async def platforms_send(self, ctx): """Send the initial reaction embed for platform roles.""" prompt = 'Are you sure you would like to send the platforms reaction message?' if not await ctx.prompt(prompt): return await ctx.message.delete() description = '\n'.join(( "To help us provide accurate help we've created platform-specific" + 'help channels and roles.\n', 'React to this message to assign the appropriate role.', 'If you have any questions contact a Community Manager.', )) embed = discord.Embed(title='Platform Roles', description=description, colour=Colour.light_blue()) records = await ctx.db.fetch('SELECT * FROM roles WHERE type=$1;', RoleType.platform.value) if not records: return for record in records: embed.add_field(name=record['reaction'] + ' ' + record['name'], value=record['description'], inline=False) message = await ctx.send(embed=embed) = for record in records: await message.add_reaction(record['reaction'].strip('<>'))
async def pings_send(self, ctx): """Send the initial reaction embed for ping roles.""" prompt = 'Are you sure you would like to send the pings reaction message?' if not await ctx.prompt(prompt): return await ctx.message.delete() description = '\n'.join(( "To avoid pinging everyone we've created a few roles to ping instead.\n", 'React to this message to assign the appropriate role.', 'If you have any questions feel free to ping a Community Manager.', )) embed = discord.Embed(title='Role Management', description=description, colour=Colour.light_blue()) records = await ctx.db.fetch('SELECT * FROM roles WHERE type=$1;', if not records: return for record in records: embed.add_field(name=record['reaction'] + ' ' + record['name'], value=record['description'], inline=False) message = await ctx.send(embed=embed) = for record in records: await message.add_reaction(record['reaction'].strip('<>'))
async def language_send(self, ctx): """Send the initial reaction embed for language roles.""" prompt = 'Are you sure you would like to send the language reaction message?' if not await ctx.prompt(prompt): return await ctx.message.delete() description = '\n'.join(( 'To help find games in your langauges we have created ' + 'some roles for *you* to ping instead.', 'This does mean that these roles will be pinged a lot, so only assign ' + 'them to yourself if you are fine with ' 'getting pinged a lot by members in <#540999156660174878>.\n', 'React to this message to assign yourself the appropriate role.', 'If you have any questions please ping a Community Manager', )) embed = discord.Embed(title='Language Roles', description=description, colour=Colour.light_blue()) records = await ctx.db.fetch('SELECT * FROM roles WHERE type=$1;', RoleType.language.value) for record in records: embed.add_field(name=record['reaction'] + ' ' + record['name'], value=record['description'], inline=True) message = await ctx.send(embed=embed) = for record in records: await message.add_reaction(record['reaction'].strip('<>'))
async def send_command_help(self, command): if command.hidden: return await self.get_destination().send(embed=discord.Embed([0].upper() +[1:], description='`{0}` {1}'.format( self.get_command_signature(command), or command.brief, ), colour=Colour.light_blue(), ))
async def create_report(self, author: discord.Member, *, conn=None): conn = conn or report_id: int = await conn.fetchval("SELECT nextval('report_id');") overwrites = {author: discord.PermissionOverwrite(read_messages=True)} overwrites.update(self.category.overwrites) channel = await self.category.create_text_channel( name='{0}-{1}'.format(report_id, author.display_name), sync_permissions=True, overwrites=overwrites, reason='Creating report #{0} ({1}) for {2}'.format( report_id, report_id, author.display_name)) query = """INSERT INTO reports ( id, channel_id, author_id ) VALUES ($1, $2, $3) RETURNING *; """ record = await conn.fetchrow(query, report_id,, await channel.send('Welcome {0}'.format(author.mention), embed=discord.Embed( description=self.open_message, colour=Colour.light_blue(), )) embed = discord.Embed(title=f"Report #{record['id']}", colour=Colour.cyan()) embed.set_author(name=author, icon_url=author.avatar_url) message = await self.status_channel.send(embed=embed) await conn.execute( 'UPDATE reports SET status_message_id=$1 WHERE id=$2',, record['id']) return channel, record
async def start(self): self.manager.lobbies.remove(self) await self.message.clear_reactions() await 'You have enough players to start a game! ' + ', '.join( '<@{0}>'.format(player) for player in self.players ), ) description = 'This lobby reached the desired amount of players.' await self.message.edit(embed=discord.Embed( title='Lobby Full!', description=description, colour=Colour.apricot(), ))
