class ISpeakerfolder(form.Schema): """A speaker folder. The speaker of the conference are created in the folder. """ title = schema.TextLine(title=_(u"Name of the speaker folder"), ) description = schema.Text(title=_(u"speakerfolder description"), )
class IRoomfolder(form.Schema): """A folder for the rooms of a conference. """ title = schema.TextLine(title=_(u"Name of the room folder"), ) description = schema.Text(title=_(u"roomfolder description"), )
def __call__(self, context): return SimpleVocabulary([ SimpleTerm(value=u'Talk', title=_(u'Talk')), SimpleTerm(value=u'Discussion', title=_(u'Discussion')), SimpleTerm(value=u'Hackfest', title=_(u'Hackfest')), SimpleTerm(value=u'Meta', title=_(u'Meta')), SimpleTerm(value=u'Workshop', title=_(u'Workshop')), ])
def __call__(self, context): terms = [] levels = [('morning', _(u'Morning')), ('afternon', _(u'Afternon'))] for code, text in levels: term = (code, code, text) terms.append(SimpleVocabulary.createTerm(*term)) return SimpleVocabulary(terms)
def __call__(self, context): terms = [] levels = [('english', _(u'English')), ('portuguese', _(u'Portuguese')), ('spanish', _(u'Spanish'))] for code, text in levels: term = (code, code, text) terms.append(SimpleVocabulary.createTerm(*term)) return SimpleVocabulary(terms)
def __call__(self, context): terms = [] levels = [('half_day', _(u'Half day')), ('one_day', _(u'1 day')), ('two_days', _(u'2 days'))] for code, text in levels: term = (code, code, text) terms.append(SimpleVocabulary.createTerm(*term)) return SimpleVocabulary(terms)
def __call__(self, context): ''' Genders ''' terms = [] genders = [('m', _(u'Male')), ('f', _(u'Female'))] for key, value in genders: term = (key, key, value) terms.append(SimpleVocabulary.createTerm(*term)) return SimpleVocabulary(terms)
def __call__(self, context): ''' Look for an enclosing program list available languages in it ''' terms = [] levels = [('basic', _(u'Basic')), ('advanced', _(u'Advanced'))] for code, text in levels: term = (code, code, text) terms.append(SimpleVocabulary.createTerm(*term)) return SimpleVocabulary(terms)
def __call__(self, context): terms = [] levels = [ ('morning', _(u'Morning')), ('afternon', _(u'Afternon')), ] for code, text in levels: term = (code, code, text) terms.append(SimpleVocabulary.createTerm(*term)) return SimpleVocabulary(terms)
def __call__(self, context): ''' Payment Method Options ''' terms = [] types = [('cash', _(u'Cash / At the conference')), ('paypal', _(u'PayPal')), ('pagseguro', _(u'Pagseguro'))] for key, value in types: term = (key, key, value) terms.append(SimpleVocabulary.createTerm(*term)) return SimpleVocabulary(terms)
def __call__(self, context): ''' Wall Options ''' terms = [] types = [('no', _(u'No, thanks')), ('100', _(u'Yes, I support with R$100,00')), ('200', _(u'Yes, I support with R$200,00')), ('400', _(u'Yes, I support with R$400,00'))] for key, value in types: term = (key, key, value) terms.append(SimpleVocabulary.createTerm(*term)) return SimpleVocabulary(terms)
def __call__(self, context): ''' TShirt Sizes ''' terms = [] sizes = [('S', _(u'Small')), ('M', _(u'Medium')), ('L', _(u'Large')), ('X', _(u'X-Large'))] for key, value in sizes: term = (key, key, value) terms.append(SimpleVocabulary.createTerm(*term)) return SimpleVocabulary(terms)
def __call__(self, context): ''' Caipirinha Sprint Options''' terms = [] types = [('no', _(u'No, I will not attend')), ('yes_1', _(u'Yes, I will')), ('yes_2', _(u'Yes and I will bring my SO')), ('yes_3', _(u'Yes, plus 2 other people'))] for key, value in types: term = (key, key, value) terms.append(SimpleVocabulary.createTerm(*term)) return SimpleVocabulary(terms)
def __call__(self, context): terms = [] levels = [ ('english', _(u'English')), ('portuguese', _(u'Portuguese')), ('spanish', _(u'Spanish')), ] for code, text in levels: term = (code, code, text) terms.append(SimpleVocabulary.createTerm(*term)) return SimpleVocabulary(terms)
def __call__(self, context): terms = [] levels = [ ('half_day', _(u'Half day')), ('one_day', _(u'1 day')), ('two_days', _(u'2 days')), ] for code, text in levels: term = (code, code, text) terms.append(SimpleVocabulary.createTerm(*term)) return SimpleVocabulary(terms)
