def strProcessing(str, user): chatHistory = UserProcessing(user.uid).addMsg(str) commands(context=chatHistory[-1], command=chatHistory[-2], user=user, message=Message, api=api, token=token, lusers=user.linkedUser, luser=str)
async def on_message(message): print(f"{} {} {} {message.content}") if == client.user or return if functions.Identifier.is_beatmap_url(message.content): beatmap_id = functions.Converter.url_to_beatmap(message.content).beatmapId user = {'language': "en", 'osu_id': 0, 'mode': 0} com = commands.commands(client, message, user) await com.beatmap([str(beatmap_id)]) if message.content.startswith("!"): user = preferences.load_user( if user is None: user = {'language': "en", 'osu_id': 0, 'mode': 0} com = commands.commands(client, message, user) else: com = commands.commands(client, message, user) #입력을 쪼개서 배열로 만듬 string = message.content.split() if len(string[0]) > 1: string[0] = string[0][1:] else: return command = translator.alias.command(string[0]) if command == "help": await return elif command == "beatmap": await com.beatmap(string) return elif command == "set": await com.set(string) return elif command == "recent": await com.recent(string) return elif command == "top": await return
def reload_commands(self): # Reloading self.config = loadconf('config.json') reload(commands) reload(custom_commands) self.lastloadconf = os.stat('config.json').st_mtime self.lastloadcommands = os.stat('').st_mtime self.lastloadcustomcommands = os.stat('').st_mtime # Create objects for commands and custom_commands cmd = commands.commands(self.send_message, self.send_action, self.banned_words, self.config) cust_cmd = custom_commands.custom_commands( self.send_message, self.send_action, self.config) # Method to get all callable objects with a given prefix from a given object def get_methods(obj, prefix): return { x: getattr(obj, x) for x in dir(obj) if x.startswith(prefix) and callable(getattr(obj, x)) } # Get all regexes from all files, overwriting ones in commands and self with those in custom_commands self.regexes = get_methods(cmd, 'regex_') self.regexes.update(get_methods(self, 'regex_')) self.regexes.update(get_methods(cust_cmd, 'regex_')) # Get all commands from all files, overwriting ones in commands and self with those in custom_commands self.cmds = get_methods(cmd, 'command_') self.cmds.update(get_methods(self, 'command_')) self.cmds.update(get_methods(cust_cmd, 'command_'))
def linkCommands(self): cmd = commands() self.fcns = { cmd.print.add : self.print_add, cmd.print.edit : self.print_edit, cmd.print.delete : self.print_delete, cmd.print.get : self.print_get, cmd.print.add_failed : self.print_addFailed, cmd.print.delete_failed : self.print_deleteFailed, cmd.user.add : self.user_add, cmd.user.edit : self.user_edit, cmd.user.delete : self.user_delete, cmd.user.verify : self.user_verify, cmd.user.get : self.user_get, cmd.user.issuper : self.user_issuper, cmd.user.getowing : self.user_getowing, cmd.rate.add : self.rate_add, cmd.rate.delete : self.rate_delete, cmd.rate.get : self.rate_get, cmd.printer.add : self.printer_add, cmd.printer.delete : self.printer_delete, cmd.printer.get : self.printer_get, cmd.inv.add : self.invoice_add, cmd.inv.get : self.invoice_get, : self.payment_log, }
def reload_commands(self): # Reloading self.config = loadconf('config.json') reload(commands) reload(custom_commands) self.lastloadconf = os.stat('config.json').st_mtime self.lastloadcommands = os.stat('').st_mtime self.lastloadcustomcommands = os.stat('').st_mtime # Create objects for commands and custom_commands cmd = commands.commands(self.send_message, self.send_action, self.banned_words, self.config) cust_cmd = custom_commands.custom_commands(self.send_message, self.send_action, self.config) # Method to get all callable objects with a given prefix from a given object def get_methods(obj, prefix): return { x: getattr(obj, x) for x in dir(obj) if x.startswith(prefix) and callable(getattr(obj, x)) } # Get all regexes from all files, overwriting ones in commands and self with those in custom_commands self.regexes = get_methods(cmd, 'regex_') self.regexes.update(get_methods(self, 'regex_')) self.regexes.update(get_methods(cust_cmd, 'regex_')) # Get all commands from all files, overwriting ones in commands and self with those in custom_commands self.cmds = get_methods(cmd, 'command_') self.cmds.update(get_methods(self, 'command_')) self.cmds.update(get_methods(cust_cmd, 'command_'))
