def controlFun(self): "processes selected files, clears report, shows results in a report" # progressbar if len(self.root.fileStorage.arenafiles) > 1: self.stoppedProcessing = False self.progressWindow = ProgressWindow(self, len(self.root.fileStorage.arenafiles), text = "controlled") # initialization controls = self.controlFrame.controlsGet() # selected controls self.controlReport.clear(self) # clears report self.controlReport.addControls(controls) # adds selected controls to ControlReport self.problemOccured = False # processing for file in self.root.fileStorage.arenafiles: try: if file in self.root.fileStorage.pairedfiles: cm = CM(file, nameR = self.root.fileStorage.pairedfiles[file]) else: cm = CM(file, nameR = "auto") except Exception: self.problemOccured = True for control in controls: self.controlReport.addFile((control[0], (file, "Failed to load!", "Problem", 9999999))) else: for control in controls: try: assessment = self.assessImportance(cm = cm, control = control, file = file) except Exception: self.problemOccured = True assessment = (control[0], (file, "Failed to compute!", "Problem", 9999998)) self.controlReport.addFile(assessment) if len(self.root.fileStorage.arenafiles) > 1: if self.stoppedProcessing: return else: self.progressWindow.addOne() self.controlReport.updateTree(self) # progressbar and status if len(self.root.fileStorage.arenafiles) > 1: self.progressWindow.destroy() if self.problemOccured: self.status.set("Files were not processed successfully!") self.bell() else: self.status.set("Files were processed successfully.") else: if self.problemOccured: self.status.set("File was not processed successfully!") self.bell() else: self.status.set("File was processed successfully.")
def addReflections(self, file, points): "add reflection points from a set in the 'points' argument for a file in the argument" if file in self.addedReflections: self.addedReflections[file].update(points) else: self.addedReflections[file] = points if file in self.reflections: self.reflections[file].update(points) else: if file in self.pairedfiles: cm = CM(file, nameR = self.pairedfiles[file]) else: cm = CM(file, nameR = "auto") reflections = cm.findReflections(results = "indices") self.reflections[file] = set(reflections[0]) | set(reflections[1]) | points
def saveImages(self): "saves images for selected files" files = self._returnSelectedFiles() if len(files) > 1: progress = ProgressWindow(self, len(files), text = "saved") elif len(files) == 1: self.root.config(cursor = "wait") self.root.update() elif len(files) == 0: self.status.set("No file selected.") self.bell() return problems = 0 for filename in files: try: if filename in self.fileStorage.pairedfiles: cm = CM(filename, nameR = self.fileStorage.pairedfiles[filename]) else: cm = CM(filename, nameR = "auto") if self.removeReflectionsVar.get(): cm.removeReflections(points = self.fileStorage.reflections.get(filename, None)) self.saveOneImage(cm, filename) except Exception: problems += 0 if len(files) > 1: progress.addOne() if len(files) > 1: progress.destroy() if problems > 1: self.status.set("{} problems occured!".format(problems)) self.bell() elif problems == 1: self.status.set("One problem occured!") self.bell() else: self.status.set("Images were saved.") else: if problems: self.status.set("A problem occured!") self.bell() else: self.status.set("Image was saved.") self.root.config(cursor = "")
def postear_en_dlm(self, fecha, diario, secciones): resultados = Resultados() visu = Visualizador() tolkien = Escritor() if '-' in secciones: secciones = secciones.split('-') else: secciones = [secciones] freqs = resultados.frecuencias(fecha=fecha, diario=diario, secciones=secciones, top=20, verbos=False) if not bool(freqs): return path_imagen = os.getcwd() + '/imagenes/' + diario + '-todo.png' visu.nube(path_imagen, freqs, con_espacios=False) texto = tolkien.tweet_tendencias(freqs=freqs, fecha=fecha, diario=diario) textos_e_imagenes = [{'media': [path_imagen], 'texto': texto}] for s in secciones: freqs = resultados.frecuencias(fecha=fecha, diario=diario, secciones=s, top=20, verbos=False) if not bool(freqs): continue path_imagen = os.getcwd( ) + '/imagenes/' + diario + '-' + s + '.png' visu.nube(path_imagen, freqs, con_espacios=False) texto = tolkien.tweet_tendencias(freqs=freqs, fecha=fecha, diario=diario, secciones=s) textos_e_imagenes.append({'media': [path_imagen], 'texto': texto}) cm = CM() cm.twittear_hilo('dicenlosmedios', textos_e_imagenes)
def addReflections(self, file, points): "add reflection points from a set in the 'points' argument for a file in the argument" if file in self.addedReflections: self.addedReflections[file].update(points) else: self.addedReflections[file] = points if file in self.reflections: self.reflections[file].update(points) else: if file in self.pairedfiles: cm = CM(file, nameR=self.pairedfiles[file]) else: cm = CM(file, nameR="auto") reflections = cm.findReflections(results="indices") self.reflections[file] = set(reflections[0]) | set( reflections[1]) | points
def main(): from cm import CM import os import os.path svg = SVG(300, 300) cm = CM(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "TestingFiles", "14rNO465_Arena.dat")) svg.drawAAPA(cm, "room", scale=3, boundary=True, sector=True, shocks=True)"test.svg") os.startfile("test.svg")
def processFun(self): "processes chosen files and saves the results in the save-to file" # files to be processed self.filesToProcess = [file for file in self.fileStorage if \ self.optionFrame.processFile(file)] # checking for mistakes try: self.processCheck() except Exception as e: self.bell() self.status.set(e) return # progressWindow if len(self.filesToProcess) > 1: self.stoppedProcessing = False self.progressWindow = ProgressWindow(self, len(self.filesToProcess)) # selected methods methods = [] for method in Parameters().parameters: if eval("self.parametersF.%sVar.get()" % (method[0].replace(" ", ""))): methods.append(method[0]) # initializations output = self.saveToFrame.saveToVar.get() startTime = float(self.timeFrame.startTimeVar.get()) time = float(self.timeFrame.timeVar.get()) separator = optionGet("ResultSeparator", ",", "str") batchTime = self.selectedBatchTime if self.useBatchTimeVar.get( ) else None self.log = Log(methods, startTime, time, self.filesToProcess, self.fileStorage, self.optionFrame.removeReflectionsWhere.get(), output, batchTime=batchTime) self.someProblem = False developer = optionGet("Developer", False, 'bool') # results header if self.useBatchTimeVar.get(): info = [ method[0] for method in Parameters().parameters if method[2] == "info" ] results = ["File"] for method in methods: if method in info: results.append(method) else: results.extend([ method + " ({}-{})".format(start, end) for start, end in self.selectedBatchTime ]) results = separator.join(results) else: results = separator.join(["File"] + methods) if self.optionFrame.saveTags.get(): results += separator + "Tags" if self.optionFrame.saveComments.get(): results += separator + "Comment" # computing of results for file in self.filesToProcess: # loading of cm object if methods: try: if file in self.fileStorage.pairedfiles: cm = CM(file, nameR=self.fileStorage.pairedfiles[file]) else: cm = CM(file, nameR="auto") if self.optionFrame.removeReflections(file): cm.removeReflections( points=self.fileStorage.reflections.get( file, None)) except Exception as e: if developer: print(e) filename = returnName(filename=file, allFiles=self.fileStorage.arenafiles) results += "\n" + filename + "{}NA".format( separator) * len(methods) self.log.failedToLoad.append(file) self.someProblem = True continue result = [] for method in Parameters().parameters: if method[0] in methods: if self.useBatchTimeVar.get(): for startTime, time in self.selectedBatchTime: try: if method[2] == "custom": exec("from Stuff.Parameters import {}". format(method[5])) result.append(eval(method[1])) if method[2] == "info": break except Exception as e: if developer: print(e) result.append("NA") self.log.methodProblems[method[0]].append(file) self.someProblem = True else: try: if method[2] == "custom": exec("from Stuff.Parameters import {}".format( method[5])) result.append(eval(method[1])) except Exception as e: if developer: print(e) result.append("NA") self.log.methodProblems[method[0]].append(file) self.someProblem = True result = separator.join(map(str, result)) if methods: result = separator + result filename = returnName(filename=file, allFiles=self.fileStorage.arenafiles) results += "\n" + filename + result # tag inclusion in results if self.optionFrame.saveTags.get(): if file in self.fileStorage.tagged: results += separator + "1" else: results += separator + "0" # comment inclusion in results if self.optionFrame.saveComments.get(): results += separator + self.fileStorage.comments[file] # progress window update if len(self.filesToProcess) > 1: if self.stoppedProcessing: writeResults(output, results) self.log.stopped = file self.log.writeLog() self.status.set("Processing stopped") return else: self.progressWindow.addOne() # results and log writing, ending of processing writeResults(output, results) self.log.writeLog() self._setStatusEndProgressWindow() if self.someProblem: ProcessingProblemDialog(self, self.log.filename) elif self.optionFrame.showResults.get(): os.startfile(output)
