Beispiel #1
    def get_rand_move(self):
        rand_rot = 0
        rand_sideways = 0
        rand_score = -99

        NextScore = (0, 0, -99)  # rot,sideways, score

        # rot =  1-'O':    2-'I': 2-'Z':    4-'J': 4-'L': 4-'T'

        for rot in range(0, len(PIECES[self.falling_piece['shape']])
                         ):  # per le rotazioni possibili su lpezzo corrente
            for sideways in range(-5, 6):  # per i drop possibili sulla board
                move = [rot, sideways]  # salvo la coppia corrente
                test_board = copy.deepcopy(
                    self.board)  # duplico la board corrente
                test_piece = copy.deepcopy(
                    self.falling_piece)  # duplico il pezzo corrente
                test_board = simulate_board(
                    test_board, test_piece,
                    move)  # simulo il pezzo e la mossa sulla board test
                # Check NEXT
                if test_board is not None:  # se la simulazione è andata a buon fine
                    ## Chose the best after next                                # effettuo il calcolo con il pezzo successivo
                    for rot2 in range(0,
                        for sideways2 in range(-5, 6):
                            move2 = [rot2, sideways2]
                            test_board2 = copy.deepcopy(test_board)
                            test_piece2 = copy.deepcopy(self.next_piece)
                            test_board2 = simulate_board(
                                test_board2, test_piece2, move2)
                            if test_board2 is not None:
                                test_score2, nextLines = self.get_expected_score(
                                if NextScore[2] < test_score2:
                                    NextScore = [
                                        rot2, sideways2, test_score2
                                    ]  # aggiorno il best local score (LV2)
                    if rand_score < NextScore[2]:  # confronto
                        rand_score = NextScore[
                            2]  # aggiorno il best local score (LV1+LV2)
                        rand_sideways = sideways  # aggiorno il best sideway (LV1)
                        rand_rot = rot  # aggiorno il best rot (LV1)

        # finish = time.perf_counter()
        # print(f'Finished in {round(finish - start, 2)} second(s) with full')

        return rand_rot, rand_sideways, rand_score
Beispiel #2
    def DFS_LV1Only(self, board, piece):
            Execute DFS at level 1 of depth
                  board : Matrix (lists of lists) of strings
                  piece : Object containing: 'shape', 'rotation', 'x', 'y', 'color'
        print("Shape: ", piece['shape'])
        strategy = None
        for rot in range(0, len(PIECES[piece['shape']])):
            for sideways in range(-5, 6):
                move = [rot, sideways]
                test_board = copy.deepcopy(board)
                test_piece = copy.deepcopy(piece)
                test_board = simulate_board(test_board, test_piece, move)
                    str(piece['shape'] + ":" + str(sideways) + ":" + str(0)))
                if test_board is not None:
                    test_score, _ = self.get_expected_score(test_board)
                    print("Tested branch : [ rot= ", rot, "/sideway=",
                          sideways, "] : scored = ", round(test_score, 3))
                    if not strategy or strategy[2] < test_score:
                        strategy = (rot, sideways, test_score)

        if self.treePlot == 'yes':

        print("-- Winner Strategy = <", strategy[0], "/", strategy[1], ">\n")
        return [strategy[0], strategy[1]]
Beispiel #3
    def MonteCarlo_MCTS(self, board, piece, NextPiece):
            Main Scanning function for Deep LV1
            board : str
                Matrix (lists of lists) of strings
            piece : Object
                conteining 'shape', 'rotation', 'x', 'y', 'color'
            NextPiece : Object
                conteining 'shape', 'rotation', 'x', 'y', 'color'
        deep = 1
        numIter = 0
        print("Branch Deep :", deep, " Real piece: ", piece['shape'])
        self.action = str(piece['shape'])
        topStrategies = list()
        strategy = None
        for rot in range(0, len(PIECES[piece['shape']])):
            for sideways in range(-5, 6):
                numIter = numIter + 1
                # print("<<<<<<<<<< Enter into branch n° ", numIter)
                move = [rot, sideways]
                test_board = copy.deepcopy(board)
                test_piece = copy.deepcopy(piece)
                test_board = simulate_board(test_board, test_piece, move)

                fatherName = str(piece['shape'] + ":" + str(sideways) + ":" +
                MonteCarloPlot.addedge(MonteCarloPlot.ROOTZERO, fatherName)

