Beispiel #1
def handle(userToken, _=None, deleteToken=True):
    # get usertoken data
    userID = userToken.userID
    username = userToken.username
    requestToken = userToken.token

    # Big client meme here. If someone logs out and logs in right after,
    # the old logout packet will still be in the queue and will be sent to
    # the server, so we accept logout packets sent at least 5 seconds after login
    # if the user logs out before 5 seconds, he will be disconnected later with timeout check
    if int(time.time() - userToken.loginTime) >= 5 or userToken.irc:
        # Stop spectating

        # Part matches

        # Check if a users login/logouts are being tracked. If so, log to discord
        tracked = userUtils.getUserTracked(userID)
        if tracked:
                'Tracked user {} ({}) has logged out.'.format(
                    username, userID), 'cm')

        # Part all joined channels
        for i in userToken.joinedChannels:
            chat.partChannel(token=userToken, channel=i)

        # Leave all joined streams

        # Enqueue our disconnection to everyone else
        glob.streams.broadcast("main", serverPackets.userLogout(userID))

        # Disconnect from IRC if needed
        if userToken.irc and glob.irc:

        # Delete token
        if deleteToken:
            userToken.kicked = True

        # Change username if needed
        newUsername = glob.redis.get(
        if newUsername is not None:
                "Sending username change request for user {}".format(userID))
                    "userID": userID,
                    "newUsername": newUsername.decode("utf-8")

        # Console output"{} has been disconnected. (logout)".format(username))
Beispiel #2
def logHardware(userID, hashes, activation = False):
	Hardware log

	:param userID: user id
	:param hashes:	Peppy's botnet (client data) structure (new line = "|", already split)
					[0] osu! version
					[1] plain mac addressed, separated by "."
					[2] mac addresses hash set
					[3] unique ID
					[4] disk ID
	:param activation: if True, set this hash as used for activation. Default: False.
	:return: True if hw is not banned, otherwise false
	# Make sure the strings are not empty
	for i in hashes[2:5]:
		if i == "":
			log.warning("Invalid hash set ({}) for user {} in HWID check".format(hashes, userID), "bunk")
			return False

	# Run some HWID checks on that user if he is not restricted
	if not isRestricted(userID):
		# Get username
		username = getUsername(userID)

		# cmyui vars
		usualMAC = glob.conf.config['cmyui']['mac']
		usualUniqueId = glob.conf.config['cmyui']['unique']
		usualDiskId = glob.conf.config['cmyui']['disk']

		if userID == 1001: # Remove cmyui permissions if on a HWID different than usual.. Just safety procautions.. TODO: make this for all admins
			if usualMAC == hashes[2] and usualUniqueId == hashes[3] and usualDiskId == hashes[4]:
				annmsg = "{}: Valid login.".format(username)
				params = urlencode({"k": glob.conf.config['server']['cikey'], "to": "#admin", "msg": annmsg})
				annmsg = "{}: Invalid login.".format(username)
				params = urlencode({"k": glob.conf.config['server']['cikey'], "to": "#admin", "msg": annmsg})
				log.cmyui("{}: Unusual login detected.\n\nHashes: {}|{}|{}".format(userID, hashes[2], hashes[3], hashes[4]), discord="cm")

		# Get the list of banned or restricted users that have logged in from this or similar HWID hash set
		if hashes[2] == "b4ec3c4334a0249dae95c284ec5983df":
			# Running under wine, check by unique id
			log.debug("Logging Linux/Mac hardware")
			banned = glob.db.fetchAll("""SELECT as userid, hw_user.occurencies, users.username FROM hw_user
				LEFT JOIN users ON = hw_user.userid
				WHERE hw_user.userid != %(userid)s
				AND hw_user.unique_id = %(uid)s
				AND (users.privileges & 3 != 3)""", {
					"userid": userID,
					"uid": hashes[3],
			# Running under windows, do all checks
			log.debug("Logging Windows hardware")
			banned = glob.db.fetchAll("""SELECT as userid, hw_user.occurencies, users.username FROM hw_user
				LEFT JOIN users ON = hw_user.userid
				WHERE hw_user.userid != %(userid)s
				AND hw_user.mac = %(mac)s
				AND hw_user.unique_id = %(uid)s
				AND hw_user.disk_id = %(diskid)s
				AND (users.privileges & 3 != 3)""", {
					"userid": userID,
					"mac": hashes[2],
					"uid": hashes[3],
					"diskid": hashes[4],

