Beispiel #1
def load(bnd_filename, *cfg_filenames, **extra_args):
    """Loads a network from a MaBoSS format file.

    :param str bnd_filename: Network file
    :param str cfg_filename: Configuraton file
    :keyword str simulation_name: name of the returned :py:class:`.Simulation` object
    :rtype: :py:class:`.Simulation`
    assert bnd_filename.lower().endswith(
        ".bnd"), "wrong extension for bnd file"

    if "://" in bnd_filename:
        from import ensure_localfile
        bnd_filename = ensure_localfile(bnd_filename)

    if not cfg_filenames:
        cfg_filenames = [
            ".".join([".".join(bnd_filename.split(".")[:-1]), "cfg"])

    elif "://" in " ".join(cfg_filenames):
        from import ensure_localfile
        cfg_filenames = [
            if "://" in cfg_filename else cfg_filename
            for cfg_filename in cfg_filenames

    if extra_args.get("cmaboss"):
        return CMaBoSSSimulation(bnd_filename, *cfg_filenames)

    command = extra_args.get("command")

    with ExitStack() as stack:
        bnd_file = stack.enter_context(open(bnd_filename, 'r'))
        bnd_content =

        cfg_content = ""
        for cfg_filename in tuple(cfg_filenames):
            cfg_file = stack.enter_context(open(cfg_filename, 'r'))
            cfg_content +=

        (variables, parameters, is_internal_list, istate_list,
         refstate_list) = _read_cfg(cfg_content)

        nodes = _read_bnd(bnd_content, is_internal_list)

        net = Network(nodes)
        for istate in istate_list:
            net.set_istate(istate, istate_list[istate])
        for v in variables:
            lhs = '$' + v
            parameters[lhs] = variables[v]
        ret = Simulation(net, parameters, command=command)
        ret.refstate = refstate_list
        return ret
Beispiel #2
def loadBNet(bnet_filename):
    assert bnet_filename.lower().endswith(
        ".bnet"), "wrong extension for BNet file"

    if "://" in bnet_filename:
        from import ensure_localfile
        bnet_filename = ensure_localfile(bnet_filename)

    from colomoto_jupyter import import_colomoto_tool
    biolqm = import_colomoto_tool("biolqm")
    return biolqm.to_maboss(biolqm.load(bnet_filename))
Beispiel #3
def load(identifier, auto_persistent=True):
    Load a CellCollective model from its URL or SBML export.

    `identifier` can be:
    - a URL of the form ``"cellcollective://{model_id}:{model_version}"``
    - the model URL from ``
    - the location of the SBML file exported from CellCollective

    Whenever `identifier` is one of the two first cases, the module relies on
    the online API of CellCollective to download the SBML file.
    As the API may change over time, it is strongly recommended to rely on
    instead on downloaded SBML files and attach them with the notebook to ensure
    its repeatibility over time.

    With the option ``auto_persistent=True``, the module first looks for an
    existing downloaded SBML file. If it does not exists, it uses the online
    API to download it and move it alongside the notebook.
    conn = None
    if isinstance(identifier, CellCollectiveConnector):
        conn = identifier
    elif url_matches(identifier):
        conn = CellCollectiveConnector(identifier)
        from import ensure_localfile
        sbmlfile = ensure_localfile(identifier)
    if conn:
        from import auto_download
        urls = conn.sbml_urls
        bname = conn.sbml_basename
        if not os.path.isfile(bname) and not auto_persistent:
            logger.warning(f"""This command relies on the online CellCollective API which may change over time!
To improve the repeatibility of this notebook, consider using the command

    cellcollective.load("{identifier}", auto_persistent=True)

and attach the "{bname}" file along with your notebook.""")
        for i, url in enumerate(urls):
                sbmlfile = auto_download(url, bname)
            except HTTPError:
                if i == len(urls)-1:
    return CellCollectiveSBMLModel(sbmlfile)
Beispiel #4
def loadSBML(sbml_filename, cfg_filename=None, use_sbml_names=False, cmaboss=False):
    """Loads a network from a SBML format file.

    :param str sbml_filename: Network file
    :param str cfg_filename: Configuraton file
    :keyword str simulation_name: name of the returned :py:class:`.Simulation` object
    :rtype: :py:class:`.Simulation`
    assert sbml_filename.lower().endswith(".xml") or sbml_filename.lower().endswith(".sbml")

    if "://" in sbml_filename:
        from import ensure_localfile
        sbml_filename = ensure_localfile(sbml_filename)
    if cmaboss:
        return SBMLSSimulation(sbml_filename, cfg_filename, use_sbml_names)
    return sbml_to_maboss(sbml_filename, cfg_filename, use_sbml_names)
Beispiel #5
def loadBNet(bnet_filename, cfg_filename=None, cmaboss=False):
    """Loads a network from a MaBoSS format file.

