Beispiel #1
 def hexFormatBytes(abBuf):
     """ Formats a buffer/string/whatever as a string of hex bytes """
     if sys.version_info[0] >= 3:
         if utils.isString(abBuf):
                 abBuf = bytes(abBuf, 'utf-8')
         if utils.isString(abBuf):
                 abBuf = bytearray(abBuf, 'utf-8')
                 # pylint: disable=redefined-variable-type
     sRet = ''
     off = 0
     for off, bByte in enumerate(abBuf):
         if off > 0:
             sRet += ' ' if off & 7 else '-'
         if isinstance(bByte, int):
             sRet += '%02x' % (bByte, )
             sRet += '%02x' % (ord(bByte), )
     return sRet
Beispiel #2
    def dispatchRequest(self):
        Dispatches the incoming request where the path is given as an argument.

        Will raise RestDispException on failure.

        # Get the parameters.
            dParams = self._oSrvGlue.getParameters()
        except Exception as oXcpt:
            raise RestDispException(
                'Error retriving parameters: %s' % (oXcpt, ), 500)
        self._dParams = dParams

        # Get the path parameter.
        if self.ksParam_sPath not in dParams:
            raise RestDispException(
                'No "%s" parameter in request (params: %s)' % (
                ), 500)
        self._sPath = self._getStringParam(self.ksParam_sPath)
        assert utils.isString(self._sPath)

        return self._dispatchRequestCommon()
def escapeAttrToStr(oObject):
    Stringifies the object and hands it to escapeAttr.  May return unicode string.
    if utils.isString(oObject):
        return escapeAttr(oObject);
    return escapeAttr(str(oObject));
    def __init__(self, oExec, sTargetOs, oDiskCfg):
        self.oExec    = oExec;
        self.lstDisks = [ ]; # List of disks present in the system.
        self.dPools   = { }; # Dictionary of storage pools.
        self.dVols    = { }; # Dictionary of volumes.
        self.iPoolId  = 0;
        self.iVolId   = 0;

        fRc = True;
        oStorOs = None;
        if sTargetOs == 'solaris':
            oStorOs = StorageConfigOsSolaris();
        elif sTargetOs == 'linux':
            oStorOs = StorageConfigOsLinux(); # pylint: disable=R0204
            fRc = False;

        if fRc:
            self.oStorOs = oStorOs;
            if utils.isString(oDiskCfg):
                self.lstDisks = oStorOs.getDisksMatchingRegExp(oDiskCfg);
                # Assume a list of of disks and add.
                for sDisk in oDiskCfg:
Beispiel #5
def escapeAttrToStr(oObject):
    Stringifies the object and hands it to escapeAttr.  May return unicode string.
    if utils.isString(oObject):
        return escapeAttr(oObject)
    return escapeAttr(str(oObject))
Beispiel #6
    def validateListOfStr(
        asValues, cchMin=None, cchMax=None, asValidValues=None, aoNilValues=tuple([[], None]), fAllowNull=True
        """ Validates a list of text items."""
        (asValues, sError) = ModelDataBase.validateListOfSomething(asValues, aoNilValues, fAllowNull)

        if sError is None and asValues not in aoNilValues and len(asValues) > 0:
            if not utils.isString(asValues[0]):
                return (asValues, "Invalid item data type.")

            if not fAllowNull and cchMin is None:
                cchMin = 1

            for sValue in asValues:
                if asValidValues is not None and sValue not in asValidValues:
                    sThisErr = 'Invalid value "%s".' % (sValue,)
                elif cchMin is not None and len(sValue) < cchMin:
                    sThisErr = 'Value "%s" is too short, min length is %u chars.' % (sValue, cchMin)
                elif cchMax is not None and len(sValue) > cchMax:
                    sThisErr = 'Value "%s" is too long, max length is %u chars.' % (sValue, cchMax)

                if sError is None:
                    sError = sThisErr
                    sError += " " + sThisErr

