class Mail(BaseModel): __tablename__ = 'mail' subject = db.Column(db.Text, nullable=False) content = db.Column(db.Text, nullable=False) sender_id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey(''), nullable=False) receiver_id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey(''), nullable=False) read = db.Column(db.Integer, nullable=False, default=0) def serialize(self): return { 'id':, 'created': self.created_as_string, 'subject': self.subject, 'content': self.content, 'read':, 'sender': self.sender.serialize(), 'receiver': self.receiver.serialize(), } def __repr__(self): return "<Mail '{}'>".format(
class Membership(BaseModel): __tablename__ = 'memberships' user_id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey('')) room_id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey('')) level = db.Column(db.Integer, nullable=False, default=1) user = db.relationship("User", backref=db.backref('memberships', lazy='dynamic', cascade="all, delete-orphan")) room = db.relationship("Room", backref=db.backref('memberships', lazy='dynamic', cascade="all, delete-orphan")) __table_args__ = (db.UniqueConstraint('user_id', 'room_id', name='membership_id'), ) def serialize(self, include_results=False): return { 'id':, 'created': self.created_as_string, 'level': self.level, } def __repr__(self): return "<Membership '{}'>".format(
class Message(BaseModel): __tablename__ = 'messages' comment = db.Column(db.Text, nullable=False) user_id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey(''), nullable=False) room_id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey(''), nullable=False) def serialize(self): return { 'id':, 'created': self.created_as_string, 'comment': self.comment, 'author': { 'id':, 'name':, 'username':, 'avatar':, }, 'room': { 'id':, 'name':, }, } def __repr__(self): return "<Message '{}'>".format(
class Bug(BaseModel): __tablename__ = 'bugs' title = db.Column(db.String(255), nullable=False) vuln_id = db.Column(db.Integer, nullable=False, default=0) severity = db.Column(db.Integer, nullable=False, default=0) description = db.Column(db.Text, nullable=False) impact = db.Column(db.Text, nullable=False) status = db.Column(db.Integer, nullable=False, default=0) submitter_id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey(''), nullable=False) reviewer_id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey(''), nullable=False) @property def vulnerability_as_string(self): return VULNERABILITIES[self.vuln_id][0] @property def severity_as_string(self): return SEVERITY[self.severity] @property def status_as_string(self): return BUG_STATUSES[self.status] @property def bounty(self): return VULNERABILITIES[self.vuln_id][1] * self.severity @staticmethod def is_unique(signature): for bug in Bug.query.all(): s = ' '.join((bug.title, bug.description, bug.impact)) js = get_jaccard_sim(signature, s) if js > 0.5: return False return True @property def is_validated(self): # includes any validation result # rejected, confirmed, and fixed if self.status > 0: return True return False @property def is_accepted(self): # includes confirmed and fixed if self.status > 1: return True return False def __repr__(self): return "<Bug '{}'>".format(self.title)
class Friendship(db.Model): """A simple table of one-to-one friendships.""" __tablename__ = 'friendships' __table_args__ = (UniqueConstraint('sender_id', 'receiver_id'), ) VALID = 0 REQUEST = 1 PENDING = 2 id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True) sender_id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey(''), nullable=False) receiver_id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey(''), nullable=False) sender = db.relationship('User', uselist=False, foreign_keys='Friendship.sender_id') receiver = db.relationship('User', uselist=False, foreign_keys='Friendship.receiver_id') valid = db.Column(db.Boolean, nullable=False, default=False) @staticmethod def create(sender, receiver): """Create an invalid friendship entry.""" assert not Friendship.get(sender, receiver) friendship = Friendship(sender=sender, receiver=receiver, valid=False) db.session.add(friendship) return friendship @staticmethod def get(first, second): """Get the existing friendship entry, regardless of validity.""" return Friendship.query.filter( or_( and_(Friendship.sender == first, Friendship.receiver == second), and_(Friendship.sender == second, Friendship.receiver == first))).first() @staticmethod def get_all(user): """Get all of a user's friendships.""" return Friendship.query.filter( or_(Friendship.sender == user, Friendship.receiver == user)).all() def set_valid(self, valid): """Change the validity of a friendship.""" self.valid = valid def __repr__(self): return '<friendship sender={} receiver={} valid={}>'.format(,, self.valid)
class Note(BaseModel): __tablename__ = 'notes' name = db.Column(db.String(255), nullable=False) content = db.Column(db.Text) user_id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey(''), nullable=False) def serialize(self): return { 'id':, 'name':, 'content': self.content, 'created': self.created_as_string, 'modified': self.modified_as_string, } def __repr__(self): return "<Note '{}'>".format(
