def main_multiple_choice_random_guess(params):
    Multiple-choice QA baseline:
      uniformly sample an answer from the pool of multiple choices
  # load the checkpoint
  result_path = params['result_path']
  dataset = params['dataset']
  split = params['split']
  # fetch the data provider
  dp = getDataProvider(dataset)
  # initialize
  blob = []
  # iterate over all QAs and predict the answers
  for mc in dp.iterImageQAMultipleChoice(split=split, shuffle=True):
    # build up the output
    img_blob = {}
    img_blob['question'] = mc['mc']['question']
    img_blob['qa_id'] = mc['mc']['qa_id']
    img_blob['candidates'] = []

    # make a random choice
    prediction = random.choice(mc['mc']['mc_candidates'])
    img_blob['candidates'].append({'answer': prediction})

  # dump result struct to file
  save_file = os.path.join(result_path, 'result_%s_mc.json' % dataset)
  print 'writing predictions to %s...' % (save_file, )
  json.dump(blob, open(save_file, 'w'), indent=2)
Beispiel #2
def main_multiple_choice_random_guess(params):
    Multiple-choice QA baseline:
      uniformly sample an answer from the pool of multiple choices
    # load the checkpoint
    result_path = params['result_path']
    dataset = params['dataset']
    split = params['split']

    # fetch the data provider
    dp = getDataProvider(dataset)

    # initialize
    blob = []

    # iterate over all QAs and predict the answers
    for mc in dp.iterImageQAMultipleChoice(split=split, shuffle=True):

        # build up the output
        img_blob = {}
        img_blob['question'] = mc['mc']['question']
        img_blob['qa_id'] = mc['mc']['qa_id']
        img_blob['candidates'] = []

        # make a random choice
        prediction = random.choice(mc['mc']['mc_candidates'])
        img_blob['candidates'].append({'answer': prediction})


    # dump result struct to file
    save_file = os.path.join(result_path, 'result_%s_mc.json' % dataset)
    print 'writing predictions to %s...' % (save_file, )
    json.dump(blob, open(save_file, 'w'), indent=2)
def main_multiple_choice_most_frequent(params):
    Multiple-choice QA baseline:
      select the most frequent answer from the multiple choices
      as the prediction (the frequencies are counted in the training set)
  # load the checkpoint
  result_path = params['result_path']
  dataset = params['dataset']
  split = params['split']
  # fetch the data provider
  dp = getDataProvider(dataset)
  # count answer frequencies
  answer_freqs = dict()
  for pair in dp.iterImageQAPair(split='train'):
    answer = pair['qa_pair']['answer']
    answer_freqs[answer] = answer_freqs.get(answer, 0) + 1
  # initialize
  blob = []
  # iterate over all QAs and predict the answers
  for mc in dp.iterImageQAMultipleChoice(split=split, shuffle=True):
    # build up the output
    img_blob = {}
    img_blob['question'] = mc['mc']['question']
    img_blob['qa_id'] = mc['mc']['qa_id']
    img_blob['candidates'] = []

    # make the prediction as the most frequent answer
    max_freq = -1
    max_k = -1
    for k, mc in enumerate(mc['mc']['mc_candidates']):
      freq = answer_freqs.get(mc, 0)
      if freq > max_freq:
        max_freq = freq
        max_k = k
        prediction = mc
    img_blob['candidates'].append({'answer': prediction})

  # dump result struct to file
  save_file = os.path.join(result_path, 'result_%s_mc.json' % dataset)
  print 'writing predictions to %s...' % (save_file, )
  json.dump(blob, open(save_file, 'w'), indent=2)
Beispiel #4
def main_multiple_choice_most_frequent(params):
    Multiple-choice QA baseline:
      select the most frequent answer from the multiple choices
      as the prediction (the frequencies are counted in the training set)
    # load the checkpoint
    result_path = params['result_path']
    dataset = params['dataset']
    split = params['split']

    # fetch the data provider
    dp = getDataProvider(dataset)

    # count answer frequencies
    answer_freqs = dict()
    for pair in dp.iterImageQAPair(split='train'):
        answer = pair['qa_pair']['answer']
        answer_freqs[answer] = answer_freqs.get(answer, 0) + 1

    # initialize
    blob = []

    # iterate over all QAs and predict the answers
    for mc in dp.iterImageQAMultipleChoice(split=split, shuffle=True):

        # build up the output
        img_blob = {}
        img_blob['question'] = mc['mc']['question']
        img_blob['qa_id'] = mc['mc']['qa_id']
        img_blob['candidates'] = []

        # make the prediction as the most frequent answer
        max_freq = -1
        max_k = -1
        for k, mc in enumerate(mc['mc']['mc_candidates']):
            freq = answer_freqs.get(mc, 0)
            if freq > max_freq:
                max_freq = freq
                max_k = k
                prediction = mc

        img_blob['candidates'].append({'answer': prediction})