def __call__(self, context): ''' Look for an enclosing program list available languages in it ''' terms = [] levels = [ ('basic', _(u'Basic')), ('advanced', _(u'Advanced')), ] for code, text in levels: term = (code, code, text) terms.append(SimpleVocabulary.createTerm(*term)) return SimpleVocabulary(terms)
class ITalk(form.Schema): """ A talk in a conference """ language_talk = schema.Choice( title=_(u"Language"), required=True, description=_(u"Language of your talk."), vocabulary='collective.conference.languages', ) global_theme = schema.Choice( title=_(u"Global theme"), required=True, description=_(u"What is the subject of your talk?"), vocabulary='collective.conference.theme', ) level = schema.Choice( title=_(u"Level"), required=True, description=_(u"Level of your talk."), vocabulary='collective.conference.levels', ) observations = schema.Text( title=_(u"Observations"), required=False, description=_(u"Do you want to give us another information?"), )
class ICallforpaper(form.Schema): """A call for paper for a conference. A call for paper can contain incomming talks. """ title = schema.TextLine(title=_(u"Call for paper title"), ) description = schema.Text(title=_(u"Call for paper summary"), ) form.primary('details') details = RichText( title=_(u"Details"), description=_(u"Details about the program"), required=True, )
def create(self, data): inc = getattr(self.context, 'registrant_increment', 0) + 1 data['id'] = 'participant-%s' % inc self.context.registrant_increment = inc obj = _createObjectByType( 'collective.conference.participant', self.context, data['id'] ) publishinfo = data['publishinfo'] del data['captcha'] del data['publishinfo'] for k, v in data.items(): setattr(obj, k, v) portal_workflow = getToolByName(self.context, 'portal_workflow') if publishinfo: portal_workflow.doActionFor(obj, 'anon_publish') else: portal_workflow.doActionFor(obj, 'anon_hide') obj.reindexObject() IStatusMessage(self.request).addStatusMessage( _(u'Thank you. You are now registered.') ) return obj
class IRoom(form.Schema): """A conference room. """ title = schema.TextLine( title=_(u"Name of the Room"), ) description = schema.Text( title=_(u"A description of the room and its location"), ) picture = NamedBlobImage( title=_(u"A picture of the room"), description=_(u"Please upload an image"), required=False, ) form.primary ('details') details = RichText( title=_(u"A full description of the room, it's location and the way to get there"), required=True, ) capacity = schema.Int( title=_(u"Capacity of the room"), description=_(u"Please fill in the maximum number of attendees"), required=False, )
def __call__(self, context): ''' Registration Types''' terms = [] types = [('apyb', _(u'APyB Members')), ('student', _(u'Student')), ('individual', _(u'Individual')), ('government', _(u'Government')), ('group', _(u'Group/Corporate')), ('speaker', _(u'Speaker')), ('speaker_c', _(u'Speaker')), ('sponsor', _(u'Sponsor')), ('organizer', _(u'Organization'))] for key, value in types: term = (key, key, value) terms.append(SimpleVocabulary.createTerm(*term)) return SimpleVocabulary(terms)
class ITrack(form.Schema): """A conference track. Tracks are managed inside Programs. """ title = schema.TextLine( title=_(u"Title"), description=_(u"Track title"), ) description = schema.Text(title=_(u"Track summary"), ) form.primary('details') details = RichText(title=_(u"Track details"), required=False) start = schema.Datetime( title=_(u"Startdate"), description=_(u"Start date"), required=False, ) end = schema.Datetime( title=_(u"Enddate"), description=_(u"End date"), required=False, ) # use an autocomplete selection widget instead of the default content tree form.widget(room=AutocompleteFieldWidget) room = RelationChoice( title=_(u"Room"), source=ObjPathSourceBinder(object_provides=IRoom.__identifier__), required=False, ) # room = schema.TextLine( # title= _(u"Room"), # ) @invariant def validateStartEnd(data): if data.start is not None and data.end is not None: if data.start > data.end: raise StartBeforeEnd( _(u"The start date must be before the end date."))
