def waypoint_manager(self): if self._distance < 2: if self._curr_waypoint_num < self._waypoints_num: try: self._curr_waypoint_num += 1 self._next_waypoint = self._waypoints[ self._curr_waypoint_num] msg = "Waypoint reached, heading to #{0} at {1}\n".format( str(self._curr_waypoint_num + 1), str(self._next_waypoint)) cmd.send_uart(msg, log_flag) msg = { "type": "gps", "func": "next_waypoint", "index": str(self._curr_waypoint_num + 1) } msg = ujson.dump(msg) cmd.send_uart(msg, log_flag) return True except IndexError: cmd.send_uart("Waypoint manager IndexError\n", log_flag) return False else: cmd.send_uart("All waypoints have been covered", log_flag) self.stop_planner() msg = {"type": "gps", "func": "next_waypoint", "index": -1} msg = ujson.dump(msg) cmd.send_uart(msg, log_flag) return False else: return True
def resume_planner(self): if self._planner_init is True: global_variables.pid_test.start_update() cmd.send_uart("Autonomous mode resumed\n", log_flag) else: cmd.send_uart("Autonomous mode hasn't been started yet\n", log_flag)
def gps_data(self): try: msg = { "type": "gps", "func": "position", "lat": "{:.7f}".format(self.latitude), "long": "{:.7f}".format(self.longitude), "hdop": str(self.hdop), "speed": "{:.2f}".format(self.speed) } except ValueError: msg = { "type": "gps", "func": "position", "lat": str(self.latitude), "long": str(self.longitude), "hdop": str(self.hdop), "speed": str(self.speed) } msg = ujson.dumps(msg) cmd.send_uart(msg, log_flag) if debug_flag is True: cmd.debug(msg, debug_flag)
def start_update(self): # 16-bit timer self.timer = Timer(9) self.timer.init(freq=100) self.timer.callback(self.update) self.enable = True self.error_sum = 0 cmd.send_uart("PID timers started\n", log_flag)
def pause_planner(self): if self._planner_init is True: self.status = "Pause" global_variables.pid_test.stop_update() cmd.send_uart("Autonomous mode paused\n", log_flag) else: cmd.send_uart("Autonomous mode hasn't been started yet\n", log_flag)
def waypoint_add(self, start): if start is True: self._waypoints.clear() else: cmd.send_uart( "{0:d} waypoints added\n".format(len(self._waypoints)), log_flag) self._add = start
def waypoint_coord(self, waypoint): if self._add is True: try: self._waypoints.append( (float(waypoint[0]), float(waypoint[1]))) except ValueError: cmd.send_uart("Invalid coordinate format", log_flag) print(waypoint[0], waypoint[1])
def stop_update(self): try: self.timer.deinit() except AttributeError: cmd.send_uart("PID not initialised\n", log_flag) self.enable = False self.error_sum = 0 motor.motor_abs(("l", 0), ("r", 0)) cmd.send_uart("PID stopped\n", log_flag)
def stop_planner(self): self.status = "Stop" global_variables.pid_test.stop_update() self._distance = None self._curr_waypoint_num = 0 self._waypoints.clear() self._next_waypoint = (None, None) self._bearing = None self._planner_init = False cmd.send_uart("Autonomous mode stopped\n", log_flag)
def planner_data(self): msg = { "type": "gps", "func": "planner", "stat": str(self.status), "tar_head": str(self._bearing), "way_num": str(self._curr_waypoint_num + 1), "next_way_lat": str(self._next_waypoint[0]), "next_way_lon": str(self._next_waypoint[1]), "way_dist": str(self._distance) } msg = ujson.dumps(msg) cmd.send_uart(msg, log_flag) if debug_flag is True: cmd.debug(msg, debug_flag)
def dist_bearing(self): if ((self._gps.pos_fix > 0) or (self._gps.status == "A")) and self._gps.latitude is not None: self._current_pos = (float(self._gps.latitude), float(self._gps.longitude)) try: # A is current_pos in rad, B is next_waypoint in rad A = ([0.0174533 * x for x in self._current_pos]) B = ([0.0174533 * x for x in self._next_waypoint]) d_long = float(B[1] - A[1]) # This is true North heading self._bearing = math.atan2( (math.sin(d_long) * math.cos(B[0])), (math.cos(A[0]) * math.sin(B[0]) - math.sin(A[0]) * math.cos(B[0]) * math.cos(d_long))) * 57.29577951 if self._bearing > 180: self._bearing -= 360 # Distance calculated using the haversine formula # Earth's mean radius in m R = 6371000 d_lat = float(B[0] - A[0]) a = math.sin(d_lat / 2)**2 + math.cos(A[0]) * math.cos( B[0]) * math.sin(d_long / 2)**2 c = 2 * math.atan2(math.sqrt(a), math.sqrt(1 - a)) self._distance = R * c self.i = 0 # Updates waypoints if robot has reached waypoint flag = self.waypoint_manager() if flag: return True, (self._distance, self._bearing) else: return False, (None, None) except TypeError: if self.i > 5: cmd.send_uart("Inaccurate hdop in dist_bearing", log_flag) self.pause_planner() self.i += 1 return False, (None, None) else: if self.i > 5: cmd.send_uart("Inaccurate pos in dist_bearing", log_flag) self.pause_planner() self.i += 1 return False, (None, None)
