def process_file(args, file_or_url): if "" in file_or_url: try: download(args, file_or_url) except Exception: LOG.exception("error while downloading %s", file_or_url) return else: if not os.path.exists(file_or_url): LOG.warning("File doesn't exist: %r", file_or_url) return try: password, file_url = upload(args, file_or_url) except Exception: LOG.exception("error while uploading %s", file_or_url) return if not file_url: LOG.error("Could not get uploaded file url!") return if password: file_url = file_url + '#' + password print("\n"+file_url+"\n") clipboard.copy(file_url) clipboard.paste() print ("Uploaded file link is copied to clipboard, bye")
def monitor(self, sleep=1, to_db = True, to_text = True): if self.config.get_config('sleep', 'time'): if self.config.get_config('sleep', 'time').isdigit(): sleep = int(self.config.get_config('sleep', 'time')) if self.config.get_config('save', 'db') == '1': to_db = True elif self.config.get_config('save', 'db') == '0': to_db = False if self.config.get_config('save', 'text') == '1': to_text = True elif self.config.get_config('save', 'text') == '0': to_text = False clip = None while 1: try: if not clipboard.paste() == clip: clip = clipboard.paste() if to_db: self.save_to_db(clip) if to_text: self.save_to_text(clip) debug(self_width = self.width) # if len(clip) > (self.width - 55): # msg = [clip] # msg = str(msg)[1:(self.width - 55)][:-1] + " " + make_colors("...", 'lr') + " LEN:" + make_colors(len(clip), 'lg') msg = make_colors("...", 'lr') + " PID:" + make_colors(str(os.getpid()), 'ly') + " LEN:" + make_colors(len(clip), 'lg') print(make_colors(self.get_now(), 'lw', 'bl') + " - " + make_colors("Clipboard Changed !", 'lw', 'lr') + " --> " + make_colors(msg, 'ly')) iconpath = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'clips.png') self.notify.notify("Clipboard Monitor", "Clipboard Changed", "Clipboard Monitor", "changed", host = None, port = None, timeout = None, iconpath = iconpath, pushbullet_api = None, nmd_api = None, growl = True, pushbullet = False, nmd = False) else: pass except: traceback.format_exc() time.sleep(sleep)
def trans(): while True: try: clipclr = open("Clipboards/clipcl.txt", "r") try: a = if validators.url(a):, new=2) clipboard.copy(a) except TypeError: a = 1 clipclr.close() os.remove("Clipboards/clipcl.txt") except FileNotFoundError: a = 0 f1 = open("Clipboards/clippc.txt", "r") if clipboard.paste() != f2 = open(r"Clipboards/clippc.txt", "w+") f2.write(clipboard.paste()) f2.close() if os.path.isfile("uploads/toClip.jpg"): os.system("clip.exe clipboard copyimage uploads/toClip.jpg") os.remove("uploads/toClip.jpg") files = os.listdir("uploads/") if files != []: for f in files: try: shutil.move("uploads/" + f, home + "/Desktop/") except shutil.Error: continue time.sleep(1)
def double_check_pid(pid_number): sc.get_m2_coordinates() pyautogui.doubleClick(m2['prospect_id']) keyboard.send('ctrl + c') copied_text = clipboard.paste() for i in range(3): if copied_text != pid_number: time.sleep(0.3) pyautogui.doubleClick(m2['prospect_id']) keyboard.send('ctrl + c') copied_text = clipboard.paste() if copied_text != pid_number: input('Is the pid correct?') return if pyautogui.locateCenterOnScreen( 'C:\\Users\\Jared.Abrahams\\Screenshots\\company.png', region=(514, 245, 889, 566)) is not None: return['company']) keyboard.send('ctrl + z') time.sleep(1) keyboard.send('ctrl + c') copied_text = clipboard.paste() if 'pid' in copied_text.lower(): input('Is the pid correct?') return
def clipboard_is_ok(text): """Ensuring the clipboard is not empty and the it's content is different with the previous's.""" # clipboard.paste() is a listener function if clipboard.paste() != u'' and clipboard.paste() != text: return 1 else: return 0