class ShowTracks(Toplevel): "displays Canvases with trajectory of a selected track" def __init__(self, root, tracks, nameA, controlled=False): super().__init__(root) self["padx"] = 4 self["pady"] = 4 self.title("Track images") self.grab_set() self.focus_set() self.resizable(FALSE, FALSE) self.geometry("+8+40") self.controlled = controlled self.tracks = tracks self.root = root self.fileStorage = self.root.fileStorage self.index = self.tracks.index(nameA) self.enabledManualReflectionsRemoval = False self.size = 6 # size of a mouse circle for reflection removal # number of canvases self.columns = ((self.winfo_screenwidth() - 515) // 290) or 1 self.rows = ((self.winfo_screenheight() - 50) // 290) or 1 self.numberOfCanvases = self.columns * self.rows # canvases self.canvasFrame = ttk.Frame(self) self.canvasFrame.grid(column=0, row=0) self.canvasFrame.root = self for canvasNumber in range(0, self.numberOfCanvases): exec("self.canvas{} = TrackCanvas(self.canvasFrame)".format( canvasNumber)) exec("self.canvas{}.grid(column = {}, row = {}, padx = 2, pady = 2)"\ .format(canvasNumber, canvasNumber % self.columns, canvasNumber // self.columns)) # fileTree (the entire right part) self.fileTree = FileTree(self, files=self.tracks, controlled=controlled) self.fileTree.grid(column=1, row=0, sticky=(N, S, E, W), padx=3, pady=3) # initialization of selected track self.drawTracks(new=True) # event binding self.bind("<Up>", lambda e: self.fileTree.previousFun()) self.bind("<Left>", lambda e: self.fileTree.previousFun()) self.bind("<Down>", lambda e: self.fileTree.nextFun()) self.bind("<Right>", lambda e: self.fileTree.nextFun()) self.bind("<Return>", lambda e: self.drawTracks(new=False)) self.bind("<MouseWheel>", lambda e: self.mouseWheel(e)) self.canvasFrame.bind("<3>", lambda e: self.popUp(e)) # on exit self.protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", lambda: self.closeFun()) def popUp(self, event, canvas=None): "makes pop-up menu with options related to manual reflection removal" menu = Menu(self, tearoff=0) if not self.enabledManualReflectionsRemoval: label = "Enable manual reflection removal" else: label = "Disable manual reflection removal" menu.add_command(label=label, command=self.toggleManualReflectionRemoval) menu.add_separator() if canvas: if canvas.addedReflections: menu.add_command(label="Undo manual changes", command=canvas.undoChanges) else: menu.add_command(label="Undo manual changes", command=canvas.undoChanges, state="disabled") for canvasNumber in range(0, self.numberOfCanvases): if eval("self.canvas{}.addedReflections".format(canvasNumber)): menu.add_command(label="Undo all manual changes", command=self.undoChanges) break else: menu.add_command(label="Undo all manual changes", command=self.undoChanges, state="disabled"), event.y_root) def undoChanges(self): "removes all manually added reflections" self._initializeCM( reflections ="indices") self.fileStorage.reflections[] = set(reflections[0] + reflections[1]) self.fileStorage.addedReflections[] = set() self.drawTracks(new=True) def mouseWheel(self, event): "changes size of a mouse circle used for reflection removal" if self.enabledManualReflectionsRemoval: if event.num == 5 or == -120: self.size -= 1 elif event.num == 4 or == 120: self.size += 1 def toggleManualReflectionRemoval(self): "enables or disables manual reflection removal" if not self.fileTree.removeReflectionsVar.get(): self.fileTree.removeReflectionsVar.set(True) self.fileTree.toggleReflections() self.enabledManualReflectionsRemoval = not self.enabledManualReflectionsRemoval for canvasNumber in range(0, self.numberOfCanvases): exec( "self.canvas{}.toggleReflectionRemoval()".format(canvasNumber)) def setTime(self): "redraws tracks when time is changed" self.drawTracks(new=False) def closeFun(self): "closes the window" if self.controlled: self.root.checkProcessing() else: self.root.root.checkProcessing() self.destroy() def _initializeCM(self, file): "initializes" if file in self.fileStorage.pairedfiles: = CM(file, nameR=self.fileStorage.pairedfiles[file]) else: = CM(file, nameR="auto") def drawTracks(self, new=True): "draws selected track" if new: file = self.fileTree.files[self.fileTree.index] self._initializeCM(file) if self.fileTree.removeReflectionsVar.get(): if not in self.fileStorage.reflections: reflections ="indices") self.fileStorage.reflections[] = set( reflections[0] + reflections[1]) points=self.fileStorage.reflections[], deleteSame=True) d = stopTime = int(self.fileTree.timeFrame.timeVar.get()) * 60000 startTime = int(self.fileTree.timeFrame.startTimeVar.get()) * 60000 timeRange = stopTime - startTime # draws the track divided in equal time intervals for canvasNumber in range(0, self.numberOfCanvases): rangeBegin = startTime + timeRange * canvasNumber / self.numberOfCanvases rangeEnd = startTime + timeRange * (canvasNumber + 1) / self.numberOfCanvases if self.fileTree.frameVar.get() == "arena": selectData = [line[7:9] + [line[0]] for line in if \ rangeBegin <= line[1] <= rangeEnd] if self.fileTree.frameVar.get() == "room": selectData = [line[2:4] + [line[0]] for line in if \ rangeBegin <= line[1] <= rangeEnd] exec("self.canvas{}.drawTrack(d, data = selectData)".format( canvasNumber))
def _initializeCM(self, file): "initializes" if file in self.fileStorage.pairedfiles: = CM(file, nameR=self.fileStorage.pairedfiles[file]) else: = CM(file, nameR="auto")
class ShowTracks(Toplevel): "displays Canvases with trajectory of a selected track" def __init__(self, root, tracks, nameA, time = "auto", controlled = False): super().__init__(root) self["padx"] = 4 self["pady"] = 4 self.title("Track images") self.grab_set() self.focus_set() self.resizable(FALSE, FALSE) self.geometry("+8+40") self.controlled = controlled self.tracks = tracks self.root = root self.fileStorage = self.root.fileStorage self.index = self.tracks.index(nameA) self.enabledManualReflectionsRemoval = False self.size = 6 # size of a mouse circle for reflection removal # number of canvases self.columns = ((self.winfo_screenwidth() - 515) // 290) or 1 self.rows = ((self.winfo_screenheight() - 50 )// 290) or 1 self.numberOfCanvases = self.columns * self.rows # canvases self.canvasFrame = ttk.Frame(self) self.canvasFrame.grid(column = 0, row = 0) self.canvasFrame.root = self for canvasNumber in range(0, self.numberOfCanvases): exec("self.canvas{} = TrackCanvas(self.canvasFrame)".format(canvasNumber)) exec("self.canvas{}.grid(column = {}, row = {}, padx = 2, pady = 2)"\ .format(canvasNumber, canvasNumber % self.columns, canvasNumber // self.columns)) # fileTree (the entire right part) self.fileTree = FileTree(self, files = self.tracks, time = time, controlled = controlled) self.fileTree.grid(column = 1, row = 0, sticky = (N, S, E, W), padx = 3, pady = 3) # initialization of selected track self.drawTracks(new = True) # event binding self.bind("<Up>", lambda e: self.fileTree.previousFun()) self.bind("<Left>", lambda e: self.fileTree.previousFun()) self.bind("<Down>", lambda e: self.fileTree.nextFun()) self.bind("<Right>", lambda e: self.fileTree.nextFun()) self.bind("<Return>", lambda e: self.drawTracks(new = False)) self.bind("<MouseWheel>", lambda e: self.mouseWheel(e)) self.canvasFrame.bind("<3>", lambda e: self.popUp(e)) # on exit self.protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", lambda: self.closeFun()) def popUp(self, event, canvas = None): "makes pop-up menu with options related to manual reflection removal" menu = Menu(self, tearoff = 0) if not self.enabledManualReflectionsRemoval: label = "Enable manual reflection removal" else: label = "Disable manual reflection removal" menu.add_command(label = label, command = self.toggleManualReflectionRemoval) if canvas: if canvas.addedReflections: menu.add_command(label = "Undo manual changes", command = canvas.undoChanges) else: menu.add_command(label = "Undo manual changes", command = canvas.undoChanges, state = "disabled") for canvasNumber in range(0, self.numberOfCanvases): if eval("self.canvas{}.addedReflections".format(canvasNumber)): menu.add_command(label = "Undo all manual changes", command = self.undoChanges) break else: menu.add_command(label = "Undo all manual changes", command = self.undoChanges, state = "disabled"), event.y_root) def undoChanges(self): "removes all manually added reflections" self._initializeCM( reflections = = "indices") self.fileStorage.reflections[] = set(reflections[0] + reflections[1]) self.fileStorage.addedReflections[] = set() self.drawTracks(new = True) def mouseWheel(self, event): "changes size of a mouse circle used for reflection removal" if self.enabledManualReflectionsRemoval: if event.num == 5 or == - 120: self.size -= 1 elif event.num == 4 or == 120: self.size += 1 def toggleManualReflectionRemoval(self): "enables or disables manual reflection removal" self.enabledManualReflectionsRemoval = not self.enabledManualReflectionsRemoval for canvasNumber in range(0, self.numberOfCanvases): exec("self.canvas{}.toggleReflectionRemoval()".format(canvasNumber)) def setTime(self): "redraws tracks when time is changed" self.drawTracks(new = False) def closeFun(self): "closes the window" if self.controlled: self.root.checkProcessing() else: self.root.root.checkProcessing() self.destroy() def _initializeCM(self, file): "initializes" if file in self.fileStorage.pairedfiles: = CM(file, nameR = self.fileStorage.pairedfiles[file]) else: = CM(file, nameR = "auto") def drawTracks(self, new = True): "draws selected track" if new: file = self.fileTree.files[self.fileTree.index] self._initializeCM(file) if self.fileTree.removeReflectionsVar.get(): if not in self.fileStorage.reflections: reflections = = "indices") self.fileStorage.reflections[] = set(reflections[0] + reflections[1]) = self.fileStorage.reflections[], deleteSame = True) d = stopTime = int(self.fileTree.timeFrame.timeVar.get()) * 60000 startTime = int(self.fileTree.timeFrame.startTimeVar.get()) * 60000 timeRange = stopTime - startTime # draws the track divided in equal time intervals for canvasNumber in range(0, self.numberOfCanvases): rangeBegin = startTime + timeRange * canvasNumber / self.numberOfCanvases rangeEnd = startTime + timeRange * (canvasNumber + 1) / self.numberOfCanvases if self.fileTree.frameVar.get() == "arena": selectData = [line[7:9] + [line[0]] for line in if \ rangeBegin <= line[1] <= rangeEnd] if self.fileTree.frameVar.get() == "room": selectData = [line[2:4] + [line[0]] for line in if \ rangeBegin <= line[1] <= rangeEnd] exec("self.canvas{}.drawTrack(d, data = selectData)".format(canvasNumber))
def postear_contador(self, fecha, concepto): resultados = Resultados() tolkien = Escritor() terminos = { 'cfk': [ 'CFK', 'Kirchner', 'Cristina', 'Cristina Kirchner', 'Cristina Fernández', 'Cristina Fernández de Kirchner', 'Cristina Fernández De Kirchner', 'Vicepresidenta' ], 'dolar': ['dólar', 'US$', 'Dólar'], 'corrupcion': ['corrupción', 'corrupto', 'Corrupción'], 'larreta': [ 'Larreta', 'Horacio Larreta', 'Rodríguez Larreta', 'Horacio Rodríguez', 'Horacio Rodríguez Larreta' ], 'venezuela': [ 'Venezuela', 'Nicolás Maduro', 'Maduro', 'Chávez', 'Hugo Chávez', 'Chavez', 'Hugo Chavez' ], 'inseguridad': ['inseguridad', 'inseguro'], 'miedo': ['miedo', 'muerte', 'muerto', 'muerta', 'asesinato', 'horror'] } tabla = {} for medio in [ medio for medio in tolkien.hashtags.keys() if medio != 'casarosada' ]: freqs = resultados.frecuencias(fecha=fecha, diario=medio, verbos=False, top=2000) if not bool(freqs): continue total = sum( [f[1] for f in freqs.items() if f[0] in terminos[concepto]]) if total == 0: continue tabla[medio] = total if len(tabla) == 0: return ordenada = { k: v for k, v in sorted( tabla.items(), key=lambda item: item[1], reverse=True) } texto = tolkien.tweet_contador(concepto=concepto, freqs=ordenada, fecha=fecha) cm = CM() cm.twittear_texto('dicenlosmedios', texto)
def postear_en_discursoshistoricos(self, cuenta, fecha=None): resultados = Resultados() kiosco = Kiosco() visu = Visualizador() tolkien = Escritor() presidente, subfijopng, hashtag = self.info_cuenta(cuenta) # recupero frecuencias al azar freqs =[{ '$match': { 'presidente': presidente } }, { '$sample': { 'size': 1 } }]) if not bool(freqs): return cm = CM() for freq in freqs: # recupero texto del discurso discurso = kiosco.noticias(diario='casarosada', url=freq['url'])[0] # armo tweet con el discurso en imagenes texto = " ".join( re.split("\s+", discurso['texto'], flags=re.UNICODE)) paths_imagenes = visu.texto_en_imagenes( texto, 'calibri.ttf', 17, 800, 600, os.getcwd() + "/imagenes/intro" + subfijopng) # TODO: la fecha esta MAL. pasar de date a string. tw_intro = { 'texto': "Discurso del " + tolkien.separar_fecha(fecha=freq['fecha']) + " de " + hashtag + ". Hilo 👇", 'media': paths_imagenes } # armo textos del tweet txt_sustantivos = tolkien.texto_tweet_sustantivos_discurso( freq['sustxt']) txt_adjetivos = tolkien.texto_tweet_adjetivos_discurso( freq['adjtxt']) # armo tweet con top 15 de terminos path_imagen_sustantivos = os.getcwd( ) + '/imagenes/sustantivos_discurso' + subfijopng + '.png' etiquetas_sustantivos = [ nombre for nombre, m in freq['sustxt'].items() ][:15] data_sustantivos = [m for nombre, m in freq['sustxt'].items()][:15] visu.lollipop(path=path_imagen_sustantivos, colormap=visu.cmap_del_dia(), titulo="Frecuencia de sustantivos", etiquetas=etiquetas_sustantivos, unidad="cantidad de apariciones", valfmt="{x:.0f}", data=data_sustantivos) tw_terminos = { 'texto': txt_sustantivos, 'media': [path_imagen_sustantivos] } # armo tweet con top 15 de verbos path_imagen_adjetivos = os.getcwd( ) + '/imagenes/adjetivos_discurso' + subfijopng + '.png' etiquetas_adjetivos = [ nombre for nombre, m in freq['adjtxt'].items() ][:15] data_adjetivos = [m for nombre, m in freq['adjtxt'].items()][:15] visu.lollipop(path=path_imagen_adjetivos, colormap=visu.cmap_del_dia(), titulo="Frecuencia de adjetivos", etiquetas=etiquetas_adjetivos, unidad="cantidad de apariciones", valfmt="{x:.0f}", data=data_adjetivos) tw_verbos = { 'texto': txt_adjetivos, 'media': [path_imagen_adjetivos] } # el CM twittea cm.twittear_hilo(cuenta, [tw_intro, tw_terminos, tw_verbos])
def postear_en_discursosdeaf(self, fecha): resultados = Resultados() kiosco = Kiosco() visu = Visualizador() tolkien = Escritor() # recupero frecuencias del discurso freqs =[{ '$match': { 'presidente': 'alberto', 'fecha': fecha } }]) if not bool(freqs): return cm = CM() for freq in freqs: # recupero texto del discurso discurso = kiosco.noticias(diario='casarosada', url=freq['url'])[0] # armo tweet con el discurso en imagenes texto = " ".join( re.split("\s+", discurso['texto'], flags=re.UNICODE)) paths_imagenes = visu.texto_en_imagenes( texto, 'calibri.ttf', 17, 800, 600, os.getcwd() + "/imagenes/introaf") tw_intro = { 'texto': "Discurso del " + tolkien.separar_fecha(fecha=freq['fecha']) + " de #AlbertoFernández. Hilo 👇", 'media': paths_imagenes } # armo textos del tweet txt_sustantivos = tolkien.texto_tweet_sustantivos_discurso( freq['sustxt']) txt_adjetivos = tolkien.texto_tweet_adjetivos_discurso( freq['adjtxt']) # armo tweet con top 15 de terminos path_imagen_sustantivos = os.getcwd( ) + '/imagenes/sustantivos_discursoaf.png' etiquetas_sustantivos = [ nombre for nombre, m in freq['sustxt'].items() ][:15] data_sustantivos = [m for nombre, m in freq['sustxt'].items()][:15] visu.lollipop(path=path_imagen_sustantivos, colormap=visu.cmap_del_dia(), titulo="Frecuencia de sustantivos", etiquetas=etiquetas_sustantivos, unidad="cantidad de apariciones", valfmt="{x:.0f}", data=data_sustantivos) tw_terminos = { 'texto': txt_sustantivos, 'media': [path_imagen_sustantivos] } # armo tweet con top 15 de verbos path_imagen_adjetivos = os.getcwd( ) + '/imagenes/adjetivos_discursoaf.png' etiquetas_adjetivos = [ nombre for nombre, m in freq['adjtxt'].items() ][:15] data_adjetivos = [m for nombre, m in freq['adjtxt'].items()][:15] visu.lollipop(path=path_imagen_adjetivos, colormap=visu.cmap_del_dia(), titulo="Frecuencia de adjetivos", etiquetas=etiquetas_adjetivos, unidad="cantidad de apariciones", valfmt="{x:.0f}", data=data_adjetivos) tw_verbos = { 'texto': txt_adjetivos, 'media': [path_imagen_adjetivos] } # el CM twittea cm.twittear_hilo('discursosdeaf', [tw_intro, tw_terminos, tw_verbos])