                if test_board is not None:
                    test_score, fullLines = self.get_expected_score(test_board)
                    NextScore = 0
                    selfAction = ""
                    #  print("Tested branch : [ rot= ", rot, "/sideway=", sideways, "] : scored = ", round(test_score, 3))
                    if self.deepLimit > 1:
                        NextScore, selfAction = self.MonteCarlo_MCTS_stepx(
                            board, deep + 1, NextPiece, fatherName)
                        print("Dreamed action : ", self.action)
                        selfAction = self.action
                        self.action = str(piece['shape'])
                    NextScore = NextScore + test_score

                    if not strategy or strategy[2] < NextScore:
                        strategy = (rot, sideways, NextScore, selfAction)

        if self.treePlot == 'yes' and self.deepLimit < 3:

        print("--->> TOP STRATEGIES <<---")
        topStrategies = sorted(topStrategies, key=itemgetter(2), reverse=True)
        for x in range(len(topStrategies)):

        print("---X>> Winner STRATEGY <<X---", topStrategies[0])

        return [topStrategies[0][0], topStrategies[0][1]]
Beispiel #4
    def find_best_moveLS(self, board, piece, NextPiece):
         It finds the best move to do according to the passed weights

        :param board:  Matrix (lists of lists) of strings
        :param piece:  Object containing: 'shape', 'rotation', 'x', 'y', 'color'
        :param NextPiece: Object containing: 'shape', 'rotation', 'x', 'y', 'color'
        :return:strategy2: a list that contains rot and sideway
        print("Current Piece: ", piece['shape'])
        strategy = (0, 0, -999)
        best_board = None
        for rot in range(0, len(PIECES[piece['shape']])):
            for sideways in range(-5, 6):
                move = [rot, sideways]
                test_board = copy.deepcopy(board)
                test_piece = copy.deepcopy(piece)
                test_board = simulate_board(test_board, test_piece, move)
                if test_board is not None:
                    test_score, fullLines = self.get_expected_score(test_board)
                    print("Tested branch : LV1 [ rot= ", rot, "/sideway=", sideways, "] : scored = ",
                          round(test_score, 3))
                    if not strategy or strategy[2] < test_score:
                        print("updated new max LV1")
                        strategy = (rot, sideways, test_score)
                        best_board = test_board
        print("--> LV1 Winner is: ", strategy)

        print(" Next Piece : ", NextPiece['shape'])
        strategy2 = (0, 0, -999)
        for rot in range(0, len(PIECES[NextPiece['shape']])):
            for sideways in range(-5, 6):
                move2 = [rot, sideways]
                test_board2 = copy.deepcopy(best_board)
                test_piece2 = copy.deepcopy(NextPiece)
                test_board2 = simulate_board(test_board2, test_piece2, move2)
                if test_board2 is not None:
                    test_score2, fullLines2 = self.get_expected_score(test_board2)
                    print("Tested branch : LV2 [ rot= ", rot, "/sideway=", sideways, "] : scored = ",
                          round(test_score2, 3))
                    if not strategy2 or strategy2[2] < test_score2:
                        print("updated = new max LV2")
                        strategy2 = (rot, sideways, test_score2)
        print("----> LV2 Winner is: ", strategy2, "\n")

        return [strategy2[0], strategy2[1]]
Beispiel #5
    def MonteCarlo_MCTS_stepx(self, board, deep, piece, fatherName):
            Recursive Scanning of Virtual Branches on Deep > 2
            board : str
                type of piece used ('r' = random, 'p' = pi)
            deep : str
                type of function to use (randomScan or fullScan)
            piece : Object
                conteining 'shape', 'rotation', 'x', 'y', 'color'
            fatherName : str
                str used to have trace of the fatherName to print Tree Graphs
        if len(self.action.strip('-')) <= self.deepLimit:
            self.action = self.action + "-" + piece['shape']
        strategy = None

        sidewaysIndex = [-5, -4, -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]  # 11  Sideways

        # if mode is random, BBMCTS remove a random number of sideways from the Tree Search
        if self.mode == 'random':
            if deep > 2:
                toRemove = random.randint(0, 5)
                # print("------------------- toKill ", toRemove)
                for z in range(toRemove):
                    deathindex = random.randint(0, len(sidewaysIndex) - 1)

        for rot in range(0, len(PIECES[piece['shape']])):
            for sideways in sidewaysIndex:
                move = [rot, sideways]
                test_board = copy.deepcopy(board)
                test_piece = copy.deepcopy(piece)
                test_board = simulate_board(test_board, test_piece, move)

