def print_menu(arr): global buffered """Main menu printer @param arr is the menu array to print. Fetches input, parses and built-in command keywords, and returns the selected idx. """ if not buffered is None: # buffered input, return if len(buffered) > 0: return buffered.pop(0) else: buffered = None tmp = Cmd() arr = ['\t[%d] %s' % (x + 1, arr[x]) for x in xrange(len(arr))] tmp.columnize(arr, 35) print '\n0) Back' try: choice = raw_input('> ') choice = check_opts(choice) # buffered input if choice > 1: choice = choice.split(' ') buffered = [] for entry in choice[1:]: buffered.append(int(entry)) choice = int(choice[0]) except KeyboardInterrupt: choice = -1 except Exception, e: debug(e) os.system('clear') choice = -1
def __init__(self, args): self.is_act = True self.cons = Cmd(args.image) self.cons.add_action("exit", self.exit, "Exit from viwer") if args.cmd: self.execute(args.cmd) sys.exit(0)
def build_index(self) -> None: """Builds the salmon index.""" logger.debug("Build salmon index.") # TODO: Implement check to avoid duplicate runs indexing = Cmd( f"salmon index -p {self.threads} -t {self.input_file} -i {self.index_name} --keepDuplicates" )
def run(self, reads): """ Run the Hisat2 mapping with the given reads. """ logger.debug("Perform Hisat2 mapping.") if len(reads) == 1: # single end reads hisat = Cmd( f"hisat2 -q --threads {self.threads} -k 1 -x {self.index_name} -U {reads[0]} --no-unal | \ samtools view --threads {self.threads} -hS -F 4 -q 1 -O SAM" ) elif len(reads) == 2: # paired end reads hisat = Cmd( f"hisat2 -q --threads {self.threads} -k 1 -x {self.index_name} -1 {reads[0]} -2 {reads[1]} --no-unal | \ samtools view --threads {self.threads} -hS -F 4 -q 1 -O SAM" ) self.mapping_has_run = True return (entry for entry in hisat.stdout.split("\n")[:-1] if not entry.startswith("@"))
def __init__(self, input_file, output_dir, index_name, threads): which = Cmd("which salmon") self.input_file = input_file self.output_dir = output_dir self.index_name = index_name self.threads = threads
def default(self, line): """Called on an input line when the command prefix is not recognized. Args: line (str): command with args to be executed. """ Cmd(self).default(line) self.do_help("help")
def build_stage(self, stg): for item in stg: self.log.log('trace', ' build_stage, item: %s', (item)) for k in item: if k.casefold() == 'cmd': cmd = Cmd(self.log, item[k]) self.cmds.append(cmd) elif k.casefold() == 'name': = item[k] return
def __init__(self, input_file, index_name, threads): which = Cmd("which hisat2") # Check if indexing already run self.index_build_has_run = (True if len( glob.glob(f"{index_name}.*.ht2")) == 8 else False) self.input_file = input_file self.index_name = index_name self.threads = threads
def run(self, reads: list) -> None: """Run the salmon mapping with the given reads. Args: reads: List of reads. Either paired end or single end. """ logger.debug("Perform salmon mapping.") if not os.path.exists(f"{self.output_dir}/aux_info/eq_classes.txt"): if len(reads) == 1: # single end reads salmon = Cmd( f"salmon quant --libType A --validateMappings --dumpEq -p {self.threads} -i {self.index_name} --unmatedReads {reads[0]} -o {self.output_dir}" ) elif len(reads) == 2: # paired end reads salmon = Cmd( f"salmon quant --libType A --validateMappings --dumpEq -p {self.threads} -i {self.index_name} -1 {reads[0]} -2 {reads[1]} -o {self.output_dir}" ) else:"Skipping mapping.")
def build_index(self): """ Build the Hisat2 index. """ if not self.index_build_has_run: logger.debug("Build Hisat2 index.") indexing = Cmd( f"hisat2-build -q -p {self.threads} {self.input_file} {self.index_name}" ) self.index_build_has_run = True else: logger.debug("Skipping index building.")
