Beispiel #1
 def __init__(self, variations):
     self.variations = variations
     assert cute_iter_tools.is_sorted(self.variations)
     self.is_rapplied = Variation.RAPPLIED in self.variations
     self.is_recurrent = Variation.RECURRENT in self.variations
     self.is_partial = Variation.PARTIAL in self.variations
     self.is_combination = Variation.COMBINATION in self.variations
     self.is_dapplied = Variation.DAPPLIED in self.variations
     self.is_fixed = Variation.FIXED in self.variations
     self.is_degreed = Variation.DEGREED in self.variations
     self.is_sliced = Variation.SLICED in self.variations
     self.is_typed = Variation.TYPED in self.variations
     self.is_pure = not self.variations
Beispiel #2
def test():
    assert len(combi.perming.variations.variation_selection_space) == \
                                   2 ** len(combi.perming.variations.Variation)

    for i, variation_selection in \
        assert isinstance(variation_selection,
        assert combi.perming.variations.variation_selection_space. \
                                                index(variation_selection) == i
        assert cute_iter_tools.is_sorted(variation_selection.variations)

        assert isinstance(variation_selection.is_allowed, bool)
Beispiel #3
def test():
    assert len(combi.perming.variations.variation_selection_space) == \
                                   2 ** len(combi.perming.variations.Variation)
    for i, variation_selection in \
        assert isinstance(variation_selection,
        assert combi.perming.variations.variation_selection_space. \
                                                index(variation_selection) == i
        assert cute_iter_tools.is_sorted(variation_selection.variations)
        assert isinstance(variation_selection.is_allowed, bool)
Beispiel #4
 def __init__(self, variations):
     self.variations = variations
     assert cute_iter_tools.is_sorted(self.variations)
     self.is_rapplied = Variation.RAPPLIED in self.variations
     self.is_recurrent = Variation.RECURRENT in self.variations
     self.is_partial = Variation.PARTIAL in self.variations
     self.is_combination = Variation.COMBINATION in self.variations
     self.is_dapplied = Variation.DAPPLIED in self.variations
     self.is_fixed = Variation.FIXED in self.variations
     self.is_degreed = Variation.DEGREED in self.variations
     self.is_sliced = Variation.SLICED in self.variations
     self.is_typed = Variation.TYPED in self.variations
     self.is_pure = not self.variations
Beispiel #5
    def index(self, perm):
        '''Get the index number of permutation `perm` in this space.'''
        if not isinstance(perm, collections.Iterable):
            raise ValueError

            perm = sequence_tools.ensure_iterable_is_immutable_sequence(
                perm, allow_unordered=False)
        except sequence_tools.UnorderedIterableException:
            raise ValueError('An unordered iterable is never contained in a '
                             '`PermSpace`. Try an ordered one.')

        perm_set = set(perm) if not isinstance(perm, UnrecurrentedPerm) \
                                                  else set(perm._perm_sequence)
        if not (perm_set <= set(self.sequence)):
            raise ValueError

        if sequence_tools.get_length(perm) != self.n_elements:
            raise ValueError

        if not isinstance(perm, self.perm_type):
            perm = self.perm_type(perm, self)

        if self.sequence != perm.nominal_perm_space.sequence:
            # (This also covers `self.rapplied != perm.rapplied`)
            raise ValueError
        if self.domain != perm.domain:
            # (This also covers `self.dapplied != perm.dapplied`)
            raise ValueError
        if self.is_degreed and ( not in self.degrees):
            raise ValueError

        # At this point we know the permutation contains the correct items, and
        # has the correct degree.
        if perm.is_dapplied:
            return self.undapplied.index(perm.undapplied)

        elif self.is_degreed:
            if perm.is_rapplied: return self.unrapplied.index(perm.unrapplied)
            wip_perm_number = 0
            wip_perm_sequence_dict = dict(self.fixed_map)
            unused_values = list(self.free_values)
            for i, value in enumerate(perm._perm_sequence):
                if i in self.fixed_indices:
                lower_values = [j for j in unused_values if j < value]
                for lower_value in lower_values:
                    temp_fixed_map = dict(wip_perm_sequence_dict)
                    temp_fixed_map[i] = lower_value
                    wip_perm_number += PermSpace(

                wip_perm_sequence_dict[self.domain[i]] = value

            perm_number = wip_perm_number

        elif self.is_recurrent:
            assert not self.is_degreed and not self.is_dapplied