		for i in banned:
			# Get the total numbers of logins
			total = glob.db.fetch("SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM hw_user WHERE userid = %s LIMIT 1", [userID])
			# and make sure it is valid
			if total is None:
			total = total["count"]

			# Calculate 10% of total
			perc = (total*10)/100

			if i["occurencies"] >= perc:
				# If the banned user has logged in more than 10% of the times from this user, restrict this user
				appendNotes(userID, "Logged in from HWID ({hwid}) used more than 10% from user {banned} ({bannedUserID}), who is banned/restricted.".format(
				log.warning("**{user}** ({userID}) has been restricted because he has logged in from HWID _({hwid})_ used more than 10% from banned/restricted user **{banned}** ({bannedUserID}), **possible multiaccount**.".format(
				), "cm")

	# Update hash set occurencies
				INSERT INTO hw_user (id, userid, mac, unique_id, disk_id, occurencies) VALUES (NULL, %s, %s, %s, %s, 1)
				ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE occurencies = occurencies + 1
				""", [userID, hashes[2], hashes[3], hashes[4]])

	# Optionally, set this hash as 'used for activation'
	if activation:
		glob.db.execute("UPDATE hw_user SET activated = 1 WHERE userid = %s AND mac = %s AND unique_id = %s AND disk_id = %s", [userID, hashes[2], hashes[3], hashes[4]])

	# Access granted, abbiamo impiegato 3 giorni
	# We grant access even in case of login from banned HWID
	# because we call restrict() above so there's no need to deny the access.
	return True
Beispiel #3
def handle(tornadoRequest):
	# Data to return
	responseToken = None
	responseTokenString = "ayy"
	responseData = bytes()

	# Get IP from tornado request
	requestIP = tornadoRequest.getRequestIP()

	# Avoid exceptions
	clientData = ["unknown", "unknown", "unknown", "unknown", "unknown"]
	osuVersion = "unknown"

	# Split POST body so we can get username/password/hardware data
	# 2:-3 thing is because requestData has some escape stuff that we don't need
	loginData = str(tornadoRequest.request.body)[2:-3].split("\\n")
		# Make sure loginData is valid
		if len(loginData) < 3:
			raise exceptions.invalidArgumentsException()

		# Get HWID, MAC address and more
		# Structure (new line = "|", already split)
		# [0] osu! version
		# [1] plain mac addressed, separated by "."
		# [2] mac addresses hash set
		# [3] unique ID
		# [4] disk ID
		splitData = loginData[2].split("|")
		osuVersion = splitData[0]
		timeOffset = int(splitData[1])
		clientData = splitData[3].split(":")[:5]
		if len(clientData) < 4:
			raise exceptions.forceUpdateException()

		# Try to get the ID from username
		username = str(loginData[0])
		userID = userUtils.getID(username)

		if not userID:
			# Invalid username
			raise exceptions.loginFailedException()
		if not userUtils.checkLogin(userID, loginData[1]):
			# Invalid password
			raise exceptions.loginFailedException()

		# Make sure we are not banned or locked
		priv = userUtils.getPrivileges(userID)
		if userUtils.isBanned(userID) and priv & privileges.USER_PENDING_VERIFICATION == 0:
			raise exceptions.loginBannedException()
		if userUtils.isLocked(userID) and priv & privileges.USER_PENDING_VERIFICATION == 0:
			raise exceptions.loginLockedException()

		# 2FA check
		if userUtils.check2FA(userID, requestIP):
			log.warning("Need 2FA check for user {}.".format(loginData[0]))
			raise exceptions.need2FAException()