def processFun(self): "processes chosen files and saves the results in the save-to file" # checking for mistakes try: self.processCheck() except Exception as e: self.bell() self.status.set(e) return # files to be processed self.filesToProcess = [file for file in self.root.fileStorage.arenafiles if \ self.optionFrame.processFile(file)] # progressWindow and check for number of files for processing if len(self.filesToProcess) > 1: self.stoppedProcessing = False self.progressWindow = ProgressWindow(self, len(self.filesToProcess)) elif len(self.filesToProcess) == 0: self.bell() self.status.set("There is no file selected for processing!") return # selected methods methods = [] for method in Parameters().parameters: if eval("self.parametersF.%sVar.get()" % (method[0].replace(" ", ""))): methods.append(method[0]) output = self.saveToFrame.saveToVar.get() startTime = float(self.timeFrame.startTimeVar.get()) time = float(self.timeFrame.timeVar.get()) separator = optionGet("ResultSeparator", ",", "str") results = separator.join(["File"] + methods) if self.optionFrame.saveTags.get(): results += separator + "Tags" self.log = Log(methods, startTime, time, self.filesToProcess, self.root.fileStorage, self.optionFrame.removeReflectionsWhere.get(), output) self.someProblem = False developer = optionGet("Developer", False, 'bool') for file in self.filesToProcess: # loading of cm object if methods: try: if file in self.root.fileStorage.pairedfiles: cm = CM(file, nameR = self.root.fileStorage.pairedfiles[file]) else: cm = CM(file, nameR = "auto") if self.optionFrame.removeReflections(file): cm.removeReflections(points = self.root.fileStorage.reflections.get(file, None)) except Exception as e: if developer: print(e) filename = returnName(filename = file, allFiles = self.root.fileStorage.arenafiles) results += "\n" + filename + "{}NA".format(separator) * len(methods) self.log.failedToLoad.append(file) self.someProblem = True continue result = [] for method in Parameters().parameters: if method[0] in methods: try: if method[2] == "custom": exec("from Stuff.Parameters import {}".format(method[5])) result.append(eval(method[1])) except Exception as e: if developer: print(e) result.append("NA") self.log.methodProblems[method[0]].append(file) self.someProblem = True result = separator.join(map(str, result)) if methods: result = separator + result filename = returnName(filename = file, allFiles = self.root.fileStorage.arenafiles) results += "\n" + filename + result if self.optionFrame.saveTags.get(): # tag inclusion in results if file in self.root.fileStorage.tagged: results += separator + "1" else: results += separator + "0" if len(self.filesToProcess) > 1: if self.stoppedProcessing: writeResults(output, results) self.log.stopped = file self.log.writeLog() self.status.set("Processing stopped") return else: self.progressWindow.addOne() writeResults(output, results) self.log.writeLog() # change of status bar and closing of progressWindow if len(self.filesToProcess) > 1: if self.someProblem: self.status.set("Files were processed.") else: self.status.set("Files were processed successfully.") self.progressWindow.destroy() else: if self.someProblem: self.status.set("File was processed.") else: self.status.set("File was processed successfully.") # removal of files from fileStorage if selected if self.optionFrame.clearFilesAfterProcessing.get(): for file in self.filesToProcess: self.root.fileStorage.arenafiles.remove(file) self.fileStorageFrame.chosenVar.set(len(self.root.fileStorage.arenafiles)) if not self.root.fileStorage.arenafiles: self.fileStorageFrame.removeFiles.state(["disabled"]) self.process.state(["disabled"]) if self.someProblem: ProcessingProblemDialog(self, self.log.filename)
def processFun(self): "processes chosen files and saves the results in the save-to file" # checking for mistakes try: self.processCheck() except Exception as e: self.bell() self.status.set(e) return # files to be processed self.filesToProcess = [file for file in self.root.fileStorage.arenafiles if \ self.optionFrame.processFile(file)] # progressWindow and check for number of files for processing if len(self.filesToProcess) > 1: self.stoppedProcessing = False self.progressWindow = ProgressWindow(self, len(self.filesToProcess)) elif len(self.filesToProcess) == 0: self.bell() self.status.set("There is no file selected for processing!") return # selected methods methods = [] for method in Parameters().parameters: if eval("self.parametersF.%sVar.get()" % (method[0].replace(" ", ""))): methods.append(method[0]) output = self.saveToFrame.saveToVar.get() startTime = float(self.timeFrame.startTimeVar.get()) time = float(self.timeFrame.timeVar.get()) separator = optionGet("ResultSeparator", ",", "str") results = separator.join(["File"] + methods) if self.optionFrame.saveTags.get(): results += separator + "Tags" self.log = Log(methods, startTime, time, self.filesToProcess, self.root.fileStorage, self.optionFrame.removeReflectionsWhere.get(), output) self.someProblem = False developer = optionGet("Developer", False, 'bool') for file in self.filesToProcess: # loading of cm object if methods: try: if file in self.root.fileStorage.pairedfiles: cm = CM(file, nameR=self.root.fileStorage.pairedfiles[file]) else: cm = CM(file, nameR="auto") if self.optionFrame.removeReflections(file): cm.removeReflections( points=self.root.fileStorage.reflections.get( file, None)) except Exception as e: if developer: print(e) filename = returnName( filename=file, allFiles=self.root.fileStorage.arenafiles) results += "\n" + filename + "{}NA".format( separator) * len(methods) self.log.failedToLoad.append(file) self.someProblem = True continue result = [] for method in Parameters().parameters: if method[0] in methods: try: if method[2] == "custom": exec("from Stuff.Parameters import {}".format( method[5])) result.append(eval(method[1])) except Exception as e: if developer: print(e) result.append("NA") self.log.methodProblems[method[0]].append(file) self.someProblem = True result = separator.join(map(str, result)) if methods: result = separator + result filename = returnName(filename=file, allFiles=self.root.fileStorage.arenafiles) results += "\n" + filename + result if self.optionFrame.saveTags.get(): # tag inclusion in results if file in self.root.fileStorage.tagged: results += separator + "1" else: results += separator + "0" if len(self.filesToProcess) > 1: if self.stoppedProcessing: writeResults(output, results) self.log.stopped = file self.log.writeLog() self.status.set("Processing stopped") return else: self.progressWindow.addOne() writeResults(output, results) self.log.writeLog() # change of status bar and closing of progressWindow if len(self.filesToProcess) > 1: if self.someProblem: self.status.set("Files were processed.") else: self.status.set("Files were processed successfully.") self.progressWindow.destroy() else: if self.someProblem: self.status.set("File was processed.") else: self.status.set("File was processed successfully.") # removal of files from fileStorage if selected if self.optionFrame.clearFilesAfterProcessing.get(): for file in self.filesToProcess: self.root.fileStorage.arenafiles.remove(file) self.fileStorageFrame.chosenVar.set( len(self.root.fileStorage.arenafiles)) if not self.root.fileStorage.arenafiles: self.fileStorageFrame.removeFiles.state(["disabled"]) self.process.state(["disabled"]) if self.someProblem: ProcessingProblemDialog(self, self.log.filename)
