Beispiel #1
def create_transcribed_gene(me_model,
     Creates a `TranscribedGene` metabolite object and adds it to the ME-model

    me_model : :class:`cobrame.core.model.MEModel`
        The MEModel object to which the reaction will be added

    locus_id : str
        Locus ID of RNA product.
        The TranscribedGene will be added as "RNA + _ + locus_id"

    left_pos : int or None
        Left position of gene on the sequence of the (+) strain

    right_pos : int or None
        Right position of gene on the sequence of the (+) strain

    seq : str
        Nucleotide sequence of RNA product.
        Amino acid sequence, codon counts, etc. will be calculated based on
        this string.

    strand : str or None
        - (+) if the RNA product is on the leading strand
        - (-) if the RNA product is on the complementary strand

    rna_type : str
        Type of RNA of the product.
        tRNA, rRNA, or mRNA
        Used for determining how RNA product will be processed.

            Metabolite object for the RNA product
    gene = cobrame.TranscribedGene('RNA_' + locus_id, rna_type, seq)
    gene.left_pos = left_pos
    gene.right_pos = right_pos
    gene.strand = strand

    return gene
Beispiel #2
def add_translation_reaction(me_model, locus_id, dna_sequence,
    Creates and adds a TranslationReaction to the ME-model as well as the
    associated TranslationData

    A dna_sequence is required in order to add a TranslationReaction to the

    me_model : :class:`cobra.core.model.MEModel`
        The MEModel object to which the reaction will be added

    locus_id : str
        Locus ID of RNA product.
        The TranslationReaction will be added as "translation + _ + locus_id"
        The TranslationData will be added as "locus_id"

    dna_sequence : str
        DNA sequence of the RNA product. This string should be reverse
        transcribed if it originates on the complement strand.

    update : bool
        If True, use TranslationReaction's update function to update and
        add reaction stoichiometry


    # Create TranslationData
    translation_data = \
        cobrame.TranslationData(locus_id, me_model, "RNA_" + locus_id,
                                "protein_" + locus_id)
    translation_data.nucleotide_sequence = dna_sequence

    # Add RNA to model if it doesn't exist
    if "RNA_" + locus_id not in me_model.metabolites:
        warn('RNA_%s not present in model. Adding it now.')
        rna = cobrame.TranscribedGene('RNA_' + locus_id, 'mRNA', dna_sequence)

    # Create and add TranslationReaction with TranslationData
    translation_reaction = \
        cobrame.TranslationReaction("translation_" + locus_id)
    translation_reaction.translation_data = translation_data

    if update:
Beispiel #3
    def update(self, verbose=True):
        Creates reaction using the associated translation data and adds
        chemical formula to protein product

        This function adds the following components to the reaction
        stoichiometry (using 'data' as shorthand for

        1) Amino acids defined in data.amino_acid_sequence. Subtracting water
           to account for condensation reactions during polymerization

        2) Ribosome w/ translation coupling coefficient (if present)

        3) mRNA defined in data.mRNA w/ translation coupling coefficient

        4) mRNA + nucleotides + hydrolysis ATP cost w/ degradation coupling
           coefficient (if kdeg (defined in model.global_info) > 0)

        5) RNA_degradosome w/ degradation coupling coefficient (if present and
           kdeg > 0)

        6) Protein product defined in data.protein

        7) Subreactions defined in data.subreactions

        8) protein_biomass :class:`cobrame.core.component.Constraint`
           corresponding to the protein product's mass

        9) Subtract mRNA_biomass :class:`cobrame.core.component.Constraint`
           defined by mRNA degradation coupling coefficinet (if kdeg > 0)

        verbose : bool
            Prints when new metabolites are added to the model when executing

        translation_data = self.translation_data
        protein_id = translation_data.protein
        mrna_id = translation_data.mRNA
        protein_length = len(translation_data.amino_acid_sequence)
        nucleotide_sequence = translation_data.nucleotide_sequence
        model = self._model
        metabolites = self._model.metabolites
        new_stoichiometry = defaultdict(int)