            wip_perm_number = 0
            unused_values = list(self.sequence)
            reserved_values = list(self.fixed_map.values())
            perm_sequence_list = list(perm._perm_sequence)
            shit_set = set()
            for i, value in enumerate(perm._perm_sequence):
                if i in self.fixed_map:
                    if self.fixed_map[i] == value:
                        raise ValueError
                lower_values = [
                    for thing in nifty_collections.OrderedSet(unused_values)
                    if (thing not in reserved_values or unused_values.count(
                        thing) > reserved_values.count(thing))
                    and unused_values.index(thing) < unused_values.index(value)
                    and thing not in shit_set
                for lower_value in lower_values:
                    temp_fixed_map = dict(
                        enumerate(perm_sequence_list[:i] + [lower_value]))

                    candidate_sub_perm_space = \
                        shit_set=shit_set, perm_type=self.perm_type

                    wip_perm_number += candidate_sub_perm_space.length
                    if self.is_combination:

            perm_number = wip_perm_number

        elif self.is_fixed:
            assert not self.is_degreed and not self.is_recurrent
            free_values_perm_sequence = []
            for i, perm_item in zip(self.domain, perm._perm_sequence):
                if i in self.fixed_map:
                    if self.fixed_map[i] != perm_item:
                        raise ValueError

            # At this point we know all the items that should be fixed are
            # fixed.

            perm_number = self._free_values_unsliced_perm_space.index(

        elif self.is_combination:
            if perm.is_rapplied:
                return self.unrapplied.index(perm.unrapplied)

            assert not self.is_rapplied and not self.is_recurrent and \
                   not self.is_dapplied and not self.is_fixed and \
                                                            not self.is_degreed

            if not cute_iter_tools.is_sorted(perm._perm_sequence):
                raise ValueError

            processed_perm_sequence = tuple(
                self.sequence_length - 1 - item
                for item in perm._perm_sequence[::-1])
            perm_number = self.unsliced.length - 1 - sum(
                (math_tools.binomial(item, i)
                 for i, item in enumerate(processed_perm_sequence, start=1)),

            factoradic_number = []
            unused_values = list(self.sequence)
            for i, value in enumerate(perm._perm_sequence):
                index_of_current_number = unused_values.index(value)
            perm_number = math_tools.from_factoradic(
                factoradic_number +
                [0] * self.n_unused_elements) // math.factorial(