def create(self, data): obj = Session() inc = getattr(self.context, 'session_increment', 0) + 1 data['id'] = 'session-%s' % inc data['startDate'] = self.context.startDate data['endDate'] = self.context.startDate + timedelta(0, 3600) self.context.session_increment = inc obj = _createObjectByType('collective.conference.session', self.context, data['id']) del data['captcha'] for k, v in data.items(): setattr(obj, k, v) IStatusMessage(self.request).addStatusMessage( _(u'Thank you for your submission. Your submission is now held for approval and will appear on the site once it is approved') ) obj.reindexObject() return obj
def is_url(value): """Is this a URL? >>> is_url("") True >>> is_url("") True >>> is_url("") True >>> is_url("ssh://") Traceback (most recent call last): ... Invalid: Not a valid link >>> is_url("nothing") Traceback (most recent call last): ... Invalid: Not a valid link >>> is_url("") Traceback (most recent call last): ... Invalid: Not a valid link >>> is_url(None) Traceback (most recent call last): ... Invalid: Not a valid link >>> is_url(object()) Traceback (most recent call last): ... Invalid: Not a valid link """ if isinstance(value, basestring): pattern = re.compile(r"^https?://[^\s\r\n]+") if return True raise Invalid(_(u"Not a valid link"))
class IProgram(form.Schema): """A conference program. Programs can contain Tracks. """ title = schema.TextLine(title=_(u"Program name"), ) description = schema.Text(title=_(u"Program summary"), ) start = schema.Datetime( title=_(u"Start date"), required=False, ) end = schema.Datetime( title=_(u"End date"), required=False, ) form.primary('details') details = RichText( title=_(u"Details"), description=_(u"Details about the program"), required=False, ) form.widget(organizer=AutocompleteFieldWidget) organizer = schema.Choice( title=_(u"Organiser"), vocabulary=u"plone.principalsource.Users", required=False, ) @invariant def validateStartEnd(data): if data.start is not None and data.end is not None: if data.start > data.end: raise StartBeforeEnd( _(u"The start date must be before the end date."))