        return (asValues, sError)
Beispiel #7
def escapeElemToStr(oObject):
    Stringifies the object and hands it to escapeElem.
    if utils.isString(oObject):
        return escapeElem(oObject)
    return escapeElem(str(oObject))
def escapeElemToStr(oObject):
    Stringifies the object and hands it to escapeElem.
    if utils.isString(oObject):
        return escapeElem(oObject);
    return escapeElem(str(oObject));
Beispiel #9
def dbTimestampToDatetime(oValue):
    Converts a database timestamp to a datetime instance.
    if isinstance(oValue, datetime.datetime):
        return oValue;
    if utils.isString(oValue):
        raise Exception('TODO');
    return oValue.pydatetime();
Beispiel #10
 def _toHtml(self, oObject):
     """Translate some object to HTML."""
     if isinstance(oObject, WuiHtmlBase):
         return oObject.toHtml()
     if db.isDbTimestamp(oObject):
         return webutils.escapeElem(self.formatTsShort(oObject))
     if utils.isString(oObject):
         return webutils.escapeElem(oObject)
     return webutils.escapeElem(str(oObject))
Beispiel #11
def stringRes(rc, sExpect):
    """Checks a string result."""
    global g_cTests, g_cFailures
    g_cTests = g_cTests + 1
    if utils.isString(rc):
        if rc == sExpect:
            return 'PASSED'
    g_cFailures = g_cFailures + 1
    return 'FAILED'
Beispiel #12
def dbTimestampToDatetime(oValue):
    Converts a database timestamp to a datetime instance.
    if isinstance(oValue, datetime.datetime):
        return oValue
    if utils.isString(oValue):
        return utils.parseIsoTimestamp(oValue)
    return oValue.pydatetime()
def stringRes(rc, sExpect):
    """Checks a string result."""
    global g_cTests, g_cFailures;
    g_cTests = g_cTests + 1;
    if utils.isString(rc):
        if rc == sExpect:
            return 'PASSED';
    g_cFailures = g_cFailures + 1;
    return 'FAILED';
Beispiel #14
def dbTimestampToDatetime(oValue):
    Converts a database timestamp to a datetime instance.
    if isinstance(oValue, datetime.datetime):
        return oValue
    if utils.isString(oValue):
        raise Exception('TODO')
    return oValue.pydatetime()
Beispiel #15
 def _toHtml(self, oObject):
     """Translate some object to HTML."""
     if isinstance(oObject, WuiHtmlBase):
         return oObject.toHtml();
     if db.isDbTimestamp(oObject):
         return webutils.escapeElem(self.formatTsShort(oObject));
     if utils.isString(oObject):
         return webutils.escapeElem(oObject);
     return webutils.escapeElem(str(oObject));
Beispiel #16
def isDbTimestamp(oValue):
    Checks if oValue is a DB timestamp object.
    if isinstance(oValue, datetime.datetime):
        return True
    if utils.isString(oValue):
        ## @todo detect strings as well.
        return False
    return getattr(oValue, 'pydatetime', None) != None
Beispiel #17
def isDbTimestamp(oValue):
    Checks if oValue is a DB timestamp object.
    if isinstance(oValue, datetime.datetime):
        return True;
    if utils.isString(oValue):
        ## @todo detect strings as well.
        return False;
    return getattr(oValue, 'pydatetime', None) != None;
Beispiel #18
    def validateTs(sValue, aoNilValues = tuple([None, '']), fAllowNull = True):
        """ Validates a timestamp field. """
        if sValue in aoNilValues:
            return (sValue, None if fAllowNull else 'Mandatory.');
        if not utils.isString(sValue):
            return (sValue, None);

        sError = None;
        if len(sValue) == len('2012-10-08 01:54:06.364207+02:00'):
            oRes = re.match(r'(\d{4})-([01]\d)-([0123])\d ([012]\d):[0-5]\d:([0-6]\d).\d{6}[+-](\d\d):(\d\d)', sValue);
            if    oRes is not None \
              and (   int( >  12 \
                   or int( >= 60):
                sError = 'Invalid timezone offset.';
        elif len(sValue) == len('2012-10-08 01:54:06.00'):
            oRes = re.match(r'(\d{4})-([01]\d)-([0123])\d ([012]\d):[0-5]\d:([0-6]\d).\d{2}', sValue);
        elif len(sValue) == len('9999-12-31 23:59:59.999999'):
            oRes = re.match(r'(\d{4})-([01]\d)-([0123])\d ([012]\d):[0-5]\d:([0-6]\d).\d{6}', sValue);
        elif len(sValue) == len('999999-12-31 00:00:00.00'):
            oRes = re.match(r'(\d{6})-([01]\d)-([0123])\d ([012]\d):[0-5]\d:([0-6]\d).\d{2}', sValue);
        elif len(sValue) == len('9999-12-31T23:59:59.999999Z'):
            oRes = re.match(r'(\d{4})-([01]\d)-([0123])\d[Tt]([012]\d):[0-5]\d:([0-6]\d).\d{6}[Zz]', sValue);
        elif len(sValue) == len('9999-12-31T23:59:59.999999999Z'):
            oRes = re.match(r'(\d{4})-([01]\d)-([0123])\d[Tt]([012]\d):[0-5]\d:([0-6]\d).\d{9}[Zz]', sValue);
            return (sValue, 'Invalid timestamp length.');