		# No login errors!

		# Verify this user (if pending activation)
		firstLogin = False
		if priv & privileges.USER_PENDING_VERIFICATION > 0 or not userUtils.hasVerifiedHardware(userID):
			if userUtils.verifyUser(userID, clientData):
				# Valid account"Account {} verified successfully!".format(userID))
				glob.verifiedCache[str(userID)] = 1
				firstLogin = True
				# Multiaccount detected"Account {} NOT verified!".format(userID))
				glob.verifiedCache[str(userID)] = 0
				raise exceptions.loginBannedException()

		# Save HWID in db for multiaccount detection
		hwAllowed = userUtils.logHardware(userID, clientData, firstLogin)

		# This is false only if HWID is empty
		# if HWID is banned, we get restricted so there's no
		# need to deny bancho access
		if not hwAllowed:
			raise exceptions.haxException()

		# Log user IP
		userUtils.logIP(userID, requestIP)

		# Delete old tokens for that user and generate a new one
		isTournament = "tourney" in osuVersion
		if not isTournament:
		responseToken = glob.tokens.addToken(userID, requestIP, timeOffset=timeOffset, tournament=isTournament)
		responseTokenString = responseToken.token

		# Check restricted mode (and eventually send message)

		userFlags = userUtils.getUserFlags(userID)
		if userFlags > 0: # Pending public bans. Such as chargebacks, etc.
			flagReason = userUtils.getFlagReason(userID)
			if userFlags-int(time.time()) < 0:
				responseToken.enqueue(serverPackets.notification("Your account has been automatically restricted due to a pending restriction not being having been dealt with.\n\nReason: {}".format(flagReason)))
				userUtils.setUserFlags(userID, 0)
				log.cmyui("{} has been automatically restricted due to not dealing with pending restriction. Reason: {}.".format(username, flagReason), discord="cm")
				log.rap(userID, "has been restricted due to a pending restriction. Reason: {}.".format(flagReason))
				if "charge" in flagReason:
					responseToken.enqueue(serverPackets.notification("Your account has been flagged with an automatic restriction.\n\nIt will occur at {time} if not dealt with.\n"
						"Reason: {reason}\n\nTo avoid being restricted for this behaviour, you can cancel or revert your chargeback before your restriction date.".format(time=datetime.utcfromtimestamp(int(userFlags)).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'), reason=flagReason)))
				elif "live" in flagReason:
					responseToken.enqueue(serverPackets.notification("Your account has been flagged with an automatic restriction.\n\nIt will occur at {time} if not dealt with.\n"
						"Reason: {reason}\n\nThis means you are required to submit a liveplay to avoid this. This only happens in cases when we are confident in foul play; and are offering you this opportunity as a final stance to prove your legitimacy, against all the odds.".format(time=datetime.utcfromtimestamp(int(userFlags)).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'), reason=flagReason)))
					responseToken.enqueue(serverPackets.notification("Your account has been flagged with an automatic restriction.\n\nIt will occur at {time} if not dealt with.\n"
						"Reason: {reason}\n\nYou have until the restriction to deal with the issue.".format(time=datetime.utcfromtimestamp(int(userFlags)).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'), reason=flagReason)))

		# Send message if premium / donor expires soon
		# ok spaghetti code time
		if responseToken.privileges & privileges.USER_DONOR:
			donorType = 'premium' if responseToken.privileges & privileges.USER_PREMIUM else 'donor'