def _initializeCM(self, file): "initializes" if file in self.fileStorage.pairedfiles: = CM(file, nameR = self.fileStorage.pairedfiles[file]) else: = CM(file, nameR = "auto")
class Explorer(ttk.Frame): "represents ''Explore' page in the main window notebook" def __init__(self, root): super().__init__(root) self["padding"] = (10, 10, 12, 12) self.animate = "stop" self.initialized = False self.root = root self.fileStorage = self.root.fileStorage # variables self.status = StringVar() self.curTime = DoubleVar() self.speed = DoubleVar() self.graphTypeVar = StringVar() self.distanceVar = StringVar() self.entrancesVar = StringVar() self.timeVar = StringVar() self.totDistanceVar = StringVar() self.totEntrancesVar = StringVar() self.showTrackVar = BooleanVar() self.removeReflectionsVar = BooleanVar() self.showShocksVar = BooleanVar() self.saveWhatVar = StringVar() self.saveWhichFilesVar = StringVar() self.curTime.set(0) self.speed.set(1.0) self.graphTypeVar.set("SpeedGraph(self)") self.showTrackVar.set(False) self.removeReflectionsVar.set(False) self.showShocksVar.set(True) self.saveWhatVar.set("both frames") self.saveWhichFilesVar.set("current") # frames self.controlsLF = ttk.Labelframe(self, text = "Controls") self.graphLF = ttk.Labelframe(self, text = "Graph") self.fileStorageFrame = FileStorageFrame(self, parent = "explorer") self.fileFrame = FileFrame(self) self.parametersLF = ttk.LabelFrame(self, text = "Parameters") self.timeLabFrame = ttk.Labelframe(self, text = "Time") self.timeLabFrame.root = self self.timeFrame = TimeFrame(self.timeLabFrame, onChange = True) self.arenaFrame = ttk.LabelFrame(self, text = "Arena frame") self.roomFrame = ttk.LabelFrame(self, text = "Room frame") self.speedScaleFrame = ttk.Frame(self) self.speedScaleFrame.rowconfigure(0, weight = 1) self.optionsLF = ttk.LabelFrame(self, text = "Options") self.saveImagesLF = ttk.LabelFrame(self, text = "Save image(s)") # canvases self.arenaCanv = Canvas(self.arenaFrame, background = "white", height = 300, width = 300) self.roomCanv = Canvas(self.roomFrame, background = "white", height = 300, width = 300) # buttons self.playBut = ttk.Button(self.controlsLF, text = "Play", command = self.playFun, state = "disabled") self.pauseBut = ttk.Button(self.controlsLF, text = "Pause", command = self.pauseFun, state = "disabled") self.stopBut = ttk.Button(self.controlsLF, text = "Stop", command = self.stopFun, state = "disabled") self.saveBut = ttk.Button(self.saveImagesLF, text = "Save", command = self.saveImages, state = "disabled") # checkbuttons self.removeReflections = ttk.Checkbutton(self.optionsLF, text = "Remove reflections", variable = self.removeReflectionsVar, command = self.toggleReflections) self.showShocks = ttk.Checkbutton(self.optionsLF, text = "Show shocks", variable = self.showShocksVar, command = self.toggleShocks) # radiobutton self.showTrack = ttk.Radiobutton(self.optionsLF, text = "Show track", variable = self.showTrackVar, value = True, command = self.toggleAnimation) self.showAnimation = ttk.Radiobutton(self.optionsLF, text = "Show animation", variable = self.showTrackVar, value = False, command = self.toggleAnimation) # label self.statusBar = ttk.Label(self, textvariable = self.status) self.distance = ttk.Label(self.parametersLF, textvariable = self.distanceVar, width = 10, anchor = "e") self.entrances = ttk.Label(self.parametersLF, textvariable = self.entrancesVar, width = 10, anchor = "e") self.timePar = ttk.Label(self.parametersLF, textvariable = self.timeVar, width = 10, anchor = "e") self.totDistance = ttk.Label(self.parametersLF, textvariable = self.totDistanceVar, width = 10, anchor = "e") self.totEntrances = ttk.Label(self.parametersLF, textvariable = self.totEntrancesVar, width = 10, anchor = "e") self.distanceLab = ttk.Label(self.parametersLF, text = "Distance [m]", width = 11, anchor = "w") self.entrancesLab = ttk.Label(self.parametersLF, text = "Entrances", width = 11, anchor = "w") self.timeLab = ttk.Label(self.parametersLF, text = "Time", width = 11, anchor = "w") self.currentLab = ttk.Label(self.parametersLF, text = "Current", width = 10, anchor = "e") self.totalLab = ttk.Label(self.parametersLF, text = "Total", width = 10, anchor = "e") self.saveWhatLab = ttk.Label(self.saveImagesLF, text = "Save") self.saveWhichFilesLab = ttk.Label(self.saveImagesLF, text = "File(s)") # scales self.timeSc = ttk.Scale(self, orient = HORIZONTAL, from_ = 0, to = 100, variable = self.curTime, command = self.changedTime) self.speedSc = ttk.Scale(self.speedScaleFrame, orient = VERTICAL, from_ = 50, to = 0.5, variable = self.speed, command = self.changedSpeed) # entry self.speedEntry = ttk.Entry(self.speedScaleFrame, textvariable = self.speed, width = 4, justify = "right", state = "readonly") # graph self.graph = eval(self.graphTypeVar.get()) self.graph.bind("<Button-1>", self.graphClick) self.graph.bind("<Button-3>", self.graphPopUp) # combobox self.saveWhatCombo = ttk.Combobox(self.saveImagesLF, textvariable = self.saveWhatVar, justify = "center", width = 15, state = "readonly") self.saveWhatCombo["values"] = ("arena frame", "room frame", "both frames", "graph", "all") self.saveWhichFilesCombo = ttk.Combobox(self.saveImagesLF, textvariable = self.saveWhichFilesVar, justify = "center", width = 15, state = "readonly") self.saveWhichFilesCombo["values"] = ("current", "tagged", "untagged", "all") # adding to grid self.controlsLF.grid(column = 0, row = 3, columnspan = 2, sticky = (N, W), pady = 2, padx = 2) self.graphLF.grid(column = 0, row = 5, columnspan = 1, pady = 2, padx = 2, sticky = (N, W)) self.fileStorageFrame.grid(column = 8, row = 0, pady = 2, padx = 3, sticky = (N, W)) self.fileFrame.grid(column = 8, row = 1, rowspan = 4, padx = 3, sticky = (N, S)) self.parametersLF.grid(column = 3, row = 3, columnspan = 3) self.timeLabFrame.grid(column = 2, row = 5, columnspan = 3, sticky = (W, N), pady = 2) self.timeFrame.grid(column = 0, row = 0) self.arenaFrame.grid(column = 0, row = 0, rowspan = 2, columnspan = 3, sticky = (N, S, E, W), padx = 2, pady = 2) self.roomFrame.grid(column = 3, row = 0, rowspan = 2, columnspan = 4, sticky = (N, S, E, W), padx = 2, pady = 2) self.speedScaleFrame.grid(column = 7, row = 0, rowspan = 2, sticky = (N, S), padx = 4, pady = 2) self.optionsLF.grid(column = 5, row = 5, columnspan = 2, sticky = (N, W), pady = 2) self.saveImagesLF.grid(column = 8, row = 5, sticky = (S), pady = 5) self.arenaCanv.grid(column = 0, row = 0, padx = 1, pady = 1) self.roomCanv.grid(column = 0, row = 0, padx = 1, pady = 1) self.graph.grid(column = 0, row = 4, columnspan = 7, padx = 2, pady = 5, sticky = (E, W)) self.playBut.grid(column = 0, row = 0, sticky = (N, S), padx = 2, pady = 2) self.pauseBut.grid(column = 1, row = 0, sticky = (N, S), padx = 2, pady = 2) self.stopBut.grid(column = 2, row = 0, sticky = (N, S), padx = 2, pady = 2) self.saveBut.grid(column = 1, row = 2, sticky = E) self.removeReflections.grid(column = 0, row = 2, padx = 2, pady = 2, sticky = (N, W)) self.showShocks.grid(column = 0, row = 3, padx = 2, pady = 2, sticky = (N, W)) self.showAnimation.grid(column = 0, row = 0, padx = 2, pady = 1, sticky = (N, W)) self.showTrack.grid(column = 0, row = 1, padx = 2, pady = 1, sticky = (N, W)) self.speedEntry.grid(column = 0, row = 1) self.statusBar.grid(column = 0, row = 6, columnspan = 7, sticky = (S, E, W), padx = 2, pady = 2) self.distance.grid(column = 1, row = 1, sticky = E) self.entrances.grid(column = 1, row = 2, sticky = E) self.timePar.grid(column = 1, row = 3, sticky = E) self.totDistance.grid(column = 2, row = 1, sticky = E, padx = 4) self.totEntrances.grid(column = 2, row = 2, sticky = E, padx = 4) self.distanceLab.grid(column = 0, row = 1, sticky = E) self.entrancesLab.grid(column = 0, row = 2, sticky = E) self.timeLab.grid(column = 0, row = 3, sticky = E) self.currentLab.grid(column = 1, row = 0, sticky = E, padx = 2, pady = 2) self.totalLab.grid(column = 2, row = 0, sticky = E, padx = 4, pady = 2) self.saveWhatLab.grid(column = 0, row = 0, padx = 2, sticky = E) self.saveWhichFilesLab.grid(column = 0, row = 1, padx = 2, sticky = E) self.timeSc.grid(column = 0, row = 2, columnspan = 7, sticky = (E, W), pady = 4, padx = 2) self.speedSc.grid(column = 0, row = 0, sticky = (N, S, E, W), pady = 