def main(): "main loop, 'listens' to the clipboard. saves copied URLs to a text file" last_copied = paste() current_directory = path.dirname(path.normpath(__file__)) out_file = path.join(current_directory, 'clipped.txt') url_extractor = URLExtract().find_urls while True: try: copied = paste() if copied != last_copied: log_copied = copied.split('\n')[0][:70]'User copied: {log_copied}') if copied == exit_string:'User exited program') break with open(out_file, 'a', encoding='utf-8') as fh: for url in url_extractor(copied): fh.write(url + '\n') last_copied = copied except OSError as e: logger.error(f'Could not open file: {out_file}') logger.error(str(e)) logger.error(''.join(traceback.format_tb(e.__traceback__))) except Exception as e: logger.error(str(e)) logger.error(''.join(traceback.format_tb(e.__traceback__))) sleep(delay)
def copyScript(path, macroPath, macroTitle, tmp, work): global currentClipboard currentClipboard = clipboard.paste() result2 = ctypes.windll.user32.MessageBoxW(0, "Once macro is recorded and Pulovers main window is open, press ok to continue...","", MB_OKCANCEL) try: if result2 == IDOK:['C:\Program Files\AutoHotKey\AutoHotkey.exe','getAhkScript.ahk']) title = macroTitle + ".ahk" path = pathlib.PurePath(path, title) path = pathlib.Path(path) open(path,"x") with open(path, "a") as rawRecording: rawRecording.write("\n"+clipboard.paste()) clipboard.copy(currentClipboard) elif result2 == IDCANCEL: #Delete Macro Folder Method <-- Unneeded? return False else: print("unknown MessageBox return code") print(result) return False except WindowsError as win_err: print("An error occurred:\n{}".format(win_err)) return False if recordRaw(): print(cleanMacro(path, macroPath, macroTitle, tmp, work)) return True else: f = open(path, "r") contents = f.readlines() f.close() saveAutomation(contents, path, macroTitle, macroPath, tmp, work) return True
def _copy(ind): old = clipboard.paste() pyautogui.keyUp('shift') pyautogui.keyDown('ctrl')'c') pyautogui.keyUp('ctrl') time.sleep(.1) ram[int(ind)] = clipboard.paste() clipboard.copy(old)
def copy(): """复制内容:非重复性拷贝""" ori_text = str(cb.paste()) if cb.paste() else "" pag.hotkey('ctrl', 'c') text = str(cb.paste()) if cb.paste() else "" if text != ori_text: return text else: return ""
def posielaclient(client): staracopy = clipboard.paste() while True: novacopy = clipboard.paste() if novacopy == staracopy: pass else: staracopy = novacopy client.sendall(novacopy.encode('utf-8')) time.sleep(5)
def run_step2(): link=clipboard.paste() if(link.find("")==0 and "-vlc" in link): link=link[:-4] command = ("vlc " + clipboard.paste()) # text will have the content of clipboard os.system('cd /d C:\\Program Files\\VideoLAN\VLC') os.system(command) clipboard.copy('') else: pass
def posielaserver(server): staracopy = clipboard.paste() while True: novacopy = clipboard.paste() if novacopy == staracopy: pass else: staracopy = novacopy server.sendall(novacopy.encode('utf-8')) time.sleep(5)
def function_ctrlc(num): print("Control C pressed") global CURRENT_CLIP print(CURRENT_CLIP) print(clipboard.paste()) if (clipboard.paste() != CURRENT_CLIP): prevCopies.insert(0, CURRENT_CLIP) CURRENT_CLIP = clipboard.paste() q.put("NEWCOPY:1. " + CURRENT_CLIP) q.put("STORED:Stored. " + str(len(prevCopies) + 1)) currentIndex = 0
def clipboard_get_new(delay): """ Wait indefinitely until clipboard updates. :param delay: sleep time in s before next check :return: string clipboard data """ old_value = clipboard.paste() while True: time.sleep(delay) if old_value != clipboard.paste(): return clipboard.paste()
def paste(self): """ Pastes the content of the clipboard into the url input textfield, called by the Paste Button next to the Textfield :return: """ # get clipboard data self.textfield_input.text = clipboard.paste() print('[INFO] pasted text:', clipboard.paste()) self.update_console()
