Beispiel #1
 def __init__(self, config):
     '''*config* can be obtained from the function :func:``,
     but you need to add user and password::
         config = SugarsyncStore.get_config()
         config['user'] = '******' #your account username/e-mail address
         config['password'] = '******' #your account password
     Or you can use a configuration file that already has password and username set by specifying a path::
         path_to_my_config_file = '/home/joe/MySugarsync.ini'       
         config = get_config(path_to_my_config_file)
     :param config: dictionary with key value pairs'''
     #self.dir_listing_cache = {}
     self._logging_handler = 'sugarsync'
     self.logger = logging.getLogger(self._logging_handler)
     self.logger = db_logging_thread.make_logger_multiprocessingsave(self.logger)
     manager = Manager()
     self.path_cache = manager.dict()
     # use a lock for synchronized appends
     self._dir_listing_cache = manager.dict()
     self._dir_listing_cache_lock = RLock()
     self._last_partial_cache = manager.list()
     self._time_of_last_partial_cache = 0
     #error handling for authorization error
     self.root = config["root"]
         self.client = SugarsyncClient(config)
     except Exception, e:
         raise StoreAutorizationError(repr(e), 0)