def test_merge_handler_repeated_property(self):
        """Merge handler won't overwrite already existing properties.

        First fetch returns value=1; locally change that to 2 and try to
        update. However server says that's a conflict, and now says value=5.
        Merge handler decides it can't merge and errors out.
        instance = NodeInstance('id', 'node_id', {'value': 1})

        ep = mock.Mock(
                'get_node_instance.return_value': instance,
                'update_node_instance.side_effect': self.ERR_CONFLICT
        ctx = _context_with_endpoint(ep)
        ctx.runtime_properties['value'] = 2

        # in the meantime, server's version changed! value is now 5
        ep.get_node_instance.return_value = NodeInstance(
            'id', 'node_id', {'value': 5})

        except ValueError:
  'merge handler should fail to merge repeated properties')

        self.assertEqual(1, len(ep.update_node_instance.mock_calls))
    def test_merge_handler_conflict_resolved(self):
        """Merge handler can resolve conflicts, adding new properties.

        First fetch returns instance without the 'value' property.
        Handler adds the locally-added 'othervalue' and tries updating.
        That's a conflict, because now the server version has the 'value'
        property. Handler refetches, and is able to merge.

        instances = [
            NodeInstance('id', 'node_id'),
            NodeInstance('id', 'node_id', {'value': 1})

        def mock_update(instance):
            if 'value' not in instance.runtime_properties:
                raise self.ERR_CONFLICT
                'othervalue': 1,
                'value': 1
            }, instance.runtime_properties)

        ep = mock.Mock(
                'get_node_instance.side_effect': instances,
                'update_node_instance.side_effect': mock_update

        ctx = _context_with_endpoint(ep)
        ctx.runtime_properties['othervalue'] = 1
        # at this point we don't know about the 'value' property yet

        self.assertEqual(2, len(ep.update_node_instance.mock_calls))
 def test_refresh_fetches(self):
     """Refreshing a node instance fetches new properties."""
     # first .get_node_instances call returns an instance with value=1
     # next call returns one with value=2
     instances = [
         NodeInstance('id', 'node_id', {'value': 1}),
         NodeInstance('id', 'node_id', {'value': 2})
     ep = mock.Mock(**{'get_node_instance.side_effect': instances})
     ctx = _context_with_endpoint(ep)
     self.assertEqual(1, ctx.runtime_properties['value'])
     self.assertEqual(2, ctx.runtime_properties['value'])
    def test_update_conflict_simple_handler(self):
        """On a conflict, the handler will be called until it succeeds.

        The simple handler function in this test will just increase the
        runtime property value by 1 each call. When the value reaches 5,
        the mock update method will at last allow it to save.
        # each next call of the mock .get_node_instance will return subsequent
        # instances: each time the runtime property is changed
        instances = [NodeInstance('id', 'node_id', {'value': i})
                     for i in range(5)]

        def mock_update(instance):
            if instance.runtime_properties.get('value', 0) < 5:
                raise self.ERR_CONFLICT

        ep = mock.Mock(**{
            'get_node_instance.side_effect': instances,
            'update_node_instance.side_effect': mock_update

        ctx = _context_with_endpoint(ep)
        ctx.runtime_properties['value'] = 1

        def _handler(previous, next_props):
            # the "previous" argument is always the props as they were before
            # .update() was called
            self.assertEqual(previous, {'value': 1})
            return {'value': next_props['value'] + 1}

        handler = mock.Mock(side_effect=_handler)  # Mock() for recording calls

        self.assertEqual(5, len(handler.mock_calls))
        self.assertEqual(5, len(ep.update_node_instance.mock_calls))
    def test_merge_handler_noconflict(self):
        """The merge builtin handler adds properties that are not present.

