Beispiel #1
 def __init__(self, portal):
     Initialize the portal template class.
     self.portal = portal
     # Shared modules
     self.json        = json
     self.base64      = base64
     self.OrderedDict = OrderedDict  
     # Configuration / logger
     self.conf        = config.parse()
     self.log         = logger.create(__name__, self.conf.portal.log)
     # URL panel
     self.panel       = self.get_query_key('panel')
     # Threaded API responses
     self._response   = {}
     # Template data
     self._tdata      = {}
     # Response filter
     self.filter      = APIFilter()
Beispiel #2
    def __init__(self, error=None, status=500, exception=False):

        # Configuration / logger
        self.conf = config.parse()
        self.log  = logger.create(__name__, self.conf.server.log)

        # Store the response status code
        self.status = status

        # Construct the JSON error object
        self.error_object = {
            'message': ERR_MESSAGE.get(self.status, 'An unknown error has occurred, please contact your administrator'),
            'code':    self.status,
            'error':   error if not isinstance(error, (list, dict)) else json.dumps(error)
        # If an error message is provided
        if error and isinstance(error, (str, unicode, basestring)):
        # If providing a stack trace for debugging and debugging is enabled
        if exception and self.conf.server.debug:
                'debug': self._extract_trace()
Beispiel #3
    def __init__(self, transport, buff_size=16384, socket_timeout=5.0,
                 progress=None, sanitize=_sh_quote):
        # Config / logger
        self.conf = config.parse()
        self.log  = logger.create(__name__, self.conf.server.log)
        Create an scp1 client.

        @param transport: an existing paramiko L{Transport}
        @type transport: L{Transport}
        @param buff_size: size of the scp send buffer.
        @type buff_size: int
        @param socket_timeout: channel socket timeout in seconds
        @type socket_timeout: float
        @param progress: callback - called with (filename, size, sent) during
        @param sanitize: function - called with filename, should return
            safe or escaped string.  Uses _sh_quote by default.
        @type progress: function(string, int, int)
        self.transport = transport
        self.buff_size = buff_size
        self.socket_timeout = socket_timeout = None
        self.preserve_times = False
        self._progress = progress
        self._recv_dir = ''
        self._rename = False
        self._utime = None
        self.sanitize = sanitize
        self._dirtimes = {}
Beispiel #4
 def __init__(self):
     # Target filter object / filter map
     self._object = None
     # Configuration / logger
     self.conf    = config.parse()
     self.log     = logger.create(__name__, self.conf.portal.log)
 def __init__(self, user=None, group=None, api_key=None, api_token=None):
     self.api_user  = user       # API user
     self.api_group = group      # API group
     self.api_key   = api_key    # API key
     self.api_token = api_token  # API token
     # Configuration
     self.conf      = config.parse()
 def __init__(self):
     # Configuration / logger objects
     self.conf  = config.parse()
     self.log   = logger.create(__name__, self.conf.utils.log)
     # Cache manager
     self.cache = CacheManager()
 def __init__(self, params, sys, pkg):
     self.conf       = config.parse()
     self.params     = params
     self.sys        = sys
     self.pkg        = pkg
     # Create a collection class
     self.collection = Collection()
 def __init__(self):
     # Configuration / logger
     self.conf       = config.parse()
     self.log        = logger.create(__name__, self.conf.server.log)
     # SocketIO client / web socket parameters
     self.socket_io  = None
     self.web_socket = None
 def __init__(self, args):
     # Configuration / logger / feedback handler
     self.conf     = config.parse()
     self.log      = logger.create(__name__, self.conf.server.log)
     self.fb       = Feedback()
     # Actions mapper
     self.actions  = {
         'start': self._start,
         'stop': self._stop,
         'restart': self._restart,
         'status': self._status
     # Services mapper = {
         'portal':    {
             'apache': True,
             'label':  'portal'
         'api': {
             'apache': True,
             'label':  'API server'
         'socket':    {
             'apache': False,
             'label':  'API socket proxy',
             'start':  ['nohup', 'node', 
         'scheduler': {
             'apache': False,    
             'label':  'API scheduler',
             'start':  ['nohup', 'python',
     # Target action / service
     self.action   = None
     self.service  = None
     # Argument parser
     self.ap       = self._parse_args(args)
     # Server distribution and Apache service name
     self.distro   = platform.linux_distribution()[0]
Beispiel #10
 def __init__(self): = Feedback()
     # Configuration / logger
     self.conf   = config.parse()
     self.log    = logger.create('bootstrap', '%s/log/bootstrap.log' % L_BASE)
     # Bootstrap parameters
     self.params = BootstrapParams()
     # Server configuration file
     self.server_conf = self.params.file['config']['server_conf'][1]
     # Database connection
     self._connection = None
 def __init__(self, args):
     Initialize the schedule manager and store any command line arguments.
     # Configuration / logger
     self.conf     = config.parse()
     self.log      = logger.create(__name__, self.conf.scheduler.log)
     # Modules / threads
     self.modules  = {}
     self.threads  = []
     # Load all scheduler modules
Beispiel #12
    def __init__(self, child):
        Class constructor.
        :param child: Child class object
        :type child: class object
        # Define the logger name
        log_name  = '%s.%s' % (__name__, child.__class__.__name__)