def update_database(self, database_dir, busco_group): """ Updates the dammit database. """"Update dammit database.") self.database_dir = database_dir self.busco_group = busco_group database = Cmd( f"dammit databases --install --n_threads {self.threads} --database-dir {self.database_dir} --busco-group {self.busco_group}" )
def print_menu(arr): global buffered """Main menu printer @param arr is the menu array to print. Fetches input, parses and built-in command keywords, and returns the selected idx. """ if not buffered is None: # buffered input, return if len(buffered) > 0: return buffered.pop(0) else: buffered = None tmp = Cmd() arr = ['\t[%d] %s' % (x + 1, arr[x]) for x in xrange(len(arr))] tmp.columnize(arr, 35) print '\n0) Back' try: choice = raw_input('> ') if 'info' in choice: Error('\'info\' not implemented yet.') choice = -1 elif 'set' in choice: opts = choice.split(' ') if opts[1] is None or opts[2] is None: return print '[!] Setting \033[33m%s\033[0m -> \033[32m%s\033[0m..' % ( opts[1], opts[2]) config.set(opts[1], opts[2]) choice = -1 elif 'opts' in choice: config.dump() choice = -1 elif 'quit' in choice or 'exit' in choice: # hard quit os._exit(1) elif 'bg' in choice: background() else: # buffered input choice = choice.split(' ') if len(choice) > 1: buffered = [] for entry in choice[1:]: buffered.append(int(entry)) choice = int(choice[0]) except Exception: os.system('clear') choice = -1 return choice
def run(self, graph_file, output_file): """ MCL: The input is then a file or stream in which each line encodes an edge in terms of two labels (the 'A' and the 'B') and a numerical value (the 'C'), all separated by white space. A B 20 A C 10 The output is then a file where each line is a cluster of tab-separated labels. """ logger.debug("MCL clustering...") if os.path.exists(output_file): os.remove(output_file) mcl = Cmd( f"mcl {graph_file} -I {self.inflation} --abc -o {output_file} -te {self.threads} -resource 4 -V all" )
def create_shell(shell_context): help_func = lambda _: print( "\n\thelp [command-name]\n\tdisplays help for specific commands or an overview of available commands (if command-name is ommitted)\n" ) setattr(Cmd, 'help_help', help_func) setattr(Cmd, 'intro', shell_context['shell_greeting']) setattr(Cmd, 'prompt', shell_context['shell_prompt']) for importer, pkgname, ispkg in pkgutil.walk_packages( shell_context['shell_command_pkg'].__path__, shell_context['shell_command_pkg'].__name__ + "."): ismodule = not ispkg if ismodule: ShellFactory.add_to_shell(pkgname) shell = Cmd() shell.context = shell_context return shell
def run_pipe(self, graph_file): """ Runs the MCL command, but uses stdin as input and stdout as output. Is a lot faster than writing and reading a lot of files. MCL: The input is then a file or stream in which each line encodes an edge in terms of two labels (the 'A' and the 'B') and a numerical value (the 'C'), all separated by white space. A B 20 A C 10 The output is then a file where each line is a cluster of tab-separated labels. """ logger.debug("MCL clustering...") mcl = Cmd( f"mcl - -I {self.inflation} --abc -o - -te {self.threads} -resource 4 -V all" ) return mcl.stdout
def run(self): """ Executes the dammit annotation for the original and reduced fasta file. """"Run dammit annotation.") for name, transcriptome in self.transcriptomes.items(): output_dir = f"{self.output_dir}/{name}" annotation_file = ( f"{output_dir}/{os.path.basename(transcriptome)}.dammit.gff3") self.gff_files[name] = annotation_file namemap_file = ( f"{output_dir}/{os.path.basename(transcriptome)}.dammit.namemap.csv" ) self.namemaps[name] = namemap_file if not (os.path.exists(annotation_file) and os.path.exists(namemap_file)): dammit = Cmd( f"dammit annotate {transcriptome} -o {output_dir} --database-dir {self.database_dir} --busco-group {self.busco_group} --n_threads {self.threads}" )
