Beispiel #1
    def _get_sanitized_and_translated_piggybacked_hostname(self, orig_piggyback_header):
        piggybacked_hostname = orig_piggyback_header[4:-4]
        if not piggybacked_hostname:

        piggybacked_hostname = config.translate_piggyback_host(self._hostname, piggybacked_hostname)
        if piggybacked_hostname == self._hostname or not piggybacked_hostname:
            return  # unpiggybacked "normal" host

        # Protect Check_MK against unallowed host names. Normally source scripts
        # like agent plugins should care about cleaning their provided host names
        # up, but we need to be sure here to prevent bugs in Check_MK code.
        # a) Replace spaces by underscores
        return piggybacked_hostname.replace(" ", "_")
Beispiel #2
    def _parse_info(self, lines):
        """Split agent output in chunks, splits lines by whitespaces.

        Returns a HostSections() object.
        sections = {}
        # Unparsed info for other hosts. A dictionary, indexed by the piggybacked host name.
        # The value is a list of lines which were received for this host.
        piggybacked_raw_data = {}
        persisted_sections = {}  # handle sections with option persist(...)
        host = None
        section_content = []
        section_options = {}
        agent_cache_info = {}
        separator = None
        encoding = None
        for line in lines:
            line = line.rstrip("\r")
            stripped_line = line.strip()
            if stripped_line[:4] == '<<<<' and stripped_line[-4:] == '>>>>':
                host = stripped_line[4:-4]
                if not host:
                    host = None
                    host = config.translate_piggyback_host(
                        self._hostname, host)
                    if host == self._hostname:
                        host = None  # unpiggybacked "normal" host

                    # Protect Check_MK against unallowed host names. Normally source scripts
                    # like agent plugins should care about cleaning their provided host names
                    # up, but we need to be sure here to prevent bugs in Check_MK code.
                    # a) Replace spaces by underscores
                    if host:
                        host = host.replace(" ", "_")

            elif host:  # processing data for an other host
                piggybacked_raw_data.setdefault(host, []).append(line)

            # Found normal section header
            # section header has format <<<name:opt1(args):opt2:opt3(args)>>>
            elif stripped_line[:3] == '<<<' and stripped_line[-3:] == '>>>':
                section_header = stripped_line[3:-3]
                headerparts = section_header.split(":")
                section_name = headerparts[0]
                section_options = {}
                for o in headerparts[1:]:
                    opt_parts = o.split("(")
                    opt_name = opt_parts[0]
                    if len(opt_parts) > 1:
                        opt_args = opt_parts[1][:-1]
                        opt_args = None
                    section_options[opt_name] = opt_args

                section_content = sections.get(section_name, None)
                if section_content is None:  # section appears in output for the first time
                    section_content = []
                    sections[section_name] = section_content
                    separator = chr(int(section_options["sep"]))
                except Exception:
                    separator = None

                # Split of persisted section for server-side caching
                if "persist" in section_options:
                    until = int(section_options["persist"])
                    cached_at = int(time.time())  # Estimate age of the data
                    cache_interval = int(until - cached_at)
                    agent_cache_info[section_name] = (cached_at,
                    persisted_sections[section_name] = (cached_at, until,

                if "cached" in section_options:
                    agent_cache_info[section_name] = tuple(
                        map(int, section_options["cached"].split(",")))

                # The section data might have a different encoding
                encoding = section_options.get("encoding")

            elif stripped_line != '':
                if "nostrip" not in section_options:
                    line = stripped_line

                if encoding:
                    line = config.decode_incoming_string(line, encoding)
                    line = config.decode_incoming_string(line)


        return HostSections(sections, agent_cache_info, piggybacked_raw_data,