def check_alerts(self, target): if len(self.alerts) > 0: cprint_red('{} 被识别为潜在恶意IP'.format(target)) # cprint_red(str(self.alerts)) else: cprint_cyan('{} 未知或非恶意IP'.format(target)) # 将IP威胁事件格式化为字典形式 entity_dic = {} # alerts_dic = {} alerts_lst = [] idx = 1 for item in self.alerts: key = 'pulse' + str(idx) value = item.split(':')[1].strip() # alerts_dic[key] = value alerts_lst.append(value) idx += 1 # entity_dic['ip'] = target entity_dic['alerts'] = alerts_lst entity_dic['alerts_total'] = len(alerts_lst) entity_dic['sequence'] = self.entity_num self.results.append(entity_dic) json_str = json.dumps(entity_dic, sort_keys=False, indent=4) print(json_str) print()
def search_from_feeds(target_list): feed_lists = os.listdir(REPUTATION_DB_PATH) feed_threat_values = [] cprint_cyan("Searching malicious ip from thread feeds ...") # 遍历所有feed数据,将威胁数据添加至列表 for feed_file in feed_lists: if not os.path.isdir(feed_file): try: with open(REPUTATION_DB_PATH + os.sep + feed_file) as f: feed_content = f.readlines() except Exception as e: cprint_red("Open feed data failed") for line in feed_content: feed_entity = json.loads(line) try: feed_threat_values.append(feed_entity['value']) except KeyError as e: pass except TypeError as e: # cprint_red(e) continue feed_threat_total = len(feed_threat_values) cprint_cyan('total {} data in all feeds'.format(feed_threat_total)) for item in target_list: item = item.strip() check_match(item, feed_threat_values)
def fetch_feed_content(self, feed_id): self.feed_id = int(feed_id) self.retrieve_feed_name_by_id(self.feed_id) req_header = dict() req_header['ACCEPT'] = 'application/json' req_header['Content-Type'] = 'application/json' req_header['Authorization'] = MISP_API_KEY cprint_cyan("Fetching threat from feed{}-{}".format( self.feed_id, self.feed_name)) feeds_preview_url = MISP_SERVER + '/feeds/previewIndex/{}/page:'.format( self.feed_id) try: rep = requests.get(feeds_preview_url, headers=req_header, verify=False) self.feed_entities = json.loads(rep.content) feed_entity_num = len(self.feed_entities) cprint_cyan("feed{}-{}中共获取到{}条数据".format(self.feed_id, self.feed_name, feed_entity_num)) except Exception as e: cprint_red("feed请求失败") # cprint_red(e) return self.feed_entities
def save_file(content, outfile='malicious_items.txt'): try: with open(outfile, 'w') as f: for line in content: f.writelines(json.dumps(line)) f.writelines("\n") except Exception as e: cprint_red(e)
def print_banner(): logo = r""" _____ _ _ _ _ _ |_ _| |__ _ __ ___ __ _| |_| | | | ___ _ _ _ __ __| | | | | '_ \| '__/ _ \/ _` | __| |_| |/ _ \| | | | '_ \ / _` | | | | | | | | | __/ (_| | |_| _ | (_) | |_| | | | | (_| | |_| |_| |_|_| \___|\__,_|\__|_| |_|\___/ \__,_|_| |_|\__,_| """ cprint_red(logo) cprint()
def download_vod(self, filename, url): cprint_green("Downloading vod for {}".format(url)) chunk_size = 1024 try: r = requests.get(url, stream=True) except RequestException as e: cprint_red("Could not open URL: {}".format(url)) with open(filename + ".mp4", "wb") as f: for chunk in r.iter_content(chunk_size=chunk_size): if not chunk: continue f.write(chunck) f.flush() cprint_green("File downloaded succesfully, at filename: {}.mp4".format( filename))'rclone move {} milo:milo/b/Twitch/{}'.format( filename, return True
def parse_input_file(inputfile): item_list = [] try: with open(inputfile, "r") as fd: content_lines = fd.readlines() except: cprint_red("文件{}打开失败".format(inputfile)) sys.exit(1) # 读取ip列表文件,集合去重后生成ip列表 content_lines = list(set(content_lines)) content_length = len(content_lines) cprint_cyan("[*] Input file contains [{}] items".format(content_length)) # 将文件分块处理 chunk_size = MAX_LINES # ip记录数小于能处理的最大记录数 if content_length < MAX_LINES: # ip记录数小于cpu核心,则并发为1,否则将记录数平均分配至每个cpu核心 if content_length / CPU_CORES < 1: chunk_size = 1 else: chunk_size = content_length // CPU_CORES tmp = [] for index in range(0, content_length, chunk_size): # 将记录分成固定长度的小块,最后一块包含剩余的所有记录 if index + chunk_size > content_length: tmp.append(content_lines[index:]) else: tmp.append(content_lines[index:index + chunk_size]) index += chunk_size content_lines = tmp pool = Pool(CPU_CORES) rest =, content_lines) for i in rest: item_list.extend(i) return item_list
def print_flaged_item(): item_total = len(detect_results) cprint_red('###### Malicious objects ######') for item in detect_results: cprint_red('{}'.format(item)) print() cprint_red("Total: {}".format(item_total)) if len(failed_ips) > 0: print("###### FAILED TO PROCESS ######") for ip in failed_ips: cprint_yellow('%s' % ip)