def print_menu(arr): global buffered """ Main menu printer @param arr is the menu array to print. Fetches input, parses and built-in command keywords, and returns the selected idx. """ if not buffered is None: # buffered input, return if len(buffered) > 0: return buffered.pop(0) else: buffered = None tmp = Cmd() arr = [ '\t%s[%s%d%s] %s%s%s' % (color.B_GREEN, color.B_YELLOW, x + 1, color.B_GREEN, color.B_WHITE, arr[x], color.END) for x in xrange(len(arr)) ] tmp.columnize(arr, 100) print '\n' + color.B_YELLOW + '0' + color.B_GREEN + ')' + color.B_WHITE + ' Back' + color.END try: choice = raw_input(color.B_WHITE + '> ' + color.END) choice = check_opts(choice) # buffered input if choice > 1: choice = choice.split(' ') buffered = [] for entry in choice[1:]: buffered.append(int(entry)) choice = int(choice[0]) except KeyboardInterrupt: choice = -1 except Exception, e: debug(e) os.system('clear') choice = -1
def __init__(self): """Whole project is run from this constructor """ # +++++++++++++++ Init +++++++++++++++ # self.keep_run = 1 # used in run for daemon loop, reset by SIGTERM self.ret_code = 0 # return code to command line (10 = shutdown) # +++++++++++++++ Objects +++++++++++++++ # # Each inner object will get reference to PyBlaster as self.main. # exceptions in child threads are put here self.ex_queue = queue.Queue() self.log = Log(self) self.settings = Settings(self) self.settings.parse() PB_GPIO.init_gpio(self) self.led = LED(self) self.buttons = Buttons(self) self.lirc = Lirc(self) self.dbhandle = DBHandle(self) self.cmd = Cmd(self) self.mpc = MPC(self) = RFCommServer(self) self.alsa = AlsaMixer(self) self.i2c = I2C(self) self.usb = UsbDrive(self) # +++++++++++++++ Init Objects +++++++++++++++ # # Make sure to run init functions in proper order! # Some might depend upon others ;) self.led.init_leds() self.dbhandle.dbconnect() self.mpc.connect() self.alsa.init_alsa() self.i2c.open_bus() self.usb.start_uploader_thread() # +++++++++++++++ Daemoninze +++++++++++++++ # self.check_pidfile() self.daemonize() self.create_pidfile() # +++++++++++++++ Daemon loop +++++++++++++++ # self.led.show_init_done() self.buttons.start() self.lirc.start() # +++++++++++++++ Finalize +++++++++++++++ # self.log.write(log.MESSAGE, "Joining threads...") # join remaining threads self.usb.join() self.buttons.join() self.lirc.join() self.mpc.join() self.led.join() self.log.write(log.MESSAGE, "leaving...") # cleanup self.mpc.exit_client() self.delete_pidfile() PB_GPIO.cleanup(self)
def __init__(self): Cmd().__init__(self) self.saved = 1
#!/usr/bin/env python3 from cmd import Cmd cmd = Cmd() cmd.setpoint(15)
def columnize(s): """ Print the contents of the list `s` in neat-looking columns. """ if s: Cmd().columnize(list(s)) else: print("None")
from cmd import Cmd _author_ = 'czang' _project_ = 'rssSnake' c = Cmd()
import sys import os from classpath.classpath import Classpath from cmd import Cmd def start_jvm(cmd): class_data = None cp = Classpath(cmd.jre_option, cmd.cp_option) print('classpath:%s class:%s args:%s\n' % (cp.string(), cmd.class_name, cmd.args)) class_name = cmd.class_name.replace('.', '/') try: class_data = cp.read_class(class_name) except FileNotFoundError as e: print(e.filename) print('class data: ' + str(class_data)) if __name__ == '__main__': _cmd = Cmd(sys.argv[1:]) start_jvm(_cmd)
def __init__(self, threads, inflation): self.threads = threads self.inflation = inflation mcl = Cmd("which mcl")
#!/usr/bin/python3 from cmd import Cmd Cmd().cmdloop()