3) self.saveWhatCombo.grid(column = 1, row = 0) self.saveWhichFilesCombo.grid(column = 1, row = 1) # checkbuttons for graph for number, gType in enumerate(getGraphTypes()): ttk.Radiobutton(self.graphLF, text = gType[0], variable = self.graphTypeVar, command = self.changedGraph, value = gType[1])\ .grid(row = number, pady = 2, padx = 1, sticky = (W)) def saveImages(self): "saves images for selected files" files = self._returnSelectedFiles() if len(files) > 1: progress = ProgressWindow(self, len(files), text = "saved") elif len(files) == 1: self.root.config(cursor = "wait") self.root.update() elif len(files) == 0: self.status.set("No file selected.") self.bell() return problems = 0 for filename in files: try: if filename in self.fileStorage.pairedfiles: cm = CM(filename, nameR = self.fileStorage.pairedfiles[filename]) else: cm = CM(filename, nameR = "auto") if self.removeReflectionsVar.get(): cm.removeReflections(points = self.fileStorage.reflections.get(filename, None)) self.saveOneImage(cm, filename) except Exception: problems += 0 if len(files) > 1: progress.addOne() if len(files) > 1: progress.destroy() if problems > 1: self.status.set("{} problems occured!".format(problems)) self.bell() elif problems == 1: self.status.set("One problem occured!") self.bell() else: self.status.set("Images were saved.") else: if problems: self.status.set("A problem occured!") self.bell() else: self.status.set("Image was saved.") self.root.config(cursor = "") def saveOneImage(self, cm, filename): "saves image for one file" directory = optionGet("ImageDirectory", os.getcwd(), "str") # pridat moznost scale u vsech SVG what = self.saveWhatVar.get() if what == "both frames": self.svg = SVG(600, 300) self.saveArenaFrame(cm) self.saveRoomFrame(cm, origin = (300, 0)) elif what == "arena frame": self.svg = SVG(300, 300) self.saveArenaFrame(cm) elif what == "room frame": self.svg = SVG(300, 300) self.saveRoomFrame(cm) elif what == "graph": self.svg = SVG(600, 120) self.saveGraph(cm) elif what == "all": self.svg = SVG(600, 420) self.saveArenaFrame(cm) self.saveRoomFrame(cm, origin = (300, 0)) self.saveGraph(cm, origin = (0, 300)), os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(filename))[0] + "_" + what.replace(" ", "_") + ".svg")) # upravit def saveArenaFrame(self, cm, origin = (0, 0)): "saves info about arena frame in self.svg" self.svg.drawAAPA(cm, frame = "arena", startTime = int(self.timeFrame.startTimeVar.get()), time = int(self.timeFrame.timeVar.get()), boundary = True, sector = False, shocks = False, origin = origin) # dat do options def saveRoomFrame(self, cm, origin = (0, 0)): "saves info about room frame in self.svg" self.svg.drawAAPA(cm, frame = "room", startTime = int(self.timeFrame.startTimeVar.get()), time = int(self.timeFrame.timeVar.get()), boundary = True, sector = True, shocks = True, origin = origin) def saveGraph(self, cm, origin = (0, 0)): "saves info about graph in self.svg" size = (600, 120) graph = eval(self.graphTypeVar.get()[:-1] + ', cm, purpose = "svg")') yCoordinates, maxY, furtherText = graph.saveGraph(cm) points = [] if yCoordinates: length = len(yCoordinates) - 1 for count, y in enumerate(yCoordinates): points.append(((count * size[0]) / length, size[1] - ((y * size[1]) / maxY))) self.svg.drawGraph(points, furtherText = furtherText, origin = origin, boundary = True) def _returnSelectedFiles(self): "returns files that are chosen for creating of images" which = self.saveWhichFilesVar.get() files = [] if which == "all": files.extend(self.fileStorage.arenafiles) elif which == "tagged": files.extend(self.fileStorage.tagged) elif which == "untagged": files.extend([file for file in self.fileStorage.arenafiles if file not in self.fileStorage.tagged]) elif which == "current": files = [self.fileFrame.selected] return files def toggleAnimation(self): "called when checkbutton for showing tracks is toggled" if self.initialized: self.initializeFile(self.fileFrame.selected, new = False, timeReset = False) def toggleReflections(self): "called when reflections removal is changed - just refreshes canvases" if self.initialized: if self.removeReflectionsVar.get(): = self.fileStorage.reflections.get(, None)) = self.initializeFile(self.fileFrame.selected, new = False, timeReset = False) else: self.initializeFile(self.fileFrame.selected, new = True, timeReset = False) def toggleShocks(self): "called when checkbutton for showing shocks is toggled" if self.initialized and self.showTrackVar.get(): self.initializeFile(self.fileFrame.selected, new = False, timeReset = False) def playFun(self): "starts animation" self.timeFrame.changeState("disabled") self.showTrack["state"] = "disabled" self.saveBut.state(["disabled"]) self.animate = "" # status of the animation - '', 'pause', 'stop' prevTime = time() while not self.animate: # finds current time nowTime = time() difTime = (nowTime - prevTime) * 1000 playTime = difTime * self.speed.get() + ( self.curTime.get() * (self.maxTime - self.minTime) / 100) + self.minTime if playTime > self.maxTime: self.curTime.set(100) self.timeVar.set(self._timeFormat(self.maxTime)) self.animate = "stop" self.timeFrame.changeState("!disabled") self.showTrack["state"] = "!disabled" self.saveBut.state(["!disabled"]) break self.changedTime(playTime, unit = "ms") prevTime = nowTime def changedTime(self, value, unit = "0-100"): "called when time is changed" if not self.initialized or self.minTime > self.maxTime or self.maxTime < self.minTime: return if unit == "ms": value = value else: value = ((float(value) * (self.maxTime - self.minTime)) / 100) + self.minTime # finds current line in data and computes current distance and entrances x0, y0 =[0][7:9] dist = 0 entrances = 0 prev = 0 skip = 25 # z options start = / 60000) for row, content in enumerate([start:]): if content[1] < value: # distance if row % skip == 0: x1, y1 = content[7:9] diff = ((x1 - x0)**2 + (y1 - y0)**2)**0.5 dist += diff x0, y0 = x1, y1 # entrances if content[5] != 2 and prev != 2: continue elif content[5] != 2 and prev == 2: if content[5] == 0: prev = 0 continue elif content[5] == 2 and prev == 2: continue elif content[5] == 2 and prev != 2: entrances += 1 prev = 2 continue else: curLine = content break dist = dist / ( * 100) # conversion from pixels to metres self.distanceVar.set("{:.1f}".format(dist)) self.entrancesVar.set(entrances) Rx, Ry = curLine[2:4] Ax, Ay = curLine[7:9] # changes position of 'the rat' self.arenaCanv.coords("ratA", (Ax + self.ld, Ay + self.ld,\ Ax + self.ur, Ay + self.ur)) self.roomCanv.coords("ratR", (Rx + self.ld, Ry + self.ld,\ Rx + self.ur, Ry + self.ur)) # changes color of 'the rat' in case of shock if curLine[6] > 0: self.roomCanv.itemconfigure("ratR", fill = "red", outline = "red") self.shock = True elif self.shock and curLine[6] <= 0: self.roomCanv.itemconfigure("ratR", fill = "black", outline = "black") self.shock = False self.graph.changedTime(value) # changes position of a time scale if value < self.maxTime: self.curTime.set(((value - self.minTime) * 100) / (self.maxTime - self.minTime)) self.timeVar.set(self._timeFormat(value)) else: self.curTime.set(100) self.timeVar.set(self._timeFormat(self.maxTime)) self.update() def setTime(self): "called when maximum or minimum time is set" if self.initialized: nowTime = (self.curTime.get() / 100) * (self.maxTime - self.minTime) + self.minTime self.initializeFile(self.fileFrame.selected, new = False) if self.minTime <= nowTime <= self.maxTime: self.graph.changedTime(nowTime) self.changedTime(nowTime, unit = "ms") elif self.minTime > nowTime: self.graph.changedTime(self.minTime) self.changedTime(self.minTime, unit = "ms") else: self.graph.changedTime(self.maxTime) self.changedTime(self.maxTime, unit = "ms") def pauseFun(self): "pauses and unpauses animation" if self.animate == "pause": self.timeFrame.changeState("disabled") self.showTrack["state"] = "disabled" self.saveBut.state(["disabled"]) self.playFun() else: self.animate = "pause" self.timeFrame.changeState("!disabled") self.showTrack["state"] = "!disabled" self.saveBut.state(["!disabled"]) def stopFun(self): "stops animation" self.animate = "stop" self.changedTime(0) self.timeFrame.changeState("!disabled") self.showTrack["state"] = "!disabled" self.saveBut.state(["!disabled"]) def