        If a property was added locally, but isn't in the storage version,
        it can be added.
        instance = NodeInstance('id', 'node_id', {'value': 1})

        def mock_update(instance):
            # we got both properties merged - the locally added one
            # and the server one
                'othervalue': 1,
                'value': 1
            }, instance.runtime_properties)

        ep = mock.Mock(
                'get_node_instance.return_value': instance,
                'update_node_instance.side_effect': mock_update

        ctx = _context_with_endpoint(ep)
        ctx.runtime_properties['othervalue'] = 1

 def test_update_property(self):
     node = NodeInstance('instance_id', 'node_id')
     node.put('key', 'value')
     self.assertEqual('value', node.get('key'))
     props = node.runtime_properties
     self.assertEqual(1, len(props))
     self.assertEqual('value', props['key'])
 def test_put_get(self):
     node = NodeInstance('instance_id', 'node_id', {})
     node['key'] = 'value'
     self.assertEqual('value', node['key'])
     props = node.runtime_properties
     self.assertEqual(1, len(props))
     self.assertEqual('value', props['key'])
 def test_put_several_properties(self):
     node = NodeInstance('instance_id', 'node_id', {'key0': 'value0'})
     node.put('key1', 'value1')
     node.put('key2', 'value2')
     props = node.runtime_properties
     self.assertEqual(3, len(props))
     self.assertEqual('value0', props['key0'])
     self.assertEqual('value1', props['key1'])
     self.assertEqual('value2', props['key2'])
 def test_cant_refresh_dirty(self):
     """Refreshing a dirty instance throws instead of overwriting data."""
     instance = NodeInstance('id', 'node_id', {'value': 1})
     ep = mock.Mock(**{'get_node_instance.return_value': instance})
     ctx = _context_with_endpoint(ep)
     ctx.runtime_properties['value'] += 5
     except exceptions.NonRecoverableError as e:
         self.assertIn('dirty', str(e))
     else:'NonRecoverableError was not thrown')
         6, ctx.runtime_properties['value'],
         "Instance properties were overwritten, losing local changes.")
    def test_update(self):
        """.update() without a handler sends the changed runtime properties."""
        def mock_update(instance):
            self.assertEqual({'foo': 42}, instance.runtime_properties)

        instance = NodeInstance('id', 'node_id')
        ep = mock.Mock(
                'get_node_instance.return_value': instance,
                'update_node_instance.side_effect': mock_update
        ctx = _context_with_endpoint(ep)
        ctx.runtime_properties['foo'] = 42

    def test_update_conflict_no_handler(self):
        """Version conflict without a handler function aborts the operation."""
        instance = NodeInstance('id', 'node_id')

        ep = mock.Mock(**{
            'get_node_instance.return_value': instance,
            'update_node_instance.side_effect': self.ERR_CONFLICT

        ctx = _context_with_endpoint(ep)
        ctx.runtime_properties['foo'] = 42

        except CloudifyClientError as e:
            self.assertEqual(409, e.status_code)
  'ctx.update() has hidden the 409 error')
 def test_delete_nonexistent_property(self):
     node = NodeInstance('instance_id', 'node_id')
     self.assertRaises(KeyError, node.delete, 'key')
 def test_no_updates_to_empty_node(self):
     node = NodeInstance('instance_id', 'node_id')
     self.assertEqual(0, len(node.runtime_properties))
 def test_delete_property(self):
     node = NodeInstance('instance_id', 'node_id')
     node.put('key', 'value')
     self.assertEquals('value', node.get('key'))
     self.assertNotIn('key', node)
 def test_delete_property_sugared_syntax(self):
     node = NodeInstance('instance_id', 'node_id')
     node.put('key', 'value')
     self.assertEquals('value', node.get('key'))
     self.assertNotIn('key', node)
 def get_instance(endpoint):
     # we'll be mutating the instance properties, so make sure
     # we return a new object every time - otherwise the properties
     # would've been overwritten with the same object, not with fresh
     # values.
     return NodeInstance('id', 'node_id', {'value': 1})
 def test_delete_makes_properties_dirty(self):
     node = NodeInstance('instance_id', 'node_id',
                         runtime_properties={'preexisting-key': 'val'})