Beispiel #1
	def __init__(self, main, parent):
		## Shows the preferences dialogue.
		# Sets some variables for easier access.
		self.main = main
		# Create the dialogue and connect signals using gtk-builder.
		windowname = 'PreferencesDlg'
		self.wTree = gtk.Builder()
		dic = { "on_PreferencesDlg_delete_event" : self.closeWindow,
		        "on_checkbox_toggled" : self.checkboxToggle,
		        "on_scrollbar_changed" : self.adjustmentChanged,
		        "on_spinbutton_changed" : self.adjustmentChanged,
		        "on_cmbOnExtNewFile_changed" : self.extNewFileChanged,
		        "on_entry_changed" : self.entryChanged,
		        "on_btnVideoDefaults_clicked" : self.resetVideoDefaults,
		        "on_btnClose_clicked" : self.closeWindow }
		# Create a dictionary for checkboxes and their associated settings.
		self.chkDic = { self.wTree.get_object('chkInstantSeek')         : {CFGS : "gui/instantseek"},
		                self.wTree.get_object('chkDisableScreensaver')  : {CFGS : "misc/disablescreensaver"},
		                self.wTree.get_object('chkShowTimeRemaining')   : {CFGS : "gui/showtimeremaining"},
		                self.wTree.get_object('chkEnableVisualisation') : {CFGS : "gui/enablevisualisation",
		                                                                  CLBKS : self.toggleEnableVis},
		                self.wTree.get_object('chkFileAsTitle')         : {CFGS : "gui/fileastitle"},
		                self.wTree.get_object('chkForceAspect')         : {CFGS : "video/force-aspect-ratio",
		                                                                  CLBKS : self.toggleForceAspect} }
		# And one for the scrollbars.
		clrCbk = self.scrollbarColourScroll
		self.adjDic = { self.wTree.get_object('spnMouseTimeout')       : {CFGS : "gui/mousehidetimeout"},
		                self.wTree.get_object('hscBrightness')         : {CFGS : "video/brightness",
		                                                                 CLBKS : clrCbk},
		                self.wTree.get_object('hscContrast')           : {CFGS : "video/contrast",
		                                                                 CLBKS : clrCbk},
		                self.wTree.get_object('hscHue')                : {CFGS : "video/hue",
		                                                                 CLBKS : clrCbk},
		                self.wTree.get_object('hscSaturation')         : {CFGS : "video/saturation",
		                                                                 CLBKS : clrCbk} }
		# And entries.
		self.entDic = {self.wTree.get_object('entTagSyntax') : {CFGS : "gui/tagsyntax"}}
		# More easy access.
		self.window = self.wTree.get_object(windowname)
		# Set the parent window to the widget passed (hopefully the main window.)
		# Load the preferences.
		# Run the dialogue.
Beispiel #2
	def __init__(self):
		# Set the last folder to the directory from which the program was called.
		useful.lastFolder = useful.origDir
		# Set the application's name (for about dialogue etc).
		# Create & prepare the player for playing.
		# Connect up the sigterm signal.
		signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, self.sigterm)
		if msgBus.avail: self.dbus = msgBus.IntObject(self)