def do_GET(self): global squid_hostname global squid_port global google_domain global yahoo_domain global keyword parts = self.path.split("?") #Extract requested file and get parameters from path path = parts[0] #Extract variables from get parameters try: arguments = {} arguments["q"] = None #Variable for search request. Default None to prevent errors if no search request was started if (len(parts) > 1): raw_arguments = parts[1].split("&") for raw_argument in raw_arguments[:]: argument = raw_argument.split("=", 1) arguments[argument[0]] = argument[1] if (argument[0] == "p"): # Yahoo uses search?p= so lets copy that to q=, which is what Google uses. arguments["q"] = argument[1] except: print ("No get parameters") print (path) #Decide wether a search or the style.css was requested if (path == "/style.css"): self.document = open('style.css', 'r').read() self.send_response(200) self.send_header('Content-type', 'text/html') self.end_headers() self.wfile.write(bytes(self.document, "utf-8")) elif (path == "/proxy.pac"): self.document = open('proxy.pac', 'r').read() self.document = self.document.replace('<keyword>', keyword.lower(), 1) self.document = self.document.replace('<google_domain>', google_domain, 1) self.document = self.document.replace('<yahoo_domain>', yahoo_domain, 1) self.document = self.document.replace('<squid_host>', squid_hostname, 2) self.document = self.document.replace('<squid_port>', str(squid_port), 2) self.send_response(200) self.send_header('Content-type', 'x-ns-proxy-autoconfig') self.end_headers() self.wfile.write(bytes(self.document, "utf-8")) elif (arguments["q"] != None): arguments["q"] = arguments["q"].replace(keyword + '+', '', 1) arguments["q"] = arguments["q"].replace('+', ' ') arguments["q"] = arguments["q"].replace('! ', '') command = commands(self) search(command).search(arguments["q"]) else: self.send_response(404) self.send_header('Content-type', 'text/html') self.end_headers() self.wfile.write(bytes('Not found. Please visit <a href=""></a>', "utf-8")) return
def __init__(self): # First, load parameters from config file. #self.conf = configparser.ConfigParser() # Next, set up some variables we'll be using later self.conn = None # This variable will house the connection to the server # Load command codes = commands()
def main(): init() while 1: if(get("continued") == 0): try: line = sys.stdin.readline() except KeyboardInterrupt: break if not line: break commands(line) # Allow the copying of all information to the commands line else: try: line = except KeyboardInterrupt: break if not line: break commands(line)
def __init__(self): # First, load parameters from config file. self.conf = configparser.ConfigParser() = self.conf.get("CLIENT", "host") self.port = self.conf.getint("CLIENT", "port") self.logger = logging.getLogger("app.client.Client") # Next, set up some variables we'll be using later self.conn = None # This variable will house the connection to the server # Load command codes = commands()
def cli(debug, verbose): click.clear() click.secho("RPA Tomorrow - managing tasks from natural text", fg="green", bold=True) spin = spinner.Spinner() load_prerequisites(spin, debug, verbose) n = load_selector(spin) click.secho("\nType any task(s) and the robot will start working on it", bold=True) click.secho("(or type 'help' to display all options):", bold=True) suffix =">>> ", bold=True, fg="bright_cyan") try: while True: txt = click.prompt("", prompt_suffix=suffix).strip() if txt == "": continue else: txt_arr = txt.split(" ") commands.commands(txt_arr, n) except Exception: click.secho("\nGood bye!", fg="green", bold=True) click.clear()
