Beispiel #1
def get_files_path():

    if default path is a possiblity,
    give the option. Otherwise, just 
    prompt for path.

    if DEFAULT_PATH and os.path.exists( DEFAULT_PATH ) :
        menu_title = "Where are the GQueues CSV files located?"
        IN_DEFAULT = ''.join([ 'The files are in the default location : ', 
                                DEFAULT_PATH  ])
        ELSEWHERE  = "I'd like to enter a path manually."
        ( index, choice ) = select_from_menu( menu_title, [ IN_DEFAULT, ELSEWHERE ] )
        if they chose the default location
        return that path
        if choice == IN_DEFAULT :   return DEFAULT_PATH
        otherwise, enter a path - much as if
        the default had not been an option
    enter path to CSV files
    FILES_PATH = raw_input( 'Full Path To File(s): ')
    check the path is an
    existing directory
    while not os.path.exists( FILES_PATH ) \
       or not os.path.isdir ( FILES_PATH ) :
        print ''
        print 'you entered:', FILES_PATH
        print "I'm sorry, that path does not exist, or is not a folder."
        print ''
        FILES_PATH = raw_input( 'Full Path To File(s): ')
    we got past the while, and thus have
    a valid path to search for CSV files
    return FILES_PATH
Beispiel #2
def add_project_to_toggl_workspace( p, ws_name ):
    get workspace id from name
    ws_id = ws_ids[ ws_name ]
    Should we flattern Queue hierarchy, 
    or should we emulate hierarchy with 
    a naming convention. 
    if there isn't any hierarchy, 
    don't need to ask
    if not p.has_hierarchy() :    
        gqueues_tasks = p.get_tasks()
    else : 
        if there is some hierarchy, we must
        ask the user what to do about this
        menu_title = '\n'.join([ 'This Queue contains some nested tasks.',
                                 'Toggl allows only 1 level of task hierarchy.' ])
        EMULATE = 'Emulate hierarchy with naming,  e.g.  Child  [ Grandparent > Parent ]'
        FLATTEN = 'Flat hierarchy of leaf-names,   e.g.  Child'
        IGNORE  = 'Use top-level tasks only - discarding all nested tasks.'
        ( index, choice ) = select_from_menu( menu_title, [ EMULATE, FLATTEN, IGNORE ] )
        if   choice == EMULATE :   
            gqueues_tasks = p.get_tasks( True )
        elif choice == FLATTEN :   

            gqueues_tasks = p.get_tasks( False )
        elif choice == IGNORE :   
            get root nodes only
            gqueues_tasks = p.get_root_tasks()
    see if there is a project with the
    same name in this workspace.
    start by getting all projects in 
    this workspace...
    projects_in_ws  = toggl_API.filter_data( projects, {  "workspace":  { 'name' : ws_name, 
                                                                          'id'   : ws_id     }   })
    Of the projects in the selected
    workspace, do any have the same 
    name as the one we're importing?
    existing = toggl_API.filter_data( projects_in_ws, {  "name":  p.project_title   }   )
    CASE 1 :  There is no pre-existing project
    if len( existing ) == 0 : 
        make a new project
        project_data = { 'project' : {
            "name"       : p.project_title,
            "is_private" : False,
            "billable"   : False,
            "workspace"  : {  "id": ws_id   }

        ''' create project
        toggl_project = toggl_API.send_data( "projects", data = project_data )
        add this new project to the 
        rest of the toggle projects
        projects.append( toggl_project )
        ''' notifiy user
        print ''
        print 'uploaded a new project to Toggl:', p.project_title
        print ''
        we need to add all of the 
        gqueues tasks, as the projct
        is currently empty
        new_tasks = gqueues_tasks
        if no tasks in this project, 
        inform the user
        if len( new_tasks ) == 0 : 
            print 'This project does not contain any tasks.'
    else : 
        CASE 2 :  a project with this name 
                  already exists
        merge the project with the existing one
        adding, but NOT deleting old tasks.
        This is because tasks that are completed
        may still have associated time records. 
        toggl_project = existing[0]
        ''' notifiy user
        print ''
        print p.project_title, 'is already a project on Toggl. Merging new tasks...'
        print ''
        get names all tasks in the project
        on toggl. Match project with object like
        this : 
        { 'client_project_name': 'To Do', 
          'name': 'To Do', 
          'id'  : 1540962   }
        toggl_tasks = set([ 
            t[ 'name' ] 
            for t in 
            toggl_API.filter_data( tasks, {  "project":  {
                        'client_project_name' : toggl_project[ 'client_project_name' ],
                                       'name' : toggl_project[ 'name' ],
                                         'id' : toggl_project[ 'id' ]       }}   )])
        add only the new tasks
        new_tasks = gqueues_tasks - toggl_tasks
        ''' inform if none
        if len( new_tasks ) == 0 : 
            print 'There are no new tasks to add to this project.'
    add a new tasks to the toggle project
    (whether newly created or existing)
    for task_name in new_tasks :
        task_data = { 'task' : {
        "name"      : task_name,
        "is_active" : True,
        "project"   : {  "id": toggl_project[ 'id' ]  }
        ''' create task
        task = toggl_API.send_data( "tasks", data = task_data )
        ''' add to local collection
        tasks.append( task )
        print 'added task: ', task_name