class Scan(BaseModel): __tablename__ = 'scans' id = db.Column(db.String(36), primary_key=True) command = db.Column(db.String(255), nullable=False) results = db.Column(db.Text) complete = db.Column(db.Boolean, default=False, nullable=False) user_id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey(''), nullable=False) def serialize(self, include_results=False): return { 'id':, 'created': self.created_as_string, 'modified': self.modified_as_string, 'command': self.command, 'complete': self.complete, } def __repr__(self): return "<Scan '{}'>".format(
class Game(db.Model): """ The game model. columns ~~~~~ | name | max_points | max_players | status | random | previous_round | |------|------------|-------------|--------|--------|----------------| | str | int | int | enum | bool | pickle | relationships ~~~~~ host : user -> game black_card: card -> game judge : player -> game players : player <- game used_cards: card <-> game """ __tablename__ = 'games' ONGOING = 0 PENDING = 1 ENDED = 2 id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True) host_id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey(''), nullable=False) name = db.Column(db.String(80), nullable=False) max_points = db.Column(db.Integer, nullable=False) max_players = db.Column(db.Integer, nullable=False) status = db.Column(db.Integer, nullable=False) random = db.Column(db.Boolean, nullable=False) black_card_id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey('')) black_card = db.relationship('Card') judge_id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey('')) judge = db.relationship('Player', foreign_keys='Game.judge_id', post_update=True) players = db.relationship('Player', backref='game', foreign_keys='Player.game_id') previous_round = db.Column(db.PickleType) used_cards = db.relationship('Card', uselist=True) end_time = db.Column(db.DateTime, nullable=True) @staticmethod def create(host, name, max_points, max_players, random): """Create an uninitialized (pending) match.""" game = Game(, name=name, max_points=max_points, max_players=max_players, random=random, status=Game.PENDING, previous_round={}, used_cards=[]) db.session.add(game) return game @staticmethod def get(id): """Get a game by id.""" return Game.query.get(id) @staticmethod def find_random(user): """ Finds a valid optimal random game for the user. This is very inefficient and there is a better way to do this. TODO: optimize this """ games = Game.query.filter( Game.random == True, # this is not a mistake Game.status == Game.PENDING, ~Game.players.any(Player.user_id == try: game = max(games, key=lambda g: len( [p for p in g.players if p.status == Player.JOINED])) except ValueError: game = None return game @staticmethod def find_n_random(n, user): """Finds the top n optimal random games. TODO: optimize THE SHIT OUT OF THIS""" games = Game.query.filter( Game.random == True, # this is not a mistake Game.status == Game.PENDING, ~Game.players.any(Player.user_id == try: games = sorted( games, key=lambda g: len( [p for p in g.players if p.status == Player.JOINED])) except ValueError: games = [] return games if len(games) < n else games[:n] def start(self): """Begins the game.""" self.status = self.ONGOING [ player.delete() for player in self.players if player.status != Player.JOINED ] self.players = [ player for player in self.players if player.status == Player.JOINED ] self.new_round(None) def end(self): """Ends the game.""" for player in self.players: if player.user.num_random > 0: player.user.num_random -= 1 self.status = Game.ENDED self.end_time = def new_round(self, winner): """ Starts a new round. - Store previous round as Pickled dictionary - Fill every player's hand - Discard and play a new black card - Find a new judge and increment his judge count """ if winner: self.previous_round = { 'judge': { 'name':, 'email': }, 'winner': { 'name':, 'email': }, 'black_card': { 'id':, 'text': self.black_card.text, 'answers': self.black_card.answers }, 'table': [{ 'name':, 'email':, 'picture': player.user.picture, 'cards': [{ 'id':, 'text': card.text } for card in player.get_played()] } for player in self.players if player.hand and player != self.judge] } self.winner = None if any(player.score == self.max_points for player in self.players): self.end() return white_cards = Card.get_all(black=False) # fill every player's hand and remove their played card for player in self.players: player.played = [] while len(player.hand) < 10: white_card = choice(white_cards) while white_card in set(self.used_cards): white_card = choice(white_cards) player.hand.append(white_card) self.used_cards.append(white_card) # play a new black card and choose a new judge black_cards = Card.get_all(black=True) self.black_card = choice(black_cards) while self.black_card in set(self.used_cards): self.black_card = choice(black_cards) self.used_cards.append(self.black_card) self.judge = min(self.players, key=lambda player: player.judged) self.judge.played = [] self.judge.judged += 1 def invite_all(self, players): """Invites a list of players to this game.""" self.players += players def invite(self, player): """Invites a single player to this game.""" self.players.append(player) def get_description(self): """Returns the description of the game.""" if self.status == Game.ONGOING: players = sorted(self.players, key=lambda p: names = [' ')[0] for player in players] count = len(names) return '{}, {}, and {} others...'.format(names[0], names[1], count - 2) elif self.status == Game.PENDING: joined = [ player for player in self.players if player.status == Player.JOINED ] names = [' ')[0] for player in joined] count = len(names) if count == 1: return 'This game is hosted by {}!'.format(names[0]) elif count == 2: return '{} and {} have joined this game!'.format( names[0], names[1]) elif count == 3: return '{}, {}, and {} have joined this game!'.format( names[0], names[1], names[2]) return '{}, {}, and {} others have joined this game!'.format( names[0], names[1], count - 2) elif self.status == Game.ENDED: winner = max(self.players, key=lambda p: p.score) name =' ')[0] return '{} won the game with {} points!'.format(name, winner.score) return 'Something went horribly wrong...' def __repr__(self): return '<game id={} players={}>'.format(, [ for player in self.players])