def action_deleter(self): count = 0 screen_gray = matched_img(imread_deleter[0], self.screen_gray, 'deleter') screen_gray = matched_img(imread_deleter[1], self.screen_gray, 'deleter1') for i in match_list: if i[0] == 'deleter1' and count == 0: count += 1 pyautogui.moveTo(i[1][0] + 110, i[1][1] + 155) = 'left') pyautogui.hotkey('ctrl', 'c')'tab') pyautogui.hotkey('ctrl','v') for i in range(5):'tab') time.sleep(0.1) for i in range(15): clipboard.copy(0) pyautogui.hotkey('ctrl','c') time.sleep(0.1) temp_date = clipboard.paste() print temp_date if temp_date == '': for c in range(4):'tab') time.sleep(0.1) else: time.sleep(0.1)'delete')'tab') time.sleep(0.1)'delete')'tab') time.sleep(0.1)'tab') time.sleep(0.1)'0') time.sleep(0.1)'tab') temp_date = 0 pyautogui.hotkey('ctrl','c') temp_date = clipboard.paste() if temp_date <> 0:'delete')'tab') time.sleep(0.1)'delete')'tab') time.sleep(0.1)'tab') time.sleep(0.1)'0') else: time.sleep(0.1)
def capturarT(self): #Get the clipboard global text_Input text_input = "os" if == 'nt': text_input = clipboard.paste().replace("\r\n", " ") elif == 'posix': text_input = clipboard.paste().replace("\n", " ") text_input = text_input.strip() if not text_input[-1:] == '.': text_input += "." text_Input.setText(text_input)
def start_translation_process(): global loop_status clipboard.copy(languages[language_selections["input"]]) get_initial_translation(languages[language_selections["input"]]) recent_value = clipboard.paste() loop_status = True while loop_status: tmp_value = clipboard.paste() if tmp_value != recent_value: recent_value = tmp_value get_subsequent_translation(recent_value) time.sleep(0.01) driver.quit()
def busca(): pyautogui.moveTo(230, 380)'left', clicks=2, interval=0.25)) time.sleep(1) pyautogui.hotkey('ctrl', 'c') colar = clipboard.paste() i = 1 while i > 0: if colar.find('Ignição ligada') > -1 or colar.find('Periódica') > -1: pyautogui.moveTo(485, 380)'left', clicks=2, interval=0.25)) time.sleep(1) pyautogui.hotkey('ctrl', 'c') colar = clipboard.paste() horaDestinoFinal = colar[11:16] pyautogui.moveTo(1215, 380)'left', clicks=2, interval=0.25)) time.sleep(1) pyautogui.hotkey('ctrl', 'c') colar = clipboard.paste() lista = colar.split(' ') cidade = len(colar.split(' ')) - 5 destinoFinal = lista[cidade] time.sleep(1) vaiPlanilha() time.sleep(1) pyautogui.moveTo(285, 260) pyautogui.typewrite(destinoFinal) time.sleep(0.5) pyautogui.moveTo(465, 260) pyautogui.typewrite(horaDestinoFinal) #VOLTA PARA O SAT vaiSat() i = -1 else: pyautogui.scroll(-385)'left', clicks=2, interval=0.25)) time.sleep(1) pyautogui.hotkey('ctrl', 'c') colar = clipboard.paste()
def go(format, destination): # get text field into clipboard # TODO: maybe find a way to do this keycombo-agnostic # unfortunatly the keyboard isn't updated immediatly when we press ctrl+x. so, we wait until we know the right value is in the clipboard clearstring = randomString() clipboard.copy(clearstring) keyboard.press_and_release("ctrl+a, ctrl+x") while clipboard.paste() == clearstring: pass # retrieve clipboard searchString = clipboard.paste() core.main(searchString, format, destination)
def on_copied(): global copied_elements global first_element time.sleep(0.1) reset_copy_status() if not first_element: copied_elements = queue.Queue() first_element = clipboard.paste() clipboard_element = clipboard.paste() copied_elements.put(clipboard_element) clipboard.copy(first_element) print("Copy : " + clipboard_element)
