizes.
                           "NEAREST","BILINEAR",and "CUBIC" are the most common.

    this function automatically invokes

    # import modules and sanitize inputs
    tempdir = os.path.join(outdir, 'temp')

    if not os.path.isdir(outdir):
    if not os.path.isdir(tempdir):

    rasterlist = enf_rastlist(rasterlist)

    usetemp = False

    # set the snap raster environment in arcmap.
    arcpy.env.snapRaster = snap_raster

    print('Loading snap raster {0}'.format(snap_raster))
    _,snap_meta = to_numpy(snap_raster)
    print('Bounds of rectangle to define boundaries: [{0}]'.format(snap_meta.rectangle))

    # for every raster in the raster list, snap rasters and clip.
    for rastname in rasterlist:

        _,meta      = to_numpy(rastname)
        head,tail   = os.path.split(rastname)

        if snap_meta.projection.projectionName != meta.projection.projectionName:
            print('Projection discrepancy found. Reprojecting...')
            project_resample(rastname, snap_raster, tempdir, resamp_type)
            tempname    = core.create_outname(tempdir,tail,"p")
            usetemp     = True

        # define an output name and run the Clip_ans_Snap_Raster function on formatted tifs
        outname      = core.create_outname(outdir, rastname, "sm")

        # if a temporary file was created in previous steps, use that one for clip and snap
        if usetemp:
            clip_and_snap(snap_raster, tempname, outname, NoData_Value)
            clip_and_snap(snap_raster, rastname, outname, NoData_Value)

        print('Finished matching raster {0}'.format(rastname))

Beispiel #4
def spatially_match(snap_raster,
    Prepares input rasters for further numerical processing

     This function simply ensures all rasters in "rasterlist" are identically projected
     and have the same cell size, then calls the raster.clip_and_snap function to ensure
     that the cells are perfectly coincident and that the total spatial extents of the images
     are identical, even when NoData values are considered. This is useful because it allows
     the two images to be passed on for numerical processing as nothing more than matrices
     of values, and the user can be sure that any index in any matrix is exactly coincident
     with the same index in any other matrix. This is especially important to use when
     comparing different datasets from different sources outside arcmap, for example MODIS
     and Landsat data with an ASTER DEM.

       snap_raster     raster to which all other images will be snapped
       rasterlist      list of rasters, a single raster, or a directory full of tiffs which
                       will be clipped to the extent of "snap_raster" and aligned such that
                       the cells are perfectly coincident.
       outdir          the output directory to save newly created spatially matched tifs.
       resamp_type     The resampling type to use if images are not identical cell sizes.
                           "NEAREST","BILINEAR",and "CUBIC" are the most common.

    this function automatically invokes

    # import modules and sanitize inputs
    tempdir = os.path.join(outdir, 'temp')

    if not os.path.isdir(outdir):
    if not os.path.isdir(tempdir):

    rasterlist = enf_rastlist(rasterlist)

    usetemp = False

    # set the snap raster environment in arcmap.
    arcpy.env.snapRaster = snap_raster

    print('Loading snap raster {0}'.format(snap_raster))
    _, snap_meta = to_numpy(snap_raster)
    print('Bounds of rectangle to define boundaries: [{0}]'.format(

    # for every raster in the raster list, snap rasters and clip.
    for rastname in rasterlist:

        _, meta = to_numpy(rastname)
        head, tail = os.path.split(rastname)

        if snap_meta.projection.projectionName != meta.projection.projectionName:
            print('Projection discrepancy found. Reprojecting...')
            project_resample(rastname, snap_raster, tempdir, resamp_type)
            tempname = core.create_outname(tempdir, tail, "p")
            usetemp = True

        # define an output name and run the Clip_ans_Snap_Raster function on formatted tifs
        outname = core.create_outname(outdir, rastname, "sm")

        # if a temporary file was created in previous steps, use that one for clip and snap
        if usetemp:
            clip_and_snap(snap_raster, tempname, outname, NoData_Value)
            clip_and_snap(snap_raster, rastname, outname, NoData_Value)

        print('Finished matching raster {0}'.format(rastname))