			expireDate = userUtils.getDonorExpire(responseToken.userID)
			if expireDate-int(time.time()) < 0:
				userUtils.setPrivileges(userID, 3)
				log.cmyui("{}'s donation perks have been removed as their time has run out.".format(username), discord="cm")
				log.rap(userID, "User's donor perks have been removed as their time has run out.")
				responseToken.enqueue(serverPackets.notification("Your {donorType} tag has expired! Thank you so much for the support, it really means everything to us. If you wish to keep supporting Akatsuki and you don't want to lose your {donorType} privileges, you can donate again by clicking on 'Support us' on Akatsuki's website.".format(donorType=donorType)))
			elif expireDate-int(time.time()) <= 86400*3:
				expireDays = round((expireDate-int(time.time()))/86400)
				expireIn = "{} days".format(expireDays) if expireDays > 1 else "less than 24 hours"
				responseToken.enqueue(serverPackets.notification("Your {donorType} tag expires in {expireIn}! When your {donorType} tag expires, you won't have any of the {donorType} privileges, like yellow username, custom badge and discord custom role and username color! If you wish to keep supporting Akatsuki and you don't want to lose your {donorType} privileges, you can donate again by clicking on 'Support us' on Akatsuki's website.".format(donorType=donorType, expireIn=expireIn)))

		""" Akatsuki does not use 2fa! we suck!
		if userUtils.deprecateTelegram2Fa(userID):
			responseToken.enqueue(serverPackets.notification("As stated on our blog, Telegram 2FA has been deprecated on 29th June 2018. Telegram 2FA has just been disabled from your account. If you want to keep your account secure with 2FA, please enable TOTP-based 2FA from our website Thank you for your patience."))
		# Set silence end UNIX time in token
		responseToken.silenceEndTime = userUtils.getSilenceEnd(userID)

		# Get only silence remaining seconds
		silenceSeconds = responseToken.getSilenceSecondsLeft()

		# Get supporter/GMT
		userGMT = False
		userSupporter = True
		userTournament = False
		if responseToken.admin:
			userGMT = True
		if responseToken.privileges & privileges.USER_TOURNAMENT_STAFF > 0:
			userTournament = True

		# Server restarting check
		if glob.restarting:
			raise exceptions.banchoRestartingException()

		# Send login notification before maintenance message
		if glob.banchoConf.config["loginNotification"] != "":

		# Maintenance check
		if glob.banchoConf.config["banchoMaintenance"]:
			if not userGMT:
				# We are not mod/admin, delete token, send notification and logout
				raise exceptions.banchoMaintenanceException()
				# We are mod/admin, send warning notification and continue
				responseToken.enqueue(serverPackets.notification("Akatsuki is currently in maintenance mode. Only admins have full access to the server.\nType '!system maintenance off' in chat to turn off maintenance mode."))

		# Send all needed login packets
		responseToken.enqueue(serverPackets.userSupporterGMT(userSupporter, userGMT, userTournament))
		responseToken.enqueue(serverPackets.userPanel(userID, True))
		responseToken.enqueue(serverPackets.userStats(userID, True))

		# Channel info end (before starting!?! wtf bancho?)
		# Default opened channels
		# TODO: Configurable default channels
		chat.joinChannel(token=responseToken, channel="#osu")
		chat.joinChannel(token=responseToken, channel="#announce")

		#Akatsuki extra channels
		chat.joinChannel(token=responseToken, channel="#nowranked")
		chat.joinChannel(token=responseToken, channel="#request")

		# Join admin channel if we are an admin
		if responseToken.admin or responseToken.privileges & privileges.USER_PREMIUM:
			chat.joinChannel(token=responseToken, channel="#admin")

		# Output channels info
		for key, value in glob.channels.channels.items():
			if value.publicRead and not value.hidden:

		# Send friends list

		# Send main menu icon
		if glob.banchoConf.config["menuIcon"] != "":

		# Send online users' panels
		with glob.tokens:
			for _, token in glob.tokens.tokens.items():
				if not token.restricted:

		# Get location and country from or database. If the user is a donor, then yee
		if glob.localize and (firstLogin == True or responseToken.privileges & privileges.USER_DONOR <= 0):
			# Get location and country from IP
			latitude, longitude = locationHelper.getLocation(requestIP)
			countryLetters = locationHelper.getCountry(requestIP)
			country = countryHelper.getCountryID(countryLetters)
			# Set location to 0,0 and get country from db
			log.warning("Location skipped")
			latitude = 0
			longitude = 0
			countryLetters = "XX"
			country = countryHelper.getCountryID(userUtils.getCountry(userID))

