def destroy_atlas_resources(): """ Destroys Atlas resources using atlas_client REST call. """ # The following will work if run from a work directory, such as during an Evergreen task. # It will cause ImportError when run from an Evergreen teardown hook. # This means Atlas clusters must be shut down at the end of the task, they are not reused. try: import common.config import common.atlas_setup as atlas_setup except ImportError as error: "Cannot import ConfigDict or AtlasSetup. Skipping Atlas teardown.")"(This is benign inside evergreen teardown hook.)") return True # AtlasSetup.destroy() will write to mongodb_setup.out.yml config = common.config.ConfigDict('mongodb_setup') config.load() # start a mongodb configuration using config atlas = atlas_setup.AtlasSetup(config) atlas.destroy() return True
def refresh(token): cfg = config.load() session = librusSession.create_with_token(token) r = session.get(cfg['homework_url']) if (r.status_code != 200): return None tasks = hp.parse(session, r.text) return tasks
def main(): """ Load an existing v20.conf file, update it interactively, and save it back to a file. """ config = common.config.Config() filename = common.input.get_string( "Enter existing v20.conf filename to load", common.config.default_config_path() ) try: config.load(filename) except: print("Config file '{}' doesn't exist, starting with defaults.".format( filename )) print print("") print("------------ Intitial v20 configuration ------------") print(str(config)) print("----------------------------------------------------") print("") config.update_from_input() print("") print("-------------- New v20 configuration --------------") print(str(config)) print("---------------------------------------------------") print("") dump = common.input.get_yn( "Dump v20 configuration to {}?".format(filename), True ) if dump: config.dump(filename)
def get(username, password): cfg = config.load() res = librusSession.create(username, password) if res is None: return None session = res['session'] r = session.get(cfg['homework_url']) if (r.status_code != 200): return None tasks = hp.parse(session, r.text) tasks['token'] = res['token'] return tasks
from locust import HttpUser, task, tag from common import config, data, errors, test_setup as setup server_public_key = setup.loadServerPublicKey() ''' If there is no server cert, the warnings are disabled because thousands will appear in the logs and make it difficult to see anything else. ''' if not server_public_key: urllib3.disable_warnings(urllib3.exceptions.InsecureRequestWarning) mbis = data.load_pa_mbis() client_cert = setup.getClientCert() setup.set_locust_env(config.load()) class BFDUser(HttpUser): SERVICE_DATE = 'service-date=gt2020-01-05' LAST_UPDATED = '_lastUpdated=gt2020-05-05' def _mbi(self): if len(mbis) == 0: errors.no_data_stop_test(self) return mbis.pop() def _get(self, query, name): self.client.get(query, cert=client_cert, verify=server_public_key, name=name) @tag('claim')
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup import common.config as config import datetime import time cfg = config.load() def parse(session, html): soup = BeautifulSoup(html, 'lxml') table = soup.find_all('table')[1] tasks = {'zadania': {'na_dzisiaj': [], 'pozostale': []}} today = index = 1 for row in table.find_all('tr'): columns = row.find_all('td') if (len(columns) == 10): button = columns[9].find_all('input') onclick_attr = button[0]['onclick'] url = get_view_url(onclick_attr) desc = get_task_desc(session, url) task = { 'przedmiot': columns[0].get_text().strip(), 'tytul': columns[2].get_text().strip(), 'tresc': desc, 'data_zadania': columns[4].get_text().strip(), 'termin_oddania': columns[6].get_text().strip() } task_end = datetime.datetime.strptime(task['termin_oddania'], '%Y-%m-%d')
def run_with_params(argv): '''Runs a specified test via the input args. ''' ## Dictionary that holds the default values of each config value default_config_data = { 'homePath': '', 'clientCertPath': '', 'databaseUri': '', 'testHost': '', 'configPath': 'config.yml', 'serverPublicKey': '', 'tableSamplePct': '0.25', 'testRunTime': "1m", 'testNumTotalClients': "100", 'testCreatedClientsPerSecond': "5", 'resetStatsAfterClientSpawn': False, 'storeStats': None } # Dictionary to hold data passed in via the CLI that will be stored in the root config.yml file config_data = {} test_file = '' worker_threads = "1" help_string = (' \n--homePath="<path/to/home/directory>" (Required) ' '\n--clientCertPath="<path/to/client/pem/file>" (Required)' '\n--databaseUri="postgres://<username:password>@<database-aws-node>' '<dbname>" (Required)' '\n--testHost="https://<nodeIp>:7443 