# coding: utf-8 from common import login_manager, db, ModelBase, ma from itsdangerous import TimedJSONWebSignatureSerializer as Serializer from itsdangerous.exc import SignatureExpired, BadSignature from flask import current_app from flask_restful import fields from flask_security import RoleMixin, UserMixin, SQLAlchemyUserDatastore from flask_security.utils import hash_password, verify_password roles_users = db.Table( "users_roles", db.Column("user_id", db.Integer, db.ForeignKey("")), db.Column("role_id", db.Integer(), db.ForeignKey("")), ) class Role(db.Model, RoleMixin, ModelBase): __tablename__ = "role" name = db.Column(db.String(80), unique=True) description = db.Column(db.String(80)) class User(db.Model, UserMixin, ModelBase): __tablename__ = "user" name = db.Column(db.String(255), unique=True, nullable=False) email = db.Column(db.String(255), unique=True, nullable=False) password_hash = db.Column(db.String(255), nullable=False)
class Player(db.Model): """ Player model containing functions which encapsulate gameplay state changes. columns ~~~~~ | status | score | judged | seen | played | |--------|-------|--------|------|--------| | enum | int | int | bool | pickle | relationships ~~~~~ user : user <- player game : game <- player hand : player - card """ __tablename__ = 'players' PENDING = 0 JOINED = 1 REJECTED = 2 id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True) user_id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey('', name='user_to_player'), nullable=False) game_id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey('', name='game_to_player'), nullable=False) status = db.Column(db.Integer, nullable=False) score = db.Column(db.Integer, nullable=False) judged = db.Column(db.Integer, nullable=False) seen = db.Column(db.Boolean, nullable=False, default=False) played = db.Column(db.PickleType, nullable=True) hand = db.relationship('Card', secondary=hands) @staticmethod def create(user, game): """Creates a single uninitialized player.""" player = Player( user=user, game=game, status=Player.PENDING, score=0, judged=0 ) db.session.add(player) return player @staticmethod def create_all(users, game): """Creates many players for a given game.""" players = [ Player( user=user, game=game, status=Player.PENDING, score=0, judged=0 ) for user in users ] db.session.add_all(players) return players @staticmethod def get(user, game): """Returns the player associated with a specific user and game.""" return Player.query.filter_by(user=user, game=game).first() def delete(self): """Deletes a player. Typically used when declining to join a game.""" db.session.delete(self) def get_played(self): """ Store the player's played cards as a list of card ids. This is necessary for efficiently enforcing played order. The nested loop below is still faster than making one query for each card. """ if not self.played: return [] cards = Card.query.filter( or_( == card_id for card_id in self.played) ).all() played = [] for card_id in self.played: card = next( (c for c in cards if == card_id), None ) played.append(card) return played def play_cards(self, cards): assert not self.played self.played = [ for card in cards] [self.hand.remove(card) for card in cards] def set_status_joined(self): """Change player status to JOINED.""" self.status = Player.JOINED def set_status_denied(self): """Change player status to DENIED.""" self.status = Player.DENIED def add_points(self, n): """Add n points to the player's score.""" self.score += n def __repr__(self): return '<player email={} game={} status={}>'.format(,, self.status )
models.player ~~~~~ Player model and assoc tables, which represent a user's state inside a game. """ from sqlalchemy import or_ from common import db from models import Card hands = db.Table( 'hands', db.Model.metadata, db.Column('player', db.Integer, db.ForeignKey('')), db.Column('card', db.Integer, db.ForeignKey('')) ) class Player(db.Model): """ Player model containing functions which encapsulate gameplay state changes. columns ~~~~~ | status | score | judged | seen | played | |--------|-------|--------|------|--------| | enum | int | int | bool | pickle |
from common import db, app, migrate from exceptions import DBException # Volunteer - Classroom: One to many volunteer_classroom = db.Table( 'volunteer_classroom', db.Column('volunteer_id', db.Integer, db.ForeignKey(''), primary_key=True), db.Column('classroom_id', db.Integer, db.ForeignKey(''), primary_key=True)) # Student - Classroom: One to many student_classroom = db.Table( 'student_classroom', db.Column('student_id', db.Integer, db.ForeignKey(''), primary_key=True), db.Column('classroom_id', db.Integer, db.ForeignKey(''), primary_key=True)) class Volunteer(db.Model): __tablename__ = 'volunteer'