    space after project
    print ''
Beispiel #3
 def populate_nodes( self ):
     throw a warning if there are more
     than one tasks with identical names
     all_nodes = deepcopy( self.parent_nodes )
     [  all_nodes.append( description ) 
        for ( description, parent ) 
        in  self.child_nodes            ]
     compare a list of all the nodes to a 
     list of all unique nodes. 
     uniq_nodes = DiffList(  list(set( all_nodes )) )
     all_nodes  = DiffList(  all_nodes  )
     get any 'leftover' nodes
     duplicates = all_nodes - uniq_nodes
     stern warning if there are any!
     if len( duplicates ) != 0 :
         title = '\n'.join([ '!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!',
                             'WARNING!!! ',
                             'WARNING!!! ',
                             'WARNING!!! ',
                             'This project contains duplicate task names!',
                             'If you continue, only one task with each name',
                             'will be saved in the project.',
                             'In addition, if the duplicate tasks have any', 
                             'sub-tasks, some tasks may end up with incorrect',
                             'ancestors. ',
                             'You may be planning to discard the repeated tasks',
                             'anyhow, e.g. because you only wish to import the',
                             'top-level tasks, and none of those are duplicates.',
                             'But if not, you may wish to return to GQueues and',
                             'rename the offending duplicate tasks.',
                             'The duplicated names are :',
                             '\n'.join( set( duplicates )),
                             'What would you like to do?'       ])
         QUIT     = 'Delete this CSV file and quit.'
         CONTINUE = 'Continue anyway.'
         get the user's decision
         ( index, choice ) = select_from_menu( title, [ QUIT, CONTINUE ] )
         print ''
         if they choose quit, quit!
         if choice == QUIT : 
             print 'deleting CSV containing duplicate task-names'
             raise SystemExit()
         Otherwise, continue onwards.
         You have been warned!
     ''' put root nodes straight into nodes dictionary
     for description in self.parent_nodes : 
         self.nodes[ description ] = [ description ]
     now parse the children into
     the nodes dictionary  
     c_nodes = deepcopy( self.child_nodes )
     while len( c_nodes ) > 0 : 
         pop open a node
         ( description, parent ) = c_nodes.popleft()
         assume we won't find it's parent
         found = False
         for n in self.nodes : 
             if n == parent :
                 h_map = deepcopy( self.nodes[ n ] )
                 h_map.append( description )
                 add new entry to the nodes dictionary
                 self.nodes[ description ] = h_map
                 found = True
         if we didn't find it's parent yet
         re-add to the end of temp child nodes
         if not found :   c_nodes.append(  ( description, parent )  )
Beispiel #4
def import_projects():

    project_files = projects_from_csv()
    print ''
    print ''
    for p in project_files : 
        project file header
        print '***************************************'
        print '***************************************'
        print ''
        which workspace to import / merge
        this project (or sub-projects) into ? 
        menu_title = ''.join([ 'Choose workspace for  *', 
                                p.project_title,  '*  :'   ])
        choose from a list of worskspace names
        in the command shell
        ( index, selected_workspace ) = select_from_menu( menu_title, ws_names )
        print ''
        print 'Importing project data to workspace: ', selected_workspace
        print ''
        now the user must decide whether to import this
        CSV file as a single project, or whether the root
        nodes of this Queue are themselves projects
        menu_title = 'Import this file as a single project, or multiple projects?'
        SINGLE     = 'This Queue is a single project.'
        MULTIPLE   = 'Top level nodes in this Queue each represent a project.'
        ''' choose in cmd
        ( index, choice ) = select_from_menu( menu_title, [ SINGLE, MULTIPLE ] )
        ''' spacer before project imports
        print ''
        if   choice == SINGLE   : 
            add the current project to the 
            selected workspace
            add_project_to_toggl_workspace( p, selected_workspace )
        elif choice == MULTIPLE :
            Add sub-projects to toggl
            one by one
            sub_projects = p.sub_projects()
            for sp in sub_projects :
                add_project_to_toggl_workspace( sp, selected_workspace )
        offer to delete the original file
        menu_title = '\n'.join([ 'File successfully exported to Toggl.',
                                 'Would you like to delete the file?'    ])
        DELETE = 'Yes'
        DONT   = 'No'
        ( index, choice ) = select_from_menu( menu_title, [ DELETE, DONT ] )
        if choice == DELETE : 
            print ''
            print 'Deleted File.'
        gap before next queue file
        print ''
        print ''
        print ''