Beispiel #1
def create_shape_image_sample(shape, sample_width=256, sample_height=256):
    """ Return a centered image sample of the shape, or None if a centered
    box intersects the shape edge """

    from shapes.models import ShapeImageSample
    from common.wavelets import compute_wavelet_feature_vector
    if ShapeImageSample.objects.filter(shape=shape).exists():

    image = open_image(
    image_width, image_height = image.size

    triangles = parse_triangles(shape.triangles)
    vertices = [(x * image_width, y * image_height)
                for (x, y) in parse_vertices(shape.vertices)]
    b = bbox_vertices(vertices)

    # make sure box is big enough
    if b[2] - b[0] < sample_width or b[3] - b[1] < sample_height:
        return None

    # try random boxes
    filled = False
    for iters in xrange(1000):
        x = int(random.uniform(b[0] + sample_width / 2, b[2] - sample_width / 2))
        y = int(random.uniform(b[1] + sample_height / 2, b[3] - sample_height / 2))

        box = (x - sample_width / 2, y - sample_height / 2,
               x + sample_width / 2, y + sample_height / 2)
        box = [int(f) for f in box]

        # make sure box is filled entirely
        poly ='1', size=(box[2] - box[0], box[3] - box[1]), color=0)
        draw = ImageDraw.Draw(poly)
        vertices_shifted = [(x - box[0], y - box[1]) for (x, y) in vertices]
        for tri in triangles:
            points = [vertices_shifted[tri[t]] for t in (0, 1, 2)]
            draw.polygon(points, fill=1)
        del draw
        filled = True
        for p in poly.getdata():
            if p != 1:
                filled = False
        if filled:

    if not filled:
        return None

    # create sample
    sample, created = ShapeImageSample.objects.get_or_create(
        shape=shape, defaults={'bbox': json.dumps(box)})
    if created:
        sample_image = image.crop(box)
        sample.feature_vector = \
            sample, attr='image', img=sample_image, format='jpg', save=True)
    return sample
def compute_features(wavelet, img):
    return compute_wavelet_feature_vector(, wavelet=wavelet)
def compute_features(wavelet, img):
    return compute_wavelet_feature_vector(, wavelet=wavelet)