        if oRes is None:
            sError = 'Invalid timestamp (format: 2012-10-08 01:54:06.364207+02:00).';
            iYear  = int(;
            if iYear % 4 == 0 and (iYear % 100 != 0  or iYear % 400 == 0):
                acDaysOfMonth = [31, 29, 31,  30, 31, 30,  31, 31, 30,  31, 30, 31];
                acDaysOfMonth = [31, 28, 31,  30, 31, 30,  31, 31, 30,  31, 30, 31];
            iMonth = int(;
            iDay   = int(;
            iHour  = int(;
            iSec   = int(;
            if iMonth > 12:
                sError = 'Invalid timestamp month.';
            elif iDay > acDaysOfMonth[iMonth - 1]:
                sError = 'Invalid timestamp day-of-month (%02d has %d days).' % (iMonth, acDaysOfMonth[iMonth - 1]);
            elif iHour > 23:
                sError = 'Invalid timestamp hour.'
            elif iSec >= 61:
                sError = 'Invalid timestamp second.'
            elif iSec >= 60:
                sError = 'Invalid timestamp: no leap seconds, please.'
        return (sValue, sError);
Beispiel #19
    def validateTs(sValue, aoNilValues=tuple([None, ""]), fAllowNull=True):
        """ Validates a timestamp field. """
        if sValue in aoNilValues:
            return (sValue, None if fAllowNull else "Mandatory.")
        if not utils.isString(sValue):
            return (sValue, None)

        sError = None
        if len(sValue) == len("2012-10-08 01:54:06.364207+02:00"):
            oRes = re.match(r"(\d{4})-([01]\d)-([0123])\d ([012]\d):[0-5]\d:([0-6]\d).\d{6}[+-](\d\d):(\d\d)", sValue)
            if oRes is not None and (int( > 12 or int( >= 60):
                sError = "Invalid timezone offset."
        elif len(sValue) == len("2012-10-08 01:54:06.00"):
            oRes = re.match(r"(\d{4})-([01]\d)-([0123])\d ([012]\d):[0-5]\d:([0-6]\d).\d{2}", sValue)
        elif len(sValue) == len("9999-12-31 23:59:59.999999"):
            oRes = re.match(r"(\d{4})-([01]\d)-([0123])\d ([012]\d):[0-5]\d:([0-6]\d).\d{6}", sValue)
        elif len(sValue) == len("999999-12-31 00:00:00.00"):
            oRes = re.match(r"(\d{6})-([01]\d)-([0123])\d ([012]\d):[0-5]\d:([0-6]\d).\d{2}", sValue)
        elif len(sValue) == len("9999-12-31T23:59:59.999999Z"):
            oRes = re.match(r"(\d{4})-([01]\d)-([0123])\d[Tt]([012]\d):[0-5]\d:([0-6]\d).\d{6}[Zz]", sValue)
        elif len(sValue) == len("9999-12-31T23:59:59.999999999Z"):
            oRes = re.match(r"(\d{4})-([01]\d)-([0123])\d[Tt]([012]\d):[0-5]\d:([0-6]\d).\d{9}[Zz]", sValue)
            return (sValue, "Invalid timestamp length.")