def make_request(self, url): try: r = requests.get(url, headers={"Client-id": CLIENT_ID}) except RequestException: cprint_red("Bad internet detected, exiting program") return json_parse(r.text)
def main(): try: print_banner() args = arg_parse() if args['list']: for f in threat_feeds_db: cprint_cyan("{}. {} - {}\n".format(f['feed_id'], f['feed_name'], f['feed_url'])) sys.exit(1) if args['feed_id']: cache_mode = True if args['ip']: target_ip = args['ip'] elif args['domain']: target_domain = args['domain'] elif args['ipfile']: inputFile = args['ipfile'] if args['output']: save_file_flag = True output_file = args['output'] if args['local']: local_mode = True online_mode = False cache_mode = False elif args['online']: online_mode = True local_mode = False cache_mode = False else: cache_mode = True local_mode = False online_mode = False if args['db']: REPUTATION_DB_PATH = args['db'] if not os.path.isdir(REPUTATION_DB_PATH): os.mkdir(REPUTATION_DB_PATH) # cache模式,先下载feed情报数据 if cache_mode: # if 'all' in args['feed_id']: feed_ids = [f['feed_id'] for f in threat_feeds_db] for f_id in feed_ids: download_handler = threading.Thread(name='download_feeds', target=download_feeds, args=[f_id]) download_handler.setDaemon(True) download_handler.start() download_handler.join() else: if len(args['feed_id']) == 1: start_id = int(args['feed_id'][0]) stop_id = start_id + 1 elif len(args['feed_id']) == 2: start_id = int(args['feed_id'][0]) stop_id = int(args['feed_id'][1]) + 1 else: cprint_red('Invaild feed id!') sys.exit(1) for f_id in range(start_id, stop_id, 1): download_handler = threading.Thread(name='download', target=download_feeds, args=[f_id]) download_handler.setDaemon(True) download_handler.start() download_handler.join() # 如果缓存数据,但未指定ip或ipfile,则缓存完后退出 if not ('target_ip' in locals() and 'target_domain' in locals() and 'inputFile' in locals()): sys.exit(0) # 离线查询模式直接进行情报搜索 if local_mode: try: if 'target_ip' in locals(): target_list = [target_ip] elif 'target_domain' in locals(): target_list = [target_domain] else: target_list = parse_input_file(inputFile) # 针对目标进行低信誉ip检索 search_from_feeds(target_list) # detecting_threat_from_feeds(target_list) print_flaged_item() if 'save_file_flag' in locals(): save_file(detect_results, output_file) except: cprint_red("Error") traceback.print_exc() # AlienVault OTX进行在线查询 if online_mode: query_type = args['query_type'] otx = otx_reputation() if 'target_ip' in locals(): otx.detect_ip(target_ip) otx.check_alerts(target_ip) content = otx.results.pop() otx.entity_num += 1 if 'save_file_flag' in locals(): otx.save_result(content, outfile=output_file) if 'target_domain' in locals(): otx.detect_domain(target_domain) otx.check_alerts(target_domain) content = otx.results.pop() otx.entity_num += 1 if 'save_file_flag' in locals(): otx.save_result(content, outfile=output_file) if 'inputFile' in locals(): target_list = parse_input_file(inputFile) if query_type is None: cprint_red( "Please specify --type options when using online query mode!" ) sys.exit(1) if query_type.upper() == 'IP': for ip in target_list: ip = ip.strip() otx.detect_ip(ip) otx.check_alerts(ip) content = otx.results.pop() if 'save_file_flag' in locals(): otx.save_result(content, outfile=output_file) # ip处理结束即重置ip的情报计数 otx.alerts = [] otx.entity_num += 1 elif query_type.upper() == 'DOMAIN': for domain in target_list: domain = domain.strip() otx.detect_domain(domain) otx.check_alerts(domain) content = otx.results.pop() if 'save_file_flag' in locals(): otx.save_result(content, outfile=output_file) # ip处理结束即重置ip情报数 otx.alerts = [] otx.entity_num += 1 except: pass
def check_match(item, db): # 如果结果字典中不包含malicious条目,则初始化 if item in db: cprint_red("Malicious item detected: {}".format(item)) if item != "": detect_results.append(item)
ip = ip.strip() otx.detect_ip(ip) otx.check_alerts(ip) content = otx.results.pop() if 'save_file_flag' in locals(): otx.save_result(content, outfile=output_file) # ip处理结束即重置ip的情报计数 otx.alerts = [] otx.entity_num += 1 elif query_type.upper() == 'DOMAIN': for domain in target_list: domain = domain.strip() otx.detect_domain(domain) otx.check_alerts(domain) content = otx.results.pop() if 'save_file_flag' in locals(): otx.save_result(content, outfile=output_file) # ip处理结束即重置ip情报数 otx.alerts = [] otx.entity_num += 1 except: pass # traceback.print_exc() if __name__ == "__main__": try: main() except KeyboardInterrupt as e: cprint_red("Exit ...")