or https://<environment>" (Required)' '\n--test_file="/<v1/v2>/" (Required)' '\n--configPath="<path to a YAML configuration that will be read for CLI values but _not_ ' 'written to>" (Optional, Default: "./config.yml")' '\n--serverPublicKey="<server public key>" (Optional, Default: "")' '\n--tableSamplePct=<% of table to sample> (Optional, Default: 0.25)' '\n--testRunTime="<Test run time, ex. 30s, 1m, 2d 1h>" (Optional, Default 1m)' '\n--maxClients="<Max number of clients to create at once, int>" (Optional, Default 100)' '\n--clientsPerSecond="<Clients to create per second until maxClients is reached, int>" ' '(Optional, Default 5)' '\n--worker_threads="<If >1 the test is run as distributed, and expects this many worker ' 'processes to start, int>" (Optional, Default 1 - non distributed mode)' '\n--storeStats="<If set, stores stats in JSON to S3 or local file. Must follow format: <STORAGE_TYPE>:<RUNNING_ENVIRONMENT>:<TAG>:<PATH_OR_BUCKET>" (Optional)' '\n--resetStats (Optional)') try: opts, _args = getopt.getopt(argv, "h", ["homePath=", "clientCertPath=", "databaseUri=", "testHost=", "serverPublicKey=", 'tableSamplePct=', "configPath=", "testRunTime=", "maxClients=", "clientsPerSecond=", "testFile=", "workerThreads=", "storeStats=", "resetStats"]) except getopt.GetoptError as err: print(err) print(help_string) sys.exit(2) for opt, arg in opts: if opt == '-h': print(help_string) sys.exit() elif opt == "--homePath": config_data["homePath"] = arg elif opt == "--clientCertPath": config_data["clientCertPath"] = arg elif opt == "--databaseUri": config_data["dbUri"] = arg elif opt == "--testHost": config_data["testHost"] = arg elif opt == "--configPath": config_data["configPath"] = arg elif opt == "--serverPublicKey": config_data["serverPublicKey"] = arg elif opt == '--tableSamplePct': config_data['tableSamplePct'] = arg elif opt == "--testRunTime": config_data["testRunTime"] = arg elif opt == "--maxClients": config_data["testNumTotalClients"] = arg elif opt == "--clientsPerSecond": config_data["testCreatedClientsPerSecond"] = arg elif opt == "--testFile": test_file = arg elif opt == "--workerThreads": worker_threads = arg elif opt == "--storeStats": try: config_data["storeStats"] = StatsStorageConfig.from_arg_str(arg) except ValueError as err: print(f'--storeStats was invalid: {err}\n') print(help_string) sys.exit() elif opt == "--resetStats": config_data["resetStatsAfterClientSpawn"] = True else: print(help_string) sys.exit() ## Read the specified configuration file yaml_config = config.load_from_path(config_data.get("configPath", default_config_data["configPath"])) or {} ## Merge the stored data with data passed in via the CLI, with the ## CLI data taking priority config_data = {**yaml_config, **config_data} ## Finally, merge the merged configuration values with the defaults, ## in case any optional arguments were not set via the CLI or the specified ## YAML configuration file config_data = {**default_config_data, **config_data} ## Add on extra time to the run-time to account for ramp-up of clients. adjusted_time = adjusted_run_time(config_data["testRunTime"], config_data["testNumTotalClients"], config_data["testCreatedClientsPerSecond"]) if adjusted_time is None: print("Could not determine adjusted run time. Please use a format " + "like \"1m 30s\" for the --testRunTime option") sys.exit(1) config_data["testRunTime"] = f"{adjusted_time}s" print('Run time adjusted to account for ramp-up time. New run time: ' f'{timedelta(seconds=adjusted_time)}') ## Check if all required params are set if not all([config_data["homePath"], config_data["clientCertPath"], config_data["dbUri"], config_data["testHost"], test_file]): print("Missing required arg (See -h for help on params)") sys.exit(2) ## write out to repository root config file (_NOT_ the file specified by "configPath") setup.set_locust_test_name(test_file) ## strip off extra command line params for locust, or else it tries to parse them sys.argv = sys.argv[:1] if int(worker_threads) > 1: ## Spawn worker threads to connect to the main thread for i in range(int(worker_threads)): print(f"Creating worker #{i}") process = Process(target=setup.run_worker_test, args=(i,worker_threads,)) process.start() ## Run the master test setup.set_locust_env(config.load()) setup.run_master_test(worker_threads) else: # Reset the distributed values setup.reset_distributed_values() # call locust to run the master test main()