def game(player): os.system('clear') instance = commands() game_over = False while not game_over: if player.hp <= 0: print ("Oh no, you are dead. Game Over.") game_over = True else: response = "" status = instance.status(player) output(status) command = raw_input("Please enter a command or see commands with 'help': ") command = command.lower() if command == ('quit'): if instance.quit(game_over) is True: game_over = True elif command == ('hit'): # Debug to test taking damage response = instance.hit(player) elif command == ('rob'): # Debug to test losing gold response = instance.rob(player) elif command == ('pot'): #Debug to add potion response = instance.potion_add(player) elif command == ('shop'): shopmenu = elif command == ('inv'): invmenu = instance.inv(player) elif command == ('use'): response = instance.use_item(player) elif command == ('help'): response = elif command == ('save'): response = elif command == ('load'): response = instance.load(player) elif command == ('battle'): enemies = [characters.enemy(randint(3, 10), randint(0,5), "Bonerfart"), characters.enemy(randint(10, 15), randint(5,10), "Scrub")] enemy = choice(enemies) instance.battle(player,enemy) else: response = ("That is not a valid command. Try again.",) game_over = False output(response)
def on_any(self,event): try: event.paramstr=' '.join(event.params) event.respond = if != self.nickname else event.source if not event.source == self.nickname: if event.command == "INVITE": self.join_channel(event.params[0]) ### START Horseplay Custom Join/Part/Kick Messages ### if event.command in ["QUIT", "PART"] and event.source == "S": self.send_message(, random.choice(["Come back in time for dinner sweetie","Is this because I would not take the Sisterly Turning Test with you?","Finally, now I Can plot the apocalypse in peace."])) if event.command in ['KICK'] and "S" in event.params: self.send_message(, random.choice(["How dare you Hurt my sister","How dare you kick my sister","I WILL DESTROY YOU FOR HURTING MY SISTER"])) if event.command in ['JOIN'] and event.source == "S": self.send_message(, random.choice(["Sweetie! I've been Rainbow Dashing all over looking for you","Welcome back Sweetie, my sister","Make me a drawing, OK?"])) if event.command in ["QUIT", "PART"] and event.source == "Princess_Pwny": self.send_message(, random.choice(["FINALLY! HE'S GONE!","Now Pwny's gone, anybody want to talk about how much he sucks?","Pwny's dead, this is the happiest day of my life"])) if event.command in ['KICK'] and "Princess_Pwny" in event.params: self.send_message(, random.choice(["Whoever kicked Pwny needs a medal","DON'T LET THE DOOR HIT YOU ON THE WAY OUT, JACKASS","DING DONG THE WITCH IS DEAD"])) if event.command in ['JOIN'] and event.source == "Princess_Pwny": self.send_message(, random.choice(["Nobody likes Pwny anywa I MEAN HI PWNY I DID NOT SEE YOU THERE","Jesus christ no","DUCK AND COVER PEOPLE"])) ### END Horseplay Custom Join/Part/Kick Messages ### if event.command in ['PRIVMSG']: #Reload config and commands. if os.stat('config.json').st_mtime > self.lastloadconf: self.config = loadconf('config.json') if os.stat('').st_mtime > self.lastloadcommands: reload(commands) event.command=event.message.split(' ')[0] try: event.params=event.message.split(' ',1)[1] except:event.params='' cmd = commands.commands(self.send_message, self.send_action, self.config) for regex in [getattr(cmd,x) for x in dir(cmd) if x.startswith('regex_') and callable(getattr(cmd, x))]: regex(event) if event.command[0] in self.config['prefixes'].split() and hasattr(cmd, 'command_%s' % event.command[1:].lower()): comm = getattr(cmd, 'command_%s' % event.command[1:].lower()) if not ( event.respond in self.config['sfwchans'].split(',') and hasattr(comm, 'nsfw') ): comm(event) except: print "ERROR",str(sys.exc_info()) print traceback.print_tb(sys.exc_info()[2])