def shorten(self, _): s = pst.Shortener() retrieved_url = clipboard.paste() is_valid = validators.url(retrieved_url) if is_valid: if chosenShortener.__eq__(""): rumps.notification("Unspecified Shortener Service", "Please choose shortener service to use.", "") if chosenShortener.__eq__("chilpit"): clipboard.copy(s.chilpit.short(retrieved_url)) elif chosenShortener.__eq__("clckru"): clipboard.copy(s.clckru.short(retrieved_url)) elif chosenShortener.__eq__("dagd"): clipboard.copy(s.dagd.short(retrieved_url)) elif chosenShortener.__eq__("isgd"): clipboard.copy(s.isgd.short(retrieved_url)) elif chosenShortener.__eq__("osdb"): clipboard.copy(s.osdb.short(retrieved_url)) elif chosenShortener.__eq__("owly"): clipboard.copy(s.owly.short(retrieved_url)) elif chosenShortener.__eq__("qpsru"): clipboard.copy(s.qpsru.short(retrieved_url)) elif chosenShortener.__eq__("tinyurl"): clipboard.copy(s.tinyurl.short(retrieved_url)) else: rumps.notification("Invalid URL", "Make sure to copy URL in correct form.", "") clipboard.copy("Invalid URL")
def check_input_string(self, driver, check_str, input_xpath=None): self.copy_input_str(driver, input_xpath) copies_str = clipboard.paste() c = lambda c: c.encode('utf-8').replace("(", '').replace(')', '').replace(' ', '').replace('-', '') copy_str = c(copies_str) self.assertEqual(copy_str, check_str, "Скопированная строка: '%s' не совпадает с введенной: '%s'" % (copy_str, check_str))
def item_click(x_item, y_item):, y_item, button='left', duration=0.2) time.sleep(0.2) pyautogui.hotkey('ctrlleft', 'c') time.sleep(0.1) clip = clipboard.paste() return clip
def fill(self): data = re.split(r'\r\n|\t', clipboard.paste()) if len(data) == 0: messagebox.showinfo( "Nothing to paste.", "There's nothing in your clipboard. Go to excel and copy something first." ) return for tminus in range(3, 0, -1): self.label_text.set("Starting in {}...".format(tminus)) time.sleep(1) self.label_text.set("Press ESC to stop.") hold_tab = True for c in data: if keyboard.is_pressed('esc'): break if c.startswith('>>'): sequence = [s.strip() for s in c[2:].split(",")] for k in sequence: if k.startswith("pause"): t = float(k[5:]) time.sleep(t / 1000) else: keyboard.press_and_release(k) hold_tab = True else: if hold_tab: hold_tab = False else: keyboard.press_and_release('tab') keyboard.write(str(c)) time.sleep(0.05)
def convert_minilang_from_clip(self): """ Will convert the xml content in clipboard: <set field="serviceCtx.currencyUomId" value="USD"/> <set field="serviceCtx.costComponentTypePrefix" value="EST_STD"/> :return: """ import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET import clipboard sett = clipboard.paste() root = ET.fromstring('<routine>' + sett + '</routine>') # print('root', root.tag) result = [] for setter in root.findall('set'): field = setter.get('field') type = setter.get('type') value = setter.get('value') if '.' in field: # if field.startswith("serviceCtx.") or field.startswith("searchParams."): if value is not None: value = set_value(type, value) else: value = setter.get('from-field') line = "{}={}".format(field.split('.')[1], value) result.append(line) text = ",\n".join(result) print(text) clipboard.copy(text)
def execute_copy(): global prev_data copied_data = clipboard.paste() if not copied_data == prev_data: write_to_json(copied_data) prev_data = copied_data
def watcher(): global data new_data = clipboard.paste() # print(data, new_data) if new_data != data: data = new_data main_window.paste()
def clip(self): text = clipboard.paste() if text == self.temp: pass else: self.temp = text self.add_to_log(self.temp)
def set_data_clipboard(self, column): s = clipboard.paste() s_var = s n = s.count('\t', 0, s.find('\n')) header = '' for i in self.HeaderLabels[column:column+n+1]: header += i + '\t' header = header[:-1] header = header + '\n' s = header + s clipboard.copy(s) try: data = pd.read_clipboard() for i in data.keys():[i] = remove_nan(data[i])'Data loading from clipboard successfully') self.notify_observers() except (MyException, IsnanInput) as e: print(e)'Data loading error; Check clipboard values') self.logger.error(str(e)) finally: clipboard.copy(s_var) self.datastatus = self.check_datastatus() if self.datastatus == 'full' or self.datastatus == 'partlyfull': self.step_E =['Xe'][1]['Xe'][0] self.step_L =['Xl'][1]['Xl'][0] self.notify_observers_datastatus()
def check_name(): pg.moveTo(480, 732) pg.dragTo(887, 731, 0.5, button='left') pg.hotkey('command', 'c') name = str(clipboard.paste()) if name == 'send alert': print('send alert') #i want to alert me by sms or something exit() name = name[ 1:] #when i copy it adds a undesirable "\n" on the beginning so i removed it name = name.split()[:2] #only take the first two words global first_name first_name = name[0] name = name[0] + " " + name[1] with open("all_names.csv", "r", encoding='UTF-8') as names: csv_reader = csv.reader(names) for line in csv_reader: line = ''.join(line) #transforming the list to string if name == line: launch('terminal') print(name, 'was in the list') count_down(400) main() with open("all_names.csv", "a") as names: writer = csv.writer(names) writer.writerow([name])
def get_url_from_browser(): """ Gets URL from blowser using clipboard """ pyautogui.hotkey("ctrl", "l") pyautogui.hotkey("ctrl", "c") return clipboard.paste()
def copy(self): if 'indows' in platform.system(): try: import clipboard clipboard.copy( return clipboard.paste() except: import win32clipboard as w import win32con w.OpenClipboard() w.EmptyClipboard() w.SetClipboardData(w.CF_TEXT, return w.GetClipboardData(win32con.CF_TEXT) elif 'inux' in platform.system(): try: import clipboard clipboard.copy( return clipboard.paste() except: try: check_01 = os.system('which xsel') if check_01 != '': from subprocess import Popen, PIPE p = Popen(['xsel','-pi'], stdin=PIPE) p.communicate(input='data') return os.popen('xsel').read() else: return "\tplease install xsel (apt-get xsel) or clipboard (pypi)\n\tOn Windows you must install pywin32 (pypi) or clipboard (pypi)\n" except: if self.check_call('xsel') == 0: from subprocess import Popen, PIPE p = Popen(['xsel','-pi'], stdin=PIPE) p.communicate(input='data') return os.popen('xsel').read() else: return "\tplease install xsel (apt-get xsel) or clipboard (pypi)\n\tOn Windows you must install pywin32 (pypi) or clipboard (pypi)\n" elif 'arwin' in platform.system(): os.system("echo '%s' | pbcopy" % from AppKit import NSPasteboard from LaunchServices import * pb = NSPasteboard.generalPasteboard() text = pb.stringForType_(kUTTypeUTF8PlainText) return text else: print "\t you not in Windows, Linux or Mac, this support for windows/linux/mac yet"
def copy(): """ this method presses ctrl+c of the virtual key board. """ p.keyDown('ctrl') p.keyDown('c') p.keyUp('c') p.keyUp('ctrl') notify('copy '+ clipboard.paste())
def paste(): """ this method presses ctrl+v of the virtual key board. """ p.keyDown('ctrl') p.keyDown('v') p.keyUp('v') p.keyUp('ctrl') notify('paste '+ clipboard.paste())
def paste(name=None): with Storage() as storage: if not name: data = clipboard.paste() or storage.get() else: data = storage.get(name) data = smart_str(data) clipboard.copy(data) return data
def testCopy(self): self._createVault() self._addLoginItem('mysite', 'myuser', 'mypass', '') clipboard.copy('test') if clipboard.paste() != 'test': # running on a system without clipboard support # (eg. Linux sans Xorg) self.skipTest('Clipboard not supported') return (self.exec_1pass('copy mysite') .wait()) self.assertEqual(clipboard.paste(), 'mypass') (self.exec_1pass('copy mysite user') .wait()) self.assertEqual(clipboard.paste(), 'myuser')