from zope.interface import Interface, implements from zope import schema from zope.schema.vocabulary import SimpleVocabulary from zope.schema.vocabulary import SimpleTerm from collective.conference import _ from import IUserDataSchemaProvider from import IUserDataSchema gender_options = SimpleVocabulary( [SimpleTerm(value=u"f", title=_(u"Female")), SimpleTerm(value=u"m", title=_(u"Male"))] ) def validateAccept(value): if not value == True: return False return True class UserDataSchemaProvider(object): implements(IUserDataSchemaProvider) def getSchema(self): """ """ return IEnhancedUserDataSchema class IEnhancedUserDataSchema(IUserDataSchema): """ Use all the fields from the default user data schema, and add various
def __call__(self, context): return SimpleVocabulary.fromValues( [_(u'S'), _(u'M'), _(u'L'), _(u'XL'), _(u'XXL'), _(u'XXXL')] )
def __call__(self, context): return SimpleVocabulary([ SimpleTerm(value=u'Beginner', title=_(u'Beginner')), SimpleTerm(value=u'Intermediate', title=_(u'Intermediate')), SimpleTerm(value=u'Advanced', title=_(u'Advanced')) ])
from zope.interface import Interface, implements from zope import schema from zope.schema.vocabulary import SimpleVocabulary from zope.schema.vocabulary import SimpleTerm from collective.conference import MessageFactory as _ from import IUserDataSchemaProvider from import IUserDataSchema gender_options = SimpleVocabulary( [SimpleTerm(value=u'f', title=_(u'Female')), SimpleTerm(value=u'm', title=_(u'Male'))]) def validateAccept(value): if not value == True: return False return True class UserDataSchemaProvider(object): implements(IUserDataSchemaProvider) def getSchema(self): """ """ return IEnhancedUserDataSchema class IEnhancedUserDataSchema(IUserDataSchema): """ Use all the fields from the default user data schema, and add various
def addressInvariant(data): check = check_apyb_membership( if check == 'invalid': raise Invalid(_(u"The email address you provided does not match any APyB merbership account.")) elif check == 'inactive': raise Invalid(_(u"Your APyB merbership is inactive and needs to be renewed."))
class ISpeaker(form.Schema): """A conference speaker or leader of a workshop. Speaker can be added anywhere. """ title = schema.TextLine(title=_(u"Your complete name"), ) lastname = schema.TextLine(title=_(u"Last name"), ) firstname = schema.TextLine( title=_(u"First name"), required=True, ) street = schema.TextLine( title=_(u"Street"), description= _(u"For those requiring visa, please add your full postal address details" ), required=False, ) city = schema.TextLine( title=_(u"City"), description= _(u"For those requiring visa, please add your full postal address details" ), required=False, ) postalcode = schema.TextLine( title=_(u"Postal Code"), description= _(u"For those requiring visa, please add your full postal address details" ), required=False, ) country = schema.TextLine( title=_(u"Country"), description= _(u"For those requiring visa, please add your full postal address details" ), required=False, ) email = schema.TextLine( title=_(u"E-Mail"), required=True, ) telephonenumber = schema.TextLine( title=_(u"Telephone Number"), description= _(u"Please fill in your telephone number so that we could get in contact with you by phone if necessary." ), required=False, ) mobiletelepone = schema.TextLine( title=_(u"Mobile Telephone Number"), description= _(u"Please fill in your mobile telephone number so that we could get in contact with you during the conference." ), required=True, ) organisation = schema.TextLine( title=_(u"Organisation"), required=False, ) description = schema.Text(title=_(u"A short bio"), ) bio = RichText(title=_(u"Bio"), required=False) picture = NamedBlobImage( title=_(u"Picture"), description=_(u"Please upload an image"), required=False, )
class ITalk(form.Schema): """A conference talk. Talks are managed inside tracks of the Program. """ length = SimpleVocabulary([ SimpleTerm(value=u'30', title=_(u'30 minutes')), SimpleTerm(value=u'45', title=_(u'45 minutes')), SimpleTerm(value=u'60', title=_(u'60 minutes')) ]) # talktrack = SimpleVocabulary( # [SimpleTerm(value=u'UX', title=_(u'Usability')), # SimpleTerm(value=u'Core-Development', title=_(u'Development in the Core')), # SimpleTerm(value=u'Extension-Development', title=_(u'Development of Extensions')),] # ) title = schema.TextLine( title=_(u"Title"), description=_(u"Talk title"), ) description = schema.Text(title=_(u"Talk summary"), ) form.primary('details') details = RichText(title=_(u"Talk details"), required=True) # use an autocomplete selection widget instead of the default content tree form.widget(speaker=AutocompleteFieldWidget) speaker = RelationChoice( title=_(u"Presenter"), source=ObjPathSourceBinder(object_provides=ISpeaker.