def combine_bike_rider(bicyclePar, riderPar):
    Combines the inertia of the bicycle frame with the
    inertia of a rider.

    bicyclePar : dictionary
        The benchmark parameter set of a bicycle.
    riderPar : dictionary
        The rider's mass, center of mass, and inertia expressed in the
        benchmark bicycle reference frame.

    bicyclePar : dictionary
        The benchmark bicycle parameters with a rigid rider added to the
        bicycle frame.


    # list the masses of the rider and bicycle
    masses = np.array([riderPar['mB'], bicyclePar['mB']])
    # list the centers of mass of the rider and bicycle
    coordinates = np.array([[riderPar['xB'], bicyclePar['xB']],
                            [riderPar['yB'], 0.],
                            [riderPar['zB'], bicyclePar['zB']]])
    # calculate the new mass and center of mass
    mT, cT = total_com(coordinates, masses)
    # get inertia tensors for the bicycle and rider
    IRider = part_inertia_tensor(riderPar, 'B')
    IBicycle = part_inertia_tensor(bicyclePar, 'B')
    # calculate the distance from the center of mass of each body to the
    # center of mass of the combined body
    dRider = np.array([riderPar['xB'] - cT[0],
                       riderPar['yB'] - cT[1],
                       riderPar['zB'] - cT[2]])
    dBicycle = np.array([bicyclePar['xB'] - cT[0],
                         bicyclePar['zB'] - cT[2]])
    # calculate the total inertia about the total body center of mass
    I = (parallel_axis(IRider, riderPar['mB'], dRider) +
         parallel_axis(IBicycle, bicyclePar['mB'], dBicycle))
    # assign new inertia back to bike
    bicyclePar['xB'] = cT[0]
    bicyclePar['zB'] = cT[2]
    bicyclePar['yB'] = 0.0
    bicyclePar['mB'] = mT
    bicyclePar['IBxx'] = I[0, 0]
    bicyclePar['IBxz'] = I[0, 2]
    bicyclePar['IByy'] = I[1, 1]
    bicyclePar['IBzz'] = I[2, 2]

    return bicyclePar
Beispiel #2
    def steer_assembly_moment_of_inertia(self,
        Returns the inertia tensor of the steer assembly with respect to a
        reference frame aligned with the steer axis.

        handlebar : boolean, optional
            If true the handlebar will be included in the calculation.
        fork : boolean, optional
            If true the fork will be included in the calculation.
        wheel : boolean, optional
            If true then the wheel will be included in the calculation.
        aboutSteerAxis : boolean, optional
            If true the inertia tensor will be with respect to a point made
            from the projection of the center of mass onto the steer axis.
        nominal : boolean, optional
            If true the nominal values will be returned instead of a uarray.

        iAss : float
            Inertia tensor of the specified steer assembly parts with respect
            to a reference frame aligned with the steer axis.

        The 3 component is aligned with the steer axis (pointing downward), the
        1 component is perpendicular to the steer axis (pointing forward) and
        the 2 component is perpendicular to the steer axis (pointing to the

        This function does not currently take into account the flywheel, D, if
        it is defined, beware.

        # load in the Benchmark parameter set
        par = self.parameters['Benchmark']

        if 'mD' in par.keys():
                "You have a flywheel defined. Beware that it is ignored in " +
                "the calculations and the results do not reflect that it is " +

        # there should always be either an H (handlebar/fork) and sometimes
        # there is a G (handlebar) and S (fork) if the fork and handlebar were
        # measured separately
            if fork and handlebar:
                # handlebar/fork
                I = inertia.part_inertia_tensor(par, 'H')
                m = par['mH']
                x = par['xH']
                z = par['zH']
            elif fork and not handlebar:
                # fork alone
                I = inertia.part_inertia_tensor(par, 'S')
                m = par['mS']
                x = par['xS']
                z = par['zS']
            elif handlebar and not fork:
                # handlebar alone
                I = inertia.part_inertia_tensor(par, 'G')
                m = par['mG']
                x = par['xG']
                z = par['zG']
                # if neither set to zero
                I = np.zeros((3, 3))
                m = 0.
                x = 0.
                z = 0.
        except KeyError:
            raise ValueError("The fork and handlebar were not measured " +
                             "separately for this bicycle." +
                             " Try making both the fork and handlebar either" +
                             " both True or both False.")

        if wheel:
            # list the mass and com of the handlebar/assembly and the front
            # wheel
            masses = np.array([m, par['mF']])

            coords = np.array([[x, par['w']], [0., 0.], [z, -par['rF']]])

            # mass and com of the entire assembly
            mAss, cAss = com.total_com(coords, masses)

            # front wheel inertia in the benchmark reference frame about the
            # com
            IF = inertia.part_inertia_tensor(par, 'F')

            # distance from the fork/handlebar assembly (without wheel) to the
            # new center of mass for the assembly with the wheel
            d = np.array([x - cAss[0], 0., z - cAss[2]])

            # distance from the front wheel center to the new center of mass
            # for the assembly with the wheel
            dF = np.array([par['w'] - cAss[0], 0., -par['rF'] - cAss[2]])

            # this is the inertia of the assembly about the com with reference
            # to the benchmark bicycle reference frame
            iAss = (inertia.parallel_axis(I, m, d) +
                    inertia.parallel_axis(IF, par['mF'], dF))

            # this is the inertia of the assembly about a reference frame aligned with
            # the steer axis and through the center of mass
            iAssRot = inertia.rotate_inertia_tensor(iAss, par['lam'])

        else:  # don't add the wheel
            mAss = m
            cAss = np.array([x, 0., z])
            iAssRot = inertia.rotate_inertia_tensor(I, par['lam'])

        if aboutSteerAxis:
            # this is the distance from the assembly com to the steer axis
            distance = geometry.distance_to_steer_axis(par['w'], par['c'],
                                                       par['lam'], cAss)
            print "handlebar cg distance", distance

            # now calculate the inertia about the steer axis of the rotated frame
            iAss = inertia.parallel_axis(iAssRot, mAss,
                                         np.array([distance, 0., 0.]))
            iAss = iAssRot

        if nominal:
            return unumpy.nominal_values(iAss)
            return iAss
Beispiel #3
def calculate_benchmark_from_measured(mp):
    '''Returns the benchmark (Meijaard 2007) parameter set based on the
    measured data.

    mp : dictionary
        Complete set of measured data.

    par : dictionary
        Benchmark bicycle parameter set.


    forkIsSplit = is_fork_split(mp)

    par = {}

    # calculate the wheelbase, steer axis tilt and trail
    par = geometry.calculate_benchmark_geometry(mp, par)

    # masses
    par['mB'] = mp['mB']
    par['mF'] = mp['mF']
    par['mR'] = mp['mR']
        # we measured the mass of the flywheel plus the mass of the front
        # wheel, mp['mD'], so to get the actual mass of the flywheel, subtract
        # the mass of the front wheel
        par['mD'] = mp['mD'] - mp['mF']
    except KeyError:
    if forkIsSplit:
        par['mS'] = mp['mS']
        par['mG'] = mp['mG']
        par['mH'] = mp['mH']

    # get the slopes, intercepts and betas for each part
    slopes, intercepts, betas = com.part_com_lines(mp, par, forkIsSplit)

    # calculate the centers of mass
    for part in slopes.keys():
        par['x' + part], par['z' + part] = com.center_of_mass(
            slopes[part], intercepts[part])

    # find the center of mass of the handlebar/fork assembly if the fork was
    # split
    if forkIsSplit:
        coordinates = np.array([[par['xS'], par['xG']], [0., 0.],
                                [par['zS'], par['zG']]])
        masses = np.array([par['mS'], par['mG']])
        mH, cH = inertia.total_com(coordinates, masses)
        par['mH'] = mH
        par['xH'] = cH[0]
        par['zH'] = cH[2]