                NameNode = str(piece['shape'] + ":" + str(sideways) + ":" +
                MonteCarloPlot.addedge(fatherName, fatherName + "_" + NameNode)

                if test_board is not None:
                    test_score, fullLines = self.get_expected_score(test_board)
                    #  print("Tested branch : [ rot= ",rot ,"/sideway=",sideways," // deep= ",deep,"] : scored = ",round(test_score,3))

                    # print("yyyy: ", deep, " ",self.deepLimit)
                    if deep < self.deepLimit:
                        # print("dxxxxx: ", deep)
                        RandPiece = self.__random()
                        deepScore, pieceType = self.MonteCarlo_MCTS_stepx(
                            board, deep + 1, RandPiece,
                            fatherName + "_" + NameNode)
                        test_score = test_score + deepScore

                    if not strategy or strategy[2] < test_score:
                        strategy = (rot, sideways, test_score)
        return strategy[2], self.action
Beispiel #6
 def simulate_move(self, move, piece):
     test the move of the piece in a test_board
     :param move: [rotation, sideway]
     :param piece: current falling piece
     :return: score:int
     test_board = copy.deepcopy(self.board)
     test_piece = copy.deepcopy(piece)
     test_board = simulate_board(test_board, test_piece, move)
     if test_board is not None:
         test_score, _ = self.get_expected_score(test_board)
         return test_score
         return -99  # con questo punteggio una mossa non valida non verrà considerata
Beispiel #7
    def DFS_full(self, board, piece, NextPiece):
            Execute DFS at level 2 of depth
                  board : Matrix (lists of lists) of strings
                  piece : Object conteining: 'shape', 'rotation', 'x', 'y', 'color'
                  NextPiece : Object conteining: 'shape', 'rotation', 'x', 'y', 'color'
        best_rot = 0
        best_sideways = 0
        best_score = -99
        NextScore = (0, 0, -99)  # rot, sideways, score
        # rot =  1-'O':    2-'I': 2-'Z':    4-'J': 4-'L': 4-'T'
        print("Shape: ", piece['shape'])
        for rot in range(0, len(PIECES[piece['shape']])
                         ):  # per le rotazioni possibili su lpezzo corrente
            for sideways in range(-5, 6):  # per i drop possibili sulla board
                move = [rot, sideways]  # salvo la coppia corrente
                test_board = copy.deepcopy(board)  # duplico la board corrente
                test_piece = copy.deepcopy(piece)  # duplico il pezzo corrente
                test_board = simulate_board(
                    test_board, test_piece,
                    move)  # simulo il pezzo e la mossa sulla board test
                # Check NEXT

                fatherName = str(piece['shape'] + ":" + str(sideways) + ":" +
                DFSTreePlot.addedge(DFSTreePlot.ROOTZERO, fatherName)

                if test_board is not None:
                    for rot2 in range(0, len(PIECES[NextPiece['shape']])):
                        for sideways2 in range(-5, 6):
                            move2 = [rot2, sideways2]
                            test_board2 = copy.deepcopy(test_board)
                            test_piece2 = copy.deepcopy(NextPiece)
                            test_board2 = simulate_board(
                                test_board2, test_piece2, move2)
                            NameNode = str(NextPiece['shape'] + ":" +
                                           str(sideways2) + ":" + str(1))
                                                fatherName + "_" + NameNode)
                            if test_board2 is not None:
                                test_score2, nextLines = self.get_expected_score(
                                print("Tested branch : LV1[ rot= ", rot,
                                      "/sideway=", sideways, "] : LV2[ rot2= ",
                                      rot2, "/sideway2=", sideways2,
                                      "] : scored = ", round(test_score2, 3))
                                if NextScore[2] < test_score2:
                                    NextScore = [
                                        rot2, sideways2, test_score2
                                    ]  # aggiorno il best local score (LV2)
                    if best_score < NextScore[2]:  # confronto
                        best_score = NextScore[
                            2]  # aggiorno il best local score (LV1+LV2)
                        best_sideways = sideways  # aggiorno il best sideway (LV1)
                        best_rot = rot  # aggiorno il best rot (LV1)

        if self.treePlot == 'yes':

        print("-- Winner Strategy = <", best_rot, "/", best_sideways, ">\n")
        return [best_rot, best_sideways]