        if perm_number not in self.canonical_slice:
            raise ValueError

        return perm_number - self.canonical_slice.start
Beispiel #6
def test_perm_type():
    class Suit(nifty_collections.CuteEnum):
        club = 'club'
        diamond = 'diamond'
        heart = 'heart'
        spade = 'spade'
        __order__ = 'club diamond heart spade'
    class Card():
        def __init__(self, number_and_suit):
            number, suit = number_and_suit
            assert number in range(1, 14)
            assert isinstance(suit, Suit)
            self.number = number
            self.suit = suit
        _sequence = \
                  caching.CachedProperty(lambda self: (self.number, self.suit))
        _reduced = \
              caching.CachedProperty(lambda self: (type(self), self._sequence))
        def __lt__(self, other):
            if not isinstance(other, Card): return NotImplemented
            return self._sequence < other._sequence
        def __eq__(self, other):
            return type(self) == type(other) and \
                                              self._sequence == other._sequence
        __hash__ = lambda self: hash(self._reduced)
        __repr__ = lambda self: '%s%s' % (
            self.number if self.number <= 10 else 'jqk'[self.number - 11],
    card_space = combi.MapSpace(Card,
                                combi.ProductSpace((range(1, 14), Suit)))
    class PokerHandSpace(combi.CombSpace):
        def __init__(self):
            super(PokerHandSpace, self).__init__(card_space, 5,
    class PokerHand(combi.Comb):
        def stupid_score(self):
            return tuple(
                zip(*nifty_collections.Bag(card.number for card in self)
    poker_hand_space = PokerHandSpace()
    assert isinstance(poker_hand_space[0], PokerHand)
    some_poker_hands = MapSpace(poker_hand_space.__getitem__,
                                range(1000000, 2000000, 17060))
    some_poker_hand_scores = set(poker_hand.stupid_score for poker_hand
                                                           in some_poker_hands)
    assert (1, 1, 1, 1, 1) in some_poker_hand_scores
    assert (2, 1, 1, 1) in some_poker_hand_scores
    assert (2, 2, 1) in some_poker_hand_scores
    assert (3, 1, 1) in some_poker_hand_scores
    card_comb_sequence = (Card((1,, Card((2, Suit.diamond)), 
                          Card((3, Suit.heart)), Card((4, Suit.spade)),
    assert cute_iter_tools.is_sorted(card_comb_sequence)
    assert card_comb_sequence in poker_hand_space
    assert PokerHand(card_comb_sequence, poker_hand_space) in poker_hand_space
    assert card_comb_sequence[::-1] not in poker_hand_space
    assert PokerHand(card_comb_sequence[::-1], poker_hand_space) \
                                                        not in poker_hand_space
    assert PokerHand(card_comb_sequence, poker_hand_space).stupid_score == \
                                                                (1, 1, 1, 1, 1)    
Beispiel #7
def test_partial_perm_space():
    empty_partial_perm_space = PermSpace(5, n_elements=6)
    assert empty_partial_perm_space.length == 0
    assert empty_partial_perm_space.variation_selection == \
    assert empty_partial_perm_space != PermSpace(5, n_elements=7)
    with cute_testing.RaiseAssertor(IndexError):
    assert range(4) not in empty_partial_perm_space
    assert range(5) not in empty_partial_perm_space
    assert range(6) not in empty_partial_perm_space
    assert range(7) not in empty_partial_perm_space
    perm_space_0 = PermSpace(5, n_elements=5)
    perm_space_1 = PermSpace(5, n_elements=3)
    perm_space_2 = PermSpace(5, n_elements=2)
    perm_space_3 = PermSpace(5, n_elements=1)
    perm_space_4 = PermSpace(5, n_elements=0)
    perm_space_5 = PermSpace(5, n_elements=5, is_combination=True)
    perm_space_6 = PermSpace(5, n_elements=3, is_combination=True)
    perm_space_7 = PermSpace(5, n_elements=2, is_combination=True)
    perm_space_8 = PermSpace(5, n_elements=1, is_combination=True)
    perm_space_9 = PermSpace(5, n_elements=0, is_combination=True)
    assert not perm_space_0.is_partial and not perm_space_0.is_combination
    assert perm_space_1.is_partial and not perm_space_1.is_combination
    assert perm_space_2.is_partial and not perm_space_2.is_combination
    assert perm_space_3.is_partial and not perm_space_3.is_combination
