def process_one_dir(self, location, subdirpath, depth, results):
            location: the location being checked
            subdirpath: the path to the subdirectory being checked
            depth: the depth of the directory being checked (starting at 1)
            results: the result set
        if self.dirs_to_check is not None:
            if not dirtree_check(subdirpath, self.dirs_to_check):

        if clouseau.retention.utils.ignores.dir_is_ignored(subdirpath, self.ignored):
            return True

        count = 0

        # doing a directory higher up in the tree than our depth cutoff,
        # only do the files in it, because we have the full list of dirs
        # up to our cutoff we do them one by one
        if depth < self.depth:
            filenames = os.listdir(subdirpath)
            files = []
            for fname in filenames:
                    filestat = os.stat(os.path.join(subdirpath, fname))
                if (not stat.S_ISLNK(filestat.st_mode) and
                    files.append((fname, filestat))
            self.process_files_from_path(location, subdirpath,
                                         files, count, results)

        # doing a directory at our cutoff depth, walk it,
        # because anything below the depth
        # cutoff won't be in our list
        temp_results = []
        for base, paths, files in self.walk_nolinks(subdirpath):
            expanded_dirs, wildcard_dirs = expand_ignored_dirs(base, self.ignored)
            if self.dirs_to_check is not None:
                paths[:] = [p for p in paths
                            if dirtree_check(os.path.join(base, p), self.dirs_to_check)]
            paths[:] = [p for p in paths if
                        (not clouseau.retention.utils.fileutils.startswithpath(os.path.join(
                            base, p), expanded_dirs) and
                         not clouseau.retention.utils.fileutils.wildcard_matches(os.path.join(
                             base, p), wildcard_dirs, exact=False))]
            count = self.process_files_from_path(location, base, files,
                                                 count, temp_results)
            if count > self.max_files:

    def get_subdirs_to_do(self, dirname, dirname_depth, todo):

        locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, '')
        if clouseau.retention.utils.ignores.dir_is_ignored(dirname, self.ignored):
            return todo
        if clouseau.retention.utils.fileutils.dir_is_wrong_type(dirname):
            return todo

        if self.depth < dirname_depth:
            return todo

        if dirname_depth not in todo:
            todo[dirname_depth] = []

        if self.dirs_to_check is not None:
            if clouseau.retention.utils.fileutils.subdir_check(dirname, self.dirs_to_check):

        if self.depth == dirname_depth:
            # don't read below the depth level
            return todo

        dirs = [os.path.join(dirname, d)
                for d in os.listdir(dirname)]
        if self.dirs_to_check is not None:
            dirs = [d for d in dirs if dirtree_check(d, self.dirs_to_check)]

        for dname in dirs:
            todo = self.get_subdirs_to_do(dname, dirname_depth + 1, todo)
        return todo
    def get_subdirs_to_do(self, dirname, dirname_depth, todo):

        locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, '')
        if clouseau.retention.utils.ignores.dir_is_ignored(
                dirname, self.ignored):
            return todo
        if clouseau.retention.utils.fileutils.dir_is_wrong_type(dirname):
            return todo

        if self.depth < dirname_depth:
            return todo

        if dirname_depth not in todo:
            todo[dirname_depth] = []

        if self.dirs_to_check is not None:
            if clouseau.retention.utils.fileutils.subdir_check(
                    dirname, self.dirs_to_check):

        if self.depth == dirname_depth:
            # don't read below the depth level
            return todo

        dirs = [os.path.join(dirname, d) for d in os.listdir(dirname)]
        if self.dirs_to_check is not None:
            dirs = [d for d in dirs if dirtree_check(d, self.dirs_to_check)]

        for dname in dirs:
            todo = self.get_subdirs_to_do(dname, dirname_depth + 1, todo)
        return todo
    def get_dirs_to_do(self, dirname):
        if (self.dirs_to_check is not None and
                not dirtree_check(dirname, self.dirs_to_check)):
            return {}

        todo = {}
        depth_of_dirname = dirname.count(os.path.sep)
        todo = self.get_subdirs_to_do(dirname, depth_of_dirname, todo)
        return todo
    def get_dirs_to_do(self, dirname):
        if (self.dirs_to_check is not None
                and not dirtree_check(dirname, self.dirs_to_check)):
            return {}

        todo = {}
        depth_of_dirname = dirname.count(os.path.sep)
        todo = self.get_subdirs_to_do(dirname, depth_of_dirname, todo)
        return todo
    def process_one_dir(self, location, subdirpath, depth, results):
            location: the location being checked
            subdirpath: the path to the subdirectory being checked
            depth: the depth of the directory being checked (starting at 1)
            results: the result set
        if self.dirs_to_check is not None:
            if not dirtree_check(subdirpath, self.dirs_to_check):

        if clouseau.retention.utils.ignores.dir_is_ignored(
                subdirpath, self.ignored):
            return True

        count = 0

        # doing a directory higher up in the tree than our depth cutoff,
        # only do the files in it, because we have the full list of dirs
        # up to our cutoff we do them one by one
        if depth < self.depth:
            filenames = os.listdir(subdirpath)
            files = []
            for fname in filenames:
                    filestat = os.stat(os.path.join(subdirpath, fname))
                if (not stat.S_ISLNK(filestat.st_mode)
                        and stat.S_ISREG(filestat.st_mode)):
                    files.append((fname, filestat))
            self.process_files_from_path(location, subdirpath, files, count,

        # doing a directory at our cutoff depth, walk it,
        # because anything below the depth
        # cutoff won't be in our list
        temp_results = []
        for base, paths, files in self.walk_nolinks(subdirpath):
            expanded_dirs, wildcard_dirs = expand_ignored_dirs(
                base, self.ignored)
            if self.dirs_to_check is not None:
                paths[:] = [
                    p for p in paths
                    if dirtree_check(os.path.join(base, p), self.dirs_to_check)
            paths[:] = [
                p for p in paths
                if (not clouseau.retention.utils.fileutils.startswithpath(
                    os.path.join(base, p), expanded_dirs) and
                    not clouseau.retention.utils.fileutils.wildcard_matches(
                        os.path.join(base, p), wildcard_dirs, exact=False))
            count = self.process_files_from_path(location, base, files, count,
            if count > self.max_files:
