def solve_model(scores, parents, solver, cycle_finding, gomory_cut, sink_heuristic, **kwargs):
	# Variables to be globally used throughout ilp_model.cussens module
	# Not using class here because we want everything to be accessed as cussens.<name>
	global scores_input, parents_input, solver_input, cycle_finding_input, gomory_cut_input
	scores_input = scores
	parents_input = parents
	solver_input = solver
	cycle_finding_input = cycle_finding
	gomory_cut_input = gomory_cut
	# Generate initial problem
	initial_problem = main_model.model_writer(scores_input, parents_input)
	# Generate solver options for the solver selected
	solver_options = generate_solver_options(solver_input, gomory_cut_input)

	# Branch-and-Cut
	optimal_solution_found = False
	solver_results = None
	problem_list = []
	objective_upper_bound = float(- sys.maxint) # Arbitrarily small negative number (maximum supported by the system)
	best_solution = None
	best_solution_solver_results = None
	# Add the initial formulation to problem_list
	global current_problem
	if sink_heuristic:
		best_cutoff_value = - sys.maxint

	while len(problem_list) > 0:
		print ''
		print 'Current best solution = ' + str(objective_upper_bound)
		if sink_heuristic:
			print 'Current cutoff value = ' + str(best_cutoff_value)
		print 'Current number of problems in the list: ' + str(len(problem_list))
		# Pop out the first problem on problem_list
		current_problem = problem_list.pop(0)
		solver_results = bayene.ilp_solver.call_solver(current_problem.main_model, solver_options, solver = solver, warmstart = True)
		# If the problem is found infeasible, stop the solving process and go back to the beginning of the loop
		if solver_results.solver.termination_condition == TerminationCondition.infeasible:
			print 'Current problem solved successfully, Objective Value = ' + str(current_problem.main_model.objective())
		# New Problem to be added to take all the cuts and heuristics results
		new_problem = copy.deepcopy(current_problem)
		#### Cutting Planes ####
		# Cluster (Sub-IP)
		new_problem_cluster_cut_applied = False
		print('Searching for CLUSTER CUTS..')
		# Get all the non-zero variables in the main model
		# Also at the same time, check the solutions to find a non-integer variable.
		current_non_zero_solution = {}
		for key, value in current_problem.main_model.chosen_parent_variable.iteritems():
			if float(value.value) > 0:
				current_non_zero_solution[key] = float(value.value)
		cluster_cuts_sub_ip_problem = cluster_cut_model.model_writer(current_non_zero_solution, len(scores_input), parents_input)
		cluster_cuts_sub_ip_solver_options = {}
		cluster_cuts_sub_ip_solver_options["LogFile"] = ''
		# Send the cluster cut IP problem to the solver
		cluster_cuts_sub_ip_solver_results = bayene.ilp_solver.call_solver(cluster_cuts_sub_ip_problem.main_model,
																		   cluster_cuts_sub_ip_solver_options, solver=solver)
		if cluster_cuts_sub_ip_solver_results.solver.termination_condition == TerminationCondition.optimal and cluster_cuts_sub_ip_problem.main_model.objective() > -1:
			# Check if found cluster size > 0
			cluster_members = [cluster_node for cluster_node in range(len(scores_input)) if cluster_cuts_sub_ip_problem.main_model.cluster_member_variable[cluster_node].value > 0]
			if len(cluster_members) > 0:
				print('Adding CLUSTER cuts to new problem.')
				new_problem_cluster_cut_applied = True
				print('NO CLUSTER cuts applicable.')
			print('NO CLUSTER cuts applicable. Cluster Cut Sub-IP could not be solved.')
		# Cycle cuts
		new_problem_cycle_cut_applied = False
		if cycle_finding_input:
			print('Searching for CYCLE cuts..')
			cycles_found = find_cycles(current_problem.main_model)
			if len(cycles_found) > 0:
				print('Adding CYCLE cuts to new problem.')
				new_problem_cycle_cut_applied = True
				print('NO CYCLE cuts applicable.')
		#### Heuristics ####
		# Sink-Finding Heuristic
		if sink_heuristic:
			heuristic_total_score, heuristic_solutions, sink_heuristic_found = find_sink_heuristic(current_problem)
		if new_problem_cluster_cut_applied or new_problem_cycle_cut_applied:
			if sink_heuristic and sink_heuristic_found:
				print 'Sink heuristic solution score = ' + str(heuristic_total_score)
				# Use the total score obtained to be used as cutoff value
				if heuristic_total_score > best_cutoff_value:
					best_cutoff_value = heuristic_total_score
				solver_options["Cutoff"] = best_cutoff_value
				# Clear all the current variable values
				# Insert the solutions found from sink-finding for warmstart
				for heuristic_key, heuristic_value in heuristic_solutions.iteritems():
					new_problem.main_model.chosen_parent_variable[(heuristic_key[0], heuristic_key[1])].set_value(heuristic_value)	
		# If current_problem's objective value is lower than objective_upper_bound, move on to the next problem	
		if float(current_problem.main_model.objective()) <= objective_upper_bound:
			print('Objective value is LOWER than or EQUAL to the incumbent.')
		all_solutions_integer = True
		variable_to_branch_key = -1
		non_integer_closeness_to_one = sys.maxint
		for parent_key, parent_value in current_problem.main_model.chosen_parent_variable.iteritems():
			if parent_value.value > 0:
				if parent_value.value < 1:
					all_solutions_integer = False
					# Smaller the closer
					if (1.0 - float(parent_value.value)) < non_integer_closeness_to_one:
						variable_to_branch_key = copy.deepcopy(parent_key)
						non_integer_closeness_to_one = 1.0 - float(parent_value.value)

		if all_solutions_integer == True:
			print('INTEGER solution found!')
			objective_upper_bound = float(current_problem.main_model.objective())
			best_solution = copy.deepcopy(current_problem)
			best_solution_solver_results = solver_results
			# Get the variable to branch on: choose the one that has the closest value to 1
			print 'Branching on ' + str(variable_to_branch_key) + ', ' + str(current_problem.main_model.chosen_parent_variable[variable_to_branch_key].value)
			new_problem_branch_1 = copy.deepcopy(current_problem)
			new_problem_branch_2 = copy.deepcopy(current_problem)
			# One problem with less than or equal to floor(non-integer)
			new_problem_branch_1.add_branching(variable_to_branch_key, 'leq')
			new_problem_branch_2.add_branching(variable_to_branch_key, 'geq')
	print 'Final Objective Value: ' + str(best_solution.main_model.objective())
	return best_solution, best_solution_solver_results
Beispiel #2
def solve_model(scores, parents, solver, cycle_finding, gomory_cut, sink_heuristic, **kwargs):
	# Variables to be globally used throughout ilp_model.cussens module
	# Not using class here because we want everything to be accessed as cussens.<name>
	global scores_input, parents_input, solver_input, cycle_finding_input, gomory_cut_input
	scores_input = scores
	parents_input = parents
	solver_input = solver
	cycle_finding_input = cycle_finding
	gomory_cut_input = gomory_cut
	# Generate initial problem
	current_problem = main_model.model_writer(scores_input, parents_input)
	# Generate solver options for the solver selected
	solver_options = generate_solver_options(solver_input, gomory_cut_input)

	# Solution Process Control
	optimal_solution_found = False
	solver_results = None
	best_solution = None

	best_cutoff_value = - sys.maxint
	objective_progress = []
	heuristic_progress = []

	while optimal_solution_found == False:
		# Print empty lines between each iteration for better readability
		print ''
		if sink_heuristic:
			print 'Current cutoff value = ' + str(best_cutoff_value)
		# Send the current problem to the solver
		solver_results = bayene.ilp_solver.call_solver(current_problem.main_model, solver_options, solver = solver, warmstart = True)
		# If the problem is found infeasible, stop the solving process
		if solver_results.solver.termination_condition == TerminationCondition.infeasible:
			optimal_solution_found = True
			print 'Current problem solved successfully, Objective Value = ' + str(current_problem.main_model.objective())
		# Get all the non-zero variables in the main model		
		current_non_zero_solution = {}
		# We need float() and .value because non_zero_value here is a Pyomo object (Don't make a fuss with Pyomo functions)
		for non_zero_key, non_zero_value in current_problem.main_model.chosen_parent_variable.iteritems():
			if float(non_zero_value.value) > 0.0:
				current_non_zero_solution[(non_zero_key[0], non_zero_key[1])] = float(non_zero_value.value)
		#### Cutting Planes ####
		# Cluster (Sub-IP)
		# Generate IP Cluster Cut Finding Model
		print 'Searching for CLUSTER CUTS..'
		cluster_cut_applied = False

		# Generate cluster cut sub-ip problem
		cluster_cuts_sub_ip_problem = cluster_cut_model.model_writer(current_non_zero_solution, len(scores_input), parents_input)
		cluster_cuts_sub_ip_solver_options = {}
		cluster_cuts_sub_ip_solver_options["LogFile"] = ''
		# Send the cluster cut IP problem to the solver
		cluster_cuts_sub_ip_solver_results = bayene.ilp_solver.call_solver(cluster_cuts_sub_ip_problem.main_model,
																		   cluster_cuts_sub_ip_solver_options, solver=solver)
		# If the problem was properly solved (objective should be strictly larger than -1)
		if cluster_cuts_sub_ip_solver_results.solver.termination_condition == TerminationCondition.optimal \
		and cluster_cuts_sub_ip_problem.main_model.objective() > -1:
			# Check if found cluster size > 0
			cluster_members = [node_key for node_key in xrange(len(scores_input))
							   if float(cluster_cuts_sub_ip_problem.main_model.cluster_member_variable[node_key].value) > 0]
			if len(cluster_members) > 0:
				print 'Adding CLUSTER cuts to new problem.'
				cluster_cut_applied = True
				print 'NO CLUSTER cuts applicable.'
			print 'NO CLUSTER cuts applicable. Cluster Cut Sub-IP could not be solved.'
		# Cycle cuts
		cycle_cut_applied = False
		if cycle_finding_input:
			print 'Searching for CYCLE cuts..'
			cycles_found = find_cycles(current_problem.main_model)
			if len(cycles_found) > 0:
				print 'Adding CYCLE cuts to new problem.'
				cycle_cut_applied = True
				print 'NO CYCLE cuts applicable.'
		#### Heuristics ####
		# Sink-Finding Heuristic
		if sink_heuristic:
			print 'Performing Sink-finding algorithm..'
			heuristic_total_score, heuristic_solutions, sink_heuristic_found = find_sink_heuristic(current_problem)
		#### Moving on to Next Iteration ####
		# If either cluster or cycle cut got applied, we should solve the problem again
		if cluster_cut_applied or cycle_cut_applied:
			# If we have a heuristic solution, substitute current_problem with new_problem (which contains a heuristic solution)
			# to allow the solver to make use of the solution.
			if sink_heuristic and sink_heuristic_found:
				print 'Sink heuristic solution score = ' + str(heuristic_total_score)
				# Use the total score obtained to be used as cutoff value
				if heuristic_total_score > best_cutoff_value:
					best_cutoff_value = heuristic_total_score

				# solver_options["Cutoff"] = best_cutoff_value
				# Clear all the current variable values
				# Insert the solutions found from sink-finding for warmstart
				for heuristic_key, heuristic_value in heuristic_solutions.iteritems():
					current_problem.main_model.chosen_parent_variable[(heuristic_key[0], heuristic_key[1])].set_value(heuristic_value)
			# Go to the next iteration of this loop

		# If we don't we need to solve the problem again, the optimal solution is found.
		print 'INTEGER solution found!'
		best_solution = copy.deepcopy(current_problem)
		optimal_solution_found = True
	print 'Final Objective Value: ' + str(best_solution.main_model.objective())
	print 'Number of Cluster Cut Iteration: ' + str(best_solution.add_cluster_cuts_count)
	print 'Number of Cycle Cut Iteration: ' + str(best_solution.add_cycle_cuts_count)
	print 'Number of Total Cycle Cuts: ' + str(best_solution.add_cycle_total_count)
	return best_solution, solver_results, objective_progress, heuristic_progress