def cut(): """ this method presses ctrl+x of the virtual key board. """ p.keyDown('ctrl') p.keyDown('x') p.keyUp('x') p.keyUp('ctrl') notify('cut '+ clipboard.paste())
def clipboard_paste(self, *args): import clipboard, xml_parse size = self.widget.GetSize() try: if clipboard.paste(self, None, 0): = False self.widget.SetSize(size) except xml_parse.XmlParsingError, e: print _('\nwxGlade-WARNING: only sizers can be pasted here')
def replace_clipboard(): text = clipboard.paste() new_text = [] for line in text.splitlines(): line = line.strip().replace(">>> ", "").replace("... ", "") if not line.startswith("..."): new_text.append(line) output = "\n".join(new_text)["notify-send", f"replace clipboard: {output}"]) clipboard.copy(output)
def paste(dest): try: f = open(dest, "w") payload = clipboard.paste() f.write(payload) f.flush() f.close() sys.exit() except Exception as e: print "[!] Impossible to write to file: %s." % dest print e
def tupload(): filename = "Clipboard_" +"%m-%d-%y_%I.%M.%S%p") + ".txt" path = os.path.join(directory, filename) text = clipboard.paste() f = open(path, 'w') f.write(text) f.close() file = {'file': (filename, open(path, 'r'), 'text/plain')} payload = {'owner': owner, 'password':password} r =, files=file, data=payload) clipboard.copy("" + r.text + ".txt")
def clipboard_paste(self, *args): if self.sizer is not None: print _("\nwxGlade-WARNING: sizer already set for this window") return import clipboard, xml_parse size = self.widget.GetSize() try: if clipboard.paste(self, None, 0): = False self.widget.SetSize(size) except xml_parse.XmlParsingError, e: print _("\nwxGlade-WARNING: only sizers can be pasted here")
def tupload(): filename = "Clipboard_" +"%m-%d-%y_%I.%M.%S%p") + ".txt" path = os.path.join(directory, filename) text = clipboard.paste() f = open(path, "w") f.write(text) f.close() file = {"file": (filename, open(path, "r"), "text/plain")} payload = {"owner": owner, "password": password} r =, files=file, data=payload) clipboard.copy("" + r.text + ".txt") os.system('notify-send "Clip uploaded!"')
def paste_clipboard(self, d): from base64 import b64decode cb = {k: b64decode(v) for k, v in d["data"].items()} url = None if 'public.url' in cb: url = cb['public.url'].decode('utf8') elif 'public.utf8-plain-text' in cb: import re text = cb['public.utf8-plain-text'] # Super naive, please battle test or replace if re.match(rb"[a-z-]+:", text): url = text.decode('utf8') if url: print("Looks like a URL:") print(url) choice = input("Open it? [Yn] ") if not choice or choice.lower() == 'y': import webbrowser return clipboard.paste(cb)
def main(): path = os.path.normpath(clipboard.paste()) if not os.path.exists(path): print path, 'does not exit' time.sleep(2) return print 'content in clipboard (will use as dir path)', path os.chdir(path) print 'script at', os.getcwd() port = gen_port() Handler = SimpleHTTPServer.SimpleHTTPRequestHandler httpd = SocketServer.TCPServer(("", port), Handler) print "! serve at ------->", str(port) httpd.serve_forever()
def enlist(): global links link = '' prev = '' while(True): try: link = clipboard.paste() if prev == link: pass else: print(prev) prev = link if 'youtube' in prev: links.append(prev) sleep(5) except: print("damned")
def webdriver_copy(contract_url): driver = webdriver.Chrome(executable_path="C:\\software\\chromedriver_win32\\chromedriver.exe", chrome_options=options) driver.get(contract_url) try: source_button = WebDriverWait(driver, 10).until( EC.presence_of_element_located((By.XPATH, '//*[@id="dividcode"]/span[1]/button'))) source_button = driver.find_element_by_xpath('//*[@id="dividcode"]/span[1]/button') code = clipboard.paste() except Exception as e: logger.exception(f'Exception on {contract_url}') logger.exception(e) code = None #driver.close() driver.quit() return code