		# Set up the gtk-builder and interface.
		self.wTree = gtk.Builder()
		windowname = "main"
		dic = { "on_main_delete_event" : self.quit,
		        "on_mnuiQuit_activate" : self.quit,
		        "on_mnuiOpen_activate" : self.showOpenDialogue,
		        "on_mnuiOpenURI_activate" : self.showOpenURIDialogue,
		        "on_btnPlayToggle_clicked" : self.togglePlayPause,
		        "on_btnStop_clicked" : self.stopPlayer,
		        "on_btnNext_clicked" : self._cb_on_btnNext_clicked,
		        "on_btnRestart_clicked" : self.restartTrack,
		        "on_pbarProgress_button_press_event" : self.progressBarClick,
		        "on_pbarProgress_button_release_event" : self.seekEnd,
		        "on_pbarProgress_motion_notify_event" : self.progressBarMotion,
		        "on_btnVolume_value_changed" : self.changeVolume,
		        "on_mnuiFS_activate" : self.toggleFullscreen,
		        "on_btnLeaveFullscreen_clicked" : self.toggleFullscreen,
		        "on_videoWindow_expose_event" : self.videoWindowExpose,
		        "on_videoWindow_configure_event" : self.videoWindowConfigure,
		        "on_main_key_press_event" : self.windowKeyPressed,
		        "on_videoWindow_button_press_event" : self.videoWindowClicked,
		        "on_videoWindow_scroll_event" : self.videoWindowScroll,
		        "on_mnuiAbout_activate" : self.showAboutDialogue,
		        "on_main_drag_data_received" : self.openDroppedFiles,
		        "on_videoWindow_motion_notify_event" : self.videoWindowMotion,
		        "on_videoWindow_leave_notify_event" : self.videoWindowLeave,
		        "on_videoWindow_enter_notify_event" : self.videoWindowEnter,
		        "on_mnuiPreferences_activate" : self.showPreferencesDialogue,
		        "on_mnuiPlayDVD_activate" : self.showPlayDVDDialogue,
				"on_mnuiDVDMenu_activate" : self.gotoDVDMenu,
		        "on_mnuiAudioTrack_activate" : self.showAudioTracksDialogue,
				"on_mnuiSubtitleManager_activate" : self.openSubtitleManager,
		        "on_mnuiReportBug_activate" : self.openBugReporter,
		        "on_main_window_state_event" : self.onMainStateEvent,
		        "on_mnuiQueue_toggled" : self.toggleQueueWindow,
		        "on_eventNumQueued_button_release_event" : self.toggleQueueWindow,
		        "on_mnuiAdvCtrls_toggled" : self.toggleAdvControls,
		        "on_mnuiSupFeatures_activate" : self.openSupFeaturesDlg,
		        "on_spnPlaySpeed_value_changed" : self.onPlaySpeedChange }
		# Add the queue to the queue box.
		# Get several items for access later.
		useful.mainWin = self.mainWindow = self.wTree.get_object(windowname)
		self.progressBar = self.wTree.get_object("pbarProgress")
		self.videoWindow = self.wTree.get_object("videoWindow")
		self.nowPlyLbl = self.wTree.get_object("lblNowPlaying")
		self.volAdj = self.wTree.get_object("btnVolume").get_adjustment()
		self.hboxVideo = self.wTree.get_object("hboxVideo")
		queue.mnuiWidget = self.wTree.get_object("mnuiQueue")
		# Set gapless flag
		self.isvideo = None
		# Set the icon.
		self.mainWindow.set_icon_from_file(os.path.join(useful.dataDir, 'images', 'whaawmp48.png'))
		# Set the window to allow drops
		self.mainWindow.drag_dest_set(gtk.DEST_DEFAULT_ALL, [("text/uri-list", 0, 0)], gtk.gdk.ACTION_COPY)
		# If we drop stuff on the queue label we want it queued (bottom right)
		self.wTree.get_object('lblNumQueued').drag_dest_set(gtk.DEST_DEFAULT_ALL, [("text/uri-list", 0, 0)], gtk.gdk.ACTION_COPY)
		self.wTree.get_object('lblNumQueued').connect('drag-data-received', queue.enqueueDropped)
		# Update the progress bar.
		# Get the volume from the configuration.
		volVal = cfg.getFloat("audio/volume") if ( == None) else float(
		self.volAdj.value = useful.toRange(volVal, 0, 1)
		# Set the quit on stop checkbox.
		# Set up the default flags.
		self.controlsShown = True
		self.seeking = False
		# Call the function to change the play/pause image.
		# Show the next button & restart track button if enabled.
		if (cfg.getBool("gui/shownextbutton")): self.wTree.get_object("btnNext").show()
		if (cfg.getBool("gui/showrestartbutton")): self.wTree.get_object("btnRestart").show()
		# Setup the signals.
		signals.connect('toggle-play-pause', self.togglePlayPause)
		signals.connect('toggle-fullscreen', self.toggleFullscreen)
		signals.connect('play-next', self.playNext, False)
		signals.connect('restart-track', self.restartTrack)
		signals.connect('toggle-queue', queue.toggle)
		signals.connect('toggle-advanced-controls', self.toggleAdvancedControls)
		signals.connect('queue-changed', self.numQueuedChanged)
		# Show the window.
		# Save the windows ID so we can use it to inhibit screensaver.
		useful.winID = self.mainWindow.get_window().xid
		# Set the queue play command, so it can play tracks.
		queue.playCommand = self.playFile
		# Play a file (if it was specified on the command line).
		if (len(cfg.args) > 0):
			# Append all tracks to the queue.
			# Then play the next track.
			gobject.idle_add(self.playNext, False)
		if (
			# If the fullscreen option was passed, start fullscreen.
		# Connect the hooks.
		# Enter the GTK main loop.