		# Set location and country
		responseToken.setLocation(latitude, longitude) = country

		# Set country in db if user has no country (first bancho login)
		if userUtils.getCountry(userID) == "XX":
			userUtils.setCountry(userID, countryLetters)

		# Send to everyone our userpanel if we are not restricted or tournament
		if not responseToken.restricted:
			glob.streams.broadcast("main", serverPackets.userPanel(userID))

		# Set reponse data to right value and reset our queue
		responseData = responseToken.queue
	except exceptions.loginFailedException:
		# Login failed error packet
		# (we don't use enqueue because we don't have a token since login has failed)
		responseData += serverPackets.loginFailed()
	except exceptions.invalidArgumentsException:
		# Invalid POST data
		# (we don't use enqueue because we don't have a token since login has failed)
		responseData += serverPackets.loginFailed()
		responseData += serverPackets.notification("We see what you're doing..")
		log.cmyui("User {} has triggered invalidArgumentsException in".format(userID), discord="cm")
	except exceptions.loginBannedException:
		# Login banned error packet
		responseData += serverPackets.loginBanned()
	except exceptions.loginLockedException:
		# Login banned error packet
		responseData += serverPackets.loginLocked()
	except exceptions.banchoMaintenanceException:
		# Bancho is in maintenance mode
		responseData = bytes()
		if responseToken is not None:
			responseData = responseToken.queue
		responseData += serverPackets.notification("Akatsuki is currently in maintenance mode. Please try to login again later.")
		responseData += serverPackets.loginFailed()
	except exceptions.banchoRestartingException:
		# Bancho is restarting
		responseData += serverPackets.notification("Akatsuki is restarting. Try again in a few minutes.")
		responseData += serverPackets.loginFailed()
	except exceptions.need2FAException:
		# User tried to log in from unknown IP
		responseData += serverPackets.needVerification()
	except exceptions.haxException:
		# Using oldoldold client, we don't have client data. Force update.
		# (we don't use enqueue because we don't have a token since login has failed)
		responseData += serverPackets.forceUpdate()
		responseData += serverPackets.notification("Custom clients of ANY kind are NOT PERMITTED on Akatsuki. Please login using the current osu! client.")
		log.cmyui("User {} has logged in with a VERY old client".format(userID), discord="cm")
		log.error("Unknown error!\n```\n{}\n{}```".format(sys.exc_info(), traceback.format_exc()))
		# Console and discord log
		if len(loginData) < 3:"Invalid bancho login request from **{}** (insufficient POST data)".format(requestIP), "bunker")

		# Return token string and data
		return responseTokenString, responseData
Beispiel #4
def handle(tornadoRequest):
    # Data to return
    responseToken = None
    responseTokenString = "ayy"
    responseData = bytes()

    # Get IP from tornado request
    requestIP = tornadoRequest.getRequestIP()

    # Avoid exceptions
    clientData = ["unknown", "unknown", "unknown", "unknown", "unknown"]
    osuVersion = "unknown"

    # Split POST body so we can get username/password/hardware data
    # 2:-3 thing is because requestData has some escape stuff that we don't need
    loginData = str(tornadoRequest.request.body)[2:-3].split("\\n")
        # Make sure loginData is valid
        if len(loginData) < 3:
            raise exceptions.invalidArgumentsException()

        # Get HWID, MAC address and more
        # Structure (new line = "|", already split)
        # [0] osu! version
        # [1] plain mac addressed, separated by "."
        # [2] mac addresses hash set
        # [3] unique ID
        # [4] disk ID
        splitData = loginData[2].split("|")
        osuVersion = splitData[0]
        timeOffset = int(splitData[1])
        clientData = splitData[3].split(":")[:5]
        if len(clientData) < 4:
            raise exceptions.forceUpdateException()