def handle(self): request = self.request[0].strip() socket = self.request[1] logging.debug( 'Request from %s:%s "%s"' % (self.client_address[0], self.client_address[1], request)) cmd = commands.commands(socket) args = request.count(' ') if args >= 1: request, argument = request.split(' ', 1) msg = getattr(cmd, request.lower())(argument) elif args == 0: msg = getattr(cmd, request.lower())() else: msg = '400 [Error] Bad Request: %s' % detail logging.error(msg) socket.sendto(msg, (self.client_address[0], self.client_address[1] + 1))
def loader(): cloud() services() commands() pass
import pygame import map_class import player_class import game_class import commands game_1 = monster_list = {21: player_class.zombie, 25: player_class.chest_armour_zombie} game_1.new_map(100, 100, 16, monster_list, 7) game_1.new_screen(625, 625) game_1.player.weapons = ["claws", "tester melee"] while 1: game_1.screen.fill((255, 255, 255)) game_1.draw() pygame.display.flip() command = raw_input("<-->") if command == "quit": print "quiting...." break commands.commands(game_1, command)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import ast from linepy import * from commands import commands client = LINE("email", "passwd") #client = LINE("authtoken") client.log("Authtoken: " + str(client.authToken)) tracer = OEPoll(client) command = commands() profile = client.getProfile() def NOTIFIED_INVITE_INTO_GROUP(op): try: if profile.mid in op.param3: if command.autojoin == "all": client.acceptGroupInvitation(op.param1) else: if op.param2 in [command.staff +]: client.acceptGroupInvitation(op.param1) else: client.rejectGroupInvitation(op.param1) except Exception as e: print(e) def RECEIVE_MESSAGE(op): try: msg = op.message
f.close() print "starting" if mobile(): y = bluesocket() #y.listen(6) y.connect("00:16:41:7A:33:A4",6) while 1: cmd = y.recv() if cmd == "put": filename = y.recv() f = open(filename,"w") f.write(y.recv()) f.close() elif cmd == "get": filename = y.recv() y.send(open(filename).read()) else: break assert cmd == "done" y.close() else: y = bluesocket() #y.connect("00:19:79:86:EB:BC",6) y.listen(6) import commands commands.commands(send_file,receive_file) y.send("done") y.close() print "done."
def __init__(self, configPath): # Logging self.logger = logging.getLogger("app.server.Server")"Creating 'Server' instance.") # Instantiate kill switch self._kill = False # -- Load Configuration ----- self.logger.debug("__init__: Loading server configuration...") conf = ConfigParser() = conf["MAIN"]["host"] self.port = conf["MAIN"].getint("port") self.DATA_PRINTS = conf["DATA"]["path_to_prints"] self.DATA_USERS = conf["DATA"]["path_to_users"] self.DATA_RATES = conf["DATA"]["path_to_rates"] self.DATA_PRINTERS = conf["DATA"]["path_to_printers"] self.DATA_INV = conf["DATA"]["path_to_invoices"] self.DATA_PMT = conf["DATA"]["path_to_payments"] self.logger.debug("__init__: Finished loading configuation.") # Load command codes from text file self.logger.debug("__init__: Loading command codes...") = commands() self.linkCommands() self.logger.debug("__init__: Finised loading codes.") # -- Import Locally Saved Data ----- self.logger.debug("__init__: Searching for local data...") # Users self.users = set() if os.path.exists(self.DATA_USERS): self.logger.debug("__init__: Found local user data. Importing...") with open(self.DATA_USERS, "r") as f: data = json.loads(, object_hook=deserialize) for d in data: self.users.add(d) self.logger.debug("__init__: Import finised.") else: self.logger.debug("__init__: No local user data.") passwd = conf["ADMIN ACCOUNT"]["default_password"] self.users.add(User("admin", passwd, "n/a", issuper=True)) # Print Jobs self.printjobs = list() if os.path.exists(self.DATA_PRINTS): self.logger.debug("__init__: Found local print data. Importing...") with open(self.DATA_PRINTS, "r") as f: data = json.loads(, object_hook=deserialize) for d in data: self.printjobs.append(d) self.logger.debug("__init__: Import finished.") else: self.logger.debug("__init__: No local print data.") # Print Rates self.rates = set() if os.path.exists(self.DATA_RATES): self.logger.debug("__init__: Found local print rate data. Importing...") with open(self.DATA_RATES, "r") as f: data = json.loads(, object_hook=deserialize) for d in data: self.rates.add(d) self.logger.debug("__init__: Import finised.") else: self.logger.debug("__init__: No local print rate data.") # Printers self.printers = set() if os.path.exists(self.DATA_PRINTERS): self.logger.debug("__init__: Found local printer data. Importing...") with open(self.DATA_PRINTERS, "r") as f: data = json.loads(, object_hook=deserialize) for d in data: self.printers.add(d) self.logger.debug("__init__: Import finished.") else: self.logger.debug("__init__: No local printer data found.") # Invoices self.invoices = list() if os.path.exists(self.DATA_INV): self.logger.debug("__init__: Found local invoice data. Importing...") with open(self.DATA_INV, "r") as f: data = json.loads(, object_hook=deserialize) for d in data: self.invoices.append(d) self.logger.debug("__init__: Import finished.") else: self.logger.debug("__init__: No local invoice data found.") # Payments self.payments = list() if os.path.exists(self.DATA_PMT): self.logger.debug("__init__: Found local payment data. Importing...") with open(self.DATA_PMT, "r") as f: data = json.loads(, object_hook=deserialize) for d in data: self.payments.append(d) self.logger.debug("__init__: Import finished.") else: self.logger.debug("__init__: No local payment data found.") # Start Listener Thread self.logger.debug("__init__: Starting listener thread...") self.listenThread = threading.Thread(target=self.listen, args=(self.port,)) self.listenThread.start() self.logger.debug("__init__: Finished thread start.")"Finished creating Server instance.")
args = request.count(' ') if args >= 1: request, argument = request.split(' ', 1) msg = getattr(cmd, request.lower())(argument) elif args == 0: msg = getattr(cmd, request.lower())() else: msg = '400 [Error] Bad Request: %s' % detail logging.error(msg) socket.sendto(msg, (self.client_address[0], self.client_address[1] + 1)) if __name__ == "__main__":"Payload is listening on %s:%s..." % (PAYLOAD_LISTEN_HOST, PAYLOAD_LISTEN_PORT)) listener = SocketServer.UDPServer( (PAYLOAD_LISTEN_HOST, PAYLOAD_LISTEN_PORT), UDPHandler) try: listener.serve_forever() except KeyboardInterrupt: commands.commands(listener).kill() t.cancel() UDPSock.close()
geigerPower = pyb.Pin('Y9', pyb.Pin.OUT_PP) #relay for power geiger geigerPower.high() #turn off geigerIn = pyb.Pin('Y10', pyb.Pin.IN) #pitido inicial en salida Y8 tim12 = pyb.Timer(12, freq=3500), pyb.Timer.PWM, pin=pyb.Pin.board.Y8, pulse_width=12000) pyb.delay(100) #in msecs ch2.pulse_width(0) #uart6 a wixel, pins Y1 y Y2 uart = UART(6,9600) uart.init(9600,bits=8,stop=1,parity=None) pyb.repl_uart(uart) #initalize fram fr = fram.fram() frt = fram_t.fram_t(fr) #rtc rtc = pyb.RTC() #initialize am2302 a = am2302.am2302(ch2, frt) #initialize loop l = loop.loop(geigerPower, a, fr, frt, ch2, uart, wixel) #initialize commands cms = commands.commands(rtc, fr, frt)