initializeFile(self, filename, new = True, timeReset = True): "initializes canvases, graph, etc." if new: try: if filename in self.fileStorage.pairedfiles: = CM(filename, nameR = self.fileStorage.pairedfiles[filename]) else: = CM(filename, nameR = "auto") if self.removeReflectionsVar.get(): = self.fileStorage.reflections.get(filename, None)) = except Exception as e: if optionGet("Developer", False, 'bool'): print(e) self.status.set("File failed to load!") self.bell() return # initialization of canvases self.arenaCanv.delete("all") self.roomCanv.delete("all") d = self.arenaCanv.create_oval(150 - d, 150 - d, 150 + d, 150 + d, outline = "black",\ width = 2, tags = "arenaAF") self.roomCanv.create_oval(150 - d, 150 - d, 150 + d, 150 + d, outline = "black",\ width = 2, tags = "arenaRF") # creates lines depicting the shock sector if self.angle = self.width = a1 = radians(self.angle - (self.width / 2)) a2 = radians(self.angle + (self.width / 2)) Sx1, Sy1 = 150 + (cos(a1) * d), 150 - (sin(a1) * d) Sx2, Sy2 = 150 + (cos(a2) * d), 150 - (sin(a2) * d) self.roomCanv.create_line((Sx1, Sy1, 150, 150, Sx2, Sy2), fill = "red", width = 2,\ tags = "shockZone") # minimal and maximal time self.maxTime = min([[-1][1], eval(self.timeFrame.timeVar.get()) * 60000]) self.minTime = max([[0][1], eval(self.timeFrame.startTimeVar.get()) * 60000]) # initial position for line in if line[1] < self.minTime: continue else: curLine = line break else: self.status.set("Invalid start time set.") self.bell() return if self.showTrackVar.get(): # draws tracks data = [line[2:4] + line[6:9] for count, line in enumerate( if self.minTime <= line[1] <= self.maxTime] arena = [] room = [] prev = [-100, -100, 0, -100, -100] last = [0, 0] for count, line in enumerate(data): if abs(line[0] - prev[0]) + abs(line[1] - prev[1]) > 2 or count - last[0] == 15 or\ line[2] > 0: room.append(line[0:2]) last[0] = count if abs(line[3] - prev[3]) + abs(line[4] - prev[4]) > 2 or count - last[1] == 15: arena.append(line[3:5]) last[1] = count prev = line self.arenaCanv.create_line(([item + 150 - d for line in arena for item in line]), fill = "black", width = 2) self.roomCanv.create_line(([item + 150 - d for line in room for item in line]), fill = "black", width = 2) # draws shocks if self.showShocksVar.get(): shocks = [line[2:4] for count, line in enumerate( if self.minTime <= line[1] <= self.maxTime and line[6] > 0 and[count - 1][6] <= 0] self.ld = 150 - d - 4 self.ur = 150 - d + 4 for shock in shocks: self.roomCanv.create_oval(shock[0] + self.ld, shock[1] + self.ld, shock[0] + self.ur, shock[1] + self.ur, outline = "red", width = 3) else: # makes 'the rat' (i.e. two black points) self.ld = 150 - d - 4 # 4 is size of the rat dot self.ur = 150 - d + 4 Rx, Ry = curLine[2:4] Ax, Ay = curLine[7:9] self.arenaCanv.create_oval(Ax + self.ld, Ay + self.ld, Ax + self.ur, Ay + self.ur,\ fill = "black", tags = "ratA") self.roomCanv.create_oval(Rx + self.ld, Ry + self.ld, Rx + self.ur, Ry + self.ur,\ fill = "black", tags = "ratR") # shock if curLine[6] > 0: self.roomCanv.itemconfigure("ratR", fill = "red", outline = "red") self.shock = True else: self.shock = False # initializes distance and entrances displays self.totDistanceVar.set(round( = self.maxTime / 60000, startTime = self.minTime / 60000), 1)) self.totEntrancesVar.set( = self.maxTime / 60000, startTime = self.minTime / 60000)) if timeReset: self.distanceVar.set("0.0") self.entrancesVar.set("0") # drawing of the graph self.graph.delete("all") if timeReset: self.graph.CM_loaded(, minTime = self.minTime, maxTime = self.maxTime) else: self.graph.CM_loaded(, minTime = self.minTime, maxTime = self.maxTime, initTime = (self.curTime.get() * (self.maxTime - self.minTime) / 100 + self.minTime)) # changing buttons' statuses if not self.showTrackVar.get(): self.playBut.state(["!disabled"]) self.pauseBut.state(["!disabled"]) self.stopBut.state(["!disabled"]) self.timeSc.state(["!disabled"]) else: self.playBut.state(["disabled"]) self.pauseBut.state(["disabled"]) self.stopBut.state(["disabled"]) self.timeSc.state(["disabled"]) self.initialized = True if new and timeReset: self.curTime.set(0) self.timeVar.set(self._timeFormat(self.minTime)) def changedGraph(self): "called when the graph is changed" self.graph.delete("all") drawnParameter = self.graph.drawnParameter self.graph = eval(self.graphTypeVar.get()) self.graph.drawnParameter = drawnParameter self.graph.grid(column = 0, row = 4, columnspan = 7, padx = 2, pady = 5, sticky = (E, W)) self.graph.bind("<Button-1>", self.graphClick) self.graph.bind("<Button-3>", self.graphPopUp) if self.initialized: self.graph.CM_loaded(, minTime = self.minTime, maxTime = self.maxTime, initTime = ((self.curTime.get() * (self.maxTime - self.minTime) / 100) + self.minTime)) def graphClick(self, event): "changes time when the graph is clicked upon" if self.initialized and not self.showTrackVar.get(): self.graph.coords("timeMeasure", (event.x, 0, event.x, self.graph.height)) time = (event.x * 100) / self.graph.width if time > 100: time = 100 self.changedTime(time) def graphPopUp(self, event): "shows menu for selection of parameter to be shown in graph" if not self.initialized: return menu = Menu(self, tearoff = 0) menu.add_command(label = "Show periodicity", command = lambda: self.graph.drawParameter(, "periodicity")) menu.add_command(label = "Show mobility", command = lambda: self.graph.drawParameter(, "mobility")) menu.add_command(label = "Show immobility", command = lambda: self.graph.drawParameter(, "immobility")) menu.add_command(label = "Show entrances", command = lambda: self.graph.drawParameter(, "entrances")) menu.add_command(label = "Show shocks", command = lambda: self.graph.drawParameter(, "shocks")) menu.add_command(label = "Show bad points", command = lambda: self.graph.drawParameter(, "bad points")) menu.add_command(label = "Show thigmotaxis", command = lambda: self.graph.drawParameter(, "thigmotaxis")) menu.add_command(label = "Don't show anything", command = lambda: self.graph.drawParameter(, None)), event.y_root) def unDraw(self): "clears canvases, graph etc." if self.initialized: self.arenaCanv.delete("all") self.roomCanv.delete("all") self.graph.delete("all") self.initialized = False self.playBut.state(["disabled"]) self.pauseBut.state(["disabled"]) self.stopBut.state(["disabled"]) self.fileFrame.previousBut.state(["disabled"]) self.fileFrame.nextBut.state(["disabled"]) self.fileFrame.tagBut.state(["disabled"]) self.saveBut.state(["disabled"]) def checkProcessing(self): "called when content of fileStorage is changed" if self.fileStorage.arenafiles or self.fileStorage.wrongfiles: self.fileStorageFrame.removeFiles.state(["!disabled"]) else: self.fileStorageFrame.removeFiles.state(["disabled"]) self.fileStorageFrame.chosenVar.set(len(self.fileStorage.arenafiles)) self.fileStorageFrame.nonMatchingVar.set(len(self.fileStorage.wrongfiles)) self.fileFrame.files = [] + self.fileStorage.arenafiles if not self.fileFrame.files or not self.fileFrame.selected in self.fileFrame.files: self.unDraw() if self.fileFrame.files: self.fileFrame.previousBut.state(["!disabled"]) self.fileFrame.nextBut.state(["!disabled"]) self.fileFrame.tagBut.state(["!disabled"]) self.saveBut.state(["!disabled"]) if not self.fileFrame.selected in self.fileFrame.files: self.fileFrame.selected = None else: self.fileFrame.selected = None self.fileFrame.drawTree(self.fileFrame.selected) def initialize(self): """initializes the canvases etc. if files were added to fileStorage and file from fileStorage is not initialized""" if self.fileFrame.files: if not self.fileFrame.selected in self.fileFrame.files: self.initializeFile(self.fileFrame.files[0]) self.fileFrame.selected = self.fileFrame.files[0] def _timeFormat(self, time): "formats time from miliseconds to minutes:seconds" minutes = time // 60000 seconds = (time % 60000) // 1000 return "{:d}:{:0>2d}".format(int(minutes), int(seconds)) def changedSpeed(self, value): "rounds speed set by scale" if eval(value) <= 1.0: self.speed.set(round(self.speed.get(), 1)) elif eval(value) < 2.0: self.speed.set(round(self.speed.get() * 5, 0) / 5) elif eval(value) < 5.0: self.speed.set(round(self.speed.get() * 2, 0) / 2) elif eval(value) < 10.0: self.speed.set(round(self.speed.get(), 0)) else: self.speed.set(round(self.speed.get() * 5, -1) / 5)
