def testPooling():
    # 用于进行池化操作的卷积特征图像的边长维度
    t_patch_dim = 8
    # 池化的维度参数
    t_pool_dim = 4
    # 池化后数据的尺寸维度
    pool_size = int(t_patch_dim / t_pool_dim) 
    # 卷积图像的像素总数
    conv_size = t_patch_dim * t_patch_dim
    # 生成用于测试池化的图像数据
    test_matrix = np.arange(conv_size).reshape(t_patch_dim, t_patch_dim)
    # 进行池化操作,计算获得理论上正确的池化结果,结果存储在expected_matrix中
    expected_matrix = np.zeros(shape = (pool_size,pool_size))
    for i in range(pool_size):
        for j in range(pool_size):
            expected_matrix[i,j] = np.mean(test_matrix[i*t_pool_dim:(i+1)*t_pool_dim,
    # 对卷积图像维度进行重构,便于使用自己实现的池化函数
    test_matrix = np.reshape(test_matrix,(1,1,t_patch_dim,t_patch_dim))
    # 利用自己实现的池化函数计算的结果
    pooled_features = cnn.cnn_pool(t_pool_dim,test_matrix)
    # 比较池化函数返回结果与理论值是否相等
    if not(pooled_features == expected_matrix).all():
        print("Pooling incorrect")
        print("Expected matrix")
        sys.exit("Pooling feature does not match expected matrix. Exiting...")
    print('Congratulations! Your pooling code passed the test.')
Beispiel #2
        print('Image Row         : {}\n'.format(image_row))
        print('Image Column      : {}\n'.format(image_col))
        print('Convolved feature : {:f}\n'.format(convolved_features[feature_num, image_num, image_row, image_col]))
        print('Sparse AE feature : {:f}\n'.format(features[feature_num, 0]))
        print('Error! Convolved feature does not match activation from autoencoder')

print('Congratulations! Your convolution code passed the test.')

  STEP 2c: Implement pooling
  Implement pooling in the function cnnPool in cnnPool.m

# NOTE: Implement cnn_pool first!
pooled_features = cnn_pool(pool_dim, convolved_features)

  STEP 2d: Checking your pooling
  To ensure that you have implemented pooling, we will use your pooling
  function to pool over a test matrix and check the results.

test_matrix = np.arange(64, dtype=np.float64).reshape((8, 8))
expected_matrix = np.array([[test_matrix[0:4, 0:4].mean(), test_matrix[0:4, 4:8].mean()],
                            [test_matrix[4:8, 0:4].mean(), test_matrix[4:8, 4:8].mean()]])

test_matrix = test_matrix.reshape((1, 1, 8, 8))