        if oRes is None:
            sError = "Invalid timestamp (format: 2012-10-08 01:54:06.364207+02:00)."
            iYear = int(
            if iYear % 4 == 0 and (iYear % 100 != 0 or iYear % 400 == 0):
                acDaysOfMonth = [31, 29, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31]
                acDaysOfMonth = [31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31]
            iMonth = int(
            iDay = int(
            iHour = int(
            iSec = int(
            if iMonth > 12:
                sError = "Invalid timestamp month."
            elif iDay > acDaysOfMonth[iMonth - 1]:
                sError = "Invalid timestamp day-of-month (%02d has %d days)." % (iMonth, acDaysOfMonth[iMonth - 1])
            elif iHour > 23:
                sError = "Invalid timestamp hour."
            elif iSec >= 61:
                sError = "Invalid timestamp second."
            elif iSec >= 60:
                sError = "Invalid timestamp: no leap seconds, please."
        return (sValue, sError)
Beispiel #20
 def _addLabel(self, sName, sLabel, sDivSubClass = 'normal'):
     """Internal worker for adding a label."""
     if sName in self._dErrors:
         sError = self._dErrors[sName];
         if utils.isString(sError):          # List error trick (it's an associative array).
             return self._add('      <li>\n'
                              '        <div class="tmform-field"><div class="tmform-field-%s">\n'
                              '          <label for="%s" class="tmform-error-label">%s\n'
                              '              <span class="tmform-error-desc">%s</span>\n'
                              '          </label>\n'
                              % (escapeAttr(sDivSubClass), escapeAttr(sName), escapeElem(sLabel),
                                 self._escapeErrorText(sError), ) );
     return self._add('      <li>\n'
                      '        <div class="tmform-field"><div class="tmform-field-%s">\n'
                      '          <label  for="%s">%s</label>\n'
                      % (escapeAttr(sDivSubClass), escapeAttr(sName), escapeElem(sLabel)) );
Beispiel #21
 def _addLabel(self, sName, sLabel, sDivSubClass = 'normal'):
     """Internal worker for adding a label."""
     if sName in self._dErrors:
         sError = self._dErrors[sName];
         if utils.isString(sError):          # List error trick (it's an associative array).
             return self._add('      <li>\n'
                              '        <div class="tmform-field"><div class="tmform-field-%s">\n'
                              '          <label for="%s" class="tmform-error-label">%s\n'
                              '              <span class="tmform-error-desc">%s</span>\n'
                              '          </label>\n'
                              % (escapeAttr(sDivSubClass), escapeAttr(sName), escapeElem(sLabel),
                                 self._escapeErrorText(sError), ) );
     return self._add('      <li>\n'
                      '        <div class="tmform-field"><div class="tmform-field-%s">\n'
                      '          <label  for="%s">%s</label>\n'
                      % (escapeAttr(sDivSubClass), escapeAttr(sName), escapeElem(sLabel)) );
Beispiel #22
    def validateLong(sValue, lMin=0, lMax=None, aoNilValues=tuple([long(-1), None, ""]), fAllowNull=True):
        """ Validates an long integer field. """
        if sValue in aoNilValues:
            if fAllowNull:
                return (None if sValue is None else aoNilValues[0], None)
            return (sValue, "Mandatory.")
            if utils.isString(sValue):
                lValue = long(sValue, 0)
                lValue = long(sValue)
            return (sValue, "Not a long integer")

        if lValue in aoNilValues:
            return (aoNilValues[0], None if fAllowNull else "Mandatory.")

        if lMin is not None and lValue < lMin:
            return (lValue, "Value too small (min %d)" % (lMin,))
        elif lMax is not None and lValue > lMax:
            return (lValue, "Value too high (max %d)" % (lMax,))
        return (lValue, None)
Beispiel #23
    def validateInt(sValue, iMin=0, iMax=0x7FFFFFFE, aoNilValues=tuple([-1, None, ""]), fAllowNull=True):
        """ Validates an integer field. """
        if sValue in aoNilValues:
            if fAllowNull:
                return (None if sValue is None else aoNilValues[0], None)
            return (sValue, "Mandatory.")

            if utils.isString(sValue):
                iValue = int(sValue, 0)
                iValue = int(sValue)
            return (sValue, "Not an integer")

        if iValue in aoNilValues:
            return (aoNilValues[0], None if fAllowNull else "Mandatory.")