async def send_bot_help(self, mapping): bot = all_commands = await self.filter_commands(bot.commands, sort=True) embed = discord.Embed( title='All commands', colour=Colour.light_blue(), ) for command in all_commands: embed.add_field(name=self.get_command_signature(command), value=command.brief or self.generate_brief( or '*missing*', inline=False) await self.get_destination().send(embed=embed)
async def disband(self, *, timeout=False): if not timeout: self.timeout.cancel() # Cancel the timeout task self.manager.lobbies.remove(self) await self.message.clear_reactions() await '<@{0}> your lobby was disbanded.'.format( self.owner_id ) ) description = 'This lobby was disbanded.' await self.message.edit(embed=discord.Embed( title='Lobby Disbanded!', description=description, colour=Colour.unvaulted_red(), ))
async def send_group_help(self, group): if group.hidden: return all_commands = await self.filter_commands(group.commands, sort=True) embed = discord.Embed([0].upper() +[1:], description='`{0}` {1}'.format( self.get_command_signature(group), or group.brief, ), colour=Colour.light_blue(), ) for command in all_commands: embed.add_field(name=self.get_command_signature(command), value=command.brief or self.generate_brief(, inline=False) await self.get_destination().send(embed=embed)
async def lobby(self, ctx, players: int = 5): """ Open a managed waiting lobby to gather players. This then pings all players when full. """ lobby = self.get_lobby_by_owner( if lobby: return await ctx.send('Please disband your old lobby before opening a new one.') if players < 2 or players > 8: return beta_mention = f'<@&{}>' message = await ctx.send(beta_mention, embed=discord.Embed( title='Looking for players!', description='If you are available for a game, react below.', colour=Colour.cyan(), ), allowed_mentions=discord.AllowedMentions(everyone=True, roles=True)) self.lobbies.add(Lobby(self,, message, players)) await message.add_reaction(':high5:{}'.format(
async def tickets(self, ctx, user: discord.Member): """Get all tickets opened by a specific user.""" embed = discord.Embed(title=f"Tickets opened by {user}", colour=Colour.light_blue()) tickets = await 'SELECT * FROM tickets WHERE author_id=$1;', ) to_display = tickets if len(tickets) > 25: to_display = tickets[:25] for ticket in to_display: # Craft the message link link = '' link += f'{}/' link += str(ticket['status_message_id']) # Craft the field name name = f"Ticket #{ticket['id']}" if ticket['issue']: name += f" - {ticket['issue'][:235]}" embed.add_field( name=name, value=f"[Message link!]({link})", inline=False ) footer = f'{user} has opened {len(tickets)} tickets.' if to_display is not tickets: footer += 'Displaying only 25 in no particular order.' embed.set_footer(text=footer) await ctx.send(embed=embed)
async def send_report(self, ctx): """Send the report message to be reacted to.""" if not await ctx.prompt( 'Are you sure you want to send the report message here?'): return await ctx.message.delete() description = '\n'.join(( '*Please make sure you have proof for your report.*\n', 'Due to the nature of the game, so called "RDM" and "teaming" can be subjective' + ' due to a lack of information, paranoia or simply being new players. But if ' + 'someone is blatantly doing this to ruin games please report that.\n', '**Before opening a report ticket please do the following:**', '1. Report in-game when you can (hit ESC, click Players, select Report)', '2. Record a video or take screenshots', '3. Get a steam link to their account\n', '**To report a player simply react below with <:high5:{}>!**'. format( embed = discord.Embed(title='Report Player', description=description, colour=Colour.light_blue()) embed.set_footer( text= 'We are dedicated to ensure a safe and respective community and ' + 'all reports will be looked into.') message = await ctx.send(embed=embed) = await message.add_reaction(':high5:{}'.format(