pooled_features = cnn_pool(4, test_matrix)
def trainFeatures():
    函数功能: 对原始训练数据和测试数据进行卷积和池化操作,获得隐藏层上的特征数据
    # 载入线性编码器参数
    encoderFile = 'stl10_features.pickle'
    W,b,zca_white,patch_mean = loadEncoder(encoderFile)
    # 载入训练数据
    trainFile = 'stlTrainSubset.mat'
    trainParams = ['trainImages','trainLabels','numTrainImages']
    train_images,train_labels,n_train_images = loadDate(trainFile,trainParams)
    # 载入测试数据
    testFile = 'stlTestSubset.mat'
    testParams = ['testImages','testLabels','numTestImages']
    test_image,test_labels,n_test_images = loadDate(testFile,testParams)
    # 测试实现的卷积和池化函数是否正确
    if debug == True:
        # 使用前8幅图像测试卷积操作是否正常
        conv_images = train_images[:,:,:,0:8]
    # 在训练数据上利用卷积和池化对隐藏层的特征分块进行训练
    pooled_features_train = np.zeros(shape = (hidden_size,n_train_images,
                                    int(np.floor((image_dim - patch_dim + 1) / pool_dim)),
                                    int(np.floor((image_dim - patch_dim + 1) / pool_dim))),
                                    dtype = np.float)
    pooled_features_test = np.zeros(shape = (hidden_size,n_test_images,
                                    int(np.floor((image_dim - patch_dim + 1) / pool_dim)),
                                    int(np.floor((image_dim - patch_dim + 1) / pool_dim))),
                                    dtype = np.float)    
    # 特征步长
    step_size = 25
    # 检查特征个数能否被步长整除
    assert hidden_size % step_size == 0,"step_size should divide hidden_size"
    feature_part_num = int(hidden_size / step_size)
    start_time = time.time()
    for conv_part in range(feature_part_num):
        feature_start = conv_part * step_size
        feature_end = (conv_part + 1) * step_size
        # 选取特征参数,用于后续从图像中卷积提取在这些特征上的图像信息
        Wt = W[feature_start:feature_end,:]
        bt = b[feature_start:feature_end]
        # 在训练数据上卷积并池化
        print('Convolving and pooling train_images')
        convolved_features = cnn.cnn_convolve(patch_dim, step_size, train_images,
                                              Wt, bt, zca_white, patch_mean)
        pooled_features = cnn.cnn_pool(pool_dim, convolved_features)
        pooled_features_train[feature_start:feature_end,:,:,:] = pooled_features
        print('Time elapsed:',str(datetime.timedelta(seconds = time.time() - start_time)))
        # 在测试数据上卷积并池化
        print('Convolving and pooling test_images')
        convolved_features = cnn.cnn_convolve(patch_dim, step_size, test_image,
                                              Wt, bt, zca_white, patch_mean)
        pooled_features = cnn.cnn_pool(pool_dim, convolved_features)
        pooled_features_test[feature_start:feature_end,:,:,:] = pooled_features
        print('Time elapsed:',str(datetime.timedelta(seconds = time.time() - start_time)))
    # 保存池化后的特征数据
    print('Saving pooled features...')
    with open(p.join(PATH,'cnn_pooled_features.pickle'),'wb') as f:
    print('Time elapsed:',str(datetime.timedelta(seconds=time.time() - start_time)))
Beispiel #4
## STEP 2: Implement and test pooling
#  Implement pooling in the function cnnPool in cnnPool.m

## STEP 2a: Implement pooling
# NOTE: Implement cnnPool in cnnPool.m first!
# see

test_matrix = np.array(range(0,64)).reshape(8,8)

expected_matrix = np.array([[np.mean(test_matrix[0:4,0:4]), np.mean(test_matrix[0:4,4:8])],
                            [np.mean(test_matrix[4:8,0:4]), np.mean(test_matrix[4:8,4:8])]])

test_matrix = np.reshape(test_matrix, (8, 8, 1, 1))

pooled_features = cnn.cnn_pool(4, test_matrix).squeeze()

## STEP 2b: Checking your pooling
#  To ensure that you have implemented pooling, we will use your pooling
#  function to pool over a test matrix and check the results.

if not (pooled_features == expected_matrix).all():
    print "Pooling incorrect"
    print "Expected matrix"
    print expected_matrix
    print "Got"
    print pooled_features
    exit("Pooling code failed")

print 'Congratulations! Your code passed the test.'
Beispiel #5
## STEP 2c: Implement pooling
#  Implement pooling in the function cnnPool in cnnPool.m

# NOTE: Implement cnnPool in cnnPool.m first!

## STEP 2d: Checking your pooling
#  To ensure that you have implemented pooling, we will use your pooling
#  function to pool over a test matrix and check the results.
test_matrix = np.arange(64).reshape(8, 8)
expected_matrix = np.array([[np.mean(test_matrix[0:4, 0:4]), np.mean(test_matrix[0:4, 4:8])],
                            [np.mean(test_matrix[4:8, 0:4]), np.mean(test_matrix[4:8, 4:8])]])

test_matrix = np.reshape(test_matrix, (1, 1, 8, 8))

pooled_features = cnn.cnn_pool(4, test_matrix)

if not (pooled_features == expected_matrix).all():
    print "Pooling incorrect"
    print "Expected matrix"
    print expected_matrix
    print "Got"
    print pooled_features

print 'Congratulations! Your pooling code passed the test.'

## STEP 3: Convolve and pool with the dataset
#  In this step, you will convolve each of the features you learned with
#  the full large images to obtain the convolved features. You will then
#  pool the convolved features to obtain the pooled features for