Beispiel #1
    def __init__(self, sim, connections, **kwargs):
        Initialize the workload with the simulation (containing both the
        environment and the topology for work), the set of connections to
        cause outages for as a group, and any additional arguments.

        self.sim = sim
        self.connections = connections
        self.do_outage = Bernoulli(
            kwargs.pop('outage_prob', settings.simulation.outage_prob))

        # NOTE: This will not call any methods on the connections (on purpose)
        self._state = ONLINE

        # Distribution of outage duration
        self.outage_duration = BoundedNormal(
            kwargs.pop('outage_mean', settings.simulation.outage_mean),
            kwargs.pop('outage_stddev', settings.simulation.outage_stddev),

        # Distribution of online duration
        self.online_duration = BoundedNormal(
            kwargs.pop('online_mean', settings.simulation.online_mean),
            kwargs.pop('online_stddev', settings.simulation.online_stddev),

        # Initialize the Process
        super(OutageGenerator, self).__init__(sim.env)
Beispiel #2
    def __init__(self, sim, **kwargs):
        Initialize workload probabilities and distributions before passing
        all optional keyword arguments to the super class.

        # Distribution for whether or not to change objects
        self.do_object = Bernoulli(
            kwargs.pop('object_prob', settings.simulation.object_prob))
        self.do_read = Bernoulli(
            kwargs.pop('read_prob', settings.simulation.read_prob))

        # Interval distribution for the wait (in ms) to the next access.
        self.next_access = BoundedNormal(
            kwargs.pop('access_mean', settings.simulation.access_mean),
            kwargs.pop('access_stddev', settings.simulation.access_stddev),

        # Initialize the Workload
        super(RoutineWorkload, self).__init__(sim, **kwargs)

        # If current is None, update the state of the workload:
        if self.current is None: self.update()