    # local accelation due to gravity
    par['g'] = mp['g']

    # calculate the wheel y inertias
    par['IFyy'] = inertia.compound_pendulum_inertia(mp['mF'], mp['g'],
                                                    mp['lF'], mp['TcF1'])
    par['IRyy'] = inertia.compound_pendulum_inertia(mp['mR'], mp['g'],
                                                    mp['lR'], mp['TcR1'])
        # we measured the inertia of the front wheel with the flywheel inside
        iFlywheelPlusFwheel = inertia.compound_pendulum_inertia(
            mp['mD'], mp['g'], mp['lF'], mp['TcD1'])
        par['IDyy'] = iFlywheelPlusFwheel - par['IFyy']
    except KeyError:

    # calculate the y inertias for the frame and fork
    lB = (par['xB']**2 + (par['zB'] + par['rR'])**2)**(0.5)
    par['IByy'] = inertia.compound_pendulum_inertia(mp['mB'], mp['g'], lB,

    if forkIsSplit:
        # fork
        lS = ((par['xS'] - par['w'])**2 + (par['zS'] + par['rF'])**2)**(0.5)
        par['ISyy'] = inertia.compound_pendulum_inertia(
            mp['mS'], mp['g'], lS, mp['TcS1'])
        # handlebar
        l1, l2 = geometry.calculate_l1_l2(mp['h6'], mp['h7'], mp['d5'],
                                          mp['d6'], mp['l'])
        u1, u2 = geometry.fwheel_to_handlebar_ref(par['lam'], l1, l2)
        lG = ((par['xG'] - par['w'] + u1)**2 +
              (par['zG'] + par['rF'] + u2)**2)**(.5)
        par['IGyy'] = inertia.compound_pendulum_inertia(
            mp['mG'], mp['g'], lG, mp['TcG1'])
        lH = ((par['xH'] - par['w'])**2 + (par['zH'] + par['rF'])**2)**(0.5)
        par['IHyy'] = inertia.compound_pendulum_inertia(
            mp['mH'], mp['g'], lH, mp['TcH1'])

    # calculate the stiffness of the torsional pendulum
    IPxx, IPyy, IPzz = inertia.tube_inertia(mp['lP'], mp['mP'], mp['dP'] / 2.,
    torStiff = inertia.torsional_pendulum_stiffness(IPyy, mp['TtP1'])
    #print "Torsional pendulum stiffness:", torStiff

    # calculate the wheel x/z inertias
    par['IFxx'] = inertia.tor_inertia(torStiff, mp['TtF1'])
    par['IRxx'] = inertia.tor_inertia(torStiff, mp['TtR1'])
        par['IDxx'] = inertia.tor_inertia(torStiff, mp['TtD1']) - par['IFxx']
    except KeyError:

    pendulumInertias = {}

    # calculate the in plane moments of inertia
    for part, slopeSet in slopes.items():
        # the number of orientations for this part
        numOrien = len(slopeSet)
        # intialize arrays to store the inertia values and orientation angles
        penInertia = np.zeros(numOrien, dtype=object)
        beta = np.array(betas[part])
        # fill arrays of the inertias
        for i in range(numOrien):
            penInertia[i] = inertia.tor_inertia(torStiff,
                                                mp['Tt' + part + str(i + 1)])
        # store these inertias
        pendulumInertias[part] = list(penInertia)
        inert = inertia.inertia_components(penInertia, beta)
        for i, axis in enumerate(['xx', 'xz', 'zz']):
            par['I' + part + axis] = inert[i]