def init(): global uart # Initialising UART6 (Y1, Y2) uart = UART(6, baudrate=38400, timeout=10, read_buf_len=200) pyb.repl_uart(uart) print('RPi UART setup') global uart_gps global gps_device global gps_planner uart_gps = UART(4, baudrate=9600, timeout=10, read_buf_len=600) gps_device = gps.GPS(uart_gps) gps_planner = planner.PLANNER(gps_device) print("GPS set up") global pid_test pid_test = pid.PID(0.3, 0, 0.1, gps_planner.dist_bearing, 1) # If True, uart messages are sent back normally, # if false, only log messages are sent back. global UART_comms_master UART_comms_master = False global imu, fuse, i2c global imu_acc, imu_gyr, imu_mag i2c = I2C(scl=Pin('Y9'), sda=Pin('Y10')) try: imu = MPU9250(i2c, scaling=(-1, -1, -1)) = (20.915039062, 11.880468750, 23.293359375) imu.gyro_filter_range = 4 imu.accel_filter_range = 4 print( print( print( mpu_addr = "MPU9250 id: {:X}".format(imu.mpu_addr) cmd.send_uart(mpu_addr, True) fuse = Fusion() except: cmd.send_uart("No imu detected", True) sensors.ina_init(i2c)
def go_home(self): if self._planner_init is True: self.status = "Start" self._waypoints = [self._home] self._next_waypoint = self._home self._waypoints_num = 1 self._curr_waypoint_num = 1 self.resume_planner() msg = { "type": "gps", "func": "waypoints", "waypoints": self._waypoints } msg = ujson.dumps(msg) cmd.send_uart(msg, log_flag) if debug_flag is True: cmd.debug(msg, debug_flag) else: cmd.send_uart("Autonomous mode hasn't been started yet\n", log_flag)
def pid(self): # Updating the target variable if self.target_flag is True: # t_fn is planner.dist_bearing() flag, (dist, bear) = self.t_fn() self.target_flag = False if flag is True: = bear else: return False = global_variables.fuse.heading # Error term self.error = - # Always rotating in the shortest direction if self.error > 180: self.error = 360 - self.error elif self.error < -180: self.error = 360 + self.error if (self.error > -20) and (self.error < 20): self.error_sum += self.error self.pid_out = self.Kp * self.error # Proportional self.pid_out += self.Kd * self.prev_error # Derivative self.pid_out += self.Ki * self.error_sum # Integral self.prev_error = self.error self.base(self.error) # If error is negative (left turn needed to reduce error), so is pid_out. right speed increases, left speed decreases, vice versa self.output = (round( ((self.base_speed + self.pid_out / 2) * self.LIMITER), 0), round(((self.base_speed - self.pid_out / 2) * self.LIMITER), 0)) if (abs(self.output[0]) < self.POWER_LIMIT) and (abs(self.output[1]) < self.POWER_LIMIT): motor.motor_abs(("l", self.output[0]), ("r", self.output[1])) else: cmd.send_uart("pid out of range\n", log_flag) self.error_sum = 0 return True
def start_pid(self): # Allows time for the first IMU reading to be completed sleep_ms(12) cmd.send_uart("PID thread started", True) print("PID thread started") self.enable = False i = 0 while True: if i % 5 == 0: if self.enable: if i % 3 == 0: try: acc = gyr = mag = except: cmd.send_uart("MPU reading error", log_flag) if i % 300 == 0: msg = { "type": "gps", "func": "heading", "head": str(global_variables.fuse.heading) } msg = ujson.dumps(msg) cmd.send_uart(msg, log_flag) # print(global_variables.fuse.heading) global_variables.fuse.update(acc, gyr, mag) i += 1
def start_planner(self): try: if ((self._gps.pos_fix > 0) or (self._gps.status == "A")) and self._gps.latitude is not None: if self._planner_init is False: if self.waypoint_init() is True: self.status = "Start" global_variables.pid_test.start_update() cmd.send_uart("Autonomous mode started\n", log_flag) self._planner_init = True else: cmd.send_uart("Couldn't initialise waypoints\n", log_flag) else: self.status = "Start" self.resume_planner() else: cmd.send_uart("GPS accuracy not good enough\n", log_flag) except TypeError: cmd.send_uart("No GPS signal\n", log_flag)
def waypoint_init(self): try: self._waypoints_num = len(self._waypoints) - 1 self._home = self._waypoints[0] self._curr_waypoint_num = 0 self._next_waypoint = self._waypoints[0] cmd.send_uart( "{0:d} waypoints initialised\n".format(len(self._waypoints)), log_flag) msg = { "type": "gps", "func": "waypoints", "waypoints": self._waypoints } msg = ujson.dumps(msg) cmd.send_uart(msg, log_flag) if debug_flag is True: cmd.debug(msg, debug_flag) return True except (TypeError, IndexError): cmd.send_uart("No waypoints", log_flag) return False
def print_msg(self): msg = self._uart.readline() if msg is not None: cmd.send_uart(msg, log_flag)