    assert perm_space_4.is_partial and not perm_space_4.is_combination
    assert set(map(type, (perm_space_0, perm_space_1, perm_space_2,
                             perm_space_3, perm_space_4))) == set((PermSpace,))
    assert not perm_space_5.is_partial and perm_space_5.is_combination
    assert perm_space_6.is_partial and perm_space_6.is_combination
    assert perm_space_7.is_partial and perm_space_7.is_combination
    assert perm_space_8.is_partial and perm_space_8.is_combination
    assert perm_space_9.is_partial and perm_space_9.is_combination
    assert set(map(type, (perm_space_5, perm_space_6, perm_space_7,
                             perm_space_8, perm_space_9))) == set((CombSpace,))
    assert CombSpace(5, n_elements=2) == perm_space_7
    assert perm_space_0.length == math.factorial(5)
    assert perm_space_1.length == 5 * 4 * 3
    assert perm_space_2.length == 5 * 4
    assert perm_space_3.length == 5
    assert perm_space_4.length == 1
    assert perm_space_5.length == 1
    assert perm_space_6.length == perm_space_7.length == 5 * 4 / 2
    assert perm_space_8.length == 5
    assert perm_space_9.length == 1
    assert set(map(tuple, perm_space_1)) > set(map(tuple, perm_space_6))
    for i, perm in enumerate(perm_space_2):
        assert len(perm) == 2
        assert not perm.is_dapplied
        assert not perm.is_rapplied
        assert not isinstance(perm, Comb)
        assert perm_space_2.index(perm) == i
        reconstructed_perm = Perm(tuple(perm), perm_space=perm_space_2)
        assert perm == reconstructed_perm
    for i, perm in enumerate(perm_space_7):
        assert len(perm) == 2
        assert not perm.is_dapplied
        assert not perm.is_rapplied
        assert isinstance(perm, Comb)
        assert perm_space_7.index(perm) == i
        assert perm[0] < perm[1]
        reconstructed_perm = Perm(tuple(perm), perm_space=perm_space_7)
        assert perm == reconstructed_perm
    assert cute_iter_tools.is_sorted(
        [perm_space_2.index(perm) for perm in perm_space_2]
    assert cute_iter_tools.is_sorted(
        [tuple(perm) for perm in perm_space_2]
    assert cute_iter_tools.is_sorted(
        [perm_space_7.index(perm) for perm in perm_space_7]
    assert cute_iter_tools.is_sorted(
        [tuple(perm) for perm in perm_space_7]
    assert empty_partial_perm_space.length == 0
Beispiel #8
def test_degreed_perm_space():
    assert PermSpace(3, degrees=0).length == 1
    assert PermSpace(3, degrees=1).length == 3
    assert PermSpace(3, degrees=2).length == 2
    for perm in PermSpace(3, degrees=1):
        assert == 1
    perm_space = PermSpace(5, degrees=(1, 3))
    for perm in perm_space:
        assert in (1, 3)
    assert cute_iter_tools.is_sorted(
        [perm_space.index(perm) for perm in perm_space]
    assert PermSpace(
        7, domain='travels',
        fixed_map={'l': 5, 'a': 2, 't': 0, 'v': 3, 'r': 1, 'e': 6},
        degrees=(1, 3, 5)
    ).length == 1
    assert PermSpace(4, degrees=1, fixed_map={0: 0, 1: 1, 2: 2,}).length == 0
    assert PermSpace(4, degrees=1, fixed_map={0: 0, 1: 1}).length == 1
    assert PermSpace(4, degrees=1, fixed_map={0: 0, }).length == 3
    assert PermSpace(4, degrees=1, fixed_map={0: 1, 1: 0,}).length == 1
    assert PermSpace(4, degrees=1, fixed_map={0: 1, 1: 2,}).length == 0
    assert PermSpace(4, degrees=2, fixed_map={0: 1, 1: 2,}).length == 1
    assert PermSpace(4, degrees=3, fixed_map={0: 1, 1: 2,}).length == 1
    assert PermSpace(4, degrees=3, fixed_map={2: 3,}).length == 2
    assert PermSpace(4, degrees=1, fixed_map={2: 3,}).length == 1
    funky_perm_space = PermSpace('isogram', domain='travels',
                                 degrees=(1, 3, 5, 9),
                                 fixed_map={'t': 'i', 'v': 'g',})[2:-2]
    assert funky_perm_space.purified == PermSpace(7)
    assert funky_perm_space.is_rapplied
    assert funky_perm_space.is_dapplied
    assert funky_perm_space.is_degreed
    assert funky_perm_space.is_fixed
    assert funky_perm_space.is_sliced
    assert not funky_perm_space.is_pure
    assert funky_perm_space.degrees == (1, 3, 5)
    assert funky_perm_space.sequence == 'isogram'
    assert funky_perm_space.domain == 'travels'
    assert funky_perm_space.canonical_slice.start == 2
    assert funky_perm_space.unsliced.undegreed.get_degreed(2)[0] \