        # Try to get the ID from username
        username = str(loginData[0])
        userID = userUtils.getID(username)

        if not userID:
            # Invalid username
            raise exceptions.loginFailedException()
        if not userUtils.checkLogin(userID, loginData[1]):
            # Invalid password
            raise exceptions.loginFailedException()

        # Make sure we are not banned or locked
        priv = userUtils.getPrivileges(userID)
        if userUtils.isBanned(
                userID) and priv & privileges.USER_PENDING_VERIFICATION == 0:
            raise exceptions.loginBannedException()
        if userUtils.isLocked(
                userID) and priv & privileges.USER_PENDING_VERIFICATION == 0:
            raise exceptions.loginLockedException()

        # 2FA check
        if userUtils.check2FA(userID, requestIP):
            log.warning("Need 2FA check for user {}".format(loginData[0]))
            raise exceptions.need2FAException()

        # No login errors!

        # Check if a users login/logouts are being tracked. If so, log to discord
        tracked = userUtils.getUserTracked(userID)
        if tracked:
                'Tracked user {} ({}) has logged in.'.format(username, userID),

        # Verify this user (if pending activation)
        firstLogin = False
        if priv & privileges.USER_PENDING_VERIFICATION > 0 or not userUtils.hasVerifiedHardware(
            if userUtils.verifyUser(userID, clientData):
                # Valid account
      "Account {} verified successfully!".format(userID))
                glob.verifiedCache[str(userID)] = 1
                firstLogin = True
                # Multiaccount detected
      "Account {} NOT verified!".format(userID))
                glob.verifiedCache[str(userID)] = 0
                raise exceptions.loginBannedException()

        # Save HWID in db for multiaccount detection
        hwAllowed = userUtils.logHardware(userID, clientData, firstLogin)

        # This is false only if HWID is empty
        # if HWID is banned, we get restricted so there's no
        # need to deny bancho access
        if not hwAllowed:
            raise exceptions.haxException()

        # Log user IP
        userUtils.logIP(userID, requestIP)

        # Delete old tokens for that user and generate a new one
        isTournament = "tourney" in osuVersion
        if not isTournament:
        responseToken = glob.tokens.addToken(userID,
        responseTokenString = responseToken.token

        # Check restricted mode (and eventually send message)

        # Send message if donor expires soon
        if responseToken.privileges & privileges.USER_DONOR > 0:
            expireDate = userUtils.getDonorExpire(responseToken.userID)
            if expireDate - int(time.time()) <= 86400 * 3:
                expireDays = round((expireDate - int(time.time())) / 86400)
                expireIn = "{} days".format(
                    expireDays) if expireDays > 1 else "less than 24 hours"
                        "Your Donator tag expires in {}!".format(expireIn)))

        # Check if a users login/logouts are being tracked
        tracked = userUtils.getUserTracked(userID)
        if tracked:
            log.cmyui('Tracked user {} ({}) has logged in.'.format(
                username, userID))

        # Set silence end UNIX time in token
        responseToken.silenceEndTime = userUtils.getSilenceEnd(userID)

        # Get only silence remaining seconds
        silenceSeconds = responseToken.getSilenceSecondsLeft()

        # Get supporter/GMT
        userGMT = False
        userSupporter = True
        userTournament = False
        if responseToken.admin:
            userGMT = True
        if responseToken.privileges & privileges.USER_TOURNAMENT_STAFF > 0:
            userTournament = True

        # Server restarting check
        if glob.restarting:
            raise exceptions.banchoRestartingException()

        # Send login notification before maintenance message
        if glob.banchoConf.config["loginNotification"] != "":

        # Maintenance check
        if glob.banchoConf.config["banchoMaintenance"]:
            if not userGMT:
                # We are not mod/admin, delete token, send notification and logout
                raise exceptions.banchoMaintenanceException()
                # We are mod/admin, send warning notification and continue
                        "Vipsu is in maintenance mode. Only mods/admins have full access to the server.\nType !system maintenance off in chat to turn off maintenance mode."

