Beispiel #1
def get_dsoft():
    This functions is in charge of reading the file
    mesc.txt where the available softwares are listed
    # defined here:
    if False:
        dsoft = {'clhbrpot': 'mpilgrim.itf_asurf', \
                 'gaussian': 'mpilgrim.itf_gau'  ,\
                 'orca'    : 'mpilgrim.itf_orca'   \
    # read from file
    if True:
        TXTFILE = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) + "/mesc.txt"
        # read file
        lines = read_file(TXTFILE)
        lines = clean_lines(lines, "#", True)
        # get info from lines
        dsoft = {}
        for line in lines:
            if line == "\n": continue
            software, module = line.split()
            dsoft[software] = module
    # return dictionary
    return dsoft
Beispiel #2
def file2lines(filename):
    if not os.path.exists(filename):
        lines  = []
        status = -1
        lines = read_file(filename)
        lines = clean_lines(lines,"#",True)
        lines = [line for line in lines if line != "\n"]
        if lines == []: status = 0
        else          : status = 1
    return lines, status
Beispiel #3
def read_ispe(filename):
    read input file for ispe
    # read lines
    lines = ff.read_file(filename)
    lines = fncs.clean_lines(lines, strip=True)
    # initialize data
    ispe_xy = []
    VR, VP = None, None
    tension = 0.0
    # find data in lines
    for line in lines:
        if line == "\n": continue
        label, val = line.split()
        val = float(val)
        if label.lower() == "tension": tension = val
        elif label.lower() == "reac": VR = val
        elif label.lower() == "prod": VP = val
        else: ispe_xy.append((label, val))
    return ispe_xy, tension, VR, VP
Beispiel #4
def set_EXE():
    global EXE
    txt = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))+"/paths.txt"
    # Defined in this file
    if 'EXE' in globals():
    # Try to export it from bashrc
    elif "OrcaExe" in os.environ:
        # in .bashrc: export OrcaExe="$MYHOME/Software/orca_4_0_1_2/orca"
        EXE = os.environ["OrcaExe"]
    # Export it from file
    elif os.path.exists(txt):
        lines = read_file(txt)
        lines = clean_lines(lines,"#",True)
        for line in lines:
            if line == "\n": continue
            name, path = line.split()
            if name == "orca":
                EXE = path
    # Not found
    else: raise Exc.ExeNotDef(Exception)
Beispiel #5
def read_rst(rstfile):
    if not os.path.exists(rstfile):
        return None, None, {}
    lines = read_file(rstfile)
    lines = fncs.clean_lines(lines, "#", True)
    if len(lines) == 0:
        return None, None, {}
    # pathinfo lines
    lines_path = fncs.extract_lines(lines, "start_pathinfo", "end_pathinfo")
    for line in lines_path:
        if line.startswith("path "): path = line.split()[1].lower()
        if line.startswith("mtype "): path = line.split()[1].lower()
        if line.startswith("mu "): mu = float(line.split()[1]) / AMU
        if line.startswith("ds "): ds = float(line.split()[1])
        if line.startswith("hsteps "): hsteps = int(line.split()[1])
        if line.startswith("cubic "):
            cubic = line.split()[1].lower()
            if cubic != "no": cubic = float(cubic)
            else: cubic = None
    # structinfo lines
    lines_struct = fncs.extract_lines(lines, "start_structinfo",
    bool1 = False
    bool2 = False
    atonums = []
    masses = []
    for line in lines_struct:
        if line.startswith("atonums"):
            bool1, bool2 = True, False
        elif line.startswith("masslist") or line.startswith("masses"):
            bool1, bool2 = False, True
        elif line.startswith("ch "):
            bool1, bool2 = False, False
            ch = int(line.split()[1])
        elif line.startswith("mtp "):
            bool1, bool2 = False, False
            mtp = int(line.split()[1])
        if bool1: atonums += [int(atonum) for atonum in line.split()]
        if bool2: masses += [float(mass) / AMU for mass in line.split()]
    # tuples of common data and of path
    tcommon = (ch, mtp, atonums, masses, mu)
    tpath = (path, mu, ds, hsteps, cubic)
    # initialize structures
    drst = {}
    mins = +float("inf")
    maxs = -float("inf")
    record = False
    lines = iter(lines)
    # Read structures
    for line in lines:
        if "==>" in line:
            record = True
            t_value = None
            data_line = line.split()[1:]
            meplabel = data_line[0]
            if meplabel.endswith("bw"):
                meplabel = "bw" + meplabel.split("bw")[0]
            if meplabel.endswith("fw"):
                meplabel = "fw" + meplabel.split("fw")[0]
            variables = data_line[1].split("-")
            mepsvalue = float(data_line[2])
            Vmep = float(data_line[3])
            if len(data_line) == 5: t_value = float(data_line[4])
            xms, gms, Fms, v0, v1 = None, None, None, None, None
            # Read geometry
            if "x" in variables:
                xms = []
                while True:
                    line = next(lines)
                    if "---" in line: break
                    xms += line.split()
                xms = [float(xx) for xx in xms]
                #xcc = ms2cc_x(xms,masses,mu)
            # Read gradient
            if "g" in variables:
                gms = []
                while True:
                    line = next(lines)
                    if "---" in line: break
                    gms += line.split()
                gms = [float(gg) for gg in gms]
                #gcc = ms2cc_g(gms,masses,mu)
            # Read hessian
            if "F" in variables:
                Fms = []
                while True:
                    line = next(lines)
                    if "---" in line: break
                    Fms += line.split()
                Fms = [float(FF) for FF in Fms]
                Fms = fncs.lowt2matrix(Fms)
                #Fcc = ms2cc_F(Fms,masses,mu)
            # Read v0
            if "v0" in variables:
                v0 = []
                while True:
                    line = next(lines)
                    if "---" in line: break
                    v0 += line.split()
                v0 = [float(xx) for xx in v0]
            # Read v1
            if "v1" in variables:
                v1 = []
                while True:
                    line = next(lines)
                    if "---" in line: break
                    v1 += line.split()
                v1 = [float(xx) for xx in v1]
            # Generate Structure
            drst[meplabel] = (mepsvalue, Vmep, xms, gms, Fms, v0, v1, t_value)
            # limit values
            if mepsvalue < mins: mins = mepsvalue
            if mepsvalue > maxs: maxs = mepsvalue
    return tpath, tcommon, drst