    if forkIsSplit:
        # combine the moments of inertia to find the total handlebar/fork MoI
        IG = inertia.part_inertia_tensor(par, 'G')
        IS = inertia.part_inertia_tensor(par, 'S')
        # columns are parts, rows = x, y, z
        coordinates = np.array([[par['xG'], par['xS']], [0., 0.],
                                [par['zG'], par['zS']]])
        masses = np.array([par['mG'], par['mS']])
        par['mH'], cH = com.total_com(coordinates, masses)
        par['xH'] = cH[0]
        par['zH'] = cH[2]
        dG = np.array([par['xG'] - par['xH'], 0., par['zG'] - par['zH']])
        dS = np.array([par['xS'] - par['xH'], 0., par['zS'] - par['zH']])
        IH = (inertia.parallel_axis(IG, par['mG'], dG) +
              inertia.parallel_axis(IS, par['mS'], dS))
        par['IHxx'] = IH[0, 0]
        par['IHxz'] = IH[0, 2]
        par['IHyy'] = IH[1, 1]
        par['IHzz'] = IH[2, 2]

    # package the extra information that is useful outside this function
    extras = {
        'slopes': slopes,
        'intercepts': intercepts,
        'betas': betas,
        'pendulumInertias': pendulumInertias

    return par, extras
Beispiel #4
    def steer_assembly_moment_of_inertia(self, handlebar=True, fork=True,
            wheel=True, aboutSteerAxis=False, nominal=False):
        Returns the inertia tensor of the steer assembly with respect to a
        reference frame aligned with the steer axis.

        handlebar : boolean, optional
            If true the handlebar will be included in the calculation.
        fork : boolean, optional
            If true the fork will be included in the calculation.
        wheel : boolean, optional
            If true then the wheel will be included in the calculation.
        aboutSteerAxis : boolean, optional
            If true the inertia tensor will be with respect to a point made
            from the projection of the center of mass onto the steer axis.
        nominal : boolean, optional
            If true the nominal values will be returned instead of a uarray.

        iAss : float
            Inertia tensor of the specified steer assembly parts with respect
            to a reference frame aligned with the steer axis.

        The 3 component is aligned with the steer axis (pointing downward), the
        1 component is perpendicular to the steer axis (pointing forward) and
        the 2 component is perpendicular to the steer axis (pointing to the

        This function does not currently take into account the flywheel, D, if
        it is defined, beware.

        # load in the Benchmark parameter set
        par = self.parameters['Benchmark']

        if 'mD' in par.keys():
            print("You have a flywheel defined. Beware that it is ignored in "
                + "the calculations and the results do not reflect that it is "
                + "there.")

        # there should always be either an H (handlebar/fork) and sometimes
        # there is a G (handlebar) and S (fork) if the fork and handlebar were
        # measured separately
            if fork and handlebar:
                # handlebar/fork
                I = inertia.part_inertia_tensor(par, 'H')
                m = par['mH']
                x = par['xH']
                z = par['zH']
            elif fork and not handlebar:
                # fork alone
                I = inertia.part_inertia_tensor(par, 'S')
                m = par['mS']
                x = par['xS']
                z = par['zS']
            elif handlebar and not fork:
                # handlebar alone
                I = inertia.part_inertia_tensor(par, 'G')
                m = par['mG']
                x = par['xG']
                z = par['zG']
                # if neither set to zero
                I = np.zeros((3, 3))
                m = 0.
                x = 0.
                z = 0.
        except KeyError:
            raise ValueError("The fork and handlebar were not measured " +
                             "separately for this bicycle." +
                             " Try making both the fork and handlebar either" +
                             " both True or both False.")

        if wheel:
            # list the mass and com of the handlebar/assembly and the front
            # wheel
            masses = np.array([m, par['mF']])

            coords = np.array([[x, par['w']],
                               [0., 0.],
                               [z, -par['rF']]])

            # mass and com of the entire assembly
            mAss, cAss = com.total_com(coords, masses)

            # front wheel inertia in the benchmark reference frame about the
            # com
            IF = inertia.part_inertia_tensor(par, 'F')

            # distance from the fork/handlebar assembly (without wheel) to the
            # new center of mass for the assembly with the wheel
            d = np.array([x - cAss[0], 0., z - cAss[2]])

