Beispiel #1
def main():
    machine = CoffeeMachine(400, 540, 120, 9, 550)
    while True:
        print("Write action (buy, fill, take, remaining, exit):")
        choice = input()
        if choice == "exit":
            if machine.state == "Buy":
                print("What do you want to buy? 1 - espresso, 2 - latte, 3 - cappuccino, back - to main menu:")
                choice = input()
            elif machine.state == "Fill":
                print("Write how many ml of water do you want to add:")
                choice = input()
                print("Write how many ml of milk do you want to add:")
                choice = input()
                print("Write how many grams of coffee beans do you want to add:")
                choice = input()
                print("Write how many disposable cups of coffee do you want to add:")
                choice = input()
Beispiel #2
 def run_coffee_machine(self):
     outlets = self.test_data.get("outlets").get("count_n")
     ingredient_data = self.test_data.get("total_items_quantity")
     coffee_machine = CoffeeMachine(outlets)
     beverages = self.test_data.get("beverages")
     for beverage_name, beverage_details in beverages.items():
         coffee_machine.dispense_beverage(beverage_name, beverage_details)
Beispiel #3
    def test_coffee_refill(self):
        test_data = read_json_file(self.test_file)
        coffee_machine = CoffeeMachine(2)
        coffee_machine.refill("hot_water", 100)

        self.assertEqual(coffee_machine.items['hot_water'], 600)
def test_checkSemantics_num_outlets():
    """ Test to check if number of outlets supplied makes semantic sense. 

    # assign data to pass to coffee machine
    num_outlets = -1
    beverages = {}
    total_items_qty = {}

    with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="outlets must be more than 0"):
        CM = CoffeeMachine(num_outlets, beverages, total_items_qty)
def test_checkFormat_beverage_drink_not_str():
    """ Test to check if a drink name in beverages dict is not a string. 

    # assign data to pass to coffee machine
    num_outlets = 1
    beverages = {1: {}}
    total_items_qty = {}

    with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="Name of drink in beverage list not"):
        CM = CoffeeMachine(num_outlets, beverages, total_items_qty)
def test_checkFormat_bevs_type():
    """ Test to check if non dict beverages is handled correctly. 

    # assign data to pass to coffee machine
    num_outlets = 1
    beverages = "hello"
    total_items_qty = {}

    with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="Beverage list is not a dict."):
        CM = CoffeeMachine(num_outlets, beverages, total_items_qty)
def test_checkFormat_raw_mat_type():
    """ Test to check if non dict raw_material_qty is handled correctly. 

    # assign data to pass to coffee machine
    num_outlets = 1
    beverages = {}
    total_items_qty = "hello"

    with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="Raw material list is not a dict."):
        CM = CoffeeMachine(num_outlets, beverages, total_items_qty)
def test_checkFormat_num_type():
    """ Test to check if non integer num outlets is handled correctly. 

    # assign data to pass to coffee machine
    num_outlets = "hello"
    beverages = {}
    total_items_qty = {}

    with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="Number of outlets is not"):
        CM = CoffeeMachine(num_outlets, beverages, total_items_qty)
def test_checkSemantics_raw_material_qty():
    """ Test to check if raw materials ingredient quantity 
    supplied makes semantic sense. 

    # assign data to pass to coffee machine
    num_outlets = 1
    beverages = {}
    total_items_qty = {"hot_tea": -1}

    with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="Quantity of a raw material cannot"):
        CM = CoffeeMachine(num_outlets, beverages, total_items_qty)
def test_checkFormat_beverage_drink_ingredient_not_dict():
    """ Test to check if a drink's ingredients in beverages dict is
    not passed as a dict. 

    # assign data to pass to coffee machine
    num_outlets = 1
    beverages = {"hot_tea": "hello"}
    total_items_qty = {}

    with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="Ingredients for drink in beverage"):
        CM = CoffeeMachine(num_outlets, beverages, total_items_qty)
def test_checkFormat_raw_mat_qty_amount_type():
    """ Test to check if a raw material quantity value in raw_material_qty 
    dict is not an integer. 