def _code_helper(line, func, copy=True): args = shlex.split(line) if not args: s = clipboard.paste() print 'Will decode:' print printable_data(s) s = func(s) if copy: try: clipboard.copy(s) except: print 'Result cannot be copied to the clipboard. Result not copied.' return s else: s = func(args[0].strip()) if copy: try: clipboard.copy(s) except: print 'Result cannot be copied to the clipboard. Result not copied.' return s
def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('-c', '--command', help='command to run if root password is copied', required=True) args = parser.parse_args() command = args.command print "Trying to run %s" % command p = subprocess.Popen("sudo -S echo TESTVAL", shell=True, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) out, err = p.communicate() if "TESTVAL" in out: print "Already can sudo, running command" p = subprocess.Popen("sudo -S %s" % command, shell=True, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) out, err = p.communicate() print out print err sys.exit(0) last_val = '' while True: val = clipboard.paste() if val != last_val: if is_password(val): # TODO: Check variations (caps, numbers, etc) of the current value in case password is variation of copied password try: p = subprocess.Popen("sudo -S %s" % command, shell=True, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) out, err = p.communicate(input='%s\n'%val) if "incorrect password" in err: pass else: print "Sudo'd command executed\n==============================" print "Working password:\n%s" % val print 'stdout:' print out print 'stderr:' print err sys.exit(0) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: pass last_val = val
def symbolDecoder(): while ser != '': #main loop while ser.readline().decode('utf-8')[:2]: #when there is a relevant serial value try: #try to run the main script ind = board = clipboard.paste() #store the clipboard contents in the variable clipboard.copy(symbols[ind]) if platform.system() == 'Linux' or platform.system() == 'Windows' : #for windows and linux k.press_key('Control_L') #paste the clipboard k.tap_key('v') k.release_key('Control_L') #k.tap_key('Return') elif platform.system() == 'Darwin': k.press_key('Command') k.tap_key('v') k.release_key('Command') #pass time.sleep(.1) #pause for .1 seconds clipboard.copy(board) #restore the clipboard contents except: #if there is an error pass #do not do anything
def main(debug): raw_input("Copy the conversation you want to parse to clipboard, then " "press RETURN to continue...") my_name = raw_input("What is your full name in the Facebook " "conversation? ") text = filter(lambda x: x in string.printable, clipboard.paste().strip()) if debug: print("Parsing the following conversation:\n<<=====>>{}\n<<=====>>" .format(text)) mp = MessengerParse(text, my_name) if debug: try: conversations = mp.parse_text() except: print mp.lines[:mp.index+1] raise else: conversations = mp.parse_text() for c in conversations: print("\n") print(c)
# coding=utf-8 import os from Tkinter import * from yandex_translate import YandexTranslate import clipboard # Copied string Text = clipboard.paste() # Yandex api translate = YandexTranslate('Your Yandex Api Key') Translated = "" if Text is not None: Translated = translate.translate(Text, 'tr')['text'][0] message = """ %s --- %s """ % (Text, Translated) # User interface class Application(Frame): def widgets(self): self.LABEL = Label(self) self.LABEL["text"] = message self.LABEL["wraplength"] = 200
'3' : ':^)', '4' : 'sure kid', '5' : 'me too thanks', '6' : 'FeelsBindMan'} #ser = serial.Serial('/dev/ttyACM0') #the port the arduino is connected to ser = serial.Serial('/dev/ttyUSB0') #ser = serial.Serial('/dev/tty.usbmodem1A21') while