Beispiel #1
    def handle_response_r7(self, cmd):
        # R7: Card interface condition
        #  - Bits[47:47]: Start bit (always 0)
        #  - Bits[46:46]: Transmission bit (0 == card)
        #  - Bits[45:40]: Command index (always 0b001000)
        #  - Bits[39:20]: Reserved bits (all-zero)
        #  - Bits[19:16]: Voltage accepted
        #  - Bits[15:08]: Echo-back of check pattern
        #  - Bits[07:01]: CRC7
        #  - Bits[00:00]: End bit (always 1)
        if not self.get_token_bits(cmd, 48):

        self.putr(55, 'R7')

        # Arg[31:12]: Reserved bits (all-zero)
        self.puta(12, 31, [136, ['Reserved', 'Res', 'R']])

        # Arg[11:08]: Voltage accepted
        v = ''.join(str(i[2]) for i in self.token[28:32])
        av = accepted_voltages.get(int('0b' + v, 2), 'Unknown')
        self.puta(8, 11, [136, ['Voltage accepted: ' + av, 'Voltage', 'Volt', 'V']])

        # Arg[07:00]: Echo-back of check pattern
        self.puta(0, 7, [136, ['Echo-back of check pattern', 'Echo', 'E']])

        self.token, self.state = [], 'GET COMMAND TOKEN'
Beispiel #2
    def handle_response_r7(self, cmd):
        # R7: Card interface condition
        #  - Bits[47:47]: Start bit (always 0)
        #  - Bits[46:46]: Transmission bit (0 == card)
        #  - Bits[45:40]: Command index (always 0b001000)
        #  - Bits[39:20]: Reserved bits (all-zero)
        #  - Bits[19:16]: Voltage accepted
        #  - Bits[15:08]: Echo-back of check pattern
        #  - Bits[07:01]: CRC7
        #  - Bits[00:00]: End bit (always 1)
        if not self.get_token_bits(cmd, 48):

        self.putr(55, 'R7')

        # Arg[31:12]: Reserved bits (all-zero)
        self.puta(12, 31, [136, ['Reserved', 'Res', 'R']])

        # Arg[11:08]: Voltage accepted
        v = ''.join(str(i[2]) for i in self.token[28:32])
        av = accepted_voltages.get(int('0b' + v, 2), 'Unknown')
        self.puta(8, 11,
                  [136, ['Voltage accepted: ' + av, 'Voltage', 'Volt', 'V']])

        # Arg[07:00]: Echo-back of check pattern
        self.puta(0, 7, [136, ['Echo-back of check pattern', 'Echo', 'E']])

        self.token, self.state = [], 'GET COMMAND TOKEN'