    # assign data to pass to coffee machine
    num_outlets = 1
    beverages = {}
    total_items_qty = {"milk": "hello"}

    with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="Quantity of ingredient in raw"):
        CM = CoffeeMachine(num_outlets, beverages, total_items_qty)
def test_checkFormat_beverage_drink_ingredient_not_str():
    """ Test to check if a drink's ingredients (key) in beverages dict is
    not a string. 

    # assign data to pass to coffee machine
    num_outlets = 1
    beverages = {"hot_tea": {1: 52}}
    total_items_qty = {}

    with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="Name of ingredient for drink in"):
        CM = CoffeeMachine(num_outlets, beverages, total_items_qty)
def test_canMakeDrink_functionality_possible():
    """ Test to see if canMake works if drink is possible to make. 

    # assign data to pass to coffee machine
    num_outlets = 1
    beverages = {"hot_tea": {"milk": 1}}
    total_items_qty = {"milk": 2}

    CM = CoffeeMachine(num_outlets, beverages, total_items_qty)

    assert CM._CoffeeMachine__canMakeDrink("hot_tea") == 1
def test_checkSemantics_beverages():
    """ Test to check if beverages ingredient quantity 
    supplied makes semantic sense. 

    # assign data to pass to coffee machine
    num_outlets = 1
    beverages = {"hot_tea": {"milk": -1}}
    total_items_qty = {}

    with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="Quantity of ingredient in drink"):
        CM = CoffeeMachine(num_outlets, beverages, total_items_qty)
def test_checkFormat_raw_mat_qty_ingredient_type():
    """ Test to check if a raw material quantity key in raw_material_qty 
    dict is not a string. 

    # assign data to pass to coffee machine
    num_outlets = 1
    beverages = {}
    total_items_qty = {1: 52}

    with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="Name of ingredient in raw material"):
        CM = CoffeeMachine(num_outlets, beverages, total_items_qty)
def test_returnIngredientLevel():
    """ Test to see if returning ingredient level works.

    # assign data to pass to coffee machine
    num_outlets = 1
    beverages = {"hot_tea": {"milk": 1}}
    total_items_qty = {"milk": 2}

    CM = CoffeeMachine(num_outlets, beverages, total_items_qty)

    assert CM.returnIngredientLevel() == total_items_qty
def test_pourDrink_functionality():
    """ Test to see if pourDrink works correctly. 

    # assign data to pass to coffee machine
    num_outlets = 1
    beverages = {"hot_tea": {"milk": 1}}
    total_items_qty = {"milk": 2}

    CM = CoffeeMachine(num_outlets, beverages, total_items_qty)

    assert CM.raw_material_qty["milk"] == 1
def test_refill_qty_type():
    """ Test to check if refill method works if ingredient quantity given 
    is not an int.

    # assign data to pass to coffee machine
    num_outlets = 1
    beverages = {}
    total_items_qty = {}

    with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="Quantity is not an integer."):
        CM = CoffeeMachine(num_outlets, beverages, total_items_qty)
        CM.refill("milk", "hello")
def test_refill_unknown_ingredient():
    """ Test to check if refill method works if ingredient is not in 
    coffee machine.

    # assign data to pass to coffee machine
    num_outlets = 1
    beverages = {}
    total_items_qty = {}

    with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="Ingredient not in coffee machine."):
        CM = CoffeeMachine(num_outlets, beverages, total_items_qty)
        CM.refill("milk", 1)
def test_refill_ingredient_type():
    """ Test to check if refill method works if ingredient given is not a 

    # assign data to pass to coffee machine
    num_outlets = 1
    beverages = {}
    total_items_qty = {}

    with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="Ingredient is not a string."):
        CM = CoffeeMachine(num_outlets, beverages, total_items_qty)
        CM.refill(1, 1)
def test_canMakeDrink_functionality_impossible():
    """ Test to see if canMake works if drink is not possible to make
    because of non-existent ingredient. 