__identifier__), required=False, ) form.widget(speaker=AutocompleteFieldWidget) speaker2 = RelationChoice( title=_(u"Co-Presenter"), source=ObjPathSourceBinder(object_provides=ISpeaker.__identifier__), required=False, ) form.widget(track=AutocompleteFieldWidget) track = RelationChoice( title=_(u"Track"), source=ObjPathSourceBinder(object_provides=ITrack.__identifier__), required=False, ) # # start = schema.Datetime( # title=_(u"Startdate"), # description =_(u"Start date"), # required=False, # ) # # end = schema.Datetime( # title=_(u"Enddate"), # description =_(u"End date"), # required=False, # ) # talktrack= schema.Choice( # title=_(u"Choose the Track for the Talk"), # vocabulary=talktrack, # required=True, # ) length = schema.Choice( title=_(u"Length"), vocabulary=length, required=True, ) dexterity.write_permission(order='collective.conference.ModifyTrack') order = schema.Int( title=_(u"Orderintrack"), description=_(u"Order in the track: write in an Integer from 1 to 12"), min=1, max=12, required=False, ) slides = NamedBlobFile( title=_(u"Presentation slides"), description=_(u"Please upload your presentation"), required=False, ) creativecommonslicense = schema.Bool( title=_( u'label_creative_commons_license', default= u'License is Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License.' ), description=_( u'help_creative_commons_license', default= u'You agree that your talk and slides are provided under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License.' ), default=True) dexterity.read_permission(reviewNotes='cmf.ReviewPortalContent') dexterity.write_permission(reviewNotes='cmf.ReviewPortalContent') reviewNotes = schema.Text( title=u"Review notes", required=False, )
class StartBeforeEnd(Invalid): __doc__ = _(u"The start or end date is invalid")
def validateStartEnd(data): if data.start is not None and data.end is not None: if data.start > data.end: raise StartBeforeEnd(_( u"The start date must be before the end date."))
def validateEmail(value): if not checkEmail(value): raise Invalid(_(u"Invalid email address")) return True
grok.global_utility(TShirtSize, IVocabularyFactory, name="collective.conference.vocabulary.tshirtsize") class Countries(object): def __call__(self, context): return SimpleVocabulary.fromValues( sorted([i.decode("utf-8") for i, c in countrydata.cn_to_ccn.items() if c != "248"]) ) grok.global_utility(Countries, IVocabularyFactory, name="collective.conference.vocabulary.countries") session_type = [ ("Talk", "Talk", _(u"Talk")), ("Workshop", "Workshop", _(u"Workshop")), ("Discussion", "Discussion", _(u"Discussion")), ] session_type_terms = [SimpleTerm(value, token, title) for value, token, title in session_type] class SessionTypes(object): def __call__(self, context): return SimpleVocabulary(session_type_terms) grok.global_utility(SessionTypes, IVocabularyFactory, name="collective.conference.vocabulary.sessiontype") conference_type = [ ("Regional Events", "Regional Events", _(u"Regional Events")),
class IWorkshop(form.Schema): """A conference workshop. Workshops are managed inside tracks of the Program. """ length = SimpleVocabulary( [SimpleTerm(value=u'30', title=_(u'30 minutes')), SimpleTerm(value=u'45', title=_(u'45 minutes')), SimpleTerm(value=u'60', title=_(u'60 minutes'))] ) title = schema.TextLine( title=_(u"Title"), description=_(u"Workshop title"), ) description = schema.Text( title=_(u"Workshop summary"), ) form.primary('details') details = RichText( title=_(u"Workshop details"), required=False ) # use an autocomplete selection widget instead of the default content tree form.widget(speaker=AutocompleteFieldWidget) speaker = RelationChoice( title=_(u"Presenter"), source=ObjPathSourceBinder(object_provides=ISpeaker.__identifier__), required=False, ) form.widget(speaker=AutocompleteFieldWidget) speaker2 = RelationChoice( title=_(u"Co-Presenter"), source=ObjPathSourceBinder(object_provides=ISpeaker.__identifier__), required=False, ) form.widget(track=AutocompleteFieldWidget) track = RelationChoice( title=_(u"Track"), source=ObjPathSourceBinder(object_provides=ITrack.__identifier__), required=False, ) # start = schema.Datetime( # title=_(u"Startdate"), # description =_(u"Start date"), # required=False, # ) # # end = schema.Datetime( # title=_(u"Enddate"), # description =_(u"End date"), # required=False, # ) length= schema.Choice( title=_(u"Length"), vocabulary=length, required=True, ) order=schema.Int( title=_(u"Orderintrack"), description=_(u"Order in the track: write in an Integer"), required=False, ) slides = NamedBlobFile( title=_(u"Workshop slides / material"), description=_(u"Please upload your workshop presentation or material about the content of the workshop."), required=False, )
def validateStartEnd(data): if data.start is not None and data.end is not None: if data.start > data.end: raise StartBeforeEnd( _(u"The start date must be before the end date."))