    # dump result struct to file
    save_file = os.path.join(result_path, 'result_%s_mc.json' % dataset)
    print 'writing predictions to %s...' % (save_file, )
    json.dump(blob, open(save_file, 'w'), indent=2)
Beispiel #5
def main_freefrom_most_frequent_answers(params):
    Open-ended QA baseline: 
      take the top five most frequent answers in the trianing set
      as the predicted answers to all the questions
    # load the checkpoint
    result_path = params['result_path']
    dataset = params['dataset']
    topk = params['topk']
    split = params['split']

    # fetch the data provider
    dp = getDataProvider(dataset)

    # initialize
    blob = []

    # count answer frequencies
    answer_freqs = dict()
    for pair in dp.iterImageQAPair(split='train'):
        answer = pair['qa_pair']['answer']
        answer_freqs[answer] = answer_freqs.get(answer, 0) + 1

    sorted_freqs = sorted(answer_freqs.items(),
    top_answers = [x[0] for x in sorted_freqs[:topk]]

    # iterate over all QAs and predict the answers
    for pair in dp.iterImageQAPair(split=split):

        # build up the output
        img_blob = {}
        img_blob['question'] = pair['qa_pair']['question']
        img_blob['qa_id'] = pair['qa_pair']['qa_id']
        img_blob['candidates'] = []

        # add the frequent answers as prediction
        for answer in top_answers:
            img_blob['candidates'].append({'answer': answer})


    # dump result struct to file
    save_file = os.path.join(result_path, 'result_%s_open.json' % dataset)
    print 'writing predictions to %s...' % (save_file, )
    json.dump(blob, open(save_file, 'w'), indent=2)
def main_freefrom_most_frequent_answers(params):
    Open-ended QA baseline: 
      take the top five most frequent answers in the trianing set
      as the predicted answers to all the questions
  # load the checkpoint
  result_path = params['result_path']
  dataset = params['dataset']
  topk = params['topk']
  split = params['split']
  # fetch the data provider
  dp = getDataProvider(dataset)

  # initialize
  blob = []

  # count answer frequencies
  answer_freqs = dict()
  for pair in dp.iterImageQAPair(split='train'):
    answer = pair['qa_pair']['answer']
    answer_freqs[answer] = answer_freqs.get(answer, 0) + 1
  sorted_freqs = sorted(answer_freqs.items(), key=operator.itemgetter(1), reverse=True)
  top_answers = [x[0] for x in sorted_freqs[:topk]]
  # iterate over all QAs and predict the answers
  for pair in dp.iterImageQAPair(split=split):

    # build up the output
    img_blob = {}
    img_blob['question'] = pair['qa_pair']['question']
    img_blob['qa_id'] = pair['qa_pair']['qa_id']
    img_blob['candidates'] = []

    # add the frequent answers as prediction
    for answer in top_answers:
      img_blob['candidates'].append({'answer': answer})


  # dump result struct to file
  save_file = os.path.join(result_path, 'result_%s_open.json' % dataset)
  print 'writing predictions to %s...' % (save_file, )
  json.dump(blob, open(save_file, 'w'), indent=2)
  FORMAT = "%(asctime)-15s %(message)s"
  logging.basicConfig(format=FORMAT, level=logging.DEBUG)
  # configure argument parser
  parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
  parser.add_argument('-d', '--dataset', default='visual7w-telling', type=str, help='dataset name (default: visual7w-telling)')
  parser.add_argument('-m', '--mode', default='open', type=str, help='prediction mode: "mc" - multiple-choice QA; "open" - open-ended QA.')
  parser.add_argument('-k', '--topk', default=1, type=int, help='top-k evaluation. k is the number of answer candidates to be examined.')
  parser.add_argument('-j', '--results', default='results/result_visual7w-telling_open.json', help='path to json file contains the results')
  parser.add_argument('-s', '--split', type=str, default='val', help='the split to be evaluated: train / val / test (default: val)')
  parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', default=0, type=int, help='verbose mode. report performances of question categories when enabled.')

  # parse arguments
  args = parser.parse_args()
  params = vars(args) # convert to ordinary dict

  # load dataset (skipping feature files)
  dp = getDataProvider(params['dataset'])
  # start evaluation mode
  if params['dataset'].endswith('telling'):
    # multiple-choice and open-ended evaluations are supported in telling QA
    assert params['mode'] in ['mc', 'open'], 'Evaluation mode %s not supported in telling QA.' % params['mode']
    evaluate_top_k(dp, params)
  elif params['dataset'].endswith('pointing'):
    # only multiple-choice evaluation is supported in pointing QA
    assert params['mode'] in ['mc'], 'Evaluation mode %s not supported in pointing QA.' % params['mode']
    evaluate_top_k(dp, params)
    logging.error('Error: evaluation mode "%s" is not supported.' % params['mode'])