        # Running utilities on the server
        if os.path.isfile(S_CONF):
            self.conf = config.parse()
            self.log  = logger.create(log_name, self.conf.utils.log)
        # Raise an exception if neither the server nor agent configuration is found
            raise Exception('Could not locate the server or agent configuration')
Beispiel #13
    def __init__(self, user, group, api_key=None, api_token=None, cli=False):
        # API connection attributes
        self.api_user  = user       # API user
        self.api_group = group      # API group
        self.api_key   = api_key    # API key
        self.api_token = api_token  # API token
        # Is this being run from the command line client
        self.cli       = cli
        # Token response
        self.token_rsp = None
        # Configuration
        self.conf      = config.parse()

        # Server URL
        self.api_url   = '%s://%s:%s' % (self.conf.server.proto,, self.conf.server.port)
Beispiel #14
 def __init__(self, name):
     self.class_name    = 'cloudscape' if not name else name
     # Authentication flag
     self.authenticated = False
     # Raw request
     self.request_raw   = None
     # Request / API objects / application controllers
     self.request       = None
     self.api           = None
     self.controller    = {}
     # User object
     self.user          = {}
     # Initialize the configuration object and logger
     self.conf          = config.parse()
     self.log           = logger.create(self.class_name, self.conf.portal.log)
 def __init__(self):
     # Load the configuration file
     self.conf_i = config.parse()
     # Supported configuration and default mappings
     self.conf_d = {
         'log':    CONFIG_LOG,
         'agent':  CONFIG_AGENT,
         'ssh':    CONFIG_SSHD,
         'sys':    CONFIG_SYS,
         'server': CONFIG_API
     # Linux doesn't use the SSH block
     if SYS_TYPE == 'linux':
         self.conf_d.pop('ssh', None)
     # Parsed and constructed configuration
     self.conf_p = self._parse()
Beispiel #16
 def __init__(self, name):
     # Module name       = name
     # Configuration and logger
     self.conf       = config.parse()
     self.log        = logger.create(name, self.conf.scheduler.log)
     # Internal API user / token
     self.api_user   = None
     self.api_group  = None
     self.api_token  = None
     # Time / datetime / JSON module
     self.time       = time
     self.datetime   = datetime
     self.json       = json
     # Endpoints
     self.endpoints  = self._load_endpoints()
     # Module initialized'Initialized scheduler module: %s' % name)
Beispiel #17
    def __init__(self, name=None, endpoint=None, utils=False, acl=None):
        Initialize the APIBase class.
        @param name:     The module name used for the logger 
        @type  name:     str
        @param endpoint: The endpoint being accessed
        @type  endpoint: str
        @param utils:    Any external utilities required by this API endpoint
        @type  utils:    list
        @param acl:      The ACL gateway generated during request initialization
        @type  acl:      ACLGateway
        @param cache:    The CacheManager class instance
        @param cache:    CacheManager
        # Class base / configuration / internal logger
        self.class_name   = __name__ if not name else name
        self.conf         = config.parse()
        self.log_int      = logger.create(self.class_name, self.conf.server.log)

        # External utilities / utilities object / cache manager / objects manager / ACL gateway
        self.utils        = utils
        self.util         = None
        self.cache        = CacheManager()
        self.objects      = ObjectsManager()
        self.acl          = acl

        # SocketIO client / Cache Manager
        self.socket       = SocketResponse().construct()

        # Request attributes
        self.request_raw  = None     # Raw request object
        self.action       = None     # Request action         = None     # Any request data
        self.endpoint     = endpoint # Request endpoint
Beispiel #18
import ldap
import json

# Django Libraries
from django_auth_ldap.config import LDAPSearch, LDAPSearchUnion

# CloudScape Libraries
import cloudscape.common.config as config

# Configuration
CONFIG = config.parse()

class AuthGroupsLDAP(object):
    Construct an LDAPSearchUnion object for every LDAP search group defined.
    def get_map():
        Load the LDAP JSON map file.
            return json.load(open(
        # Failed to parse JSON map file
        except Exception as e:
            raise Exception('Failed to load LDAP JSON map file [%s]: %s' % (, str(e)))
    def construct():
Beispiel #19
# CloudScape Libraries
from cloudscape.common import config
from cloudscape.common import logger
from cloudscape.common.vars import T_BASE
from cloudscape.engine.api.base import APIBase
from cloudscape.common.http import HEADER, PATH, JSONError, JSONException, HTTP_GET
from cloudscape.common.utils import JSONTemplate
from cloudscape.engine.api.auth.key import APIKey
from cloudscape.common.utils import valid, invalid, truncate
from cloudscape.engine.api.auth.acl import ACLGateway
from cloudscape.engine.api.auth.token import APIToken
from import DBUser
from import DBGatewayUtilities

# Configuration / Logger
CONF = config.parse()
LOG  = logger.create(__name__, CONF.server.log)

def dispatch(request):
    The entry point for all API requests. Called for all endpoints from the Django
    URLs file. Creates a new instance of the EndpointManager class, and returns any
    HTTP response to the client that opened the API request.
    :param request: The Django request object
    :type request: object
    :rtype: object
        # Return the response from the request manager
Beispiel #20
 def __init__(self):
     # Configuration / logger objects
     self.conf = config.parse()
     self.log  = logger.create(__name__, self.conf.server.log)