    # assign data to pass to coffee machine
    num_outlets = 1
    beverages = {"hot_tea": {"cocoa": 2}}
    total_items_qty = {"milk": 1}

    CM = CoffeeMachine(num_outlets, beverages, total_items_qty)

    assert CM._CoffeeMachine__canMakeDrink("hot_tea") == -1
def test_refill_functionality():
    """ Test if the refill function works properly

    # assign data to pass to coffee machine
    num_outlets = 1
    beverages = {}
    total_items_qty = {"milk": 1}

    CM = CoffeeMachine(num_outlets, beverages, total_items_qty)
    CM.refill("milk", 1)

    assert CM.raw_material_qty["milk"] == 2
def test_refill_positive_value():
    """ Test to check if refill method works if final value after 
    adding ingredient becomes negative.

    # assign data to pass to coffee machine
    num_outlets = 1
    beverages = {}
    total_items_qty = {"milk": 1}

    with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="Cannot add because final quantity"):
        CM = CoffeeMachine(num_outlets, beverages, total_items_qty)
        CM.refill("milk", -2)
def test_makeDrink_drink_type():
    """ Test to see if makeDrink works when drink name is not a string.

    # assign data to pass to coffee machine
    num_outlets = 1
    beverages = {}
    total_items_qty = {}

    CM = CoffeeMachine(num_outlets, beverages, total_items_qty)

    with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="Drink name is not a string."):
        CM._CoffeeMachine__makeDrink(1, 1)
def test_checkFormat_beverage_drink_ingredient_qty_not_int():
    """ Test to check if a drink's ingredients quantity (value) in 
    beverages dict is not an int. 

    # assign data to pass to coffee machine
    num_outlets = 1
    beverages = {"hot_tea": {"milk": "hello"}}
    total_items_qty = {}

    with pytest.raises(ValueError,
                       match="Required quantity of ingredient for"):
        CM = CoffeeMachine(num_outlets, beverages, total_items_qty)
def test_makeOrder_order_type():
    """ Test to see if makeOrder works with wrong order type.

    # assign data to pass to coffee machine
    num_outlets = 1
    beverages = {"hot_tea": {"milk": 1}}
    total_items_qty = {"milk": 2}
    orders = {}

    CM = CoffeeMachine(num_outlets, beverages, total_items_qty)

    with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="Orders were expected in a list."):
def test_makeOrder_order_unknown_drink():
    """ Test to see if makeOrder works with wrong drink type in order.

    # assign data to pass to coffee machine
    num_outlets = 1
    beverages = {"hot_tea": {"milk": 1}}
    total_items_qty = {"milk": 2}
    orders = ["coffee"]

    CM = CoffeeMachine(num_outlets, beverages, total_items_qty)

    with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="for ordered drink is not known."):
def test_makeOrder_zero_len():
    """ Test to see if makeOrder works with zero length order.

    # assign data to pass to coffee machine
    num_outlets = 1
    beverages = {"hot_tea": {"milk": 1}}
    total_items_qty = {"milk": 2}
    orders = []

    CM = CoffeeMachine(num_outlets, beverages, total_items_qty)

    assert CM.raw_material_qty["milk"] == 2
def test_makeOrder_functionality_str_input():
    """ Test to see if makeOrder works for single string input.

    # assign data to pass to coffee machine
    num_outlets = 1
    beverages = {"hot_tea": {"milk": 1}}
    total_items_qty = {"milk": 2}
    orders = "hot_tea"

    CM = CoffeeMachine(num_outlets, beverages, total_items_qty)

    assert CM.raw_material_qty["milk"] == 1
def test_makeOrder_functionality_multiple_orders_with_wait():
    """ Test to see if makeOrder works for multiple orders.

    # assign data to pass to coffee machine
    num_outlets = 1
    beverages = {"hot_tea": {"milk": 1}}
    total_items_qty = {"milk": 2}
    orders = ["hot_tea", "hot_tea", "hot_tea", "hot_tea", "hot_tea", "hot_tea"]

    CM = CoffeeMachine(num_outlets, beverages, total_items_qty)

    assert CM.raw_material_qty["milk"] == 0