        # Send all needed login packets
            serverPackets.userSupporterGMT(userSupporter, userGMT,
        responseToken.enqueue(serverPackets.userPanel(userID, True))
        responseToken.enqueue(serverPackets.userStats(userID, True))

        # Channel info end (before starting!?! wtf bancho?)
        # Default opened channels
        # TODO: Configurable default channels
        chat.joinChannel(token=responseToken, channel="#osu")
        chat.joinChannel(token=responseToken, channel="#announce")
        chat.joinChannel(token=responseToken, channel="#nowranked")
        chat.joinChannel(token=responseToken, channel="#request")

        # Join admin channel if we are an admin
        if responseToken.admin:
            chat.joinChannel(token=responseToken, channel="#admin")
        clan = glob.db.fetch("SELECT clan FROM user_clans WHERE user = %s",
        if clan is not None:

        # Output channels info
        for key, value in glob.channels.channels.items():
            if value.publicRead and not value.hidden:

        # Send friends list

        # Send main menu icon
        #if glob.banchoConf.config["menuIcon"] != "":

        # Send online users' panels
        with glob.tokens:
            for _, token in glob.tokens.tokens.items():
                if not token.restricted:

        # Get location and country from or database
        if glob.localize:
            # Set location to 0,0 and get country from db
            log.warning("Location skipped")
            latitude = 0
            longitude = 0
            countryLetters = "XX"
            country = countryHelper.getCountryID(userUtils.getCountry(userID))
            # Get location and country from IP
            latitude, longitude = locationHelper.getLocation(requestIP)
            countryLetters = locationHelper.getCountry(requestIP)
            country = countryHelper.getCountryID(countryLetters)

        # Set location and country
        responseToken.setLocation(latitude, longitude) = country

        # Set country in db if user has no country (first bancho login)
        if userUtils.getCountry(userID) == "XX":
            userUtils.setCountry(userID, countryLetters)

        # Send to everyone our userpanel if we are not restricted or tournament
        if not responseToken.restricted:
            glob.streams.broadcast("main", serverPackets.userPanel(userID))

        # Set reponse data to right value and reset our queue
        responseData = responseToken.queue
    except exceptions.loginFailedException:
        # Login failed error packet
        # (we don't use enqueue because we don't have a token since login has failed)
        responseData += serverPackets.loginFailed()
    except exceptions.invalidArgumentsException:
        # Invalid POST data
        # (we don't use enqueue because we don't have a token since login has failed)
        responseData += serverPackets.loginFailed()
        responseData += serverPackets.notification(
            "I see what you're doing...")
    except exceptions.loginBannedException:
        # Login banned error packet
        responseData += serverPackets.loginBanned()
    except exceptions.loginLockedException:
        # Login banned error packet
        responseData += serverPackets.loginLocked()
    except exceptions.banchoMaintenanceException:
        # Bancho is in maintenance mode
        responseData = bytes()
        if responseToken is not None:
            responseData = responseToken.queue
        responseData += serverPackets.notification(
            "Our Vipsu server is in maintenance mode. Please try to login again later."
        responseData += serverPackets.loginFailed()
    except exceptions.banchoRestartingException:
        # Bancho is restarting
        responseData += serverPackets.notification(
            "Vipsu is restarting. Try again in a few minutes.")
        responseData += serverPackets.loginFailed()
    except exceptions.need2FAException:
        # User tried to log in from unknown IP
        responseData += serverPackets.needVerification()
    except exceptions.haxException:
        # Using oldoldold client, we don't have client data. Force update.
        # (we don't use enqueue because we don't have a token since login has failed)
        responseData += serverPackets.forceUpdate()
        responseData += serverPackets.notification(
            "Hory shitto, your client is TOO old! Nice prehistory! Please turn update it from the settings!"
        log.error("Unknown error!\n```\n{}\n{}```".format(
            sys.exc_info(), traceback.format_exc()))
        # Console and discord log
        if len(loginData) < 3:
                "Invalid bancho login request from **{}** (insufficient POST data)"
                .format(requestIP), "bunker")

        # Return token string and data
        return responseTokenString, responseData