                                                        not in funky_perm_space
    assert funky_perm_space.unsliced.get_fixed({'t': 'i', 'v': 'g',}) \
                                  [funky_perm_space.slice_] == funky_perm_space
    for i, perm in enumerate(funky_perm_space):
        assert perm.is_dapplied
        assert perm.is_rapplied
        assert perm['t'] == 'i'
        assert perm['v'] == 'g'
        assert perm['s'] in 'isogram'
        assert 1 not in perm
        assert in (1, 3, 5, 9)
        assert funky_perm_space.index(perm) == i
        assert perm.undapplied[0] == 'i'
        assert perm.unrapplied['t'] == 0
        assert perm.unrapplied.undapplied[0] == 0
        assert perm.undapplied.is_rapplied
        assert perm.unrapplied.is_dapplied
    assert cute_iter_tools.is_sorted(
        [funky_perm_space.index(perm) for perm in funky_perm_space]
    other_perms_chain_space = ChainSpace((funky_perm_space.unsliced[:2],
    for perm in other_perms_chain_space:
        assert perm.is_dapplied
        assert perm.is_rapplied
        assert perm['t'] == 'i'
        assert perm['v'] == 'g'
        assert perm['s'] in 'isogram'
        assert 1 not in perm
        assert in (1, 3, 5, 9)
        assert perm not in funky_perm_space
        assert perm.unrapplied['t'] == 0
        assert perm.unrapplied.undapplied[0] == 0        
        assert perm.undapplied.is_rapplied
        assert perm.unrapplied.is_dapplied
    assert other_perms_chain_space.length + funky_perm_space.length == \
    assert funky_perm_space.unsliced.length + \
               i for i in range(funky_perm_space.sequence_length)
               if i not in funky_perm_space.degrees
            ).length == funky_perm_space.unsliced.undegreed.length
    assert funky_perm_space._just_fixed.is_fixed
    assert not funky_perm_space._just_fixed.is_rapplied
    assert not funky_perm_space._just_fixed.is_dapplied
    assert not funky_perm_space._just_fixed.is_sliced
    assert not funky_perm_space._just_fixed.is_degreed
    assert pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(funky_perm_space)) == funky_perm_space
    assert funky_perm_space != \
             pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(funky_perm_space.unsliced.unfixed)) == \
Beispiel #9
def test_perm_type():
    class Suit(nifty_collections.CuteEnum):
        club = 'club'
        diamond = 'diamond'
        heart = 'heart'
        spade = 'spade'
    class Card():
        def __init__(self, number_and_suit):
            number, suit = number_and_suit
            assert number in range(1, 14)
            assert isinstance(suit, Suit)
            self.number = number
            self.suit = suit
        _sequence = \
                  caching.CachedProperty(lambda self: (self.number, self.suit))
        _reduced = \
              caching.CachedProperty(lambda self: (type(self), self._sequence))
        def __lt__(self, other):
            if not isinstance(other, Card): return NotImplemented
            return self._sequence < other._sequence
        def __eq__(self, other):
            return type(self) == type(other) and \
                                              self._sequence == other._sequence
        __hash__ = lambda self: hash(self._reduced)
        __repr__ = lambda self: '%s%s' % (
            self.number if self.number <= 10 else 'jqk'[self.number - 11],
    card_space = combi.MapSpace(Card,
                                combi.ProductSpace((range(1, 14), Suit)))
    class PokerHandSpace(combi.CombSpace):
        def __init__(self):
            super().__init__(card_space, 5, perm_type=PokerHand)
    class PokerHand(combi.Comb):
        def stupid_score(self):
            return tuple(
                zip(*nifty_collections.Bag(card.number for card in self)
    poker_hand_space = PokerHandSpace()
    assert isinstance(poker_hand_space[0], PokerHand)
    some_poker_hands = MapSpace(poker_hand_space.__getitem__,
                                range(1000000, 2000000, 17060))
    some_poker_hand_scores = set(poker_hand.stupid_score for poker_hand
                                                           in some_poker_hands)
    assert (1, 1, 1, 1, 1) in some_poker_hand_scores
    assert (2, 1, 1, 1) in some_poker_hand_scores
    assert (2, 2, 1) in some_poker_hand_scores
    assert (3, 1, 1) in some_poker_hand_scores

