def test_apply_func(self):
   Test apply_func for rendering values in worksheets.
   self.assertEqual(worksheet_util.apply_func(None, 'hello'), 'hello')
   self.assertEqual(worksheet_util.apply_func('[1:2]', 'hello'), 'e')
   self.assertEqual(worksheet_util.apply_func('[:2]', 'hello'), 'he')
   self.assertEqual(worksheet_util.apply_func('[2:]', 'hello'), 'llo')
   self.assertEqual(worksheet_util.apply_func('date', '1427467247'), '2015-03-27 07:40:47')
   self.assertEqual(worksheet_util.apply_func('duration', '63'), '1m3s')
   self.assertEqual(worksheet_util.apply_func('size', '1024'), '1K')
   self.assertEqual(worksheet_util.apply_func('s/a/b', 'aa'), 'bb')
   self.assertEqual(worksheet_util.apply_func(r's/(.+)\/(.+)/\2\/\1', '3/10'), '10/3')
   self.assertEqual(worksheet_util.apply_func('%.2f', '1.2345'), '1.23')
Beispiel #2
        def get_bundle_info(self, uuid):
            ## def get_bundle_infos(self, uuids, get_children=False, get_host_worksheets=False, get_permissions=False):
            bundle_info = _call_with_retries(lambda: self.client.get_bundle_info(uuid, True, True, True))
            # format permission data
            bundle_info['permission_str'] = permission_str(bundle_info['permission'])
            # format each groups as well
            for group_permission in bundle_info['group_permissions']:
                group_permission['permission_str'] = permission_str(group_permission['permission'])

            metadata = bundle_info['metadata']

            cls = get_bundle_subclass(bundle_info['bundle_type'])
            # format based on specs from the cli
            for spec in cls.METADATA_SPECS:
                key = spec.key
                if key not in metadata:
                if metadata[key] == '' or metadata[key] == []:
                value = worksheet_util.apply_func(spec.formatting, metadata.get(key))
                # if isinstance(value, list):
                #     value = ', '.join(value)
                metadata[key] = value

            bundle_info['metadata'] = metadata

            return bundle_info
Beispiel #3
 def test_apply_func(self):
 Test apply_func for rendering values in worksheets.
     self.assertEqual(worksheet_util.apply_func(None, 'hello'), 'hello')
     self.assertEqual(worksheet_util.apply_func('[1:2]', 'hello'), 'e')
     self.assertEqual(worksheet_util.apply_func('[:2]', 'hello'), 'he')
     self.assertEqual(worksheet_util.apply_func('[2:]', 'hello'), 'llo')
         worksheet_util.apply_func('date', '1427467247')[:10], '2015-03-27'
     )  # Don't test time because of time zones
     self.assertEqual(worksheet_util.apply_func('duration', '63'), '1m3s')
     self.assertEqual(worksheet_util.apply_func('size', '1024'), '1k')
     self.assertEqual(worksheet_util.apply_func('s/a/b', 'aa'), 'bb')
     self.assertEqual(worksheet_util.apply_func(r's/(.+)\/(.+)/\2\/\1', '3/10'), '10/3')
     self.assertEqual(worksheet_util.apply_func('%.2f', '1.2345'), '1.23')
Beispiel #4
        def get_bundle_info(self, uuid):
            ## def get_bundle_infos(self, uuids, get_children=False, get_host_worksheets=False, get_permissions=False):
            bundle_info = _call_with_retries(
                lambda: self.client.get_bundle_info(uuid, True, True, True))
            # format permission data
            bundle_info['permission_str'] = permission_str(
            # format each groups as well
            for group_permission in bundle_info['group_permissions']:
                group_permission['permission_str'] = permission_str(

            metadata = bundle_info['metadata']

            cls = get_bundle_subclass(bundle_info['bundle_type'])
            # format based on specs from the cli
            for spec in cls.METADATA_SPECS:
                key = spec.key
                if key not in metadata:
                if metadata[key] == '' or metadata[key] == []:
                value = worksheet_util.apply_func(spec.formatting,
                # if isinstance(value, list):
                #     value = ', '.join(value)
                metadata[key] = value

            bundle_info['metadata'] = metadata

            return bundle_info
Beispiel #5
        def get_bundle_info(self, uuid):
            bundle_info = _call_with_retries(lambda: self.client.get_bundle_info(uuid))

            metadata = bundle_info['metadata']

            cls = get_bundle_subclass(bundle_info['bundle_type'])
            # format based on specs from the cli
            for spec in cls.METADATA_SPECS:
                key = spec.key
                if key not in metadata:
                if metadata[key] == '' or metadata[key] == []:
                value = worksheet_util.apply_func(spec.formatting, metadata.get(key))
                # if isinstance(value, list):
                #     value = ', '.join(value)
                metadata[key] = value

            bundle_info['metadata'] = metadata

            return bundle_info
Beispiel #6
def interpret_file_genpath(target_cache, bundle_uuid, genpath, post):
    |cache| is a mapping from target (bundle_uuid, subpath) to the info map,
    which is to be read/written to avoid reading/parsing the same file many
    |genpath| specifies the subpath and various fields (e.g., for
    /stats:train/errorRate, subpath = 'stats', key = 'train/errorRate').
    |post| function to apply to the resulting value.
    Return the string value.
    MAX_LINES = 10000  # Maximum number of lines we need to read from a file.