    :param str bnet_filename: Network file
    :param str cfg_filename: Configuration file
    :keyword str simulation_name: name of the returned :py:class:`.Simulation` object
    :rtype: :py:class:`.Simulation`
    assert bnet_filename.lower().endswith(".bnet"), "wrong extension for BNet file"

    if "://" in bnet_filename:
        from import ensure_localfile
        bnet_filename = ensure_localfile(bnet_filename)

    if cmaboss:
        return BNetSimulation(bnet_filename, cfg_filename)

    return bnet_to_maboss(bnet_filename, cfg_filename)
Beispiel #6
    def __init__(self, model, uppfile=None, previous_run=None, 
                 nodes_init=None, verbose=False):

        self.model = model
        self.uppfile = uppfile
        self.previous_run = previous_run
        self.nodes_init = nodes_init

        self.time_step = float(model.param['max_time'])
        self.time_shift = 0.0
        self.base_ratio = 1.0

        self.node_list = list(
        self.division_node = ""
        self.death_node = ""

        self.update_var = {}
        self.nodes_formula = {}
        self.pop_ratio = 1.0
        self.step_number = -1

        self.verbose = verbose

        if previous_run:
            # Chain the results!!
            prev_pop_ratios = previous_run.get_population_ratios()
            self.time_shift = prev_pop_ratios.last_valid_index()
            self.base_ratio = prev_pop_ratios.iloc[-1]
            self.model = model.copy()

        if self.uppfile is not None:
            if "://" in self.uppfile:
                from import ensure_localfile
                self.uppfile = ensure_localfile(self.uppfile)

Beispiel #7
def load(model, fixed=None, mcl="", msm="", quiet=False):
    Execute StableMotifs analysis on the given Boolean network model.

    :param model: either a ``biolqm`` or ``ginsim`` object, or filename/URL of Boolean network in BooleanNet format
    :keyword dict[str,int] fixed: fix the given nodes to their associated given values
    :keyword str mcl: Optional threshold in the maximum cycle length (mcl). One must specify both a mcl and msm.
    :keyword str msm: Optional threshold in the maximum stable motif size (msm).  One must specify both a mcl and msm.
    :keyword bool quiet: If True, skip computation output
    :rtype: :py:class:`.results.StableMotifsResult` instance

    # prepare temporary working space
    wd = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="StableMotifs-")
    # cleanup working directory at exit
    def cleanup():

    def biolqm_import(biolqm, lqm):
        if fixed:
            pert = " ".join((f"{node}%{value}" for node, value in fixed.items()))
            lqm = biolqm.perturbation(lqm, pert)
        modelfile = os.path.join(wd, "model.txt")
        assert, modelfile, "booleannet"), "Error converting from bioLQM"
        return modelfile, False

    is_modelfile = True
    if isinstance(model, BooleanNetwork):
        lqm = model.to_biolqm()
        biolqm = import_colomoto_tool("biolqm")
        modelfile, is_modelfile = biolqm_import(biolqm, lqm)
    elif "biolqm" in sys.modules:
        biolqm = sys.modules["biolqm"]
        if biolqm.is_biolqm_object(model):
            modelfile, is_modelfile = biolqm_import(biolqm, model)
    if is_modelfile and "ginsim" in sys.modules:
        ginsim = sys.modules["ginsim"]
        if ginsim.is_ginsim_object(model):
            model = ginsim.to_biolqm(model)
            biolqm = import_colomoto_tool("biolqm")
            modelfile, is_modelfile = biolqm_import(biolqm, model)

    if is_modelfile:
        modelfile = ensure_localfile(model)
        if fixed:
            biolqm = import_colomoto_tool("biolqm")
            model = biolqm.load(modelfile, "booleannet")
            modelfile, is_modelfile = biolqm_import(biolqm, model)
            shutil.copy(modelfile, wd)

    modelbase = os.path.basename(modelfile)
    model_name = modelbase.split(".")[0]

    # invoke StableMotifs
    argv = ["StableMotifs", modelbase]
    if mcl and msm:
        argv += list(map(str, [mcl, msm]))
    proc = subprocess.Popen(argv, cwd=wd,
                stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
    with proc.stdout:
        for line in iter(proc.stdout.readline, b''):
            if quiet:
    assert proc.wait() == 0, "An error occured while running StableMotifs"

    # return interface to results
    return StableMotifsResult(wd, model_name, fixed)
Beispiel #8
def load(filename, *args):
    filename = ensure_localfile(filename)
    obj = japi.lqm.load(filename, *args)
    assert obj is not None, "Error while loading model"
    return obj
Beispiel #9
def load(filename, *args):
    filename = ensure_localfile(filename)
    return japi.lqm.load(filename, *args)
Beispiel #10
 def load(celf, filename, **kwargs):
     f = celf(**kwargs)
     filename = ensure_localfile(filename)
     with open(filename) as data:
     return f