Beispiel #1
    def ResolveToRGBA(self, name, mode):
        c = self.Resolve(name, mode)
        if c.var:
            return self.ResolveToRGBA(c.var, mode)
        result = Color()
        result.a = self.ResolveOpacity(c)

        rgb = c
        if c.rgb_var:
            rgb = self.ResolveToRGBA(c.RGBVarToVar(), mode)

        (result.r, result.g, result.b) = (rgb.r, rgb.g, rgb.b)
        return result
Beispiel #2
    def ResolveToRGBA(self, name, mode):
        c = self.Resolve(name, mode)

        if c.rgb_var:
            result = Color()
            result.a = c.a
            rgb = self.ResolveToRGBA(c.RGBVarToVar(), mode)
            (result.r, result.g, result.b) = (rgb.r, rgb.g, rgb.b)
            return result
        elif c.var:
            return self.ResolveToRGBA(c.var, mode)
            return c
Beispiel #3
def main():
    """Main function, it implements the application loop"""

    # Initialize pygame, with the default parameters

    # Define the size/resolution of our window
    res_x = 1280
    res_y = 720

    # Create a window and a display surface
    screen = pygame.display.set_mode((res_x, res_y))

    # Create a scene
    scene = Scene("TestScene") = Camera(False, res_x, res_y)

    # Moves the camera back 2 units -= Vector3(0, 0, 0)

    # Creates the terrain meshes and materials
    terrain_object = create_terrain()

    # Game variables
    # A missile spawns every 2 seconds (this time gets smaller every missile, to
    # make the game harder with time)
    missile_spawn_time = 2
    # Time until the next missile is shot
    missile_timer = missile_spawn_time
    # Storage for all missiles active in the game
    missiles = []

    # Flashing effect Color
    flash_color = Color(0, 0, 0, 0)
    # Total time of the current flash
    total_flash_time = 0
    # Time elapsed for the current flash
    flash_timer = 0

    # Minimum time between player shots
    shot_cooldown = 0.2
    # Timer for the shot cooldown
    shot_timer = 0
    # Storage for all the shots active in the game
    shots = []

    # Timer
    delta_time = 0
    prev_time = time.time()

    # Show mouse cursor
    # Don't lock the mouse cursor to the game window

    # Game loop, runs forever
    while True:
        # Process OS events
        for event in pygame.event.get():
            # Checks if the user closed the window
            if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
                # Exits the application immediately
            elif event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:
                # If ESC is pressed exit the application
                if event.key == pygame.K_ESCAPE:
            elif event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN:
                # If the user has the mouse button down
                if shot_timer <= 0:
                    # We're not on cooldown, so we can shoot

                    # Get the mouse position and convert it to NDC (normalized
                    # device coordinates)
                    mouse_pos = pygame.mouse.get_pos()
                    mouse_pos = ((mouse_pos[0] / res_x) * 2 - 1,
                                 (mouse_pos[1] / res_y) * 2 - 1)

                    # Create a shot
                    shot = Shot()
                    # Initialize the position and direction of the shot, based on the
                    # mouse position on the screen. For this, we request the scene camera the
                    # ray corresponding to the mouse position
                    shot.position, shot.direction =

                    # Add the shot to the scene (for rendering) and on the shot storage, for
                    # all other operations

                    # Reset the cooldown
                    shot_timer = shot_cooldown

        # Clears the screen with a very dark blue (0, 0, 20)
        screen.fill((0, 0, 0))

        # Spawn new missiles
        missile_timer -= delta_time
        if missile_timer < 0:
            # It's time to spawn a new missile
            # Reduce time until the next missile, but clamp it so we don't have more than
            # one missile every half a second
            missile_spawn_time -= 0.025
            if missile_spawn_time < 0.5:
                missile_spawn_time = 0.5
            # Reset the timer
            missile_timer = missile_spawn_time

            # Create a new missile
            new_missile = Missile()
            # Add the missile to the scene (for rendering) and on the missile storage,
            # for all other operations

        # Animate missiles
        # We need the following to keep track of all missiles we'll have to destroy,
        # since we can't change the storage while we're iterating it
        missiles_to_destroy = []
        for missile in missiles:
            # Update the missile

            # Check if the missile is close to the player plane (z < 0.1)
            if missile.position.z < 0.1:
                # Check if the missile is close enough to the player to hit him
                if missile.position.magnitude() < 0.25:
                    # It has hit the player, flash the screen red for one second
                    flash_color = Color(1, 0, 1, 1)
                    total_flash_time = flash_timer = 1
                # Destroy missile (remove it from the scene and add it to the destruction
                # list so we can remove it in a bit)

        # Animate shots
        # We need the following to keep track of all shots we'll have to destroy,
        # since we can't change the storage while we're iterating it
        shots_to_destroy = []
        for shot in shots:
            # Update the shot

            # Check if the shot is too far away, and add it to the destruction list,
            # besides removing it from the scene
            if shot.position.z > 12:
                # Destroy shot

        # Update shot cooldown
        shot_timer -= delta_time

        # Check collisions
        for shot in shots:
            # Check each shot with each missile
            for missile in missiles:
                # Check the distance between the shot and the missile, it it is below
                # a threshould (in this case 0.5), destroy the missile and the shot
                distance = Vector3.distance(shot.position, missile.position)
                if distance < 0.5:
                    # Add it to the missile destruction list, and remove it from the scene
                    # Add it to the shot destruction list, and remove it from the scene
                    # Flash the screen cyan for 0.5 seconds
                    flash_color = Color(0, 1, 1, 1)
                    total_flash_time = flash_timer = 0.5

        # Actually delete objects
        missiles = [x for x in missiles if x not in missiles_to_destroy]
        shots = [x for x in shots if x not in shots_to_destroy]

        # Render scene

        # Render screen flash
        if flash_timer > 0:
            flash_timer -= delta_time
            if flash_timer > 0:
                flash_color.a = flash_timer / total_flash_time
                # Render the full screen rectangle, using additive blend
                screen.fill(flash_color.premult_alpha().tuple3(), None,

        # Swaps the back and front buffer, effectively displaying what we rendered

        # Updates the timer, so we we know how long has it been since the last frame
        delta_time = time.time() - prev_time
        prev_time = time.time()