Beispiel #1
   def assemble(self):
      # first pass - build the symbol table for labels

      parser = Parser(self.source_filename)
      symbol_table = SymbolTable()

      # the current instruction
      instruction = 0

      # parse each command
      while parser.hasMoreCommands():
         # advance to the next command

         # parse the command type and look for symbols
         command_type = parser.commandType()
         if command_type == "L":
            # look for an instruction label symbol
            symbol = parser.symbol()
            if symbol not in symbol_table:
               symbol_table.addEntry(symbol, instruction)
            # increment the instruction count if this was not a label
            if command_type != "L":
               instruction += 1

      # second pass - build the symbol table for variables

      parser = Parser(self.source_filename)

      # the memory location for the next variable
      variable_address = 16

      # parse each command
      while parser.hasMoreCommands():
         # advance to the next command

         # parse the command type and look for symbols
         command_type = parser.commandType()
         if command_type == "A":
            # look for a variable value symbol
            symbol = parser.symbol()
            if symbol[0] not in map(str, range(0, 10)):
               # the symbol is not a number; that is, it is actually a symbol
               if symbol not in symbol_table:
                  symbol_table.addEntry(symbol, variable_address)
                  variable_address += 1

      # third pass - generate assembly

      parser = Parser(self.source_filename)
      code = Code()

      # parse all commands
      while parser.hasMoreCommands():
         # advance to the next command

         command_type = parser.commandType()
         if command_type == "A":
            # a command
            symbol = parser.symbol()
            if symbol in symbol_table:
               symbol = symbol_table.getAddress(symbol)

            symbol_binary = code.decimalToBinary(symbol)

            self.destination_file.write("0" + symbol_binary + "\n")
         elif command_type == "C":
            # c command
            comp = code.comp(parser.comp())
            dest = code.dest(parser.dest())
            jump = code.jump(parser.jump())

            self.destination_file.write("111" + comp + dest + jump + "\n")
         elif command_type == "L":
            # label - do nothing in this stage
            # unknown command
            raise Exception("ERROR: Unknown command type encountered")

      # close the output file