Beispiel #1
	def first_title(self):
		print bcolors().WARNING
		print '|====================================================================|'
		print '|                                                                    |'
		print '|                        The LaZagne Project                         |'
		print '|                                                                    |'
		print '|                          ! BANG BANG !                             |'
		print '|                                                                    |'
		print '|====================================================================|'
		print bcolors().ENDC
Beispiel #2
	def first_title(self):
		print bcolors().TITLE
		print '|====================================================================|'
		print '|                                                                    |'
		print '|                        The LaZagne Project                         |'
		print '|                                                                    |'
		print '|                          ! BANG BANG !                             |'
		print '|                                                                    |'
		print '|====================================================================|'
		print bcolors().ENDC
Beispiel #3
	def first_title(self):
		print bcolors().YL + """ |==============================================================|
 |                       _     ___                              |
 |        _ __  ___ _ __| |_  / __\ __ _____      __            |
 |       | '_ \/ _ \ '__|  _// / | '__/ _ \ \ /\ / /            |
 |       | |_) |(_)  |  | | / /__| | |  __/\ V  V /             |
 |       | .__/\___/_|  \_| \____/_|  \___| \_/\_/              |
 |       |_|                                      By: A.EDDARI  |
 |                                                Version : 0.2 |
 |==============================================================|""" + bcolors().W
Beispiel #4
	def title_info(self, title):
		b = bcolors() + "------------------- " + title + " passwords -----------------\n" + b.ENDC )
Beispiel #5
	def title(self, title):
		b = bcolors()
		print b.TITLE + "------------------- " + title + " passwords -----------------\n" + b.ENDC
Beispiel #6
# The communication between and could be:
# import constantModule as Cw
# Cw.main2FS()
# So this way info will save to file system

## Some constant info
import color
import movieNameInventory as Inv
import constantModule as CM

# sys.path.append('../')
# from fs import DisTable, DisList

bcolors = color.bcolors()
Movies = Inv.getMovieNames()
IDs = [
]  # collect return ids. Note: will be more than Movies list (e.g. will get two returns for divergent)
Movie_dict = {}  # key is movie ID, value is a dict of the movie search return
Review_dict = {}  # key is the movie ID
Genre_dict = {
}  # key is the movie ID, and the value will contain the Genre info
# Movie_fs = DisTable() #Same as Movie_dict, but in FS
# Review_fs = DisTable() #Same as Review_dict, but in FS
# IDs_fs = DisList() #Save the movie IDs in FS

def _load_json_from_url(url):
  A wrapper around the api call. The response might be gzipped,
Beispiel #7
import socket
import json
import color
from collections import namedtuple
color_mod = color.bcolors()

def send_join_processor(username, password, token='') -> str:
    # join as existing or new user
    # {"join": {"username": "******", "password": "******", "token": "user_token"}}
    Process the inputs username password and token, and make them
    into a JSON string.

    Example usage:
    JSON_send = send_join_processor('0001', 'I am happy', '120000')

    :param username: the username of the user
    :param password: the password of the user
    :param token: the token that you want to verify with the server
    :return: JSON string
    output = '{{"join": {{"username": "******", "password": "******", "token": "{2}"}}}}'.\
        format(username, password, token)
    return output

def send_post_processor(token, post, timestamp='') -> str:
    # timestamp is generate automatically in the Profile module using Python's
    # time.time() function
    # {"token": "user_token", "post": {"entry": "Hello World!", "timestamp": "1603167689.3928561"}}
Beispiel #8
def print_debug(error_level, message):
	b = bcolors()
# The communication between and could be:
# import constantModule as Cw
# Cw.main2FS()
# So this way info will save to file system

## Some constant info
import color
import movieNameInventory as Inv 
import constantModule as CM

# sys.path.append('../')
# from fs import DisTable, DisList

bcolors = color.bcolors()
Movies = Inv.getMovieNames()
IDs = [] # collect return ids. Note: will be more than Movies list (e.g. will get two returns for divergent)
Movie_dict = {} # key is movie ID, value is a dict of the movie search return
Review_dict = {} # key is the movie ID
Genre_dict = {} # key is the movie ID, and the value will contain the Genre info
# Movie_fs = DisTable() #Same as Movie_dict, but in FS
# Review_fs = DisTable() #Same as Review_dict, but in FS
# IDs_fs = DisList() #Save the movie IDs in FS

def _load_json_from_url(url):
  A wrapper around the api call. The response might be gzipped,
  which this will abstract away. Returns a JSON-decoded dictionary.
  response = urllib.urlopen(url).read()
Beispiel #10
	def title_debug(self, title):
		b = bcolors()
		logging.debug(b.WARNING + "------------------- " + title + " passwords -----------------\n" + b.ENDC )
Beispiel #11
	def title_info(self, title):
		b = bcolors() + "------------------- " + title + " passwords -----------------\n" + b.ENDC)
Beispiel #12
	def title(self, title):
		print bcolors().WARNING
		print "------------------- " +  title + " passwords -----------------"
		print bcolors().ENDC
Beispiel #13
	def title_debug(self, title):
		b = bcolors()
		logging.debug(b.TITLE + "------------------- " + title + " passwords -----------------\n" + b.ENDC )
Beispiel #14
	def title(self, title):
		print bcolors().TITLE
		print "------------------- " +  title + " passwords -----------------"
		print bcolors().ENDC
Beispiel #15
 def title(self, title):
     b = bcolors()
     print b.TITLE + "------------------- " + title + " passwords -----------------\n" + b.ENDC