True: #main loop #print while ser.readline().decode('utf-8')[:2]: #when there is a relevant serial value try: #try to run the main script ind = #print ind board = clipboard.paste() #store the clipboard contents in the variable clipboard.copy(symbols[ind]) #print symbols[ind] #print clipboard.paste() if platform.system() == 'Linux' or platform.system() == 'Windows' : #for windows and linux k.press_key('Control_L') #paste the clipboard k.tap_key('v') k.release_key('Control_L') #k.tap_key('Return') elif platform.system() == 'Darwin': k.press_key('Command') k.tap_key('v') k.release_key('Command') #pass time.sleep(.1) #pause for .1 seconds clipboard.copy(board) #restore the clipboard contents
def command(line,reku=False): global stop_command args = re.split('\s+',line[1:]) cmd = find_cmd(args[0]) if cmd == None: print("Unknown command "+args[0]) return False if cmd == 'uart': if len(args) == 1: b = 9600 elif args[1] == 'fast': b = 460800 else: b = args[1] sys.stdout.write(reader_prompt) tty_send("uart.setup(0,{0},8,0,1,0)".format(b)) time.sleep(0.5) kill_tty() open_tty(b) elif cmd == 'help': replcmd.do_help('') elif cmd == 'paste' or cmd == 'file' or cmd.find('compile') or cmd == 'load': if cmd == 'file' or cmd == 'load' or (cmd == 'execute' and len(args) == 2) or (cmd.find('compile') and len(args) == 3): if cmd == 'load' or cmd == 'execute': if len(args)==1: print("bad args, should be ':load src'") return False args.append(args[1]) if len(args) != 3: print("bad args, should be ':file dst src'") return False try: with open(args[2],"rb") as f: buff = except IOError: print("file {0} not found".format(args[2])) return False else: try: buff = bytes(clipboard.paste()) except UnicodeEncodeError: print("invalid clipboard content") return False if cmd == 'cross-compile' or cmd == 'execute': buff = luac_compile(buff) if buff == None: return False if cmd == 'soft-compile': head = ["collectgarbage() function __wrapper__()"] head += re.split("[\r\n]+",buff) head.append("end") head.append(OPEN_SEQ.format(args[1])) head.append("file.write(string.dump(__wrapper__)) file.close() __wrapper__=nil collectgarbage()") elif cmd == 'execute': head = ['collectgarbage() __backup__ = c c = {}'] head += lualib_b64 for x in reversed(base64_split(buff)): head.append('table.insert(c,{0})'.format(x)) head.append('__code__=c c=__backup__ __backup__=nil') head.append('local r,e=load(function() collectgarbage() tmr.wdclr() return table.remove(__code__,#__code__) end) if r==nil then print(e) else r() end __code__= nil') elif len(args) > 1 and cmd != 'load': head = ['collectgarbage()'] head += lualib_b64 head += lualib_crc head.append(OPEN_SEQ.format(args[1])) for x in base64_split(buff): head.append('file.write({0})'.format(x)) head.append('file.close() __c32__("{0}",{1}) __c32__=nil __dec__=nil collectgarbage()'.format(args[1],binascii.crc32(buff))) else: head = re.split("[\r\n]+",buff) sys.stdout.write(reader_prompt) if not reku: stop_command = False for x in head: if stop_command: print("aborted") break if x[0]==':' and (cmd=='load' or cmd=='paste'): command(x,True) else: tty_send(bytes(x)) sem.acquire() if not reku: stop_command = True
def paste_clipboard(self): text = clipboard.paste() return text
import clipboard text = clipboard.paste() with open('clipboard.txt', 'w') as clipboard_file: while True: while text == clipboard.paste(): pass print clipboard.paste() clipboard_file.write("%s\n" % clipboard.paste()) text = clipboard.paste()
def main(): is_copied = do_copy() is_ttyout = os.isatty(sys.stdout.fileno()) if not (is_copied and is_ttyout): sys.stdout.write(paste())
def main(): import clipboard ret_text = remove_lines(clipboard.paste().splitlines()) clipboard.copy(ret_text) print 'OUTPUT:\n\n', ret_text