def main(): max = 1000000 # one million C = Collatz() for i in range(1, max): # 1 <= i < max this_collatz_seq = C.get_collatz_sequence(i) C.store_collatz_lengths(this_collatz_seq) # C.collatz_lengths_stored を value で整列して出力 for start_num, collatz_length in sorted(C._collatz_lengths_stored.items(), key=lambda x:x[1]): sys.stdout.write("start number: %s, collatz sequence length: %s\n" %(start_num, collatz_length))
def plot_comparison(sequences, scale='linear'): '''Plot each sequence in sequences on the same plot.''' linear = scale == 'linear''ggplot') plotted_sequences = 0 for sequence in sequences: if len(sequence) == 1: print( f'Sequence {sequence!r} not plotted as only contains one element' ) continue x_values = range(len(sequence)) sequence_label = Collatz.convert_to_scientific_form(sequence[0]) try: plt.plot(x_values, sequence, label=sequence_label) plotted_sequences += 1 except OverflowError: print(f'ERROR: Sequence {sequence!r} too large to plot') continue # Axis limits plt.xlim(0) y_min = 0 if linear else 1 plt.ylim(y_min) # Labels plt.title(f'Comparison plot of {plotted_sequences} Collatz sequences') plt.xlabel('Step') plt.ylabel(fr'Value - $\it{{{scale}\ scale}}$') # Scale scale = 'linear' if linear else 'log' plt.yscale(scale) if len(sequences) <= 10: plt.legend(title='First term', facecolor='#fdf6e3', framealpha=1)
def test_convert_to_scientific_form(input_number, decimal_places, threshold, expected_output): '''Test method converts to scientific form.''' # Act, assert actual_output = Collatz.convert_to_scientific_form( input_number, decimal_places=decimal_places, threshold=threshold) assert expected_output == actual_output
class CollatzTest(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.c = Collatz() def test_one(self): expected = [1] result = self.c.chain(1) self.assertEquals(expected, result) def test_two(self): expected = [2, 1] result = self.c.chain(2) self.assertEquals(expected, result) def test_13(self): expected = [13, 40, 20, 10, 5, 16, 8, 4, 2, 1] result = self.c.chain(13) self.assertEquals(expected, result) def test_len_chain(self): expected = 10 result = self.c.len_chain(13) self.assertEquals(expected, result) def test_find_greatest_chain(self): expected = 2 result = self.c.find_greatest_chain(1, 2) self.assertEquals(expected, result) def test_find_greatest_chain100(self): # ~38s expected = 525 result = self.c.find_greatest_chain(1, 1000000) self.assertEquals(expected, result)
def collatz_complete(): if request.method == 'POST': num1 = request.form['num1'] try: val = int(num1) except ValueError: return render_template( 'appInitial.html', message="Please input an Integer and try again") thisCollatz = Collatz(num1) thisCollatz.collatz() initialNumberString = str(thisCollatz.getInitialNumber()) numNowListString = thisCollatz.getNumberNowList() loopCountString = str(thisCollatz.getLoopCount()) finalNumString = str(thisCollatz.getFinalNumber()) return render_template('appComplete.html', collatzNumInitial=initialNumberString, collatzList=numNowListString, collatzLoop=loopCountString, collatzNumFinal=finalNumString)
def test_dezesseis_retorna_dezesseis_oito_quatro_dois_um(self): self.assertEqual(Collatz(16).retorna_sequencia(), (16,8,4,2,1))
def test_oito_retorna_oito_quatro_dois_um(self): self.assertEqual(Collatz(8).retorna_sequencia(), (8,4,2,1))
def test_quatro_retorna_quatro_dois_um(self): self.assertEqual(Collatz(4).retorna_sequencia(), (4,2,1))
def test_dois_deve_retornar_dois_um(self): self.assertEqual(Collatz(2).retorna_sequencia(), (2,1))
def test_ordering(number_1, number_2, ordering): '''Test comparison ordering as for tuples.''' assert ordering(Collatz(number_1), Collatz(number_2))
def __init__(self): self.queue = queue.Queue() self.collatz = Collatz() threading.Thread(target=self.await_submission).start()
def test_inic_classe(self): self.assertTrue(isinstance(Collatz(5), int))