        if iValue < iMin:
            return (iValue, "Value too small (min %d)" % (iMin,))
        elif iValue > iMax:
            return (iValue, "Value too high (max %d)" % (iMax,))
        return (iValue, None)
Beispiel #24
    def validateInt(sValue, iMin = 0, iMax = 0x7ffffffe, aoNilValues = tuple([-1, None, '']), fAllowNull = True):
        """ Validates an integer field. """
        if sValue in aoNilValues:
            if fAllowNull:
                return (None if sValue is None else aoNilValues[0], None);
            return (sValue, 'Mandatory.');

            if utils.isString(sValue):
                iValue = int(sValue, 0);
                iValue = int(sValue);
            return (sValue, 'Not an integer');

        if iValue in aoNilValues:
            return (aoNilValues[0], None if fAllowNull else 'Mandatory.');

        if iValue < iMin:
            return (iValue, 'Value too small (min %d)' % (iMin,));
        elif iValue > iMax:
            return (iValue, 'Value too high (max %d)' % (iMax,));
        return (iValue, None);
Beispiel #25
    def createFile(self,
                   fCommit=False):  # pylint: disable=R0914
        Creates a file and associating with the current test result record in
        the test set.

        Returns file object that the file content can be written to.
        Raises exception on database error, I/O errors, if there are too many
        files in the test set or if they take up too much disk space.

        The caller ( is expected to do basic input validation,
        so we skip that and get on with the bits only we can do.

        # Furhter input and limit checks.
        if oTestSet.enmStatus != TestSetData.ksTestStatus_Running:
            raise TMExceptionBase(
                'Cannot create files on a test set with status "%s".' %
                (oTestSet.enmStatus, ))

            'SELECT   TestResultStrTab.sValue\n'
            'FROM     TestResultFiles,\n'
            '         TestResults,\n'
            '         TestResultStrTab\n'
            'WHERE    TestResults.idTestSet        = %s\n'
            '     AND TestResultFiles.idTestResult = TestResults.idTestResult\n'
            '     AND TestResultStrTab.idStr       = TestResultFiles.idStrFile\n',
            (oTestSet.idTestSet, ))
        if self._oDb.getRowCount() + 1 > config.g_kcMaxUploads:
            raise TMExceptionBase('Uploaded too many files already (%d).' %
                                  (self._oDb.getRowCount(), ))

        dFiles = {}
        cbTotalFiles = 0
        for aoRow in self._oDb.fetchAll():
            dFiles[aoRow[0].lower()] = 1
            # For determining a unique filename further down.
            sFile = os.path.join(config.g_ksFileAreaRootDir,
                                 oTestSet.sBaseFilename + '-' + aoRow[0])
                cbTotalFiles += os.path.getsize(sFile)
                cbTotalFiles += config.g_kcMbMaxUploadSingle * 1048576
        if (cbTotalFiles + cbFile +
                1048575) / 1048576 > config.g_kcMbMaxUploadTotal:
            raise TMExceptionBase('Will exceed total upload limit: %u bytes + %u bytes > %s MiB.' \
                                  % (cbTotalFiles, cbFile, config.g_kcMbMaxUploadTotal))

        # Create a new file.
        self._oDb.execute('SELECT   idTestResult\n'
                          'FROM     TestResults\n'
                          'WHERE    idTestSet = %s\n'
                          '     AND enmStatus = \'running\'::TestStatus_T\n'
                          'ORDER BY idTestResult DESC\n'
                          'LIMIT    1\n' % (oTestSet.idTestSet, ))
        if self._oDb.getRowCount() < 1:
            raise TMExceptionBase(
                'No open test results - someone committed a capital offence or we ran into a race.'
        idTestResult = self._oDb.fetchOne()[0]

        if sName.lower() in dFiles:
            # Note! There is in theory a race here, but that's something the
            #       test driver doing parallel upload with non-unique names
            #       should worry about. The TD should always avoid this path.
            sOrgName = sName
            for i in range(2, config.g_kcMaxUploads + 6):
                sName = '%s-%s' % (
                if sName not in dFiles:
                sName = None
            if sName is None:
                raise TMExceptionBase('Failed to find unique name for %s.' %
                                      (sOrgName, ))

            'INSERT INTO TestResultFiles(idTestResult, idTestSet, idStrFile, idStrDescription,\n'
            '                            idStrKind, idStrMime)\n'
            'VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)\n', (

        oFile = oTestSet.createFile(sName, 'wb')
        if utils.isString(oFile):
            raise TMExceptionBase('Error creating "%s": %s' % (sName, oFile))
        return oFile
Beispiel #26
    def createFile(self, oTestSet, sName, sMime, sKind, sDesc, cbFile, fCommit = False): # pylint: disable=R0914
        Creates a file and associating with the current test result record in
        the test set.