        # Set Parameters
        kt = self._model.global_info['kt']
        k_deg = self._model.global_info['k_deg']
        r0 = self._model.global_info['r0']
        m_rr = self._model.global_info['m_rr']
        f_rrna = self._model.global_info['f_rRNA']
        m_aa = self._model.global_info['m_aa']

        m_nt = self._model.global_info['m_nt']
        f_mrna = self._model.global_info['f_mRNA']

        c_ribo = m_rr / f_rrna / m_aa
        c_mrna = m_nt / f_mrna / m_aa

        # -----------------Add Amino Acids----------------------------------
        for aa, value in iteritems(translation_data.amino_acid_count):
            new_stoichiometry[aa] = -value
            new_stoichiometry['h2o_c'] += value

        # Length protein - 1 dehydration reactions
        new_stoichiometry['h2o_c'] -= 1.

        # -----------------Add Ribosome Coupling----------------------------
            ribosome = metabolites.get_by_id("ribosome")
        except KeyError:
            warn("ribosome not found")
            k_ribo = mu * c_ribo * kt / (mu + kt * r0)  # in hr-1
            coupling = -protein_length * mu / k_ribo
            new_stoichiometry[] = coupling

        # -------------------Add mRNA Coupling------------------------------
            transcript = metabolites.get_by_id(mrna_id)
        except KeyError:
            # If transcript not found add to the model as the mRNA_id
            warn("transcript ('%s') not found" % mrna_id)
            transcript = \
                cobrame.TranscribedGene(mrna_id, mrna_id, nucleotide_sequence)

        # Calculate coupling constraints for mRNA and degradation
        k_mrna = mu * c_mrna * kt / (mu + kt * r0) * 3.  # 3 nucleotides per AA
        rna_amount = mu / k_mrna
        deg_amount = k_deg / k_mrna

        # Add mRNA coupling to stoichiometry
        new_stoichiometry[] = -(rna_amount + deg_amount)

        # ---------------Add Degradation Requirements -------------------------
        # Add degraded nucleotides to stoichiometry
        for nucleotide, count in iteritems(transcript.nucleotide_count):
            new_stoichiometry[nucleotide] += count * deg_amount

        # ATP hydrolysis required for cleaving
        nucleotide_length = len(transcript.nucleotide_sequence)

        # .25 ATP required per nucleotide hydrolysis
        hydrolysis_amount = (nucleotide_length - 1) / 4. * deg_amount
        atp_hydrolysis = {'atp_c': -1, 'h2o_c': -1, 'adp_c': 1,
                          'pi_c': 1, 'h_c': 1}
        for metabolite, value in iteritems(atp_hydrolysis):
            new_stoichiometry[metabolite] += hydrolysis_amount * value

        # Add degradosome coupling, if known
            rna_degradosome = metabolites.get_by_id("RNA_degradosome")
        except KeyError:
            warn("RNA_degradosome not found")
            deg_coupling = -deg_amount * mu / 65. / 3600  # keff of degradosome
            new_stoichiometry[] = deg_coupling

        # --------------- Add Protein to Stoichiometry ------------------------
        # Added protein to model if not already included
            protein = metabolites.get_by_id(protein_id)
        except KeyError:
            protein = cobrame.TranslatedGene(protein_id)
        new_stoichiometry[] = 1

        # ------- Convert ids to metabolites and add to model -----------------
        # add subreactions to stoichiometry
        new_stoichiometry = self.add_subreactions(,

        # convert metabolite ids to cobra metabolites
        object_stoichiometry = self.get_components_from_ids(new_stoichiometry,
        # add metabolites to reaction
        self.add_metabolites(object_stoichiometry, combine=False)

        # -------------Update Element Dictionary and Formula-------------------
        self._add_formula_to_protein(translation_data, protein)

        # ------------------ Add biomass constraints --------------------------
        # add biomass constraint for protein translated
        protein_mass = protein.mass  # kDa
        self.add_metabolites({metabolites.protein_biomass: protein_mass},
        # RNA biomass consumed due to degradation
        mrna_mass = transcript.mass  # kDa
            {metabolites.mRNA_biomass: (-mrna_mass * deg_amount)},