    card_comb_sequence = (Card((1,, Card((2, Suit.diamond)), 
                          Card((3, Suit.heart)), Card((4, Suit.spade)),
    assert cute_iter_tools.is_sorted(card_comb_sequence)
    assert card_comb_sequence in poker_hand_space
    assert PokerHand(card_comb_sequence, poker_hand_space) in poker_hand_space
    assert card_comb_sequence[::-1] not in poker_hand_space
    assert PokerHand(card_comb_sequence[::-1], poker_hand_space) \
                                                        not in poker_hand_space
    assert PokerHand(card_comb_sequence, poker_hand_space).stupid_score == \
                                                                (1, 1, 1, 1, 1)    
Beispiel #10
def test_partial_perm_space():
    empty_partial_perm_space = PermSpace(5, n_elements=6)
    assert empty_partial_perm_space.length == 0
    assert empty_partial_perm_space.variation_selection == \
    assert empty_partial_perm_space != PermSpace(5, n_elements=7)
    with cute_testing.RaiseAssertor(IndexError):
    assert range(4) not in empty_partial_perm_space
    assert range(5) not in empty_partial_perm_space
    assert range(6) not in empty_partial_perm_space
    assert range(7) not in empty_partial_perm_space
    perm_space_0 = PermSpace(5, n_elements=5)
    perm_space_1 = PermSpace(5, n_elements=3)
    perm_space_2 = PermSpace(5, n_elements=2)
    perm_space_3 = PermSpace(5, n_elements=1)
    perm_space_4 = PermSpace(5, n_elements=0)
    perm_space_5 = PermSpace(5, n_elements=5, is_combination=True)
    perm_space_6 = PermSpace(5, n_elements=3, is_combination=True)
    perm_space_7 = PermSpace(5, n_elements=2, is_combination=True)
    perm_space_8 = PermSpace(5, n_elements=1, is_combination=True)
    perm_space_9 = PermSpace(5, n_elements=0, is_combination=True)
    assert not perm_space_0.is_partial and not perm_space_0.is_combination
    assert perm_space_1.is_partial and not perm_space_1.is_combination
    assert perm_space_2.is_partial and not perm_space_2.is_combination
    assert perm_space_3.is_partial and not perm_space_3.is_combination
    assert perm_space_4.is_partial and not perm_space_4.is_combination
    assert set(map(type, (perm_space_0, perm_space_1, perm_space_2,
                          perm_space_3, perm_space_4))) == {PermSpace}
    assert not perm_space_5.is_partial and perm_space_5.is_combination
    assert perm_space_6.is_partial and perm_space_6.is_combination
    assert perm_space_7.is_partial and perm_space_7.is_combination
    assert perm_space_8.is_partial and perm_space_8.is_combination
    assert perm_space_9.is_partial and perm_space_9.is_combination
    assert set(map(type, (perm_space_5, perm_space_6, perm_space_7,
                          perm_space_8, perm_space_9))) == {CombSpace}
    assert CombSpace(5, n_elements=2) == perm_space_7
    assert perm_space_0.length == math.factorial(5)
    assert perm_space_1.length == 5 * 4 * 3
    assert perm_space_2.length == 5 * 4
    assert perm_space_3.length == 5
    assert perm_space_4.length == 1
    assert perm_space_5.length == 1
    assert perm_space_6.length == perm_space_7.length == 5 * 4 / 2
    assert perm_space_8.length == 5
    assert perm_space_9.length == 1
    assert set(map(tuple, perm_space_1)) > set(map(tuple, perm_space_6))
    for i, perm in enumerate(perm_space_2):
        assert len(perm) == 2
        assert not perm.is_dapplied
        assert not perm.is_rapplied
        assert not isinstance(perm, Comb)
        assert perm_space_2.index(perm) == i
        reconstructed_perm = Perm(tuple(perm), perm_space=perm_space_2)
        assert perm == reconstructed_perm
    for i, perm in enumerate(perm_space_7):
        assert len(perm) == 2
        assert not perm.is_dapplied
        assert not perm.is_rapplied
        assert isinstance(perm, Comb)
        assert perm_space_7.index(perm) == i
        assert perm[0] < perm[1]
        reconstructed_perm = Perm(tuple(perm), perm_space=perm_space_7)
        assert perm == reconstructed_perm
    assert cute_iter_tools.is_sorted(
        [perm_space_2.index(perm) for perm in perm_space_2]
    assert cute_iter_tools.is_sorted(
        [tuple(perm) for perm in perm_space_2]
    assert cute_iter_tools.is_sorted(
        [perm_space_7.index(perm) for perm in perm_space_7]
    assert cute_iter_tools.is_sorted(
        [tuple(perm) for perm in perm_space_7]
    assert empty_partial_perm_space.length == 0
Beispiel #11
def test_degreed_perm_space():
    assert PermSpace(3, degrees=0).length == 1
    assert PermSpace(3, degrees=1).length == 3
    assert PermSpace(3, degrees=2).length == 2
    for perm in PermSpace(3, degrees=1):
        assert == 1
    perm_space = PermSpace(5, degrees=(1, 3))
    for perm in perm_space:
        assert in (1, 3)
    assert cute_iter_tools.is_sorted(
        [perm_space.index(perm) for perm in perm_space]
    assert PermSpace(
        7, domain='travels',
        fixed_map={'l': 5, 'a': 2, 't': 0, 'v': 3, 'r': 1, 'e': 6},
        degrees=(1, 3, 5)
    ).length == 1
    assert PermSpace(4, degrees=1, fixed_map={0: 0, 1: 1, 2: 2,}).length == 0
    assert PermSpace(4, degrees=1, fixed_map={0: 0, 1: 1}).length == 1
    assert PermSpace(4, degrees=1, fixed_map={0: 0, }).length == 3
    assert PermSpace(4, degrees=1, fixed_map={0: 1, 1: 0,}).length == 1
    assert PermSpace(4, degrees=1, fixed_map={0: 1, 1: 2,}).length == 0
    assert PermSpace(4, degrees=2, fixed_map={0: 1, 1: 2,}).length == 1
    assert PermSpace(4, degrees=3, fixed_map={0: 1, 1: 2,}).length == 1
    assert PermSpace(4, degrees=3, fixed_map={2: 3,}).length == 2
    assert PermSpace(4, degrees=1, fixed_map={2: 3,}).length == 1
    funky_perm_space = PermSpace('isogram', domain='travels',
                                 degrees=(1, 3, 5, 9),
                                 fixed_map={'t': 'i', 'v': 'g',})[2:-2]
    assert funky_perm_space.purified == PermSpace(7)
    assert funky_perm_space.is_rapplied
    assert funky_perm_space.is_dapplied
    assert funky_perm_space.is_degreed
    assert funky_perm_space.is_fixed
    assert funky_perm_space.is_sliced
    assert not funky_perm_space.is_pure
    assert funky_perm_space.degrees == (1, 3, 5)
    assert funky_perm_space.sequence == 'isogram'
    assert funky_perm_space.domain == 'travels'
    assert funky_perm_space.canonical_slice.start == 2
    assert funky_perm_space.unsliced.undegreed.get_degreed(2)[0] \
                                                        not in funky_perm_space
    assert funky_perm_space.unsliced.get_fixed({'t': 'i', 'v': 'g',}) \
                                  [funky_perm_space.slice_] == funky_perm_space
    for i, perm in enumerate(funky_perm_space):
        assert perm.is_dapplied
        assert perm.is_rapplied
        assert perm['t'] == 'i'
        assert perm['v'] == 'g'
        assert perm['s'] in 'isogram'
        assert 1 not in perm
        assert in (1, 3, 5, 9)
        assert funky_perm_space.index(perm) == i
        assert perm.undapplied[0] == 'i'
        assert perm.unrapplied['t'] == 0
        assert perm.unrapplied.undapplied[0] == 0
        assert perm.undapplied.is_rapplied
        assert perm.unrapplied.is_dapplied
    assert cute_iter_tools.is_sorted(
        [funky_perm_space.index(perm) for perm in funky_perm_space]
    other_perms_chain_space = ChainSpace((funky_perm_space.unsliced[:2],
    for perm in other_perms_chain_space:
        assert perm.is_dapplied
        assert perm.is_rapplied
        assert perm['t'] == 'i'
        assert perm['v'] == 'g'
        assert perm['s'] in 'isogram'
        assert 1 not in perm
        assert in (1, 3, 5, 9)
        assert perm not in funky_perm_space
        assert perm.unrapplied['t'] == 0
        assert perm.unrapplied.undapplied[0] == 0        
        assert perm.undapplied.is_rapplied
        assert perm.unrapplied.is_dapplied
    assert other_perms_chain_space.length + funky_perm_space.length == \
    assert funky_perm_space.unsliced.length + \
               i for i in range(funky_perm_space.sequence_length)
               if i not in funky_perm_space.degrees
            ).length == funky_perm_space.unsliced.undegreed.length
    assert funky_perm_space._just_fixed.is_fixed
    assert not funky_perm_space._just_fixed.is_rapplied
    assert not funky_perm_space._just_fixed.is_dapplied
    assert not funky_perm_space._just_fixed.is_sliced
    assert not funky_perm_space._just_fixed.is_degreed
    assert pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(funky_perm_space)) == funky_perm_space
    assert funky_perm_space != \
             pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(funky_perm_space.unsliced.unfixed)) == \
Beispiel #12
    def index(self, perm):
        '''Get the index number of permutation `perm` in this space.'''
        if not isinstance(perm, collections.Iterable):
            raise ValueError
            perm = sequence_tools.ensure_iterable_is_immutable_sequence(
        except sequence_tools.UnorderedIterableException:
            raise ValueError('An unordered iterable is never contained in a '
                             '`PermSpace`. Try an ordered one.')
        perm_set = set(perm) if not isinstance(perm, UnrecurrentedPerm) \
                                                  else set(perm._perm_sequence)
        if not (perm_set <= set(self.sequence)):
            raise ValueError
        if sequence_tools.get_length(perm) != self.n_elements:
            raise ValueError
        if not isinstance(perm, self.perm_type):
            perm = self.perm_type(perm, self)
        if self.sequence != perm.nominal_perm_space.sequence:
            # (This also covers `self.rapplied != perm.rapplied`)
            raise ValueError
        if self.domain != perm.domain:
            # (This also covers `self.dapplied != perm.dapplied`)
            raise ValueError
        if self.is_degreed and ( not in self.degrees):
            raise ValueError
        # At this point we know the permutation contains the correct items, and
        # has the correct degree.
        if perm.is_dapplied: return self.undapplied.index(perm.undapplied)
        elif self.is_degreed:
            if perm.is_rapplied: return self.unrapplied.index(perm.unrapplied)
            wip_perm_number = 0
            wip_perm_sequence_dict = dict(self.fixed_map)
            unused_values = list(self.free_values)
            for i, value in enumerate(perm._perm_sequence):
                if i in self.fixed_indices:
                lower_values = [j for j in unused_values if j < value]
                for lower_value in lower_values:
                    temp_fixed_map = dict(wip_perm_sequence_dict)
                    temp_fixed_map[i] = lower_value
                    wip_perm_number += PermSpace(
                        self.sequence_length, degrees=self.degrees,
                wip_perm_sequence_dict[self.domain[i]] = value
            perm_number = wip_perm_number
        elif self.is_recurrent:
            assert not self.is_degreed and not self.is_dapplied

            wip_perm_number = 0
            unused_values = list(self.sequence)
            reserved_values = list(self.fixed_map.values())
            perm_sequence_list = list(perm._perm_sequence)
            shit_set = set()
            for i, value in enumerate(perm._perm_sequence):
                if i in self.fixed_map:
                    if self.fixed_map[i] == value:
                        raise ValueError
                lower_values = [
                    thing for thing in
                    nifty_collections.OrderedSet(unused_values) if
                    (thing not in reserved_values or unused_values.count(thing)
                     > reserved_values.count(thing)) and 
                    unused_values.index(thing) < unused_values.index(value) and
                                                          thing not in shit_set
                for lower_value in lower_values:
                    temp_fixed_map = dict(
                            enumerate(perm_sequence_list[:i] + [lower_value])
                    candidate_sub_perm_space = \
                        shit_set=shit_set, perm_type=self.perm_type
                    wip_perm_number += candidate_sub_perm_space.length
                    if self.is_combination:
            perm_number = wip_perm_number
        elif self.is_fixed:
            assert not self.is_degreed and not self.is_recurrent
            free_values_perm_sequence = []
            for i, perm_item in zip(self.domain, perm._perm_sequence):
                if i in self.fixed_map:
                    if self.fixed_map[i] != perm_item:
                        raise ValueError
            # At this point we know all the items that should be fixed are
            # fixed.
            perm_number = self._free_values_unsliced_perm_space.index(
        elif self.is_combination:
            if perm.is_rapplied:
                return self.unrapplied.index(perm.unrapplied)
            assert not self.is_rapplied and not self.is_recurrent and \
                   not self.is_dapplied and not self.is_fixed and \
                                                            not self.is_degreed
            if not cute_iter_tools.is_sorted(perm._perm_sequence):
                raise ValueError
            processed_perm_sequence = tuple(
                self.sequence_length - 1 -
                                     item for item in perm._perm_sequence[::-1]
            perm_number = self.unsliced.length - 1 - sum(
                (math_tools.binomial(item, i) for i, item in
                                  enumerate(processed_perm_sequence, start=1)),
            factoradic_number = []
            unused_values = list(self.sequence)
            for i, value in enumerate(perm._perm_sequence):
                index_of_current_number = unused_values.index(value)
            perm_number = math_tools.from_factoradic(
                factoradic_number +
                [0] * self.n_unused_elements
            ) // math.factorial(self.n_unused_elements)
        if perm_number not in self.canonical_slice:
            raise ValueError
        return perm_number - self.canonical_slice.start