        Returns file object that the file content can be written to.
        Raises exception on database error, I/O errors, if there are too many
        files in the test set or if they take up too much disk space.

        The caller ( is expected to do basic input validation,
        so we skip that and get on with the bits only we can do.

        # Furhter input and limit checks.
        if oTestSet.enmStatus != TestSetData.ksTestStatus_Running:
            raise TMExceptionBase('Cannot create files on a test set with status "%s".' % (oTestSet.enmStatus,));

        self._oDb.execute('SELECT   TestResultStrTab.sValue\n'
                          'FROM     TestResultFiles,\n'
                          '         TestResults,\n'
                          '         TestResultStrTab\n'
                          'WHERE    TestResults.idTestSet        = %s\n'
                          '     AND TestResultFiles.idTestResult = TestResults.idTestResult\n'
                          '     AND TestResultStrTab.idStr       = TestResultFiles.idStrFile\n'
                          , ( oTestSet.idTestSet,));
        if self._oDb.getRowCount() + 1 > config.g_kcMaxUploads:
            raise TMExceptionBase('Uploaded too many files already (%d).' % (self._oDb.getRowCount(),));

        dFiles = {}
        cbTotalFiles = 0;
        for aoRow in self._oDb.fetchAll():
            dFiles[aoRow[0].lower()] = 1; # For determining a unique filename further down.
            sFile = os.path.join(config.g_ksFileAreaRootDir, oTestSet.sBaseFilename + '-' + aoRow[0]);
                cbTotalFiles += os.path.getsize(sFile);
                cbTotalFiles += config.g_kcMbMaxUploadSingle * 1048576;
        if (cbTotalFiles + cbFile + 1048575) / 1048576 > config.g_kcMbMaxUploadTotal:
            raise TMExceptionBase('Will exceed total upload limit: %u bytes + %u bytes > %s MiB.' \
                                  % (cbTotalFiles, cbFile, config.g_kcMbMaxUploadTotal));

        # Create a new file.
        self._oDb.execute('SELECT   idTestResult\n'
                          'FROM     TestResults\n'
                          'WHERE    idTestSet = %s\n'
                          '     AND enmStatus = \'running\'::TestStatus_T\n'
                          'ORDER BY idTestResult DESC\n'
                          'LIMIT    1\n'
                          % ( oTestSet.idTestSet, ));
        if self._oDb.getRowCount() < 1:
            raise TMExceptionBase('No open test results - someone committed a capital offence or we ran into a race.');
        idTestResult = self._oDb.fetchOne()[0];

        if sName.lower() in dFiles:
            # Note! There is in theory a race here, but that's something the
            #       test driver doing parallel upload with non-unique names
            #       should worry about. The TD should always avoid this path.
            sOrgName = sName;
            for i in range(2, config.g_kcMaxUploads + 6):
                sName = '%s-%s' % (i, sName,);
                if sName not in dFiles:
                sName = None;
            if sName is None:
                raise TMExceptionBase('Failed to find unique name for %s.' % (sOrgName,));

        self._oDb.execute('INSERT INTO TestResultFiles(idTestResult, idTestSet, idStrFile, idStrDescription,\n'
                          '                            idStrKind, idStrMime)\n'
                          'VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)\n'
                          , ( idTestResult,

        oFile = oTestSet.createFile(sName, 'wb');
        if utils.isString(oFile):
            raise TMExceptionBase('Error creating "%s": %s' % (sName, oFile));
        return oFile;
Beispiel #27
    def renderGraph(self):
        aoTable = self._oData.aoTable # type: WuiHlpGraphDataTable

        # Seems material (google.charts.Bar) cannot change the direction on the Y-axis,
        # so we cannot get bars growing downwards from the top like we want for the
        # reports.  The classic charts OTOH cannot put X-axis labels on the top, but
        # we just drop them all together instead, saving a little space.
        fUseMaterial = False;