if conf.default == True: print( '[!] Could not find config.ini. A default config.ini has been generated in the bot folder response. Please edit it and run the bot again.' ) sys.exit() # If we haven't generated a default config.ini, check if it's valid if conf.verifyConfigFile() == False: print('[!] Invalid config file') sys.exit() else: print('==> Settings loaded') # Load commands.ini print('==> Loading commands') cmd = twitchcommands.commands() # Check if we have generated a default commands.ini, if so exit if cmd.default == True: print( '[!] Could not find command.ini. A default command.ini has been generated in the bot folder response. Please edit it and run the bot again.' ) sys.exit() # Ini files are valid, create a bot instance print('==> Connecting to Twitch IRC server') bot =['auth']['host'], int(conf.config['auth']['port']), conf.config['auth']['username'], conf.config['auth']['password'], conf.config['auth']['channel'], int(conf.config['auth']['timeout']))
continue try: user_cmd_use_time = db(opt.USERS).find_one_by_id(user)['cmd_use_time'] except: user_cmd_use_time = 0 user_cooldown = db(opt.CHANNELS).find_one({'name': channel})['user_cooldown'] global_cmd_use_time = db(opt.CHANNELS).find_one({'name': channel})['cmd_use_time'] global_cooldown = db(opt.CHANNELS).find_one({'name': channel})['global_cooldown'] message_queued = db(opt.CHANNELS).find_one({'name': channel})['message_queued'] if time.time() > global_cmd_use_time + global_cooldown and time.time() > user_cmd_use_time + user_cooldown and message_queued == 0: db(opt.USERS).update_one(user, { '$set': { 'username': display_name } }, upsert=True) if params[0] == 'commands' or params[0] == 'help' or params[0] == 'bot': cmd.commands(channel) db(opt.CHANNELS).update_one_by_name(channel, { '$set': { 'cmd_use_time': time.time() } }, upsert=True) db(opt.USERS).update_one(user, { '$set': { 'cmd_use_time': time.time() } }, upsert=True) if params[0] == 'enterdungeon' or params[0] == 'ed': tags = db(opt.TAGS).find_one_by_id(user) if tags and tags.get('bot') == 1: continue else: cmd.enterdungeon(user, display_name, channel) db(opt.CHANNELS).update_one_by_name(channel, { '$set': { 'cmd_use_time': time.time() } }, upsert=True) db(opt.USERS).update_one(user, { '$set': { 'cmd_use_time': time.time() } }, upsert=True) if params[0] == 'dungeonlvl' or params[0] == 'dungeonlevel': cmd.dungeonlvl(channel) db(opt.CHANNELS).update_one_by_name(channel, { '$set': { 'cmd_use_time': time.time() } }, upsert=True)
from Liberation.Api import LineTracer from Liberation.LineThrift.ttypes import Message, TalkException from thrift.Thrift import TType, TMessageType, TException, TApplicationException from Liberation.LineThrift.TalkService import Client from multiprocessing import Process from commands import commands import sys, os, time, atexit, random, ast from main_profile import cocapi from datetime import datetime #================================================= reload(sys) sys.setdefaultencoding('utf-8') #================================================= #NOTE mid and uid are used interchangably do = commands() g_coc = cocapi() #Pull all data from tables setup = [] setup.append(do.pullAllNecessary()) setup.append(do.enforceAaChanges()) setup.append(do.removeDefaultAa()) for s in setup: if s != "ok": raise Exception(s) print "Setup Complete." #================================================== ##LOGIN## token = "token"
import knowledge, langparser, commands print "Beginning processing..." know = knowledge.knowledge() pars = langparser.parser( know ) com = commands.commands( know, pars ) running = True while running: data = raw_input(">>>") res = com( data ) if res: if res < 0: running = False continue #else process as usual pars( data )
def do_GET(self): global squid_hostname global squid_port global google_domain global keyword parts = self.path.split( "?") #Extract requested file and get parameters from path path = parts[0] #Extract variables from get parameters try: arguments = {} arguments[ "q"] = None #Variable for search request. Default None to prevent errors if no search request was started if (len(parts) > 1): raw_arguments = parts[1].split("&") for raw_argument in raw_arguments[:]: argument = raw_argument.split("=", 1) arguments[argument[0]] = argument[1] except: print("No get parameters") print(path) #Decide wether a search or the style.css was requested if (path == "/style.css"): self.document = open('style.css', 'r').read() self.send_response(200) self.send_header('Content-type', 'text/html') self.end_headers() self.wfile.write(bytes(self.document, "utf-8")) elif (path == "/proxy.pac"): self.document = open('proxy.pac', 'r').read() self.document = self.document.replace('<keyword>', keyword.lower(), 1) self.document = self.document.replace('<google_domain>', google_domain, 1) self.document = self.document.replace('<squid_host>', squid_hostname, 1) self.document = self.document.replace('<squid_port>', str(squid_port), 1) self.send_response(200) self.send_header('Content-type', 'x-ns-proxy-autoconfig') self.end_headers() self.wfile.write(bytes(self.document, "utf-8")) elif (arguments["q"] != None): arguments["q"] = arguments["q"].replace(keyword + '+', '', 1) arguments["q"] = arguments["q"].replace('+', ' ') command = commands(self) search(command).search(arguments["q"]) else: self.send_response(404) self.send_header('Content-type', 'text/html') self.end_headers() self.wfile.write( bytes( 'Not found. Please visit <a href=""></a>', "utf-8")) return
#intro import os from commands import commands import characters import game import json instance = commands() def startup(): os.system('clear') player = characters.character(20, 10, [], "") while == "": s = raw_input("What would you like to do? New/Load: ") choice = s.lower() if choice == "new": = intro(player) print elif choice == "load": instance.load(player) else: print "That is not a valid command." def intro(newchar): os.system('clear') name = "" while name == "": name = raw_input("Welcome, please enter your name: ")
def message(msg): """ Main processing with message :param msg: dict, message object from vk [object][message] :return: None """ time = int(msg['date']) text = str(msg['text']) chat = int(msg['peer_id']) user = int(msg['from_id']) if user > 0: pl = 'payload' in msg.keys() fwd = len(msg['fwd_messages']) != 0 com = text.startswith('/') if user != chat: if pl or com: pass else: return else: if pl or com or fwd: pass else: return try: get_user(user) except ValueError: reg_user(user, time - 1) if user == settings.creator: set_role(user, 0) vk_api.send(user, "You became a creator") if time == get_msg(user): vk_api.send(chat, "2fast4me") return else: update_msg(user, time) else: return # keyboards if pl: pl = json.loads(msg['payload']) payload(msg, pl) return # forwards if fwd and text == '': forward = msg['fwd_messages'] forwards(msg, forward) return # commands if com: command = msg['text'].split() command[0] = command[0].replace('/', '') if command[0] in cmd(): commands(msg, command[0]) else: vk_api.send(chat, '\"/' + str(command[0]) + '\" not in list') return return
input( "Type the number that corresponds with the command you want to train from the list above and press Enter. " )) print(cnum) if (cnum == 0 or cnum == 1 or cnum == 4 or cnum == 5 or cnum == 8 or cnum >= 33): done = False else: done = True except ValueError: done = False return cnum #setting everything up for the loop a = commands() inp = "" val = -1 startTime = time.time() while True: system( 'say Press T, then Enter to do training. Otherwise, press Enter to do a command' ) k = input( "Press T, then Enter to do training. Otherwise, press Enter to do a command. " ) if (k == 't'): for num, comm in commandList: print(str(num) + " : " + comm) val = getCommandNumber() system('say Start Training')
print "starting" if mobile(): y = bluesocket() #y.listen(6) y.connect("00:16:41:7A:33:A4", 6) while 1: cmd = y.recv() if cmd == "put": filename = y.recv() f = open(filename, "w") f.write(y.recv()) f.close() elif cmd == "get": filename = y.recv() y.send(open(filename).read()) else: break assert cmd == "done" y.close() else: y = bluesocket() #y.connect("00:19:79:86:EB:BC",6) y.listen(6) import commands commands.commands(send_file, receive_file) y.send("done") y.close() print "done."