def clipsMatchPreference(data): # Preference preference = '(preference ' +\ '(cuisine "'+data['cuisine']+'") ' +\ '(is-vegetarian "'+data['isVegetarian']+'") ' +\ '(has-soup "'+data['hasSoup']+'") ' +\ '(fat-level "'+data['fatLevel']+'")' +\ '(calorie-level "'+data['calorieLevel']+'") ' +\ '(fiber-level "'+data['fiberLevel']+'") ' +\ '(carb-level "'+data['carbLevel']+'") ' +\ '(spicy-level "'+data['spicyLevel']+'") ' +\ '(sour-level "'+data['sourLevel']+'") ' +\ '(sweet-level "'+data['sweetLevel']+'") ' +\ '(salty-level "'+data['saltyLevel']+'"))' # CLIPS clips.Clear() clips.BatchStar(settings.CLIPS_DIR + "/templates.clp") if os.path.isfile(settings.CLIPS_DIR + "/dishes.clp"): clips.BatchStar(settings.CLIPS_DIR + "/dishes.clp") if os.path.isfile(settings.CLIPS_DIR + "/reviews.clp"): clips.BatchStar(settings.CLIPS_DIR + "/reviews.clp") if os.path.isfile(settings.CLIPS_DIR + "/suggestions.clp"): clips.BatchStar(settings.CLIPS_DIR + "/suggestions.clp") clips.BatchStar(settings.CLIPS_DIR + "/rules.clp") clips.Reset() clips.Assert(preference) clips.Run() return clips.StdoutStream.Read()
def match_preference(data): preference = '(preference ' + \ '(sex "' + data['sex'] + '") ' + \ '(price-level "' + data['priceLevel'] + '") ' + \ '(age-level "' + data['ageLevel'] + '") ' + \ '(cat-fashion "' + data['catFashion'] + '") ' + \ '(cat-music "' + data['catMusic'] + '") ' + \ '(cat-book "' + data['catBook'] + '") ' + \ '(cat-games "' + data['catGames'] + '") ' + \ '(cat-movies "' + data['catMovies'] + '") ' + \ '(cat-gadgets "' + data['catGadgets'] + '") ' + \ '(cat-sport "' + data['catSport'] + '") ' + \ '(cat-cosmetics "' + data['catCosmetics'] + '") ' + \ '(cat-toy "' + data['catToy'] + '"))' print(preference) clips.Clear() clips.BatchStar(settings.CLIPS_DIR + "/templates.clp") clips.BatchStar(settings.CLIPS_DIR + "/gifts.clp") clips.BatchStar(settings.CLIPS_DIR + "/suggestions.clp") clips.BatchStar(settings.CLIPS_DIR + "/rules.clp") clips.Reset() clips.Assert(preference) clips.Run() return clips.StdoutStream.Read()
def clipsMatchPreferencemaes(data): # Preference preference = '(preference ' +\ '(planta "'+data['planta']+'") ' +\ '(sintoma-aa "'+data['sintomaAA']+'") ' +\ '(sintoma-bb "'+data['sintomaBB']+'") ' +\ '(sintoma-cc "'+data['sintomaCC']+'"))' # CLIPS clips.Clear() clips.BatchStar(settings.CLIPS_DIR + "/templatesmaes.clp") if os.path.isfile(settings.CLIPS_DIR + "/dishesmaes.clp"): clips.BatchStar(settings.CLIPS_DIR + "/dishesmaes.clp") if os.path.isfile(settings.CLIPS_DIR + "/reviewsmaes.clp"): clips.BatchStar(settings.CLIPS_DIR + "/reviewsmaes.clp") if os.path.isfile(settings.CLIPS_DIR + "/suggestionsmaes.clp"): clips.BatchStar(settings.CLIPS_DIR + "/suggestionsmaes.clp") clips.BatchStar(settings.CLIPS_DIR + "/rulesmaes.clp") clips.Reset() clips.Assert(preference) clips.Run() return clips.StdoutStream.Read()
def OnOpen(self, event): dlg = wx.FileDialog(self, "Selecciona archivo", self.dirname, "", "*.clp", wx.FD_OPEN) if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: self.filename = dlg.GetFilename() self.dirname = dlg.GetDirectory() if (self.filename != ""): os.chdir(self.dirname) self.clipsFile = os.path.join(self.dirname, self.filename) self.simClipsFile = os.path.join(self.dirname, 'CicloControlado2.clp') self.timeClipsFile = os.path.join(self.dirname, 'simulacionoficinaalumnos.clp') clips.Clear() clips.BatchStar(self.simClipsFile) clips.BatchStar(self.clipsFile) clips.BatchStar(self.timeClipsFile) clips.Reset() clips.Run() # Modo de ejecucion for f in clips.FactList(): if "Preguntando" in f.PPForm(): self.nuevoCicloItem.Enable(True) break self.SetStatusText(self.clipsFile) self.Refresh() self.OutputFrame.appendText("-> Iniciar simulacion " + time.strftime("%c")) dlg.Destroy()
def load_expert_shell(): clips.BatchStar("robot_planner.clp") clips.Reset()
def system_run(input_ set): if 'hazard' in input_set: clips.Clear() clips.Reset() eng_var[:]=[] eng_var.append(input_set['lat']) eng_var.append(input_set['long']) eng_var.append(clips.BuildTemplate("entity", """ (slot aid (type STRING)) (slot latitude (type NUMBER)) (slot longitude (type NUMBER)) (slot quantity (type NUMBER)) """, "template for a entity")) eng_var.append(clips.BuildTemplate("allies", """ (slot username (type STRING)) (slot foraid (type STRING)) (slot action (type STRING)) (slot quantity (type NUMBER)) """, "template for a allies")) eng_var.append(input_set['control']) eng_var.append(clips.BuildTemplate("disaster", """ (slot hazard (type STRING)) (slot latitude (type NUMBER)) (slot longitude (type NUMBER)) (slot span (type NUMBER)) """, "template for a disaster")) d=clips.Fact(eng_var[5]) d.Slots['hazard'] = input_set['hazard'] d.Slots['latitude'] = input_set['lat'] d.Slots['longitude'] = input_set['long'] d.Slots['span'] = input_set['span'] d.Assert() facts[:] = [] fields[:] = [] list_map[:] = [] clips.RegisterPythonFunction(invoke_pronearea) clips.RegisterPythonFunction(display_disaster) clips.RegisterPythonFunction(invoke_entity) clips.RegisterPythonFunction(invoke_useralert) clips.RegisterPythonFunction(invoke_user_allocate ) clips.RegisterPythonFunction(invoke_user_deallocate) clips.RegisterPythonFunction(invoke_message) clips.RegisterPythonFunction(invoke_alert_area) clips.BatchStar("/home/jishnu/PycharmProjects/dmis/controlunit/expertsystem/inference.clp") clips.Run() if 'refresh' in input_set: if len(eng_var)==0: return {'fact': facts, 'field': fields,'map_data':list_map} message_dealer(input_set['control'],eng_var[0],eng_var[1],eng_var[2]) user_status_checking() clips.Run() if 'send' in input_set: if len(eng_var)==0: return {'fact': facts, 'field': fields,'map_data':list_map} message_handler(input_set['control'],input_set['selectaid'],input_set['parameter']) if 'deallocate' in input_set: try: clips.Assert("(DeallocateAll)") except clips.ClipsError: print("Error in Deallocation") clips.Run() facts[:] = [] fields[:] = [] list_map[:] = [] clips.SendCommand("run") print (clips.PrintFacts()) list_temp=list(facts) list_temp.reverse() return {'fact':list_temp,'field':list(set(fields)),'map_data':list_map}
# Function to convert user question into clips form def parse_input_to_string(): user_input = raw_input("Enter your question : ") words_list = user_input.lower().split() final_string = "" for word in words_list : final_string += '"' + word +'"' return final_string # importing clips library import clips # get input from user and store it in a variable called user_input user_input = parse_input_to_string(); # build a global variable using clips library called Final_answer to store final answer inside it Final_answer = clips.BuildGlobal('Final_answer','sorry, i have no answers for you at this moment.') # load clips file clips.BatchStar("algorithm.clp") # reset clips environment clips.Reset() # add new fact using assert with user inputs clips.Assert('(User_input'+user_input+')') # run the program clips.Run() # print out the final answer print "Phronesis said : " + Final_answer.Value # t = clips.StdoutStream.Read() # print t