Beispiel #1
    def AddResultsForHTTPToDirectFallback(self, tab, results,
        via_fallback_count = 0
        bypass_count = 0
        responses = self.IterResponses(tab)

        # The first response(s) coming from fallback_response_host should be
        # through the HTTP fallback proxy.
        resp = next(responses, None)
        while resp and fallback_response_host in resp.response.url:
            if fallback_response_host in resp.response.url:
                if (not resp.HasChromeProxyViaHeader()
                        or resp.remote_port != 80):
                    r = resp.response
                    raise ChromeProxyMetricException, (
                        'Response for %s should have come through the fallback proxy.\n'
                        'Response: remote_port=%s status=(%d, %s)\nHeaders:\n %s'
                        % (r.url, str(resp.remote_port), r.status,
                           r.status_text, r.headers))
                    via_fallback_count += 1
            resp = next(responses, None)

        # All other responses should be bypassed.
        while resp:
            if resp.HasChromeProxyViaHeader():
                r = resp.response
                raise ChromeProxyMetricException, (
                    'Response for %s should not have via header.\n'
                    'Response: status=(%d, %s)\nHeaders:\n %s' %
                    (r.url, r.status, r.status_text, r.headers))
                bypass_count += 1
            resp = next(responses, None)

        # At least one response should go through the http proxy and be bypassed.
        if via_fallback_count == 0 or bypass_count == 0:
            raise ChromeProxyMetricException(
                'There should be at least one response through the fallback proxy '
                '(actual %s) and at least one bypassed response (actual %s)' %
                (via_fallback_count, bypass_count))

            scalar.ScalarValue(results.current_page, 'via_fallback', 'count',
            scalar.ScalarValue(results.current_page, 'bypass', 'count',
 def AddResultsForBadHTTPSFallback(self, tab, results):
   via_count = 0
   for resp in self.IterResponses(tab):
     if resp.HasChromeProxyViaHeader() and (resp.remote_port == 80
         or resp.remote_port == None):
       via_count += 1
       r = resp.response
       raise ChromeProxyMetricException, (
           'Response for %s should have via header and be on port 80 after '
           'bad proxy HTTPS response.\nReponse: status=(%d)\nport=(%d)\n'
           'Headers:\n %s' % (
               r.url, r.status, resp.remote_port, r.headers))
   if via_count == 0:
     raise ChromeProxyMetricException('No pages were tested!')
       results.current_page, 'via', 'count', via_count))
 def AddResultsForBypassOnTimeout(self, tab, results):
   bypass_count = 0
   # Wait maximum of 120 seconds for test to complete. Should complete soon
   # after 90 second test server delay in case of failure, and much sooner in
   # case of success.
   for resp in self.IterResponses(tab):
     if resp.HasChromeProxyViaHeader() and not resp.response.url.endswith(
       r = resp.response
       raise ChromeProxyMetricException, (
           'Response for %s should not have via header after HTTP timeout.\n'
           'Reponse: status=(%d)\nHeaders:\n %s' % (
               r.url, r.status, r.headers))
     elif not resp.response.url.endswith('favicon.ico'):
       bypass_count += 1
   if bypass_count == 0:
     raise ChromeProxyMetricException('No pages were tested!')
       results.current_page, 'bypass', 'count', bypass_count))