def zipbkp(directoryToZip): """ Zips the duplicate Dumpfolder in the Temp Directory 7zip has to be installed to use this function. """ zipFileName = directoryToZip + ".zip" appPath = "C:\Program Files\\7-Zip" zApp = "7z.exe" zAction = 'a' zPass = '******'.format(param.ZIPW) zAnswer = '-y' zDir = directoryToZip progDir = os.path.join(appPath, zApp) if not os.path.isfile(progDir):"[X] Cannot Create .zip since 7zip is not installed!") sleep(3) return menu() print("[*] Trying to create .zip File, please wait...") cmd = [zApp, zAction, zipFileName, zPass, zAnswer, zDir] zipper = subprocess.Popen(cmd, executable=progDir, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) zipper.wait()"[*] Successfully created .zip File") return zipFileName
def fm_upload(): """ This is a Function to upload a file to the ftp server """ print("[*] Please Input the Full Path to the File (or drag it here)") filepath = input(" -> ") if is_file(filepath): filesize = os.path.getsize(filepath) with open(filepath, 'rb') as f: with tqdm(unit='blocks', unit_scale=True, leave=False, miniters=1, desc='[*] Uploading', total=filesize) as tqdm_instance: ftp.storbinary( 'STOR ' + os.path.basename(filepath), f, 2048, callback=lambda block: tqdm_instance.update(len(block)))"[*] Upload Successful") sleep(2) items = getitems() return filemenu(items) else:"\n[X] Given Path is not a File") sleep(2) items = getitems() return filemenu(items)
def mm_rotate(): """ This Checks if there are more than 15 Dumps in the Dumps Folder if so, deletes the oldest till there are 15 Dumps. """ if status != colored("{0:12}".format("Connected"), "green"):"[X] Not Connected to a Server") return menu() else: ftp.cwd("Dumps") items = getitems() items_n = len(items) maxdumps = 15 if items_n > maxdumps:"More than {0} Dumps! [{1}]".format(maxdumps, items_n)) todel_n = items_n - maxdumps # print(items[0:todel_n]) print("\n[*] Are you sure you want to rotate the Dumps? (Y/N)") inp = input(" -> ") print("") if inp == "Y" or inp == "y": for item in items[0:todel_n]: print("[*] Deleting: {0}".format(item)) ftp.delete(item)"\n[*] Deleted the {0} oldest Dumps".format(todel_n)) sleep(5) else:"\n[X] Aborted") else:"[*] Less then {0} Dumps [{1}]! We Gucci!".format( maxdumps, items_n)) sleep(3) return menu()
async def on_ready(): print("Bot is Ready")) print("Serving:{len(client.guilds)} guilds.")) nep = ( print("Logged in as", nep)) print('-------------------------') await client.change_presence(, activity=discord.Game(name="Active!"))
def cleanup(bkp_path, zipfile): """ Cleans the Temp Directory from the Duplicate and the .zip File """ print("[*] Trying to clean up, please wait...") try: shutil.rmtree(bkp_path) os.remove(zipfile) except PermissionError: "[X] Error: Guess there's a Thumbs.db, try to manually Clean Up the Temp Directory." ) pass"[*] Successfully Cleaned")
def mm_connect(): """ Connects to a FTP-Server using the Info given in the param file USRN and PSWD can be None to interactively get the Info. THIS IS NOT SECURE and should be replaced with SFTP in the next Versions """ """ monkeypatch """ _old_makepasv = FTP.makepasv def _new_makepasv(self): host, port = _old_makepasv(self) host = self.sock.getpeername()[0] return host, port FTP.makepasv = _new_makepasv """ monkeypatch """ global ftp ftp = FTP() ftp.connect(param.HOST, param.PORT) print("[*] Successfully established a Connection to [" + param.HOST + "] on PORT [" + str(param.PORT) + "]") if param.USRN is None: param.USRN = input(" Username: "******" Password: "******"[*] Trying to Authenticate as [" + param.USRN + "]") try: ftp.login(user=param.USRN, passwd=param.PSWD) ftp.getwelcome() except Exception as e: errorcode = e.args[0][:3] # print('Errorcode: {}'.format(errorcode)) if errorcode == "530":"[X] Error: Wrong Login credentials ||| Errorcode: " + errorcode) return menu() else: "[X] Error: undefined error, check the errorcode. ||| Errorcode: " + errorcode) return menu()"[*] Successfully authenticated") global status status = colored("{0:12}".format("Connected"), "green") if not qu and not qd: return menu()
def mm_disconnect(): """ Disconnects you from a currently connected FTP-Server """ global status if status != colored("{0:12}".format("Connected"), "green"):"[X] Not Connected to a Server") return menu() clr.yellow("[#] Disconnecting...") ftp.quit()"[*] Successfully disconnected") status = colored("{0:12}".format("Disconnected"), "red") sleep(1) if not qu and not qd: return menu()
def createbkp(root): """ Creates a duplicate of the Dump folder in the Temp Directory Throws errors when there is a Thumbs.db blocking... """ temp_dir = tempfile.gettempdir() date = ext = date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") src = root + '\\Dump' dst = temp_dir + '\\' + ext + "_" + "Dump" print("[*] Trying to create a Duplicate, please wait...") try: monkey.copy(src, dst) except FileExistsError: try: shutil.rmtree(dst) except PermissionError:"[X] Error: Guess there's a Thumbs.db")"[*] Successfully created Duplicate") return dst
def print(classname, commands): command_list = [] for command, description in commands.items(): command_list.append( [' ' +, ' ' + clr.yellow(description)]) usage = columnar(command_list, headers=[' Command'), clr.yellow.bold(' Description') ]) return f"{classname} Usage:\n" + usage
def fm_download(qd=False): """ Downloads a File from the remote server to the current working Directory tqdm is used to show the download progress. """ global selected if qd: ftp.cwd("Dumps") items = getitems() selected = items[-1] if is_file(selected): filesize = ftp.size(selected) with open(selected, 'wb') as f: with tqdm(unit='blocks', unit_scale=True, leave=False, miniters=1, desc='[*] Downloading', total=filesize) as tqdm_instance: ftp.retrbinary( 'RETR ' + selected, lambda block: download_handle(block, f, tqdm_instance), 2048)"[*] Download Successful") sleep(2) items = getitems() if not qd: return filemenu(items) else:"\n[X] Can only download files") sleep(2) items = getitems() if not qd: return filemenu(items)
def mm_upload(): """ Uploads a Dump Folder which lies next to the FTPhub pathwise. tqdm is used to show the upload progress. This function is based on functions wrote in """ if status != colored("{0:12}".format("Connected"), "green"):"[X] Not Connected to a Server") return menu() else: root = os.path.join(os.path.join(os.environ['USERPROFILE']), 'Desktop') bkp_path = createbkp(root) zipfile = zipbkp(bkp_path) filesize = os.path.getsize(zipfile) filename = os.path.basename(zipfile) ftp.cwd("Dumps") print("[*] Trying to transfer the Backup, please wait...") with open(zipfile, 'rb') as f: with tqdm(unit='blocks', unit_scale=True, leave=False, miniters=1, desc='[*] Uploading', total=filesize) as tqdm_instance: ftp.storbinary( 'STOR ' + filename, f, 2048, callback=lambda sent: tqdm_instance.update(len(sent)))"[*] Successfully transfered the Backup") cleanup(bkp_path, zipfile) clr.magenta("[*] Upload-Function Successful") sleep(3) if not qu: return menu()