def __init__(self, db_name='fishtest_new', clop_socket=None): # MongoDB server is assumed to be on the same machine, if not user should use # ssh with port forwarding to access the remote host. self.conn = MongoClient(os.getenv('FISHTEST_HOST') or 'localhost') self.db = self.conn[db_name] self.userdb = UserDb(self.db) self.clopdb = ClopDb(self.db, clop_socket) self.actiondb = ActionDb(self.db) self.runs = self.db['runs'] self.chunk_size = 1000
class RunDb: def __init__(self, db_name='fishtest_new', clop_socket=None): # MongoDB server is assumed to be on the same machine, if not user should use # ssh with port forwarding to access the remote host. self.conn = MongoClient(os.getenv('FISHTEST_HOST') or 'localhost') self.db = self.conn[db_name] self.userdb = UserDb(self.db) self.clopdb = ClopDb(self.db, clop_socket) self.actiondb = ActionDb(self.db) self.runs = self.db['runs'] self.chunk_size = 1000 def generate_tasks(self, num_games): tasks = [] remaining = num_games while remaining > 0: task_size = min(self.chunk_size, remaining) tasks.append({ 'num_games': task_size, 'pending': True, 'active': False, }) remaining -= task_size return tasks def new_run(self, base_tag, new_tag, num_games, tc, book, book_depth, threads, base_options, new_options, info='', resolved_base='', resolved_new='', msg_base='', msg_new='', base_signature='', new_signature='', regression_test=False, start_time=None, sprt=None, clop=None, username=None, tests_repo=None, priority=0): if start_time == None: start_time = datetime.utcnow() run_args = { 'base_tag': base_tag, 'new_tag': new_tag, 'num_games': num_games, 'tc': tc, 'book': book, 'book_depth': book_depth, 'threads': threads, 'regression_test': regression_test, 'resolved_base': resolved_base, 'resolved_new': resolved_new, 'msg_base': msg_base, 'msg_new': msg_new, 'base_options': base_options, 'new_options': new_options, 'info': info, 'base_signature': base_signature, 'new_signature': new_signature, 'username': username, 'tests_repo': tests_repo, 'priority': priority, } if sprt != None: run_args['sprt'] = sprt if clop != None: run_args['clop'] = clop new_run = { 'args': run_args, 'start_time': start_time, # Will be filled in by tasks, indexed by task-id 'tasks': self.generate_tasks(num_games), # Aggregated results 'results': { 'wins': 0, 'losses': 0, 'draws': 0 }, 'results_stale': False, 'finished': False, 'approved': False, 'approver': '', } # Check for an existing approval matching the git commit SHAs def get_approval(sha): q = { '$or': [{ 'args.resolved_base': sha }, { 'args.resolved_new': sha }], 'approved': True } return self.runs.find_one(q) base_approval = get_approval(resolved_base) new_approval = get_approval(resolved_new) if base_approval != None and new_approval != None: new_run['approved'] = True new_run['approver'] = new_approval['approver'] return self.runs.insert(new_run) def get_machines(self): machines = [] for run in self.runs.find({'tasks': {'$elemMatch': {'active': True}}}): for task in run['tasks']: if task['active']: machine = copy.copy(task['worker_info']) machine['last_updated'] = task.get('last_updated', None) machine['run'] = run machine['nps'] = task.get('nps', 0) # TODO(glinscott): Temporary - remove once worker version >= 41 if not isinstance(machine['uname'], basestring): machine['uname'] = machine['uname'][0] + machine['uname'][2] machines.append(machine) return machines def get_run(self, id): return self.runs.find_one({'_id': ObjectId(id)}) def get_run_to_build(self): return self.runs.find_one({'binaries_url': {'$exists': False}, 'finished': False, 'deleted': {'$exists': False}}) def get_runs(self, skip=0, limit=0): runs = [] for run in self.runs.find(skip=skip, limit=limit, sort=[('last_updated', DESCENDING), ('start_time', DESCENDING)]): runs.append(run) return runs def get_clop_exclusion_list(self, minimum): exclusion_list = [] for run in self.runs.find({'args.clop': {'$exists': True}, 'finished': False, 'deleted': {'$exists': False}}): total_games = 0 available_games = 0 for game in self.clopdb.get_games(run['_id']): total_games += 1 if len(game['task_id']) == 0: available_games += 1 if total_games > 0 and available_games < minimum: exclusion_list.append(run['_id']) return exclusion_list def get_results(self, run): if not run['results_stale']: return run['results'] results = { 'wins': 0, 'losses': 0, 'draws': 0, 'crashes': 0 } for task in run['tasks']: if 'stats' in task: stats = task['stats'] results['wins'] += stats['wins'] results['losses'] += stats['losses'] results['draws'] += stats['draws'] results['crashes'] += stats['crashes'] if 'sprt' in