Beispiel #1
    def oea(self, **kw):
        """login user via Coffice Account provider"""
        dbname = kw.pop('db', None)
        if not dbname:
            dbname = db_monodb()
        if not dbname:
            return BadRequest()
        if not http.db_filter([dbname]):
            return BadRequest()

        registry = registry_get(dbname)
        with registry.cursor() as cr:
                env = api.Environment(cr, SUPERUSER_ID, {})
                provider = env.ref('auth_oauth.provider_openerp')
            except ValueError:
                return set_cookie_and_redirect('/web?db=%s' % dbname)
            assert provider._name == 'auth.oauth.provider'

        state = {
            'd': dbname,
            'c': {
                'no_user_creation': True

        kw['state'] = json.dumps(state)
        return self.signin(**kw)
Beispiel #2
 def declined(self, db, token, action, id):
     registry = registry_get(db)
     with registry.cursor() as cr:
         env = Environment(cr, SUPERUSER_ID, {})
         attendee = env['calendar.attendee'].search([
             ('access_token', '=', token), ('state', '!=', 'declined')
         if attendee:
     return self.view(db, token, action, id, view='form')
Beispiel #3
    def signin(self, **kw):
        state = json.loads(kw['state'])
        dbname = state['d']
        if not http.db_filter([dbname]):
            return BadRequest()
        provider = state['p']
        context = state.get('c', {})
        registry = registry_get(dbname)
        with registry.cursor() as cr:
                env = api.Environment(cr, SUPERUSER_ID, context)
                credentials = env['res.users'].sudo().auth_oauth(provider, kw)
                action = state.get('a')
                menu = state.get('m')
                redirect = werkzeug.url_unquote_plus(
                    state['r']) if state.get('r') else False
                url = '/web'
                if redirect:
                    url = redirect
                elif action:
                    url = '/web#action=%s' % action
                elif menu:
                    url = '/web#menu_id=%s' % menu
                resp = login_and_redirect(*credentials, redirect_url=url)
                # Since /web is hardcoded, verify user has right to land on it
                if werkzeug.urls.url_parse(
                ).path == '/web' and not request.env.user.has_group(
                    resp.location = '/'
                return resp
            except AttributeError:
                # auth_signup is not installed
                    "auth_signup not installed on database %s: oauth sign up cancelled."
                    % (dbname, ))
                url = "/web/login?oauth_error=1"
            except AccessDenied:
                # oauth credentials not valid, user could be on a temporary session
                    'OAuth2: access denied, redirect to main page in case a valid session exists, without setting cookies'
                url = "/web/login?oauth_error=3"
                redirect = werkzeug.utils.redirect(url, 303)
                redirect.autocorrect_location_header = False
                return redirect
            except Exception as e:
                # signup error
                _logger.exception("OAuth2: %s" % str(e))
                url = "/web/login?oauth_error=2"

        return set_cookie_and_redirect(url)
Beispiel #4
    def view(self, db, token, action, id, view='calendar'):
        registry = registry_get(db)
        with registry.cursor() as cr:
            # Since we are in auth=none, create an env with SUPERUSER_ID
            env = Environment(cr, SUPERUSER_ID, {})
            attendee = env['calendar.attendee'].search([
                ('access_token', '=', token), ('event_id', '=', int(id))
            if not attendee:
                return request.not_found()
            timezone =
            lang = attendee.partner_id.lang or get_lang(request.env).code
            event = env['calendar.event'].with_context(tz=timezone,

            # If user is internal and logged, redirect to form view of event
            # otherwise, display the simplifyed web page with event informations
            if request.session.uid and request.env['res.users'].browse(
                return werkzeug.utils.redirect(
                    '/web?db=%s#id=%s&view_type=form&model=calendar.event' %
                    (db, id))

            # NOTE : we don't use request.render() since:
            # - we need a template rendering which is not lazy, to render before cursor closing
            # - we need to display the template in the language of the user (not possible with
            #   request.render())
            response_content = env['ir.ui.view'].with_context(
                    'calendar.invitation_page_anonymous', {
                        'event': event,
                        'attendee': attendee,
            return request.make_response(response_content,
                                         headers=[('Content-Type', 'text/html')