    # Load the file
    if not is_file_genpath(genpath):
        raise UsageError('Not file genpath: %s' % genpath)
    genpath = genpath[1:]
    if ':' in genpath:  # Looking for a particular key in the file
        subpath, key = genpath.split(':')
        subpath, key = genpath, None

    target = (bundle_uuid, subpath)
    if target not in target_cache:
        info = None
            target_info = rest_util.get_target_info(target, 0)
            if target_info['type'] == 'file':
                contents = head_target(target, MAX_LINES)

                if len(contents) == 0:
                    info = ''
                elif all('\t' in x for x in contents):
                    # Tab-separated file (key\tvalue\nkey\tvalue...)
                    info = {}
                    for x in contents:
                        kv = x.strip().split("\t", 1)
                        if len(kv) == 2:
                            info[kv[0]] = kv[1]
                        # JSON file
                        info = json.loads(''.join(contents))
                    except (TypeError, ValueError):
                            # YAML file
                            # Use safe_load because yaml.load() could execute
                            # arbitrary Python code
                            info = yaml.safe_load(''.join(contents))
                        except yaml.YAMLError:
                            # Plain text file
                            info = ''.join(contents)
        except NotFoundError:

        # Try to interpret the structure of the file by looking inside it.
        target_cache[target] = info

    # Traverse the info object.
    info = target_cache.get(target, None)
    if key is not None and info is not None:
        for k in key.split('/'):
            if isinstance(info, dict):
                info = info.get(k, None)
            elif isinstance(info, list):
                    info = info[int(k)]
                except (KeyError, ValueError):
                    info = None
                info = None
            if info is None:
    return apply_func(post, info)
Beispiel #7
def short_uuid(full_uuid):
    return worksheet_util.apply_func('[0:8]', full_uuid)
Beispiel #8
def interpret_file_genpath(target_cache, bundle_uuid, genpath, post):
    |cache| is a mapping from target (bundle_uuid, subpath) to the info map,
    which is to be read/written to avoid reading/parsing the same file many
    |genpath| specifies the subpath and various fields (e.g., for
    /stats:train/errorRate, subpath = 'stats', key = 'train/errorRate').
    |post| function to apply to the resulting value.
    Return the string value.
    MAX_LINES = 10000  # Maximum number of lines we need to read from a file.

    # Load the file
    if not is_file_genpath(genpath):
        raise UsageError('Not file genpath: %s' % genpath)
    genpath = genpath[1:]
    if ':' in genpath:  # Looking for a particular key in the file
        subpath, key = genpath.split(':')
        subpath, key = genpath, None

    target = (bundle_uuid, subpath)
    if target not in target_cache:
        target_info = rest_util.get_target_info(target, 0)

        # Try to interpret the structure of the file by looking inside it.
        if target_info is not None and target_info['type'] == 'file':
            contents = head_target(target, MAX_LINES)

            if len(contents) == 0:
                info = ''
            elif all('\t' in x for x in contents):
                # Tab-separated file (key\tvalue\nkey\tvalue...)
                info = {}
                for x in contents:
                    kv = x.strip().split("\t", 1)
                    if len(kv) == 2: info[kv[0]] = kv[1]
                    # JSON file
                    info = json.loads(''.join(contents))
                except (TypeError, ValueError):
                        # YAML file
                        # Use safe_load because yaml.load() could execute
                        # arbitrary Python code
                        info = yaml.safe_load(''.join(contents))
                    except yaml.YAMLError:
                        # Plain text file
                        info = ''.join(contents)
            info = None
        target_cache[target] = info

    # Traverse the info object.
    info = target_cache.get(target, None)
    if key is not None and info is not None:
        for k in key.split('/'):
            if isinstance(info, dict):
                info = info.get(k, None)
            elif isinstance(info, list):
                    info = info[int(k)]
                except (KeyError, ValueError):
                    info = None
                info = None
            if info is None: break
    return apply_func(post, info)
Beispiel #9
def short_uuid(full_uuid):
    return worksheet_util.apply_func('[0:8]', full_uuid)
def short_uuid(full_uuid):
    from codalab.lib import worksheet_util

    return worksheet_util.apply_func('[0:8]', full_uuid)