def test_generate_sequences(example_sequence): '''Test generated collatz sequences are correct for a few first terms.''' first_term = example_sequence[0] assert Collatz(first_term) == example_sequence
def setUp(self): self.c = Collatz()
def elaborate(self, platform): m = Module() = ClockDomain() if not self.sim: clk12 = platform.request("clk12") m.d.comb += ClockSignal().eq(clk12.i) board_uart = platform.request("uart") else: clk12 = None board_uart = None self.uartfifo = uartfifo = UART_FIFO(sim=self.sim, sim_tx_cycle_accurate=self.sim_tx_cycle_accurate, width=8, depth=1024, clk=clk12, board_uart=board_uart) self.collatz = collatz = Collatz(xwidth, nwidth) self.uart_printer = uart_printer = UART_Printer(uartfifo.w_fifo) m.submodules.uartfifo = uartfifo m.submodules.collatz = collatz m.submodules.uart_printer = uart_printer m.d.comb += [ self.tx.eq(uartfifo.tx), self.rx.eq(uartfifo.rx) ] m.d.comb += [ self.collatz.ld_x.eq(self.x), ] with m.FSM(reset='AWAIT_START') as fsm: with m.State('AWAIT_START'): with m.If(uartfifo.r_fifo.r_rdy): with m.If(uartfifo.r_fifo.r_data == 65): # A is the start character m.d.comb += [ uartfifo.r_fifo.r_en.eq(1), ] = 'INC' with m.Else(): # swallow and ignore m.d.comb += [ uartfifo.r_fifo.r_en.eq(1) ] = 'AWAIT_START' with m.State('INC'): m.d.sync += [ self.x.eq(self.x + 1) ] = 'CALC_START' with m.State('CALC_START'): m.d.comb += [ self.collatz.start.eq(1) ] = 'CALC' with m.State('CALC'): with m.If(self.collatz.done): with m.If(self.collatz.out > self.nmax): m.d.sync += [ self.nmax.eq(self.collatz.out), self.nmaxcnt.eq(self.nmaxcnt+1), self.xmax.eq(self.x), ] # was a new record, print to terminal = 'R_1' with m.Elif(self.collatz.err_n): = 'ERR_N_1' with m.Elif(self.collatz.err_x): = 'ERR_X_1' with m.Else(): # not a new record sequence length, and neither an error = 'INC' with m.State('R_1'): with m.If(uart_printer.writable): m.d.comb += [ uart_printer.din.eq( Cat(self.nmaxcnt, Signal(34-nwidth), Const(0x5)) ), uart_printer.we.eq(1) ] = 'N_1' with m.State('N_1'): with m.If(uart_printer.writable): m.d.comb += [ uart_printer.din.eq( Cat(self.nmax, Signal(34-nwidth), Const(0x5)) ), uart_printer.we.eq(1) ] = 'X_1' with m.State('X_1'): with m.If(uart_printer.writable): m.d.comb += [ uart_printer.din.eq( Cat(self.xmax, Const(0x5)) ), uart_printer.we.eq(1) ] = 'END' # = 'SUFFIX_1' #with m.State('SUFFIX_1'): # with m.If(uart_printer.writable): # m.d.comb += [ # uart_printer.din.eq( Cat(Signal(32, reset=0x123456AB), Signal(2), Const(0x7)) ), # uart_printer.we.eq(1) # ] # = 'END' with m.State('ERR_N_1'): with m.If(uart_printer.writable): # padding needed to get to 34 bits data # CR, LF, BELL, 0<ignored>, pad(2bit), cmd(3bit) p = Cat(Signal(8,reset=ord('N')), Signal(8,reset=ord(' ')), Signal(8), Signal(8), Signal(2), Const(4)) m.d.comb += [ uart_printer.din.eq(p), uart_printer.we.eq(1) ] = 'ERR_N_2' with m.State('ERR_N_2'): with m.If(uart_printer.writable): m.d.comb += [ uart_printer.din.eq( Cat(self.collatz.out, Signal(34-nwidth), Const(0x5)) ), uart_printer.we.eq(1) ] = 'ERR_N_3' with m.State('ERR_N_3'): with m.If(uart_printer.writable): m.d.comb += [ uart_printer.din.eq( Cat(self.x, Const(0x5)) ), uart_printer.we.eq(1) ] = 'END' with m.State('ERR_X_1'): with m.If(uart_printer.writable): # padding needed to get to 34 bits data # CR, LF, BELL, 0<ignored>, pad(2bit), cmd(3bit) p = Cat(Signal(8,reset=ord('X')), Signal(8,reset=ord(' ')), Signal(8), Signal(8), Signal(2), Const(4)) m.d.comb += [ uart_printer.din.eq(p), uart_printer.we.eq(1) ] = 'ERR_X_2' with m.State('ERR_X_2'): with m.If(uart_printer.writable): m.d.comb += [ uart_printer.din.eq( Cat(self.collatz.out, Signal(34-nwidth), Const(0x5)) ), uart_printer.we.eq(1) ] = 'ERR_X_3' with m.State('ERR_X_3'): with m.If(uart_printer.writable): m.d.comb += [ uart_printer.din.eq( Cat(self.x, Const(0x5)) ), uart_printer.we.eq(1) ] = 'END' with m.State('END'): with m.If(uart_printer.writable): # padding needed to get to 34 bits data # CR, LF, BELL, 0<ignored>, pad(2bit), cmd(3bit) p = Cat(Signal(8,reset=13), Signal(8,reset=10), Signal(8,reset=7), Signal(8), Signal(2), Const(4)) m.d.comb += [ uart_printer.din.eq(p), uart_printer.we.eq(1) ] = 'INC' return m