async def _create_ticket(self, author, issue, *, prefix=None, conn=None): conn = conn or # If issue is None issue = issue.strip('<>') if isinstance(issue, str) else issue ticket_id = await conn.fetchval("SELECT nextval('ticket_id');") overwrites = { author: discord.PermissionOverwrite( read_messages=True ) } overwrites.update(self.category.overwrites) channel = await self.category.create_text_channel( name='{0}-{1}-{2}'.format( prefix or '', ticket_id, issue[:90] if issue else author.display_name ), sync_permissions=True, overwrites=overwrites, reason='Creating ticket #{0}: {1}'.format(ticket_id, issue) ) query = """INSERT INTO tickets ( id, channel_id, author_id, issue ) VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4) RETURNING *; """ record = await conn.fetchrow( query, ticket_id,,, issue[:90] if issue else None ) await channel.send( 'Welcome {0}'.format(author.mention), embed=discord.Embed( description=await prefix + '-ticket' ) if prefix else self.open_message, colour=Colour.light_blue(), ) ) title = '{} #{}{}'.format( (prefix[0].upper() + prefix[1:]) if prefix else 'Ticket', record['id'], ' - {}'.format(issue[:235]) if issue else '' ) embed = discord.Embed( title=title, colour=Colour.cyan() ) embed.set_author(name=author, icon_url=author.avatar_url) message = await self.status_channel.send(embed=embed) await conn.execute( 'UPDATE tickets SET status_message_id=$1 WHERE id=$2',, record['id'] ) return channel, record
async def ticket_close(self, ctx, *, reason=None): """Close the ticket and create an archive. The reason should be a summary.""" query = 'SELECT * from tickets WHERE channel_id=$1;' record = await ctx.db.fetchrow(query, if not record: return query = 'UPDATE tickets SET state=$1 WHERE channel_id=$2' await ctx.db.execute(query, TicketState.closed.value, record['channel_id']) await ctx.send('Creating logs please do not send any messages, this may take a while.') message = await self.status_channel.fetch_message(record['status_message_id']) embed = message.embeds[0] embed.description = reason embed.colour = Colour.apricot() ticket = 'Ticket #{}{}'.format( record['id'], ' - {}'.format(record['issue']) if record['issue'] else '' ) files = await self._generate_log(, record) jumps = '' for attachment in files[1:]: # The log comes afterwards # Embed fields cannot exceed 1024 characters, so we need to split # the jump URLs before this happens. if len(jumps) > 800: embed.add_field( name='Attachments', value=jumps, inline=False ) jumps = '' msg = await self.log_channel.send( f'Attachment from **{ticket}**', file=discord.File(attachment, filename=attachment) ) jumps += f'[Jump: {attachment}]({msg.jump_url})\n' os.remove(attachment) if jumps: # There's some jump URLs to send embed.add_field( name='Attachments', value=jumps, inline=False ) transcript = await self.log_channel.send( f"Transcription from **{ticket}**", file=discord.File(files[0], filename=files[0]) ) embed.add_field(name='Log', value=f'[Jump!]({transcript.jump_url})') os.remove(files[0]) embed.set_footer( text=f'{} ({})', ) await message.edit(embed=embed) await reason='Closing ticket #{0} because: {1}'.format(record['id'], reason) )
async def report_close(self, ctx, *, reason=''): """Close the report. The reason should be a summary.""" query = 'SELECT * from reports WHERE channel_id=$1;' record = await ctx.db.fetchrow(query, if not record: return query = 'UPDATE reports SET state=$1 WHERE channel_id=$2;' await ctx.db.execute(query, ReportState.closed.value, record['channel_id']) # For older reports before this change that don't have a status message if record['status_message_id'] is None: return await reason='Closing report #{0}'.format(record['id'])) await self._lock_channel( message = await self.status_channel.fetch_message( record['status_message_id']) embed = message.embeds[0] embed.description = reason embed.colour = Colour.apricot() transcript, evidence, links = await self._gather_evidence(, record) transcript_link = await self.evidence_channel.send( f"Transcription for **Report #{record['id']}**", file=discord.File(transcript)) os.remove(transcript) embed.add_field(name='Transcription', value=f'[Jump to message]({transcript_link.jump_url})', inline=False) if links: embed.add_field(name='Links', value='\n'.join(links), inline=False) if evidence: jumps = '' for attachment in evidence: # Embed fields cannot exceed 1024 characters, so we need to split # the jump URLs before this happens. if len(jumps) > 800: embed.add_field(name='Attachments', value=jumps, inline=False) jumps = '' name = (f"report-evidence-{record['id']}" + os.path.splitext(attachment.filename)[1]) await msg = await self.evidence_channel.send( f"Evidence for **Report #{record['id']}**", file=discord.File(name, filename=attachment.filename)) jumps += f'[Jump: {attachment.filename}]({msg.jump_url})\n' os.remove(name) embed.add_field(name='Attachments', value=jumps, inline=False) embed.set_footer(text=f'{} ({})', await message.edit(embed=embed) await reason='Closing report #{0}'.format(record['id']))