Beispiel #1
im_list = []

for path in im_paths:
    im = np.array("L"))

matchscores = np.zeros((nbr_images,nbr_images))

for i in range(nbr_images):
    for j in range(i,nbr_images): # only compute upper triangle
        print('comparing ', im_paths[i], im_paths[j])
        l1,d1 = sift.detect_and_compute(im_list[i])
        l2,d2 = sift.detect_and_compute(im_list[j])
        matches = sift.match_twosided(d1,d2)
        nbr_matches = np.sum(matches > 0)
        print('number of matches = ', nbr_matches)
        matchscores[i,j] = nbr_matches

# copy values
for i in range(nbr_images):
    for j in range(i+1,nbr_images): # no need to copy diagonal
        matchscores[j,i] = matchscores[i,j]

threshold = 2 # min number of matches needed to create link

g = pydot.Dot(graph_type='graph') # don't want the default directed graph

for i in range(nbr_images):
    for j in range(i+1,nbr_images):
Beispiel #2
from PIL import Image
import numpy as np
import pylab as plt
from common import imtools
from common import sift

im1 = np.array("data/climbing_1_small.jpg").convert("L"))
im2 = np.array("data/climbing_2_small.jpg").convert("L"))

kp1, desc1 = sift.detect_and_compute(im1)
kp2, desc2 = sift.detect_and_compute(im2)

print('starting matching')
matches = sift.match_twosided(desc1, desc2)

plt.figure("SIFT Rock Wall 2-Side Matching")
sift.plot_matches(im1, im2, kp1, kp2, matches)
import pickle

from common import objects3d
from common import homography
from common import camera
from common import sift

im_book_frontal = np.array('data/book_frontal.JPG'))
im_book_perspective = np.array('data/book_perspective.JPG'))

# Compute features
l0, d0 = sift.detect_and_compute(im_book_frontal)
l1, d1 = sift.detect_and_compute(im_book_perspective)

# Match features and estimate homography
matches = sift.match_twosided(d0, d1)
ndx = matches.nonzero()[0]
fp = homography.make_homog(l0[ndx, :2].T)
ndx2 = [int(matches[i]) for i in ndx]
tp = homography.make_homog(l1[ndx2, :2].T)

# This differs from the book: Swap coordinates in the from/to points because they are row/col
# whereas the Camera plots are x/y. If they aren't swapped before goint into the
# H_from_ransac method, H will not be computed correctly for the camera translation.
fp_xy = np.array([fp[1, :], fp[0, :], fp[2, :]])
tp_xy = np.array([tp[1, :], tp[0, :], tp[2, :]])

model = homography.RansacModel()
H = homography.H_from_ransac(fp_xy, tp_xy, model)[0]
# camera calibration
K = camera.book_calibration((747, 1000))