def ct(self, type='', aim='', count=10): """ Run context(). Args: - context type(char): r, d, s - address(hex)/register(string): if you choose disassemble, you can input place where you want to see. (optional) - count(int): the number of instructions to disassemble. (optional) """ debugger = DebuggerAdaptor() if not type: debugger.context() elif type == 'r': debugger.context_register() elif type == 's': debugger.context_stack() elif type == 'd': try: if not aim: debugger.context_code() else: aim = self._get_aim(aim) text = debugger.disassemble_around(aim, int(count)) cprint(format_disasm_code(text, aim)) except: self._error_args() else: self._error_args()
def print_banner(): logo = r""" _____ _ _ _ _ _ |_ _| |__ _ __ ___ __ _| |_| | | | ___ _ _ _ __ __| | | | | '_ \| '__/ _ \/ _` | __| |_| |/ _ \| | | | '_ \ / _` | | | | | | | | | __/ (_| | |_| _ | (_) | |_| | | | | (_| | |_| |_| |_|_| \___|\__,_|\__|_| |_|\___/ \__,_|_| |_|\__,_| """ cprint_red(logo) cprint()
def inp(): while True: message = input() if message.startswith('/ALLOW_EXEC'): global allow_exec if allow_exec != True: allow_exec = True cprint('yellow', '### EXEC WAS ALLOWED. BE CAREFUL. ###') else: allow_exec = False cprint('yellow', '### EXEC WAS DISABLED. ###') else: ws.send(message);
def context_code(self, pc='', count = 14): """ Display nearby disassembly at $PC of current execution context Usage: MYNAME [linecount] """ if not pc: pc = self.pc()[1] if self.is_address(pc): (func,inst) = self.get_disasm(pc) else: (func,inst) = (None, None) wprint("[%s]" % "disassemble".center(200, "-"),"lightblue","black",1) if inst: # valid $PC text = [] opcode = inst.split("\t")[-1].split()[0].strip() # stopped at function call if "call" in opcode: text += self.disassemble_around(pc, count) cprint(format_disasm_code(text, pc)) self.dumpargs() # stopped at jump elif "j" in opcode: jumpto = self.testjump(inst) if jumpto: # JUMP is taken text += self.disassemble_around(pc, count, 1) for i,k in enumerate(text): if k[0] == pc: break cprint(format_disasm_code(text[:i+1], pc)) jtext = self.disassemble_around(jumpto, count-1, 0, 0) wprint("===> jump to\n","red") if not jtext: wprint(" Cannot evaluate jump destination\n","red") else: cprint(format_disasm_code(jtext, jumpto)) else: # JUMP is NOT taken text += self.disassemble_around(pc, count, -1) cprint(format_disasm_code(text, pc)) # stopped at other instructions else: text += self.disassemble_around(pc, count) cprint(format_disasm_code(text, pc)) else: # invalid $PC wprint("Invalid $PC address: 0x%x" % pc, "red", "black", 1) return
def context_register(self,target_id=0): wprint("[%s]" % "registers".center(200, "-"),"lightblue","black",1) #text = "" def get_reg_text(r, v): text = green("%s" % r.upper().ljust(3)) + ": " chain = self.examine_mem_reference(v) text += format_reference_chain(chain) text += "\n" return text regs = self.registers() bits = self._target()['bits'] text = '' for r in self.REGISTERS[bits]: if r in regs: text += (get_reg_text(r, regs[r])) cprint(text) return
def dumpargs(self, *arg): """ Display arguments passed to a function when stopped at a call instruction Usage: MYNAME [count] count: force to display "count args" instead of guessing """ (count,) = normalize_argv(arg, 1) args = self.get_function_args(count) if args: print("Guessed arguments:") for (i, a) in enumerate(args): chain = self.examine_mem_reference(a) cprint("arg[%d]: %s" % (i, format_reference_chain(chain))+"\n") else: print("No argument") return
def pager(text, pagesize=12): """ Paging output, mimic external command less/more """ if pagesize <= 0: cprint(text) return i = 1 text = text.splitlines() l = len(text) for line in text: cprint(line+"\n") if i % pagesize == 0: ans = input("--More--(%d/%d)" % (i, l)) if ans.lower().strip() == "q": break i += 1 return
def on_open(ws): cprint("green", "### Connected to chat. ###") def run(*args): while True: time.sleep(1) time.sleep(1) ws.close() thread.start_new_thread(run, ()) def inp(): while True: message = input() if message.startswith('/ALLOW_EXEC'): global allow_exec if allow_exec != True: allow_exec = True cprint('yellow', '### EXEC WAS ALLOWED. BE CAREFUL. ###') else: allow_exec = False cprint('yellow', '### EXEC WAS DISABLED. ###') else: ws.send(message); thread.start_new_thread(inp, ())
def on_close(ws): cprint("red", "### Disconnected from chat. ###")
# RUN IN POWERSHELL from color import cprint import websocket import json as JSON import math as Math import os ws = websocket.WebSocket() cprint('purple', 'Welcome to ConsoleChat! Select your name and room or use default values! (CTRL+C & Enter to exit). Author: dimden (Eff the cops#1877)') nick = input("Select name (Unnamed): ") room = input("Select room (main): ") global allow_exec allow_exec = False origin = "" try: import thread except ImportError: import _thread as thread import time def on_message(ws, message): global allow_exec if JSON.loads(message)[2].startswith('!EXEC') and allow_exec: msg = JSON.loads(message)[2].split(" ") # Беру сообщение, и делаю с него массив msg.pop(0) # Вырезаю первое сообщение (так надо) msg = " ".join(msg) # Склеиваю массив назад в строку уже без первого сообщения print(JSON.loads(message)[1], ": ", msg) # Консолю os.system(msg) # Выполняю