def __call__(self, context): terms = [] levels = [ ('cloud_system_administration_networks', _(u'Cloud, System Administration and Networks')), ('community_education', _(u'Community and Education')), ('django', _(u'Django')), ('enterprise_management', _(u'Enterprise and Management')), ('media_networks', _(u'Media and Networks')), ('mobility_embedded_systems', _(u'Mobility and Embedded Systems')), ('plone', _(u'Plone')), ('pyramid', _(u'Pyramid')), ('scipy', _(u'Scipy')), ('web_wevelopment', _(u'Web Development')), ('other', _(u'Other')), ] for code, text in levels: term = (code, code, text) terms.append(SimpleVocabulary.createTerm(*term)) return SimpleVocabulary(terms)
def emailValidator(value): try: return checkEmailAddress(value) except: raise Invalid(_(u"Invalid email address"))
def __call__(self, context): terms = [] levels = [('cloud_system_administration_networks', _(u'Cloud, System Administration and Networks')), ('community_education', _(u'Community and Education')), ('django', _(u'Django')), ('enterprise_management', _(u'Enterprise and Management')), ('media_networks', _(u'Media and Networks')), ('mobility_embedded_systems', _(u'Mobility and Embedded Systems')), ('plone', _(u'Plone')), ('pyramid', _(u'Pyramid')), ('scipy', _(u'Scipy')), ('web_wevelopment', _(u'Web Development')), ('other', _(u'Other'))] for code, text in levels: term = (code, code, text) terms.append(SimpleVocabulary.createTerm(*term)) return SimpleVocabulary(terms)
def maxPhotoSize(value): if value is not None: if value.getSize()/1024 > 512: raise schema.ValidationError(_(u"Please upload image smaller than 512KB"))
class ITraining(form.Schema): """ A training in a conference """ duration = schema.Choice( title=_(u'Duration'), description=_(u''), required=True, vocabulary='collective.conference.duration', ) language_talk = schema.Choice( title=_(u"Language"), required=True, description=_(u"Language of your training."), vocabulary='collective.conference.languages', ) infrastructure_requirements = schema.Text( title=_(u"Training requirements"), required=False, description= _(u"Which software do the student must have installed on her/his own computer?" ), ) global_theme = schema.Choice( title=_(u"Global theme"), required=True, description=_(u"What is the subject of your training?"), vocabulary='collective.conference.theme', ) level = schema.Choice( title=_(u"Level"), required=True, description=_(u"Level of your training."), vocabulary='collective.conference.levels', ) observations = schema.Text( title=_(u"Observations"), required=False, description=_(u"Do you want to give us another information?"), )
def emailsValidator(value): for email in value: try: return checkEmailAddress(email) except: raise Invalid(_(u'%s is an invalid email address') % email)