        # Unique on load function.
        global g_cGraphs;
        iGraph = g_cGraphs;
        g_cGraphs += 1;

        sHtml  = '<div id="%s">\n' % ( self._sId, );
        sHtml += '<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>\n' \
                 '<script type="text/javascript">\n' \
                 'google.charts.load("current", { packages: ["corechart", "bar"] });\n' \
                 'google.setOnLoadCallback(tmDrawBarGraph%u);\n' \
                 'function tmDrawBarGraph%u()\n' \
                 '{\n' \
                 '    var oGraph;\n' \
                 '    var dGraphOptions = \n' \
                 '    {\n' \
                 '         "title":     "%s",\n' \
                 '         "hAxis": {\n' \
                 '             "title": "%s",\n' \
                 '         },\n' \
                 '         "vAxis": {\n' \
                 '             "direction": %s,\n' \
                 '         },\n' \
                % ( iGraph,
                    webutils.escapeAttrJavaScriptStringDQ(self._sTitle) if self._sTitle is not None else '',
                    webutils.escapeAttrJavaScriptStringDQ(aoTable[0].sName) if aoTable and aoTable[0].sName else '',
                    '-1' if self.fYInverted else '1',
        if fUseMaterial and self.fYInverted:
            sHtml +=  '        "axes": { "x": { 0: { "side": "top" } }, "y": { "0": { "direction": -1, }, }, },\n';
        sHtml += '    };\n';

        # The data.
        if self._oData.fHasStringValues and len(aoTable) > 1:
            sHtml += '    var oData = new google.visualization.DataTable();\n';
            # Column definitions.
            sHtml += '    oData.addColumn("string", "%s");\n' \
                   % (webutils.escapeAttrJavaScriptStringDQ(aoTable[0].sName) if aoTable[0].sName else '',);
            for iValue, oValue in enumerate(aoTable[0].aoValues):
                oSampleValue = aoTable[1].aoValues[iValue];
                if utils.isString(oSampleValue):
                    sHtml += '    oData.addColumn("string", "%s");\n' % (webutils.escapeAttrJavaScriptStringDQ(oValue),);
                    sHtml += '    oData.addColumn("number", "%s");\n' % (webutils.escapeAttrJavaScriptStringDQ(oValue),);
                sHtml += '    oData.addColumn({type: "string", role: "annotation"});\n';
            # The data rows.
            sHtml += '    oData.addRows([\n';
            for oRow in aoTable[1:]:
                if oRow.sName:
                    sRow = '        [ "%s"' % (webutils.escapeAttrJavaScriptStringDQ(oRow.sName),);
                    sRow = '        [ null';
                for iValue, oValue in enumerate(oRow.aoValues):
                    if not utils.isString(oValue):
                        sRow += ', %s' % (oValue,);
                        sRow += ', "%s"' % (webutils.escapeAttrJavaScriptStringDQ(oValue),);
                    if oRow.asValues[iValue]:
                        sRow += ', "%s"' % (webutils.escapeAttrJavaScriptStringDQ(oRow.asValues[iValue]),);
                        sRow += ', null';
                sHtml += sRow + '],\n';
            sHtml += '    ]);\n';
            sHtml += '    var oData = google.visualization.arrayToDataTable([\n';
            for oRow in aoTable:
                sRow = '        [ "%s"' % (webutils.escapeAttrJavaScriptStringDQ(oRow.sName),);
                for oValue in oRow.aoValues:
                    if utils.isString(oValue):
                        sRow += ', "%s"' % (webutils.escapeAttrJavaScriptStringDQ(oValue),);
                        sRow += ', %s' % (oValue,);
                sHtml += sRow + '],\n';
            sHtml += '    ]);\n';

        # Create and draw.
        if not fUseMaterial:
            sHtml += '    oGraph = new google.visualization.ColumnChart(document.getElementById("%s"));\n' \
                     '    oGraph.draw(oData, dGraphOptions);\n' \
                   % ( self._sId, );
            sHtml += '    oGraph = new google.charts.Bar(document.getElementById("%s"));\n' \
                     '    oGraph.draw(oData, google.charts.Bar.convertOptions(dGraphOptions));\n' \
                   % ( self._sId, );

        # clean and return.
        sHtml += '    oData = null;\n' \
                 '    return true;\n' \

        sHtml += '</script>\n' \
        return sHtml;