def initializeFile(self, filename, new = True, timeReset = True): "initializes canvases, graph, etc." if new: try: if filename in self.fileStorage.pairedfiles: = CM(filename, nameR = self.fileStorage.pairedfiles[filename]) else: = CM(filename, nameR = "auto") if self.removeReflectionsVar.get(): = self.fileStorage.reflections.get(filename, None)) = except Exception as e: if optionGet("Developer", False, 'bool'): print(e) self.status.set("File failed to load!") self.bell() return # initialization of canvases self.arenaCanv.delete("all") self.roomCanv.delete("all") d = self.arenaCanv.create_oval(150 - d, 150 - d, 150 + d, 150 + d, outline = "black",\ width = 2, tags = "arenaAF") self.roomCanv.create_oval(150 - d, 150 - d, 150 + d, 150 + d, outline = "black",\ width = 2, tags = "arenaRF") # creates lines depicting the shock sector if self.angle = self.width = a1 = radians(self.angle - (self.width / 2)) a2 = radians(self.angle + (self.width / 2)) Sx1, Sy1 = 150 + (cos(a1) * d), 150 - (sin(a1) * d) Sx2, Sy2 = 150 + (cos(a2) * d), 150 - (sin(a2) * d) self.roomCanv.create_line((Sx1, Sy1, 150, 150, Sx2, Sy2), fill = "red", width = 2,\ tags = "shockZone") # minimal and maximal time self.maxTime = min([[-1][1], eval(self.timeFrame.timeVar.get()) * 60000]) self.minTime = max([[0][1], eval(self.timeFrame.startTimeVar.get()) * 60000]) # initial position for line in if line[1] < self.minTime: continue else: curLine = line break else: self.status.set("Invalid start time set.") self.bell() return if self.showTrackVar.get(): # draws tracks data = [line[2:4] + line[6:9] for count, line in enumerate( if self.minTime <= line[1] <= self.maxTime] arena = [] room = [] prev = [-100, -100, 0, -100, -100] last = [0, 0] for count, line in enumerate(data): if abs(line[0] - prev[0]) + abs(line[1] - prev[1]) > 2 or count - last[0] == 15 or\ line[2] > 0: room.append(line[0:2]) last[0] = count if abs(line[3] - prev[3]) + abs(line[4] - prev[4]) > 2 or count - last[1] == 15: arena.append(line[3:5]) last[1] = count prev = line self.arenaCanv.create_line(([item + 150 - d for line in arena for item in line]), fill = "black", width = 2) self.roomCanv.create_line(([item + 150 - d for line in room for item in line]), fill = "black", width = 2) # draws shocks if self.showShocksVar.get(): shocks = [line[2:4] for count, line in enumerate( if self.minTime <= line[1] <= self.maxTime and line[6] > 0 and[count - 1][6] <= 0] self.ld = 150 - d - 4 self.ur = 150 - d + 4 for shock in shocks: self.roomCanv.create_oval(shock[0] + self.ld, shock[1] + self.ld, shock[0] + self.ur, shock[1] + self.ur, outline = "red", width = 3) else: # makes 'the rat' (i.e. two black points) self.ld = 150 - d - 4 # 4 is size of the rat dot self.ur = 150 - d + 4 Rx, Ry = curLine[2:4] Ax, Ay = curLine[7:9] self.arenaCanv.create_oval(Ax + self.ld, Ay + self.ld, Ax + self.ur, Ay + self.ur,\ fill = "black", tags = "ratA") self.roomCanv.create_oval(Rx + self.ld, Ry + self.ld, Rx + self.ur, Ry + self.ur,\ fill = "black", tags = "ratR") # shock if curLine[6] > 0: self.roomCanv.itemconfigure("ratR", fill = "red", outline = "red") self.shock = True else: self.shock = False # initializes distance and entrances displays self.totDistanceVar.set(round( = self.maxTime / 60000, startTime = self.minTime / 60000), 1)) self.totEntrancesVar.set( = self.maxTime / 60000, startTime = self.minTime / 60000)) if timeReset: self.distanceVar.set("0.0") self.entrancesVar.set("0") # drawing of the graph self.graph.delete("all") if timeReset: self.graph.CM_loaded(, minTime = self.minTime, maxTime = self.maxTime) else: self.graph.CM_loaded(, minTime = self.minTime, maxTime = self.maxTime, initTime = (self.curTime.get() * (self.maxTime - self.minTime) / 100 + self.minTime)) # changing buttons' statuses if not self.showTrackVar.get(): self.playBut.state(["!disabled"]) self.pauseBut.state(["!disabled"]) self.stopBut.state(["!disabled"]) self.timeSc.state(["!disabled"]) else: self.playBut.state(["disabled"]) self.pauseBut.state(["disabled"]) self.stopBut.state(["disabled"]) self.timeSc.state(["disabled"]) self.initialized = True if new and timeReset: self.curTime.set(0) self.timeVar.set(self._timeFormat(self.minTime))
def processFun(self): "processes chosen files and saves the results in the save-to file" # files to be processed self.filesToProcess = [file for file in self.fileStorage if \ self.optionFrame.processFile(file)] # checking for mistakes try: self.processCheck() except Exception as e: self.bell() self.status.set(e) return # progressWindow if len(self.filesToProcess) > 1: self.stoppedProcessing = False self.progressWindow = ProgressWindow(self, len(self.filesToProcess)) # selected methods methods = [] for method in Parameters().parameters: if eval("self.parametersF.%sVar.get()" % (method[0].replace(" ", ""))): methods.append(method[0]) # initializations output = self.saveToFrame.saveToVar.get() startTime = float(self.timeFrame.startTimeVar.get()) time = float(self.timeFrame.timeVar.get()) separator = optionGet("ResultSeparator", ",", "str") batchTime = self.selectedBatchTime if self.useBatchTimeVar.get() else None self.log = Log(methods, startTime, time, self.filesToProcess, self.fileStorage, self.optionFrame.removeReflectionsWhere.get(), output, batchTime = batchTime) self.someProblem = False developer = optionGet("Developer", False, 'bool') # results header if self.useBatchTimeVar.get(): info = [method[0] for method in Parameters().parameters if method[2] == "info"] results = ["File"] for method in methods: if method in info: results.append(method) else: results.extend([method + " ({}-{})".format(start, end) for start, end in self.selectedBatchTime]) results = separator.join(results) else: results = separator.join(["File"] + methods) if self.optionFrame.saveTags.get(): results += separator + "Tags" if self.optionFrame.saveComments.get(): results += separator + "Comment" # computing of results for file in self.filesToProcess: # loading of cm object if methods: try: if file in self.fileStorage.pairedfiles: cm = CM(file, nameR = self.fileStorage.pairedfiles[file]) else: cm = CM(file, nameR = "auto") if self.optionFrame.removeReflections(file): cm.removeReflections(points = self.fileStorage.reflections.get(file, None)) except Exception as e: if developer: print(e) filename = returnName(filename = file, allFiles = self.fileStorage.arenafiles) results += "\n" + filename + "{}NA".format(separator) * len(methods) self.log.failedToLoad.append(file) self.someProblem = True continue result = [] for method in Parameters().parameters: if method[0] in methods: if self.useBatchTimeVar.get(): for startTime, time in self.selectedBatchTime: try: if method[2] == "custom": exec("from Stuff.Parameters import {}".format(method[5])) result.append(eval(method[1])) if method[2] == "info": break except Exception as e: if developer: print(e) result.append("NA") self.log.methodProblems[method[0]].append(file) self.someProblem = True else: try: if method[2] == "custom": exec("from Stuff.Parameters import {}".format(method[5])) result.append(eval(method[1])) except Exception as e: if developer: print(e) result.append("NA") self.log.methodProblems[method[0]].append(file) self.someProblem = True result = separator.join(map(str, result)) if methods: result = separator + result filename = returnName(filename = file, allFiles = self.fileStorage.arenafiles) results += "\n" + filename + result # tag inclusion in results if self.optionFrame.saveTags.get(): if file in self.fileStorage.tagged: results += separator + "1" else: results += separator + "0" # comment inclusion in results if self.optionFrame.saveComments.get(): results += separator + self.fileStorage.comments[file] # progress window update if len(self.filesToProcess) > 1: if self.stoppedProcessing: writeResults(output, results) self.log.stopped = file self.log.writeLog() self.status.set("Processing stopped") return else: self.progressWindow.addOne() # results and log writing, ending of processing writeResults(output, results) self.log.writeLog() self._setStatusEndProgressWindow() if self.someProblem: ProcessingProblemDialog(self, self.log.filename) elif self.optionFrame.showResults.get(): os.startfile(output)