run['args'] and 'state' in run['args']['sprt']: results['sprt'] = run['args']['sprt']['state'] run['results_stale'] = False run['results'] = results return results def request_task(self, worker_info): # Build list of CLOP runs that are already almost full max_threads = int(worker_info['concurrency']) if worker_info['username'] == 'glinscott': exclusion_list = self.get_clop_exclusion_list(5 + max_threads) else: exclusion_list = self.get_clop_exclusion_list(1000000) # Does this worker have a task already? If so, just hand that back existing_run = self.runs.find_one({'tasks': {'$elemMatch': {'active': True, 'worker_info': worker_info}}}) if existing_run != None and existing_run['_id'] not in exclusion_list: for task_id, task in enumerate(existing_run['tasks']): if task['active'] and task['worker_info'] == worker_info: if task['pending']: return {'run': existing_run, 'task_id': task_id} else: # Don't hand back tasks that have been marked as no longer pending task['active'] = False # We need to allocate a new task, but first check we don't have the same # machine already running because multiple connections are not allowed. remote_addr = worker_info['remote_addr'] machines = self.get_machines() connections = sum([int(m.get('remote_addr','') == remote_addr) for m in machines]) # Allow a few connections, for multiple computers on same IP if connections > 3: return {'task_waiting': False} # Ok, we get a new task that does not require more threads than available concurrency q = { 'new': True, 'query': { '$and': [ {'tasks': {'$elemMatch': {'active': False, 'pending': True}}}, {'args.threads': { '$lte': max_threads }}, {'_id': { '$nin': exclusion_list}}, {'approved': True}]}, 'sort': [('args.priority', DESCENDING), ('_id', ASCENDING)], 'update': { '$set': { 'tasks.$.active': True, 'tasks.$.last_updated': datetime.utcnow(), 'tasks.$.worker_info': worker_info, } } } run = self.runs.find_and_modify(**q) if run == None: return {'task_waiting': False} # Find the task we have just activated: the one with the highest 'last_updated' latest_time = datetime.min for idx, task in enumerate(run['tasks']): if 'last_updated' in task and task['last_updated'] > latest_time: latest_time = task['last_updated'] task_id = idx # Lower priority of long running tests if task_id > 46 and 'sprt' in run['args'] and run['args']['priority'] == 0: run['args']['priority'] = -1 return {'run': run, 'task_id': task_id} def update_task(self, run_id, task_id, stats, nps, clop): run = self.get_run(run_id) if task_id >= len(run['tasks']): return {'task_alive': False} task = run['tasks'][task_id] if not task['active'] or not task['pending']: return {'task_alive': False} # Guard against incorrect results num_games = stats['wins'] + stats['losses'] + stats['draws'] if 'stats' in task and num_games < task['stats']['wins'] + task['stats']['losses'] + task['stats']['draws']: return {'task_alive': False} task['stats'] = stats task['nps'] = nps if num_games >= task['num_games']: task['active'] = False task['pending'] = False update_time = datetime.utcnow() task['last_updated'] = update_time run['last_updated'] = update_time run['results_stale'] = True # Check if SPRT stopping is enabled if 'sprt' in run['args']: sprt = run['args']['sprt'] sprt_stats = stat_util.SPRT(self.get_results(run), elo0=sprt['elo0'], alpha=sprt['alpha'], elo1=sprt['elo1'], beta=sprt['beta'], drawelo=sprt['drawelo']) if sprt_stats['finished']: run['args']['sprt']['state'] = sprt_stats['state'] self.stop_run(run_id) # Update clop results if 'clop' in run['args'] and len(clop['game_id']) > 0: self.clopdb.write_result(clop['game_id'], clop['game_result']) if not task['active']: self.clopdb.stop_games(run_id, task_id) return {'task_alive': task['active']} def failed_task(self, run_id, task_id): run = self.get_run(run_id) if task_id >= len(run['tasks']): return {'task_alive': False} task = run['tasks'][task_id] if not task['active'] or not task['pending']: return {'task_alive': False} # Mark the task as inactive: it will be rescheduled task['active'] = False if 'clop' in run['args']: self.clopdb.stop_games(run_id, task_id) return {} def stop_run(self, run_id): run = self.get_run(run_id) for idx, task in enumerate(run['tasks']): is_active = task['active'] task['active'] = False task['pending'] = False if 'stats' not in task and not is_active: # Truncate the empty tasks del run['tasks'][idx:] break return {} def approve_run(self, run_id, approver): run = self.get_run(run_id) # Can't self approve if run['args']['username'] == approver: return False run['approved'] = True run['approver'] = approver return True