def test_impar(self): self.assertEqual(Collatz(5).retorna_sequencia(), (5,16,8,4,2,1))
from collatz import CollatzFunction as Collatz from utils import ffs C = Collatz() def print_sequence(n): for k in C.orbit(n): print(k) def print_ffs_after_increase(n): assert n > 0 i = 1 # Count which iteration we're on print("1: {}".format(n)) while n > 1: i += 1 m = C(n) if m > n: # We increased w/ m = 3n + 1 print("{}: {} {}".format(i, m, ffs(m))) else: print("{}: {}".format(i, m)) n = m if __name__ == '__main__': while True: selection = input('''(1) print orbit (2) print orbit with trailing zeros info ''') try:
def test_maior_sequencia(self): self.assertEqual(Collatz(5).maior_sequencia(), (3,10,5,16,8,4,2,1))
def test_raise_value_error(wrong_input_value): '''Check ValueError raised for negative numbers, 0, and non-integer floats. ''' with pytest.raises(ValueError): Collatz(wrong_input_value)
def test_raise_type_error(wrong_input_type): '''Check TypeError raised when input is not a float or integer.''' with pytest.raises(TypeError): Collatz(wrong_input_type)
class Judge: docker_name = 'sandbox' runtime = 'python3' timeout = 30 def __init__(self): self.queue = queue.Queue() self.collatz = Collatz() threading.Thread(target=self.await_submission).start() """ Busy wait until we get a submission. Once we get a submission, run the judge """ def await_submission(self): while True: try: submission = self.queue.get(timeout=1) self.run_judge(submission) except queue.Empty: continue """ Submit a submission to the judge for grading """ def submit(self, submission): self.queue.put(submission) """ Run a given submission on docker """ def run_judge(self, submission): f = self.prepare_submission(submission) file_path = os.path.dirname( file_name = os.path.basename( # The judge now has the submission submission.status = Submission.RUNNING # Setup the docker command we're going to run to test the submission docker_name = str(uuid.uuid4()) docker_cmd = [ 'docker', 'run', '--name="%s"' % docker_name, '-v', '%s:/judging_dir:ro' % os.getcwd(), '-w', '/judging_dir', '-a', 'stdin', '-a', 'stdout', '-i', self.docker_name, self.runtime, ] # Generate a test test_in, test_out = self.collatz.generate_tests() test_in_file = tempfile.TemporaryFile() test_in_file.write(test_in.encode("UTF-8")) ran_to_completion = [True] # Create a timer to watch for timeouts def timeout_func(): ran_to_completion[0] = False try:['docker', 'rm', '-f', docker_name]) except: pass timer = threading.Timer(self.timeout, timeout_func) timer.start() # Run the docker test command in a new process runner = subprocess.Popen( shlex.split(' '.join(docker_cmd)), stdin=test_in_file, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE ) stdout, stderr = runner.communicate() # We're done with everything, stop the timer timer.cancel() f.close() os.remove( # Verify the program's output if it completed if ran_to_completion[0]: self.verify_output(submission, stdout.decode('ascii'), test_out) else: submission.status = Submission.TIMEOUT """ Take a submission and turn the submission text into a file we can run against docker """ def prepare_submission(self, submission): fp = open('', 'w+') fp.write(submission.submission_text) return fp """ Verify the output of the program and update the submission with the status """ def verify_output(self, submission, actual, expected): if actual == expected: submission.status = Submission.PASSED else: submission.status = Submission.FAILED submission.actual_out = actual submission.expected_out = expected