def __init__(self, condition, value_text, desc_text, fname):
        '''All we need to present a single trial of our experiment

        So far, only integrated recording into 'EI'

        fname :
            the name of the avi where we'll store subject face images
        # Chunks of stuff that get done in different trials
        def generic_E(desc_stop): 
            return [ Event(instruction, 0.5, 'start_reading', text='ESTIMATE',
                           log={'condition': condition},
                           response=ReadResponse('start_reading')) ] + \
                   self.display_description(desc_text, 'start_reading', 
                                            desc_stop) + \
                   [ Event(answer, 'start_reading', desc_stop, 
                           text='<>', color=(0,0,0), 
                           response=EstimateResponse(timeout=5.0)) ]

        def surprise(surp_start):
            # return [ Event(answer, surp_start, 'surprise', text='<>',
            #               color=(0,0,0), response=SurpriseResponse()),
            return [ Event(instruction, surp_start, 'surprise',
                           text='SURPRISED?', response=SurpriseResponse() )]

        # Now define our actual conditions
        value_text = format_num(value_text)

        if condition == 'I':
            events = [ Event(instruction, 0.5, 'start_reading', text='READ',
                             log={'condition': 'I'},
                       Event(value, 'start_reading', 'surprise', 
                             text=value_text) ] + \
                                              ('start_reading', 2.0), 
                                              'surprise') + \
                     surprise(('start_reading', 2.0))
        elif condition == 'E':
            events = generic_E('estimate')
        elif condition == 'EI':
            # Note that we set the first 'value' to offset after 'surprise' to
            # prevent this from deactivating the second value prompt ('<>')
            # right at 'read_num'
            events = [ Event(recording, 0.0, 'surprise', fname=fname) ] + \
                     generic_E('surprise') + \
                     [ Event(value, ('estimate', 0.5), 'surprise', 
                             text=value_text)] + \
                     surprise(('estimate', 2.5))
        elif condition == 'EM':
            #         [ Event(answer, 'estimate', 'memory', text='<>',
            #                 color=(0,0,0) ),
            events = generic_E('memory') + \
                     [ Event(instruction, 'estimate', 'memory',
                             text='MEMORY?', response=MemoryResponse() ) ]

        Trial.__init__(self, events)
Beispiel #2
    def __init__(self, FS):
        events=[Event(fixation, start=0, duration=2.0),
                Event(FS, start=2, duration=.5,
                Event(blank, start=2, duration=2.5,
                    response = Response(label='press',limit=('z','/')))]

Beispiel #3
    def __init__(self, stim):
        voice_resp = VoiceResponse(label = 'speak',
                        audio_controller = voice_controller)

        events=[Event(fixation, start=0, duration=2.0),
                Event(stim, start=2, duration=.5,
                    log={'type': stim.type,
                        'subject': subject,
                        'VT_threshold': voice_controller.THRESHOLD}),
                Event(blank, start=2, duration=2.5,
                    response = voice_resp)]