            # distance from the front wheel center to the new center of mass
            # for the assembly with the wheel
            dF = np.array([par['w'] - cAss[0],
                           -par['rF'] - cAss[2]])

            # this is the inertia of the assembly about the com with reference
            # to the benchmark bicycle reference frame
            iAss = (inertia.parallel_axis(I, m, d) +
                    inertia.parallel_axis(IF, par['mF'], dF))

            # this is the inertia of the assembly about a reference frame aligned with
            # the steer axis and through the center of mass
            iAssRot = inertia.rotate_inertia_tensor(iAss, par['lam'])

        else: # don't add the wheel
            mAss = m
            cAss = np.array([x, 0., z])
            iAssRot = inertia.rotate_inertia_tensor(I, par['lam'])

        if aboutSteerAxis:
            # this is the distance from the assembly com to the steer axis
            distance = geometry.distance_to_steer_axis(par['w'], par['c'],
                    par['lam'], cAss)
            print "handlebar cg distance", distance

            # now calculate the inertia about the steer axis of the rotated frame
            iAss = inertia.parallel_axis(iAssRot, mAss, np.array([distance, 0., 0.]))
            iAss = iAssRot

        if nominal:
            return unumpy.nominal_values(iAss)
            return iAss
Beispiel #5
def calculate_benchmark_from_measured(mp):
    '''Returns the benchmark (Meijaard 2007) parameter set based on the
    measured data.

    mp : dictionary
        Complete set of measured data.

    par : dictionary
        Benchmark bicycle parameter set.


    forkIsSplit = is_fork_split(mp)

    par = {}

    # calculate the wheelbase, steer axis tilt and trail
    par = geometry.calculate_benchmark_geometry(mp, par)

    # masses
    par['mB'] = mp['mB']
    par['mF'] = mp['mF']
    par['mR'] = mp['mR']
        # we measured the mass of the flywheel plus the mass of the front
        # wheel, mp['mD'], so to get the actual mass of the flywheel, subtract
        # the mass of the front wheel
        par['mD'] = mp['mD'] - mp['mF']
    except KeyError:
    if forkIsSplit:
        par['mS'] = mp['mS']
        par['mG'] = mp['mG']
        par['mH'] = mp['mH']

    # get the slopes, intercepts and betas for each part
    slopes, intercepts, betas = com.part_com_lines(mp, par, forkIsSplit)

    # calculate the centers of mass
    for part in slopes.keys():
        par['x' + part], par['z' + part] = com.center_of_mass(slopes[part],

    # find the center of mass of the handlebar/fork assembly if the fork was
    # split
    if forkIsSplit:
        coordinates = np.array([[par['xS'], par['xG']],
                                [0., 0.],
                                [par['zS'], par['zG']]])
        masses = np.array([par['mS'], par['mG']])
        mH, cH = inertia.total_com(coordinates, masses)
        par['mH'] = mH
        par['xH'] = cH[0]
        par['zH'] = cH[2]

    # local accelation due to gravity
    par['g'] = mp['g']

    # calculate the wheel y inertias
    par['IFyy'] = inertia.compound_pendulum_inertia(mp['mF'], mp['g'],
                                            mp['lF'], mp['TcF1'])
    par['IRyy'] = inertia.compound_pendulum_inertia(mp['mR'], mp['g'],
                                            mp['lR'], mp['TcR1'])
        # we measured the inertia of the front wheel with the flywheel inside
        iFlywheelPlusFwheel = inertia.compound_pendulum_inertia(mp['mD'], mp['g'], mp['lF'], mp['TcD1'])
        par['IDyy'] = iFlywheelPlusFwheel - par['IFyy']
    except KeyError:

    # calculate the y inertias for the frame and fork
    lB = (par['xB']**2 + (par['zB'] + par['rR'])**2)**(0.5)
    par['IByy'] = inertia.compound_pendulum_inertia(mp['mB'], mp['g'], lB,

    if forkIsSplit:
        # fork
        lS = ((par['xS'] - par['w'])**2 +
              (par['zS'] + par['rF'])**2)**(0.5)
        par['ISyy'] = inertia.compound_pendulum_inertia(mp['mS'], mp['g'],
                                                lS, mp['TcS1'])
        # handlebar
        l1, l2 = geometry.calculate_l1_l2(mp['h6'], mp['h7'],
                                 mp['d5'], mp['d6'], mp['l'])
        u1, u2 = geometry.fwheel_to_handlebar_ref(par['lam'], l1, l2)
        lG = ((par['xG'] - par['w'] + u1)**2 +
              (par['zG'] + par['rF'] + u2)**2)**(.5)
        par['IGyy'] = inertia.compound_pendulum_inertia(mp['mG'], mp['g'],
                                                lG, mp['TcG1'])
        lH = ((par['xH'] - par['w'])**2 +
              (par['zH'] + par['rF'])**2)**(0.5)
        par['IHyy'] = inertia.compound_pendulum_inertia(mp['mH'], mp['g'],
                                                lH, mp['TcH1'])

    # calculate the stiffness of the torsional pendulum
    IPxx, IPyy, IPzz = inertia.tube_inertia(mp['lP'], mp['mP'],
                                            mp['dP'] / 2., 0.)
    torStiff = inertia.torsional_pendulum_stiffness(IPyy, mp['TtP1'])
    #print "Torsional pendulum stiffness:", torStiff

    # calculate the wheel x/z inertias
    par['IFxx'] = inertia.tor_inertia(torStiff, mp['TtF1'])
    par['IRxx'] = inertia.tor_inertia(torStiff, mp['TtR1'])
        par['IDxx'] =  inertia.tor_inertia(torStiff, mp['TtD1']) - par['IFxx']
    except KeyError:

    pendulumInertias = {}

    # calculate the in plane moments of inertia
    for part, slopeSet in slopes.items():
        # the number of orientations for this part
        numOrien = len(slopeSet)
        # intialize arrays to store the inertia values and orientation angles
        penInertia = np.zeros(numOrien, dtype=object)
        beta = np.array(betas[part])
        # fill arrays of the inertias
        for i in range(numOrien):
            penInertia[i] = inertia.tor_inertia(torStiff, mp['Tt' + part + str(i + 1)])
        # store these inertias
        pendulumInertias[part] = list(penInertia)
        inert = inertia.inertia_components(penInertia, beta)
        for i, axis in enumerate(['xx', 'xz', 'zz']):
            par['I' + part + axis] = inert[i]

    if forkIsSplit:
        # combine the moments of inertia to find the total handlebar/fork MoI
        IG = inertia.part_inertia_tensor(par, 'G')
        IS = inertia.part_inertia_tensor(par, 'S')
        # columns are parts, rows = x, y, z
        coordinates = np.array([[par['xG'], par['xS']],
                                [0., 0.],
                                [par['zG'], par['zS']]])
        masses = np.array([par['mG'], par['mS']])
        par['mH'], cH = com.total_com(coordinates, masses)
        par['xH'] = cH[0]
        par['zH'] = cH[2]
        dG = np.array([par['xG'] - par['xH'], 0., par['zG'] - par['zH']])
        dS = np.array([par['xS'] - par['xH'], 0., par['zS'] - par['zH']])
        IH = (inertia.parallel_axis(IG, par['mG'], dG) +
              inertia.parallel_axis(IS, par['mS'], dS))
        par['IHxx'] = IH[0, 0]
        par['IHxz'] = IH[0, 2]
        par['IHyy'] = IH[1, 1]
        par['IHzz'] = IH[2, 2]

    # package the extra information that is useful outside this function
    extras = {'slopes' : slopes,
              'intercepts' : intercepts,
              'betas' : betas,
              'pendulumInertias' : pendulumInertias}

    return par, extras